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Quarter 1 Module 1

Name: ________________________________ Grade: ______ Section: _____________________

Clean, Sanitize and Store Kitchen Tools in Designated Space

Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC) which is to:
 identify chemicals to be utilized in cleaning and sanitizing kitchen
tools and equipment. (TLE_HECK9-KP-Ia-1)
1. Define the chemicals to be utilized in cleaning and sanitizing kitchen
tools and equipment
Its timely to realize the value of cleanliness and sanitation at home to
prevent the spread of disease like Covid-19. As a family member, you can do
something to cut the risk of infection in your home. Contaminated objects and
surfaces are significant in the transmission of diseases. When someone is at
risks of having a virus visits your home, cleaning and sanitation may help
lessen the risk of transmission of corona virus. Our kitchen is one important
concern at home. Failure to clean and sanitize kitchen tools and equipment will
result to spread of bacteria, virus and germs that cause illness of family
members. Maintaining cleanliness and sanitation in your kitchen will truly
benefit every member of the family.
Lesson 1: Cleaning and Sanitizing Kitchen Tools and Equipment
Importance of Keeping a Kitchen Clean
By Marie Jones
If your least favorite chore as a child was being forced to wash the dinner
dishes, you may find the idea of cleaning your own kitchen to be wearisome,
stressful and unnecessary. Unfortunately, despite the appeal of ignoring small
kitchen messes, a dirty kitchen is also an unsafe kitchen. A clean, well-
maintained kitchen is not only aesthetically pleasing, but is also beneficial to
your overall well-being
Hygiene. Failure to clean your kitchen may result in the spread of bacteria
and germs, which can cause you and other household members to become ill.
Not only should you regularly wash counter tops, sweep your floors and clean
the dishes, but you should also sanitize work areas and kitchen utensils that
you use to prevent the spread of bacteria.
Pests. Cockroaches, ants, mice and rats are frequent visitors to dirty
kitchens. Proper maintenance and regular cleaning of your kitchen will reduce
the possibility of pests. Some pests, such as cockroaches, are extremely skilled
at hiding behind clutter. This makes it imperative that you not only maintain
clean counter tops and floors, but that your cupboard space is neatly
organized, as well.
Ease of use. A clean kitchen is an easy-to-use kitchen. One of the biggest
reasons to maintain a clean, organized kitchen is that working in a kitchen is
simpler when your appliances are put away, the dishes are washed and the
counter tops are clean. If your kitchen is cluttered with dirty dishes and spills,
it is both difficult and time consuming to bake or cook around the mess.
Maintenance. Regularly cleaning your kitchen not only offers an appealing
look, but also helps maintain your appliances, cupboards and floors. Residue
and build-up from lack of cleaning can result in costly maintenance repairs,
as well as decrease functionality in your appliances. Furthermore, failing to
clean your floors and cupboards regularly may result in the need to replace
them prematurely. Source:
keeping-a-kitchen- clean
The following chemicals are utilized in cleaning and sanitizing kitchen
tools and equipment
Cleaning is the process of removing food and other types of soil from a
surface, such as a dish, glass, or cutting board. Cleaning is done with a
cleaning agent that removes food, soil, or other substances. The right cleaning
agent must be selected because not all cleaning agents can be used on food-
contact surfaces. (A food-contact surface is the surface of equipment or utensil
that food normally comes into contact.) For example, glass cleaners, some metal
cleaners, and most bathroom cleaners cannot be used because they might
leave an unsafe residue on the food contact surface. The label should indicate if
the product can be used on a food contact surface. The right cleaning agent
must also be selected to make cleaning easy.
Sanitizing is done using heat, radiation, or chemicals. The item to be
sanitized must first be washed properly before it can be properly sanitized. Some
chemical sanitizers, such as chlorine and iodine, react with food and soil and so
will be less effective on a surface that has not been properly cleaned.
Sanitizing Methods
1. Heat. There are three methods of using heat to sanitize surfaces – steam, hot
water, and hot air. Hot water is the most common method used in restaurants. If
hot water is used in the third compartment of a three-compartment sink, it must
be at least (171oF 77oC). If a high-temperature ware washing machine is used to
sanitize cleaned dishes, the final sanitizing rinse must be at least 180oF (82oC).
For stationary rack, single temperature machines, it must be at least 165oF
(74oC). Cleaned items must be exposed to these temperatures for at least 30
2. Chemicals. Chemicals that are approved sanitizers are chlorine, iodine, and
quaternary ammonium. Different factors influence the effectiveness of chemical
3. Concentration - The presence of too little sanitizer will result in an
inadequate reduction of harmful microorganisms. Too much can be toxic.
The three factors that must be considered are:
Temperature - Generally chemical sanitizers work best in water that is between
55oF(13oC) and 120oF (49oC).
Contact time - In order for the sanitizer to kill harmful microorganisms, the
cleaned item must be in contact with the sanitizer (either heat or
approved chemical) for the recommended length of time.
Cleaning Compound
1. Detergents. These are cleaning agents, solvents or any substance used to
wash table wares, surfaces, and equipment. Example: soap, soap powders,
cleaners, acids, volatile solvents and abrasives.
2. Solvent Cleaners commonly referred to as degreasers used on surfaces
where grease has burned on. Ovens and grills are examples of areas that need
frequent degreasing. These products are alkaline based and are formulated to
dissolve grease. Example:vinegar, lemon/calamansi juice,borax, cornstarch,
baking soda and castile soap
3. Acid Cleaners. Used periodically in removing mineral deposits and other
soils that detergents cannot eliminate such as scale in washing machines and
steam tables, lime buildup on dishwashing machines and rust on shelving. (Ex.:
phosphoric acid, nitric acid, etc.) These products vary depending on the specific
purpose of the product
4. Abrasives – are generally used to remove heavy accumulations of soil that
are difficult to remove with detergents, solvents and acids. These products must
be carefully used to avoid damage to the surface being cleaned. Example: fine
plastic mesh pads, nylon coated, sponges, fine brass wool.
Other chemicals used for cleaning and/or sanitizing kitchen equipment and
utensils are the following:
1. ammonia
2. dish washing liquid
3. chlorine
4. carbolic acid
5. timsen
6. disinfectants
7. soa
Activity 1:
Read the description of each cleaning and sanitizing agents. Provide an image
on third column, you may d r a w o r cut a picture from a magazine or newspaper or
take a picture of the cleaning agent print it and paste it neatly on the third column.
You can use another sheet of paper in this activity.

