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The Lord Prayer

Our Father in heaven,

(awer fader in hefen)
hallowed be your name,
(halowit bi yor neim)
your kingdom come,
(yor kingdem kam)
your will be done,
(yor will bi dan)
on earth as in heaven.
(on earth as in hefen)
Give us today our daily bread.
(gif as tudei awer deili bret)
Forgive us our sins
(forgif as awer sins)
as we forgive those who sin against us.
(as wi forgif dos whu sin egeins as)
Save us from the time of trial
(seif as from dhe taim of trael)
and deliver us from evil.
(en deliver as from ivil)
[For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours
(for dhe kingdem, dhe pawer, en dhe glory ar yors)
now and for ever. Amen.]
(nau en for ever. Aimen)

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