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General Assembly—Seventeenth Special Session Ill. RESOLUTION ADOPTED ON THE REPORT OF THE AD HOC COMMITTEE OF THE SEVENTEENTH SPECIAL SESSION $-17/2, Political Declaration and Global Programme of Action adopted by the General Assembly at its seventeenth special session, devoted to the question of International’ co-operation ‘against illicit production, supply, demand, ‘trafficking and distribution of narcotic drugs ‘and psychotropic substances The General Assembly Adopts the Political Declaration and the Global Pro- gramme of Action on international co-operation Against illicit production, supply, demand, trafficking. and distribution of narcotic drugs and psychotropic sub- stances annexed to the present resolution, 8th plenary meeting 23 February 1990 ANNEX Polical Declaration We, the States Members of he United Nations, Assembled 3 he seventeenth special session ofthe General Assem: ‘byte consider the question of international co-operation against cit produetion, suppy, demand, taffeking and dstrbution of narcotic ‘rags ad psychotropi substances, Deeply alarmed by the magnitude of the ising trend in the ‘demand, production, supply, trafficking and eiribuion of natcoie ‘rugs and payeotropic substances, which afe a grave and persistent, trea tothe heath nd well-being of mankind, the stability of nations, the poltieal, economie, socal and eutural structures of all sackets nd the tives and digaty of millons of human beings, most especialy ‘of young people, Amare ofthe dangers posed for all countries alike by the iit eu tivation, production, supply, demand, walking and distribution of rnatcotie drugs and peyebotropic substances, and aware also of the need fora comprehensive approach in combating them, Conscious that the extraordinarily high levels of lit consumption, calivaion and production of narcouc drugs and of iit dr tat Fcking necesita a more comprehensive approsch to international co-operation in drug abuse contol and eounteroffensives atthe ona, regional and international levels, Reafrming out determination o combat the scourge of drug abuse and ili wracking in nareoti drugs and peychotrope substances in Strict conforaity with the principles of the Charter of the United Nations the principle of international hw, ih parteular respect for Sovetelgny and territorial integrity of States, te prinipe of none Interference ia the incernal affairs of States and non-use of force oF te threat of fore in international elatons, and the prowsions ofthe intervational drug contrel conventions, Reaffirming aso the provisions set forth inthe Single Convention con Narcotic Drugs of 1961, and in that Convention se amended by the 1972 Protocol Amending the Single Convention on Nercoic Drugs ‘of 1961, * the Convention on Psychotropic Substances of 1971 ° and the United Nations Convention against Mit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Pachotropic Substances adopted in 188, © SUnlied Nations, Treay Series, vol. $20, No. 7518 ‘toi, vl. 976, No. A132 Sto ¥l. 1019, No. 14956, SEICONERIAS and Corr Reaffirming fhe the principle of shated responsi in. combat- ing drug abuse and iit trate in nareoie dogs and psjchowopic substances, -Recogizng the links beoween the lit demand, consumption, pro duction, supply, trafficking and distribution of marcos drugs and psy ‘hotropc itsiances and the economic, socal and cultural conditions in the countries affected by them, ‘concemed about the violence and corruption generated by the ile demand, production, aicking and dstbution of narcotie rugs and paychottopie substances and the high human, political, eco ‘nomic and social cont of drug sbute and ofthe ight against the dg, problem, entailag the diversion of scarce resources from other na {ional priorities, which inthe case of developing counttes includes development activites, Conscious that international co-operation for the development of the developing countries should be Suenginened, allowing all eoUn ries to partcpate more fully in an effetive ght against the drog problem, Recognizing the links between drug abuse and a wide range ofa verse health consequences, including the transmission ef human im Tmunodefcienyvius (HIV) infection and the spread of aquired immunodeicency syndrome (AIDS), Recognizing also that ict tacking in narosi drugs ad py chotrope substances is a criminal activity and that ss suppression fe Quits higher priority and concerted action a the national egional {nd international levels by all States, including rapid ratification of find acearion to the United Nations Convention agains Tit Trae in Nareotie Drugs and Payehottopie Substances, Noing thatthe large financial profit derived from illicit drug ta: ficking and related criminal activities enable transnational eximinal or fanizaons to penetate, contaminate and corrupt the structure of Governments, eglimate commercial activities and society a alse, ‘hereby vilating economic and socal development, distorting the pro cs of law and undermining the Toundations of States, Recognizing that a growing number of counties, in particular de veloping countries, are affected by ict transi taficking in marcos “rugs because of tele geographical location or economic situation, ‘which imposes serious burdens on the drug law enforcement ma ‘hinery of those countries and fores diversion of seatce vesoutces Irom pressing developmental needs and other national priors, Convinced that te fight against ict walfcking in narconic drugs and pychotropic substances has to comprise ellective measures Aimed ier aa, at eliminating ilict consumption, culation and production of narcoti drugs and psychotropic substances, preventing the diversion fom leptimate uses of precursor chemicals, specie sub ‘ances, materials and equipment frequently wsed in the iit man facture of naeote drugs and psyhotzopic substances and preventing the use ofthe banking pstem and other Gnancial institutions forthe Inundering of proceed derived frm lic drug tralficking by making such activities criminal offences, Alarmed athe growing lnk between lic effcking in narcotic drugs and tercorst aes, which is agravated by insuicient eo lwolofeommerce in ams and by lit oF covert arms asters, 5 Well, sy legal activities of mercenaries, [Mindful ofthe results slready achieved by the United Nations in the Geld of drug abuse contol, including the Dedlaration "and the Comprehensive Multdissplinary Outline of Future Acivtiesin Drug 7 ofthe Intemational Conference on Drug Abuse and Mice Traine! leona, 730 