SWOT Analysis Worksheet

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SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses
What do you do well? What could you improve?
What unique resources can you draw on? Where do you have fewer resources than others?
What do others see as your strengths? What are others likely to see as weaknesses?

I am a piano player I have to work on my ability to communication

I am a leader According to my MBTI type, I am an introverted
I am a lecturer person who claims that doesn’t need anybody.
I am a writer But I need to work on that odd idea of mine.
I am an athlete
I am a good learner I also need to work on my overthinking about the
I am a multilingual future, in the past sometimes I felt I want to die
I am a contact creator because I felt afraid of taking responsibility for my
I am a bookworm own life in the future but now, I got better by
And I am good at all of them improving my skills and reading so many books.

Other see as my strengths:

Most of the time people appreciate my strong will
They talk about my hard work in any field I do
They appreciate my health care and the way I try
to improve my behavior most of the time
They talk about my topnotch confidence
Opportunities Threats
What opportunities are open to you? What threats could harm you?
What trends could you take advantage of? What is your competition doing?
How can you turn your strengths into What threats do your weaknesses expose you to?

Now, I have broad opportunities because I am still The only threat to me is Me.
green and I have so many things to learn, in
addition, have a family that supports me fully in
achieving my goals in the future and even the path
to success for me with their support.
I am so grateful for that.

SWOT Analysis – Unit 7

What I’ve learned from analyzing my Strengths:

I have good confidence to trust myself as a learner and claim that I will be good in anything I start
because I found some methods for success. I have rigorous rules for me but also, but I have my ways to
enjoy them so I have a balance between hard-working and happiness.

People see me as a person who is good and always busy but also has determined time for them to hang

What I’ve learned from analyzing my Weaknesses:

People expect me to spend so much time with them even if they won’t do it for me, thus I have limited
friends, and also not all of them agree with my opinions and also, I cannot learn a lot from them. Some
of them are spare-time friends, meaning that you just spend your spare time with them.

I came up with the idea that maybe I am looking for friends in some wrong places and overall, I am not
looking for anybody also, I want sometimes to go on trips with a group of cool people, so I need to work
on that.

I have to find some good friends and make a small community of powerful people.

What I’ve learned from analyzing my Opportunities:

It is hard to understand how to use an opportunity in the best way you can use but I have a lot of them
now and in my mind, I am using them in the best way I can. I work on my knowledge for about eighteen
hours a day or more. I want to make the process of learning enjoyable, not hard.

Now I love every second of my life and I get my mind ready for bigger opportunities. There is a fact
about opportunities that we won’t lose any opportunity if we are ready for them but if you just wait for
the opportunity, it never comes to you, as soon as you start working on your ability’s opportunities
come to your life.

What I’ve learned from analyzing my Threats:

Now I want to share a brief part of the story of my life.

There was a time when I immigrated to another country and I thought that all of my success will be
related to being there, after the pandemic I had to get back to my own country and it was like all of my
plans have been ruined in the blink of an eye. From that time, I decided to don’t depend on my
happiness and my success to a nonsense idea of the place I am, I will find a way to achieve my goals but
the only threat to me is Me.

As long as I stay strong and hopeful nothing would harm me.

SWOT Analysis – Unit 7

What I’ve learned from doing this analysis? (Include self-reflection that shows you have learned
something from the assignment.)

When you split up, when your heart broke by a friend, when something won’t go as planned when you
face some restrictions, then you have the opportunity to think about the past, why? Because every time
you fail in your relationship, in your work, and in your plans, then you will be looking for the reason but
sometimes you cannot find the main reason because when you needed to ask yourself what should I do
now? What if I say that? Should I support it or not? You didn’t ask and now is just too late for finding the

I want to say that this analysis helped me a lot because I used SWOT questions to solve some problems
and think about my strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and my threat. This analysis means a lot to

How I might use this information going forward? (Include self-reflection that shows you have learned
something from the assignment.)

I feel brave to say my weaknesses out loud as well as I feel proud by saying my strengths.

We are people used to complaining about everything ad I was one of them, who likes to do the easy
thing and complain instead of work and achieve because the second choice is time-consuming and
needs patience. I always knew that nothing can stop me except me but when I wrote it down, I felt
belief and I believed that the only one I need to trust is “Me”.

I use this assignment to work on my weaknesses and keep going with what I have started.

SWOT Analysis – Unit 7

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