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Research Paper

A research paper is a sort of academic writing that gives a comprehensive study, evaluation, or
interpretation of a specific topic based on observational facts. A research paper is a longer
essay that includes your own analysis, judgment, or reasoning. When you write an essay, you
use all of your knowledge and personal experience on a certain topic.

Major Parts of a Research Paper

Title Page- On the title page, comprise the title of your research paper, your name, the date of
your project, and your educational institution. Components may be necessary depending on the
demands of your professors. Usually, you will be given a template or checklist to use while
developing your cover page.

Abstract- An abstract is a summary of the research. It is a brief summary of your paper that
provides readers with a quick comprehension yet detailed of your study and findings.

Introduction- This section of your research paper should contain your thesis statement. The
introduction often discusses the problem under consideration, and summarizes, or investigates
relevant prior research. Identifies existing problems that will be addressed by the current
research, as well as a high-level synopsis of the research that will be described in further detail.

Methods- The methodology section explains how the study was conducted. It often provides a
synopsis of the study's design, materials used, and technique. Observation, experiments, and
statistical studies are common methods. You must specifically state the methods you have
chosen in this section.

Data Analysis- The data analysis serves as the most major part of any research work. It
comprises utilizing analytical and logical reasoning to analyze data in order to uncover patterns,
correlations, or trends. This is your chance to shine by delivering new data that can help
everyone understand the issues you've studied.

Results- The conclusions of the researcher(s) following data analysis are presented in the
Results section. The major objective is to use the data acquired to address the research
question(s) indicated in the introduction, even if the results contradict the hypothesis. It contains
information about the data that was gathered as well as the outcomes of any statistical analyses
that were carried out.

Discussion- Your findings are described, assessed, and interpreted in the Discussion part of
your work. It includes a summary of the study's findings as well as how those findings relate to
the topic under consideration and/or the research concerns. It is normal to discuss potential
research paths as well as limits.

References- Your research paper's reference page, where you should compile academic
references, is the last portion to be written. All of these references must be listed in the manner
specified by your instructor. Other formats are now in use, including APA, MLA, and Harvard,
each of which has a specific citation style.

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