lane EP (Onsted Naions publication, SHge No. EAP 18), chap. trace. ‘ General Assembly Sev ‘Ava Consol? adoped at the Iiermatonal Conference 0a Drog ‘Avan and Ic Tratsting aswel asthe Uaied Nations Convention ‘in iit Teaching ts Nene Drags and Paychotope Sb. CCominced that acon against dog abuse nd ic production of sn eting nsec droge and pyeotropi substances Soul, ‘shared respons, beacon higher pint by the ine. Daina community and convinced lao that fhe Unita Nations ‘ould be the main fous for concrted ston and shoud pl hanes le in that el Coser that the goal of teases interational co-operation sod inctesed efforts of State in that Section would We seedy ihe prodamaton of Uied Naam decade agaia rug sus, “Age on the flloing: 1. We resolve to protect mankind from the scourge of drug abuse and tic tafficking fo narcotic drugs and payehotropic substances, ‘2. Weatfim thatthe ght against drug abuse and ili raticking Inaarcoie drugs and psychotropic substances shouldbe accorded high ron by Governments and by al relevant regional and international ‘rgenzations, 3 Weare determined to ake the necessary actions to cmb the ‘rug problem, taking into account the fundamental responsiblity rest ing mth each State in that regards 4. We shall expand the scope and increase the effectiveness of in- temtlonal co-operation against lit demand, production, supply, lealfcking and distrution of narotc drugs aod psjehotropie sb. stances, wih strict respec Tor the sovereignty and ettorial ateriy ‘of Sates and the principle of non-interference in their interaal fa, 5, We shallinrease ou efforts and resources in order intensify International co-operation and concerted action, based upon the prin. ‘ple of shared responsiblity, including the necesary co-operation Sand assistance to affected States, when requested, inthe economk healthy social, jdiclal and law enforcement sectors in order to ‘rengihen the capabilites of States to desl withthe problem iol is pects 6 We shal pursue strategies that are comprehensive and multi- scplinay in s2ope and that comprise measures to eliminate ict ‘demand for narcotic drugs and poychotropc substances, cultivation of lt erops and lit dog tacking, to prevent the misuse ofthe ‘nancial and banking systems and to promote elective eaten, habitation and soca entation; 7,_We commend the efforts made by some States in the fight gains ict drug production, waliking snd consumption and urge ‘at current levels of international co-operation be increased and strenghened ‘8. We condema the crime of ict drug trafficking in alts forms and reatim our political commitment to concerted lternationl se 9. Weare convinced that the iternational fight agin ili drug icking should be pursued in ful conformity withthe principles of nonvnteference i internal afars and respect forthe terion tepry of Stats and fee from untelated political modation, 10. We shall continue ovr national efforts in the simultaneous fight on all levels agains the phenomenon of lit drug taficking, ‘wth special emphasis onthe eed fr stronger measore to eliminate le demand for narcotic drugs and poychouopic substances; 11. We shal reinfore our polices aiming atthe preven ction and elimination of iit demand, 12. We shall intensify our efforsin the Hels of health education ‘and public information, including welltargeted campaign involving the relevant United Nations specialized agencies and non-goveramen {al organizations, av an ewential mearure to rede lic demand, 13,_We urge the intermational community to increase economic ‘and technical co-operation to developing countries and fo falitate Trade flows in support of vable alternative fncome schemes, uch a= ‘fop-substtuton programmes, by means of integrated rural develop ‘ment srategies, including fctation of spproprinte efieat mark ng and sound teonomic police, so as (0 eliminate iit cultivation ‘and production of mart vgs: tn Special Seton 14. We eal for international co-operation 10 asst and suppor ‘wansit countries, in patiular developing tanst counties y imple ‘menting appropiate programmes of technical and financial asitance through competent international or regional organizations or the pur pose of expanding and sengrbenng the lftatructure needed fore feetve conta ane prevention of ict drug traficking: 1S, Weestress the need fo etfective action to prevent the diversion {or iit purposes of precursors and other chemeals, materials and ‘equipment frequent sed inte ist manutactre of narcotie ups ‘and payeotropic substances, 16, We urge the international community to strengthen interna tional exoperation under mutually agreed conditions through bis ‘eta regional and muliateral mechanisos, 17. Wesires that all iniatves undertaken within the United Na ions in the eld of international drug abuse conto shall ake into Consideration the competence of is organs ar defined inthe Chartct ofthe United Nations, 18. We shall further develop and ute tothe maximum exten existing bilateral and other international osruments or arrangements for enbancing international Iga and law enforcement co-operation; 19. We tealfirm the principles st forth inthe Desaration ofthe International Conference on Drug Abuse and Wick Trafficking? and undertake to apply as appropriate, he recommendations of the Com Drebensive Muldscipinayy Ouline of Future Activites in Drug ‘Ase Control; 20._ We urge States to rai or secede tothe United Nations con- ventions in the field of dog abuse control and ic trafficking sod, to the extent the are abe to do $0, to apply provisionally the tras fof the United Nations Convention against MlctTraffie in Narcotic Drugs and Payenotopi Substances, 21. We commend the important work carried out by the organi zations ofthe United Nations system in the field of international Sg huse control wth egard to combating the sbuse and production of and trafficking in ile drogs and psychotropic substances, aswell as {he work done in other muliaterat forums 22. We commend also the postive ation undertaken by the Di- vision of Narcoti Drags of he Secretariat, the Tnternatona Narcotics {Control Board and ts sceetvat sd the United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control; 23, Wecallupon the United Nations, the specializes agencies and other organizations ofthe United Nations system to give higher pr fonty ia their programmes of work, n accordance with existing proce ‘ures, to international measures Lo combat ill production, supply, demand, talficking and dstibution of nateote rugs. and Poy ‘hotropie substances 24, We emphasize the importance ofthe development and imple: ‘mentation of United Nations aptem-wide action {ulfimen of al exsting mandate for drug abuse cont plementation of aubecquent decisions of integovernmental bodes hrovghout the United Nations stem, 25._ We shall strengthen and enhance the capability of the Unites Nations to achieve more effective and co-ordinated co-operation at the international regional and national level against the threats posed by lit production an ict tacking and abuse of nacotie Arags and psychotropic sutsiances, 24, Westress the nee to reinforce United Nations structures for snag abuse conte inorder to increase ther electiveness and sats 27. We recognize thence for additonal nancial and umn re- sources, which stall be made avaiatefor United Nations activities in the area of drog abuse contra, bearing In mind the Organizations itlonal responses In that regned 28. Weettach high priority othe speedy and effective implemen tation of the Global Programme of Acton; 29. We proclaim the prio from 199 1 200 the United Nations Decade agains Drug Able, fo be devoted to effective and sstsined national, eponal and internation action o promote the ple. lation ofthe Global Programme of Acton, aking into account and paving due comideration tothe gudeins for inevnationsldecaes Fecommended bythe Beonomie and Social Council in itt resolution {988168 of 27 July 198% MWe resolve to heep under constant review the activist out in the present Declaration sei i the Global Programme of ation, UL Resolution adoped onthe report ofthe Ad Hoe ‘GLOBAL PROGRAMME OF ACTION 1 ‘The international community confronts a dramatic problem of drug sbuse and the lit eulvaton, production, procesig, distribu tion and trafficking of marotie drugs and pyehotropcsubtanee, filficieny effective contols over or monitoring of specie chemical futetances and monitoring ofthe economic benefits of drug traffick- {ng States are notin» pion to deal with thi scourge individually ‘Therefore, Intemational solidarity and the concerted, collective and simultaneous action ofthe international community are required 2._An important aspect of the fight apsnst drug abuse hasbeen {he elaboration of international legal instruments. The adoption of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 961° and ofthat Convention te amended ty the 1972 Protocol Amending the Single Convention (oa Narcotic Drugs of 1961 * and of the Convention on Pjchotopic Substances of 1971 were frat important steps in that direction, 3 By its resolution 4/122 of 13 December 1985, the General As sembly decided to convene an Intemational Conference on Drs ‘Abuse ad Hic Traffiekng, The Conference tok pace a View {hom 17 to 26 June 1987 and adopted a Declaration? and a Compre hensive Maliiscplinary Ouline of Future Acivis ia Drug Abuse Contr. 4 In order to reinforce and supplement the measures provided ‘xsi legal imatruments and to counter the new magoitude and ent ofc drug eflicking and its grave consequences, 2 United Nations pleipoteaiary coference, eld at Vienna trom 25 Novem: bet 10 29 December 198, adopted the United Nations Convention guna Mit Trafic ia Narcotc Drug and Psychotropic Substances 5. The General Assembly in its resolution 44/6 of | November 1985, decid te convenes special sxson ofthe Assembly consider, asa mater of urgency, the question of international co-operation Saint let production, spp, demand, tachng and Station ft nae up, with # ew o expanding the scope and nceaing the efecivent of euch co-operation, 6 Cognizant of the above, and following extensive deiverations sta seventeenth petal season, the Genertl Asc inorder 10 fhe the goal ofan ineratonl society fee of iit dogs and dig abuse, adopts the present Global Programme of Action and com ti ut fo te fl and speedy implementation, where necear towing de eonderton othe moles bythe mpernt ec vee. 7. inadoping the Global Programme of Acton, and without ps dice tthe exiting procedures the General Assy aso detles to aco, within the United Naoes stem, higher prion tothe location ofthe necesery financial, peronnel aad other resources ‘Thereiea ned fora prs ofthe United Natons stom to galvanize effort improve interational co-operation o stamp ou he wus of ct drugs and drug abe. The requirement for addon ‘Surces fr that purpose sexplcly recognized inthe fll expectation that hat wil be flected ans high poe inthe medium term pln forthe period 1952-1957 and inthe programe buiget forthe ea um 1992-199, ae well fare latter plas and bmi Budget. The General Asembly ss ecognins that he efectne plementation af the Global Programe of Acton wil require cam {nation of the structure o te exiting dg contol unis Based he United Nations Oc st Vienna wis view to eaancing thelr eee ‘ene and stati the He & The Compreheoive Muliixiplinary Oslin of Future Act ‘uetin Drag Abtze Conta shal be ed ywatonal sbi snd Interested organizations a bass for developing aod rndting into {ton at the national, eonl and international eves othe wet ‘xen publ, bland rstegies aimed at conboting all spect of rug sboe act tatikang: The satin shal clude np tua, the anpect deserted bow: ‘A. Prevention and reduction of drug abuse wih a view elimination ofthe ili demand for narcoc drag and prycotopie substances 9. States shall give higher priory to prevention and reduction ‘of drug abuse witha view to elimination of the it demand for na. ‘ie drugs and pryehotropic substances atthe national and interna | PReferences to Statesin the preseat Global Programme of Action should be understood to reer ali to regional economic integration ‘tgantzations within the limits of thelr Sompetence tional levels. National strategies, plans and programmes for combating drug abuse shall be elaborated, adopted and implemented through the ‘ecesary policy and legate adjustments ncding the alloraion St appropriate rsoutees and series Tor prevention, treatment, re habitation and socal eimtegraton 10. The causes generating lit demand fo narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, incloding is recent Increase, shall be an [yee and the neceseary measures shal be identified inorder to com. bat drog abuse at the root of the problem. In ths regard spel tention shall be given (othe social eases undeying the dre prob Jem, which shouldbe adequately reflected in atonal social polls. 11. Information and edation programmes shall be used to pre vat the abuse of narcotie dogs a peyehouropic substances and to Increase awareness of their harmful effec, Inti conten, States, re rant specialized agencies and non-governmental organlaation sal ‘o-ordmate and exchange information witha view to nitating well ‘rgeted campaigns ia ths eld. 12 The role ofthe United Nations as an advisory centre fo col Jectng, analysing and diseminating information and experience ithe Seid of reduction of lat demand for reviewing ad evaluating ‘ional scent programmes inthe fed of combating drug abuse and {or co-ordinating efforts of States concerning those activities shall be forther enhanced. Hodiee of the United Nations sytem such st the United Nations Educational, Soentfe and Cultural Organization, the United Nations Children’s Fund (including its national eommitees), the Unite Nations Development Programme, the World Health O ganization, the Intemational Labour Organisation and the United No {ions information centes shall play a mare ative role i calling and disseminating information and exchanging experince 13. Slates sal establish and promote national systems to asst the extent of drug abuse and to collect data on ends of abuse. For ‘that purpose, they shall establish databases that should be based on the international drug abute asesiment sytem being developed ty the Division of Nacaie Drugs ofthe Setetarat with Financia sp port from the United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Conte The Bi ‘son, in collaboration with other United Nations drug contol bodies land the World Health Organination, shall asst Governments in c= {ablshing such databases and shal Work to establish a daa bate con ‘ering the nature and extent of drug abuse atthe international eel 14. The Division of Natcotie Drugs hal publish and update pe: sioically 9 digest isting national fos! points that desl with various specs ofthe drug problem, inlading information on direct channels 15. In order t ates the lve of national and international pro- fess wards prevention and reduction of the demand for narote frogs and peychotropie substances witha view to ts eliminations and In implementing the seven targets stout i chapter fof the Compre: hensive Muliiscptinary Outine of Future Activites in Drug Abuse (Control, the Division of Narcotic Drugs shall ub, by 31 December each year, a succinct questionnaire to ll Government, regional i fergovernmental organizations, and non-governmental organizations In consultative status withthe Economie nd Socal Counelt The ques ‘onnaie shall request details faction taken in this ego a he ne tional and regional eel, the ress achieved by the measures taken, and details of any practical dificules encountered. The Secretary Generali requested to prepare a report, in collaboration with the Iniernatonal Labour Organsation, the United Nations Education, Scienticand Cultural Organization and the World Health Organicx ion, tobe submited tothe Commission on Narcote Drugs tit eg Ula and special sessions analysing the information submited id seaing, im particular, the Best cans of providing asstance fo States furthering demand.reducion strategies 16,_ States and regonalintergovernmental organizations shall co- ‘operate flyin the preparation ofthat report by providing in 00d Use the information required by the quesonnate 17. Inthe light ofthe experience of operating that questionnaire and reporting system, the Commission on Nareoe Drvgs shall con Sider the necessity and feasibility of elaborating, under the apices of the United Nations, an international instrument that would deal ex pestaly withthe redyction of thelist demand for drugs and that ‘would prove, mer afi, comprehensive and speci measures for he entol and elimination of illeit demand for narcotic droge and py. ftotopic substances, as well a6 Tor treatment and rehabation Of rug aces « General Assembly—Sevententh Spectal Sesion 18, ‘The recommendations ofall iternational higlevel mectngs simed at the reduction and eventual elimination of lic demand fot fave drugs and pachotopc substances incading those ofthe ‘World Minister Sumi to Redoce Demand for Drs and to Com tat the Cocaine Treat to be eld in London frm 90 LL Ape 199, ‘all be submited Yo States for tterence requested in ode 10 Init postle for them fo conde sch reootmendations i he ‘Sutocedon oftheir atonal at campaigns and poles 19. The United Nations Edsatonl Scenic and Cultural Or- ntzation in collaboration withthe Word Health Organization ‘ther appropriate United Nations bodies, sal be encouraged to ic compe and analyse information on ellecive prevention state fet, incoding,puble information, esation programmes, snd Frofeaonal ting, and on programme evaluation techniques and {Ddisemnte that faterial te State upon rues 20, The United Nations Chile's Fand shall be encouraged to sive Gnancal support to developing counter m order to emhance {hei eampaigsf prevent dog sss by cen andthe te ofc {re for ihe ict production nd taf narcotic dre aod py ‘Shoropcsutwances, swell for Implementing programmes fo fehabate ach crn, 21, The atemational Labour Organisation shall be insite o pro vide ypon reqs, ave oa edveaton programmes to reduce dp {esc inthe wor place and monitor the efecivenes. 22. Meares forthe prevention of vg abuse sal be developed and incited fo the extent posble the Gua ofl eSuctonl institution it creunstants so require Tae expertise of relevant United Nations dies shoud be made wale Yo al county, in Darcy developing counties, inorder to ast them i elsorating Sch veri 24 Information onthe rational prescribing and vse of narcotic rugs and psychotropic substances and pharmaceutical preparations ‘ontaining such subtances al be incorporated into the curicla of ttalniag stitutions for helt-care persoanel 24, "The World Health Organization, in collaboration with United [Nations drog control bodies, non-governmental organizations and ‘other organizations involved in the rational se of pharmaceutical Dreparslions containing narcotic drugs and pajchotopic substance, fall be encouraged to art national edeaionalautbortesn devel. ‘ping tesning materiale and conducting taining courses to ensure that media! practitioners and other health personnel se wel ined ineationl prescribing and wae of mateotc drug and payehotropie sub 25. "The mass media shal be encouraged to publish and dissemi: rate information in support of nations) and international strategies for the elimination of ici demand for narcotic deugs and py ‘hotrope substances. 26, The establishment of national committes or other ad hae strctures aimed at mobilizing publi sipport and the participation of communities snd at co-operating in and implementing the actviles emanating from the Global Programme of Aston shall be considered 27. States shal, 8 appropriate, promote increased co-operation ‘with and involvement of non-governmental organizations inthe Fld of reduction of ici demand, thus encouraging initiatives and pro ‘rammes othe grase-yoots level 28. Appropriate United Nations bodies shall be invited to colad- orate with nongovernmental organizations with special expertise in {he el of narcotic drug and pyeoropic substances to eat) sd ‘make avilable technical enperise on stategies end methods fo Fe ‘duction of ict demand 29, "The United Nation shall undertake a review of activites of| ‘he United Nations stem and the specialized agencies forthe reduc tion of ict demand in order to wenufy the neds for intensified oe ‘tion consstent withthe principles ofthe Global Programme of Acton 1B Treaomens, rehabilitation and socal eneraion of dr aes 30._ National sateies inthe health, social legal and penal elds shall contin programmes for the social reintegration, rehab and treatment of dg abusers and deg addicted offenders. Such ro {grammes shall bein conformity with national lw ad regulations and be based on respect fr baie maa rghs and the digalty ofthe i ‘Sia, showing de regard forthe diverse needs of tnidual dru, ice 31, ‘The United Nations shal ae as a cearng house fr iforma tion om effective poliies and techniques, propramme modalities and resource materiale forthe treatment ehabiiation and occupational Feintepration of former drug adits. The World Health Organization land the International Labour Orgaisatio, in collaboration wih ‘ther organizations of the United Nations stem and an-gorern fnentl organiations, shal be encouraged ta Contrib to tha ed. 32. The relevant United Nations bis should render sesistance to interested States ln particular developing counties thee lo brammes for treatment and rehabilitation of ug abusers, 32, Training programmes relating tothe atest developments and niques i the Gel of teatment of drug adction and rehablis tion and eintgration of former adit hal be conducted mote 18 ‘lay a the national reiona and ternational levels, Governments the relevant United Nations bods, the specialized agency ater {tril ormiaations nd von povecenta organizations ina po Sion to-do 0 sal, upon feques, provide advice, information propo se ing taining progaames ew whois ant Tec bigues and other general guidelines or Sats wishing Lo develop thee Utaing programmes further 134, The World Health Organiration shal be encouraged to work with Governments with a view to fitting aces to drug-treatment programice nd t strengthening the capacity of peimary heal cate {Grespond fo drug-related heath problems. 35. The World Health Organization shal be encouraged to con tinoe to explore with Governments the development of health ed programmes and polices forthe reduction of sk and harm of tug abuse as means of preventing the transmission by drug abusers ofthe human immonodelcency sus (IV) and a securing appro. Print trestment and counseling for du abusers who ate ILV pos or wha have developed agqired tmmunadetiioney sya (AIDS), and to report thereon. 36, ‘The International Labour Organisation should prepare and publish guidlines for programmes to felntgrate former ats nto ‘ccupationsl activites or socational wating 37. Slates shal, as appropriate, faclitate and promote the in volvement of non goveromentl organizations ia all ares of eatment God rehabiltaton and intensify tie co-operation withthe fclvsnt United Nation Bodie © Contra of supply of marote drs and sehoropic substances 1. Eradication and substi of et production of marco drags, ‘and eradication of it proesing of such deus and of ci ro ‘teton and diversion of psyehotrptc substances {3H._‘Stats sll considera the national an international levels, cans by which the internal sector of those economies that ate a. {eeted by the ict production ad procesing of narcotic drops and Payeotopie substances might be sttenghhene, ia order to support End strengthen the implementation, by competent national author tis, of elective antedrug. programmes, ictading the following (@) Prompt identification, eradication and substation of ist culvation of marote plats, taking sto acsoun the ace to peotet {he environment; forthe purpose of crop surveys ad monitoring e- fort such technologies as high-resolution satelite iragery at ai photography could be used When agreement has been reached with {he Government concerned; ()_ Fucher development and implementation of comprehensive sand weikariculsted reduction programmes with aie To ciizaing ‘le production of narctie droge and psychotropic substances in ‘counties alleted ty ist production, taking particular account of Ataditonal et uses such eultation (€)_Wentifeation and provision of further incentives for rap sob (2) Assessment snd study, by the United Nations Eavicoament Programme, of effects on the sxvitonient ofthe expanding ela tion and production of narcole drugs nd the use and depos of ‘hemical substances related othox actives ar well ae metNode wed forthe eradication of ist prodetion of marci deus, (6). Exenson ofthe scope of economic snd technical eo-opees tion tm support of crop substation an integrated roral development programmes sd other esonomie and technics programmes sited at L,_Resotation adopted on ‘eucing ligt production and procesing of narcotic dre ad psy otropie substances ()Extsblishment of complementary programmes inthe felis of employment, hall, housing and education () Elaboration and implementation of programmes for agro indi development (H) Elaboration and implementation of programmes for eco omit recovery ofthe socal snd economic sectors in counts that fre adversly affected by the diversion for supply. reduction pro {rammes of resouress hal would ether be sed for development 239, "The external sectors of thse economis that ae alfected by itistprodvetion and processing of narcoc drugs and pyeotropie Sulstances shall be strengthened inorder to support and srengtien the implementation by competent national authorities of effective ‘a-dnug programmes bythe following means (@)_ Consideration of measures to strengthen international 0-0 ‘eration to fattte trade ows, n particular measures to create ex panded opportunities for trade and investment in order to provide ccest to international markets for crop-substtution products and ‘ther goods prodced by countries affected by the lien production nd procesing of narcote drugs (©), Consideration by States of entering ito mulilatera, Batra cor fegonal agreements with counties affected by ict drug produc- mand processing with aviow to fatitating access ythote counties {o interoational mukets nd toasting tem i stengthcning and ‘adapting ther internal capacity to produce exportable goods, (©) Comideraton of conomi and tet forms of s-operton wth bling counties ety afte y tec tana of mt {otc py hough ther eros ncldig mcs to reste ck anid apport for tage andes (4)_ Regular submistion by Sates tothe relevant United Nations drag control bodies of information on the exent of the manulature, ‘atlblty and abuse of il yeti dogs in thei estore, 2 Licit produeton, manufacture and supply of narcoic drugs amd _pohomopic substances 40._ A balance shall be maintained between demand and sappy of ‘a materials, ntermediates sod final produc fr legitimate we, ‘dading medical and scene purpouc 1. International co-operation, solidarity and assistance ar called {ort otereome the problem of excess sock of opiate fw mates {in raitonal supple countses, This ay Include internation sss ‘ance, particulary to developing countries, to belp them establish the eceiry opiate drug management régime to enable ther 1 meet thir poten legitimate need for opiates. a (Co-operation on the malilaeel eel 42. ‘The United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Contot, in olla ‘ration, where appropiate, withthe United Nations Development Programme and other United Nations bodies, saved to elaborate {or consideration by States a subregional tratogy covering all aspects ‘of dru abuse contol and concentrating onthe most affected reas ‘hete the problems ate most complex and grave. Sats shall iactesse their co-operation withthe Fund in support of such a subregional strategy. 43, State should endeavour to obtain the support of interns tional gional and national nancial institutions, wihia tee tespec: te afest of competence, with the goal of senting lternative ‘evelopment and crop subsituton programmes to support countries 0 tha they can cart out sound economic polices and efccive pro ‘rammes aginst ict drop. States should also encourage those Stuions 1 consider the economie and social consequences of dre trafficking when analysing the economic stems of thoxecountie. In this regard, those insttutions should consider avaing themselves ‘of assance from and co-operation with the United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control. 44. Specialized agencies and other United Nations bodies such 38 ‘the United Nations Development Programme and the Food and Ag ‘culture Organization of the United Nations as well a the interne ional inant insiutions, in accordance with thee mandate, should ‘consider the postiity of undertaking further actives i held of| Prevention and substitution ofilicit production of narcotic drugs ve report of the Ad Hoe Commitee ‘Monitoring and control mechanisms 48. States shal ake all necesary measures such a the concluslan ‘ot lateral and repional agreements, ta establish monitoring and con tol systems to prevent diversion (com lptimate purposes of specific ‘hema! stances, materials and equipment frequently used va the ‘ct manufacture of narcotic drags and psjehotropiesutstances, ia particular through the applleston of aries 12 and 13 of the United ations Convention agant Il Teale in Narcotic Drug and Pry ‘hotrapic Substances adopted in 1988, © 46. Consideration shal be gven tothe contening ofan interna ional conference on the production aid dstubution of chemical products used in the et production of narcotic drugs and py Ghotropc substance inorder to co-ordinate efforts for mare elecve prevenlon ofthe diversion af precursor chemical, specifi substances Materials and equipment frit porposes. 1s desirable that States incioe representatives of manufacturing and isibution enferpeisce In her delegations to that conference 47. The Wodd Health Organization, in collaboration wit the Di vision of Narcatie Drugt andthe Incenaionst Narcoves Contr oar, shoud ast national drug regulatory authorities in developing ‘nd strengthening their pharmaceutical administrations and contra laboratories in onder t enable them to contol pharmaceticl prep tations containing narcotic drvgs and pychotropc subnances, 48, Governmental, intergovernmental and non-govermental or sanizaton an the United Nstins sal be encouraged to co-operate tm measure within the gudcines stout in the Comprehensive Nt ‘tanaplnay Outi of Faure Acts in Drug Abn Contl 1 Stcogihen national and international stems of conta of narcotic Suge and pechotropic substances, in patclar those extbished Under the Slope Comention on Naveoe Droge of IG and that Convention st amended ty the 1972 rotacal Amending he Sinle Ganventon on Save Drop 1961 andthe Convention on Py ‘htuopie Sobstaces of 1971 49. The International Narotes Conte Boar ised to ane Staten al tei request nd extend is eee n-operaton et iis witha view fo frtering the aim ofthe Single Conversion on ‘Navcie Drogs of 1961 and that Comention a mended by the 1972 Proacol Amending the Single Convention on Nareote Drage of 196 {he Comention on Pashotons Substanter of 199 andthe United shoe Conecson psa ich Tratficn Neca Drop al Fy hovtopie Substances adopted Ia 1988, Special attention shal be paid 10 co-operation that wl enable Stes to strengthen ther drug dstection and pharmaceutical contol of drug cont ' Suppression of ct acing narcotic drags tnd pyehowopi substances La 51, Siates shat proceed ply and make every effort 1 rly or acct the United Nations Convention seine It Train Nar Ste Drs and Payhatope Substance, ated in 188 in dt {Senate he nu eto ner fie Coneation:peferaly the end oti. 52. "The Unted Nations, a prteubr the Dison of Necoie Dba he lternstionst Narcotics Contra Hoard an the United Nn tion und for Drag Abas Conro shl provide expertise and mit fc to Stes, at ihe tegucsy io enzble them to sah the lege and sdminative measures forthe ratiation an lcs {ie implementation ofthe United Nations Convention. 53 States solo the extent and where they ate able Wo apy proisionally ie msn so fo inthe Uated Nations Con 4 Consistent wih the United Nations Convention, conser. ation shall be gent he colon Of ster replona and mal fntefalagreements nd other arangeneats aimed at suppressing it {tating a narcte drugs and peop seston 55, States thal hve nu yot done so hall conse aifcatign of ox sseston tthe Sige Centon on Nace rag of al and {at Comenton te amended by the 1972 regal Arig ihe Sn {Be Convention on Naru Drug of 196 and the Comentin oa Pychoope Subanes of 971 6 Sutes in 4 position 10 do wand the organization ofthe Unilea Nats gut, paola she Uned Nations Fan for General Aasembly—Sevententh Special Session Drug Abose Contr shall provide appropriate tecnlea and nancial ‘apport to enable States at their eques, o establish effecve mech- ‘nia against ct trafficking in arco drugs and paychotropiesub- ‘ances, Particular attention abl be given, in that regard, to the ‘Hrengtbning of lserdlction capabilities of transit State, inclu ‘contol of land, sea and air boundaries. To tht end, States should “undertake an analy ofthe methods and routes used for lit ransit tenlficfa mateo drugs and pejchotropic substances, and should mon- Hor them inthe respective veritores on a continuing bas, bearing In mind thatthe routes and methods used change frequently and affect, 2 growing numberof Staten. States shall comsder appropiate infor {mation sharing inthis respect on a bisteral, egal or muller bait 7, Intereted States may consider, i conformity with interma- tional law and the Charter ofthe United Nations the possibility of xtablshing border inepection checkpoints, witha vew 10 S0p- Dreatag lic trane- boundary movement of narcotic rugs and ey hotrope substances without affecting the national sovereignty and {eratora ntegey of States. 58. Specialized agencies suchas the International Civil Aviation ‘Organizaton andthe International Martine Organization in collab ‘oration with member States and integorernmental and non gover. ‘meatal organizations, shall be lavited to expand the development Of ‘Programmes whereby sich organizations and member States work ‘ith the transportation indurtry to suppres iit tacking in na ‘cote drugs and pyehotropc substances ‘59, Stats shall make increased ie of the meetings of Heads of [National Drog Law Enforcement Agencies and ober intergovernen- {al organizations, auch asthe Customs Co-operation Covbcl and tbe International rina! Police Organization (Interpo) regional co-op ration trangements and oterflevan nstulinal frameworks, or {he purpose of coordinating co-operation in aw enforcement and ex pnding programmes of trinig Tor law enforcement personnel in Investigative matters and methods, interdiction and narcosis intelli sence 60. ‘The United Nations, in particular the United Nations Fund {or Drag Atul Cont soul asin Stes, a he, eet ‘equipping and strengthening thelr lw enforcement autbonies and Saal pace gues 2. Dismbution 1, States shal strengthen their national efforts to curb and erad ‘cate domestic ilicit commerce and dsribution of narctie drugs and prychotropi substances. Measures 10 be taken aprins the effec of money derived from, ted in or nended forse inet drain, eg! finan ‘al flows and ilega se ofthe baring em (62. Priory shall be accorded tothe implementation of the United Nations Convention against Mit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Py- hottie Substances, adopted in 1988, and the concusion of blatral, fegional and multlateral agreements on acing, feczing and seizure tnd forfeiture or confiscation of property and proceeds derived from, ‘teed in or intended for ue inc drug tracking. 63. Mechanisms shall be developed to prevent the banking tem and other financial institutions from being used forthe processing and sundering of dug related money. To this end, consideration should ities through the international banking aptem, taciiate access 10 banking resord and provide forthe exchange of information between law enforcement, regulatory ot ivesigatve agencies concerning the ‘nancial ow of property or proceeds related tO HN dug tralicking 4 ‘The Division of Narcotic Drogs ofthe Secretariat, in co-op. cation with the Customs Co-operation Council and the International (Criminal Poe Organization (Interpol), should promote bilateral ot regional exchanges of information Between governmental regulatory ‘or investigative agencies concering the ancl flow of iice drug proceeds (65. ‘The Division of Narcotl Drugs and Interpol shall be invited to develop a repoairy of laws and regulations on money laundering, ‘carrengy reporting, bank secrecy and forfeiture of propery and pro: ‘coed ar well as procedures and practices designed to prevent banking ‘petems and other nancial inition from money fading, and ‘hall make this information availble to State, at ther request “6,_ Slates shall consider enacting Legation o prevent the use of te banking system forthe processing and laundering of drug ‘money, itera, through desarng such elves era 67, States shall consider enacting legislation to permit the seizure and frtitre of property and proceeds derived from, used in ot {ended for use iit drug talficking. To that end, consideration ‘hovld be given by States fo concluding bilateral and multlteral tercements to enhance the effectiveness of international cooperation, taking foto particular account article S, paragraph 5, of the United Nations Convention aginst ict Trafirin Nareoue Drugs and Psy- ‘hottie Substances ‘6. States shall encourage international, reponal and national ‘nancial sstociations to develop guidelines to wast their members in ‘Cooperating with government suthorites in Wenig, detecting ieang Ireting an sening proceeds and property related Yo ict ficking ia narctie dros and psyehotrople substances, 68, ‘The elaboration of intertional agreements providing for stringent controls on money derived from, wed in of ltended for we Indrogrelated activities nd penalizing the laundering of such money ‘might be considered. Such icirrment might also deal withthe for Ieiture or confiscation of funds, proceeds and property acquired through revenucs deriving fom druelaed acivlies 70, States shal consider measures on an internation leven ding the feasblty ofa United Nations fail to strengthen the fathering, collation and exchange of information onthe financial ow from drug-related fonds, giving panicular emphasis o principles, rules and national lw concerning the protection of ongoing lav enforce- ‘ment investigrions and of siduas with repard to automate pro- cessing of personal data 71. States should encourage interations, regional and national ‘nancial institutions, within their reapective areas of competence, 10 ‘ay special attention, in their analyses of the economies of States, to Ine characterises and maghitude’of the conversion and canter of| ‘rug-elated monies ln order to contribete to international efforts Stimed. a counteracting the negative economic and socal conse ‘quences of he dug problem. ‘2. States shall consider the possibilty of using forfeited property and proceds for activities to combat drug sbuse adil tralichi Tnthat comet, the posible use of such proceeds and property or thie ‘equivalent val fr United Nations drup-elated actives shall aso ‘be taken into consideration. 73. All measures and proposals on posible ation to prevent the use ofthe banking stems and financial institutions for money laun- fering, such a the conclusions arising from the study undernten by the Financial Action Task Force, established atthe Summit of seven ‘major industrial nations held in Paris from 14 to 16 July 198, sal tbe made available to all States for information. FF. Swengihening of judicial ond legal stems, ncluing law enforcement 74, States shal, as son a8 posible, aif oraecege to the Unie [Nations conventions inthe field of dry abuse contol and ili uf ‘icing 17S._ States ina position odo so and the United Nations, strength ning their action tn co-ordination with the regional inaitaes ofthe ‘United Nations wit mandates in this sphere, shal provide advice and legal and technical assistance to enable States, at thelr Feques, (0 ‘apt ther national legislation to international conventions and deci ‘Sons dealing with dog abuse and iit waficking. 76. States are invited 10 give consideration tothe mode treaties ‘on matval sxstance in criminal matters and on eration, which ‘contain speiie provisions related toll atic in nareoule drugs ad Pychotropic ubstances and are tobe dealt with bythe Eighth United itons Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Ottender. 77. States shall encourage international and regional organiza- tions oeloborate mode! agreements on co-operation among cstoms bifcials, aw enforcement agencies and other interested organs inthe Geldof combating drug abuse and ili aicking. 78. The scope of internation co-operation in suppor of tech cal asstance programmes aimed a the suengihening of judicial hd law enforcement system, in particular inthe field of the adn [tration of justice, stall be extended. Particular attention shal be given othe taining of personnel a al levels ML, Resolution adopted on the report of the Ad Hoe Comm 79. Measures to protect the judiciary from any form of exposure ‘and intimidation threatening ls independence and integrity shall be studied and promoted. 80, "The United Nation shall ct as a clearinghouse fr itorma ‘ion on rnin programmes in drug law enforcement, including tai ing for national nareotis agents in investigative methods, iteiction and narcotics intelgence. 81. Consideration shall be given to establishing a capiliy within the United Nations system to co-ordinate the provision by States of ‘waning and equipment to other State, at thet request, for their own, Sat-drg operations, within their teriores, to inhib the use, iter ‘it the supply and eliminate the lic waficking of drugs. 82. Since the International Law Commision has been requested {o consider the question of establishing a international eiminal cour or other international ial mechanism with jurisdiction over persons ‘lleged tobe engaged inlet rafckng ta narcotic drugs serosa ‘ional frontiers, the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination sal ‘consider ints annual adjustments to the United Nations system ide ction plan on drug abuse control requested bythe General Assembly {its resolution iat of 15 December 1989 the report ofthe later. ‘national Law Commission on the question, 83. States shall consider the appropriateness of establishing ar. :angements on the bass of bilateral, regional and multilateral agree. ‘ments, which would allow them to benef from one anche criminal Jstice Sjstem In dealing with similar drug-related offences £84, Consideration shall be given to establishing 2 register of ati drug expertise and services, under the spervsion ofthe Division of Nareoie Drugs which could be made avaiable to States at their re vest 85, A review should be undertaken of interaational and regional law enforcement atvies funded or sponsored by the United Nations swell as those of other intergovernmental organizations ad regional ftrangements, to ensure a coherent approach to law enforcement xe tivities within the overall context ofthe Global Programme of Action (G._ Measures tobe taken agains he diversion of arms and explosives and cl waffic by vessel sitcrft and vehicles 86, States sall consider the adoption of measures, within thet territories, to stengthen arrangements for controling or monitring the list transportation of nareoc drugs and prychotTopic substances including the vessels alreraft and vehicles being used fr that purpose, $0 a8 to prevent their misuse forthe li wansportaion of narcoue drags and prychotropic substances 7. Effective measures should be taken to prevent iit and cov. cert transfers of arms and explosives and thee diversion to iit drug tafe elated sctivitien, 88, Alarmed by the growing lnk between illicit trafic im narcotic rugs, legal activities of mercenaries and subversive and terrors tives, States shall ake prompt measuts on thee prevention. 89, States shall take strict mearures to prevent private itera, ‘vessel and veces regitered in thet territory from engaging nlc rug trafficking and related activites. 1H Resources and srucure 90. There is need both for optimum utilization of exiting re sources ofthe United Nations drug tlated units and for addtional esouees tobe allocated to those units in order to enable them fly {implement ther mandates, bearing in mind thei increased respon. bites, 91. A higher priority shall be accorded to United Nations drug control activities in the medium-term plan forthe period 1992-1997 nd inthe corresponding biennial budgets and the General Asembly, at its forth seston, i invited to take appropriate action inthis ‘egad, in aecordance with exiting procedures ‘92, Priority shall be given to providing, om both a short-term and long-term bass, extabudgetary support to enhance the efficiency af the United Nations strature for drug abuse control and to achieve And promote a truly comprehensive global programme of action. 93. Intensification of efforts atthe national level and increased inergovernmeatal co-operation require a commensurate stengthen: ing ofthe United Nations drug contre organs and thle secretariat ‘Again this background, the functioning ofthe United Nations st {ure for drug abuse control needs tobe reviewed and assessed, in a¢- cordance with the mandate given to the Secretary-General by the ‘General Assembly in paragraph 4 ofits resoltion 44/41, forthe pure pose of entijing allerative sructural possiblities, the end result being the establishment ofa stronger, more efficient United Nations

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