Cleaning Description Sample Image

Vinegar-a multi-purpose cleaner used
Acetic Acid remove stains, unclog drains and

Isopropyl alcohol- its antimicrobial

Alcohol against bacteria, viruses and fungi

Alkaline compound of Nitrogen and

Ammonia Hydrogen-Prevents redeposition of
dissolved dirt, chelates and rust.

Corrosive acid which removes

Muriatic deposited minerals on toilet bowls and
Acid toilet floors
Oxalic Acid Rush remover-it removes blemishes
from your vinyl stone and linoleum

Soap or In powder, liquid or bar

Detergent It serves as an all-purpose cleaner.
Detergent is a surfactant or a
mixture of surfactants with
cleansing properties in dilute
Citric Acid Lemon or Calamansi
citric acid kills bacteria, mold, and
mildew, it's great for general
disinfecting and cleaning. It's also
effective at removing soap scum, hard
water stains, calcium deposits, lime,
and rust. Also, it serves as a
preservative in many cleaning
Sodium Baking Soda acts a cleaning agent
bicarbonate because it is a mild alkali and can
cause dirt and grease to dissolve
easily in water for effective
removal. Baking
Soda deodorizes by bringing both
and basic odor molecules into a
neutral, more odor-free state.

Performance Activity:
Situation: It was a simple celebration of your grandmother. Everybody was busy
EXCEPT you. So, your mother asked your help to clean and sanitize all the kitchen
tools and equipment used in the preparation. In 1-2 paragraphs, write the different
tasks that you have done in the kitchen. Do it on a separate sheet of paper. You will
be graded using the rubrics below.

Criteria 10 8 6 4 2
If the ideas If the If the idea If the are If the ideas are
are very ideas Lack clarity disorganized not related to the
Organization clear and Are clear and difficult to topic.
easy to and bale to understand.
understand. understand.
Statement of If the learner If the If the learner If the If the learner did
the strictly learner misses 2 learners not do anything
procedures follows the misses a procedures in misses 3
correct procedure accomplishing procedure in
procedures in the task accomplishin
in accomplishi g the task
accomplishi ng the task
ng the task
Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the letter of your answer
Space provided before each number.
1. Which of the following is the most powerful type of cleaning agent that
should be used with care because it could be poisonous and corrosive
when not diluted correctly?
A. Abrasive B. Acid C. Degreaser D. Detergent
2. Ericka needs to get rid of grease and burned materials on the surface of
oven and grills. Which of the following cleaning materials will she
A. Chlorine B. Disinfectant C. Lemon juice D. Solvent cleaners
3. Linda will remove mineral deposits and rust from the restroom facilities,
what cleaning agent will she use?
A. Abrasive B. Acid C. Degreaser D. Detergent
4. Ella will remove the grease from the surfaces of oven tops counters and
grill back splashes in her kitchen, what cleaning agent will she use to
finish her task successfully?
A. Abrasive B. Acid C. Degreaser D. Detergent
5. Kobe was tasked to clean the dirt from hard surfaces of their house
floors, pots and pans. What will you suggest him to use to make his
task done in no time?
A. Abrasive B. Acid C. Degreaser D. Detergent
6. Aling Tessie finds it hard to remove tough soils from the used pots and
pans. It did not respond to the different cleaning agents she used. If
you will help her, which of the following will you recommend that will
surely solve her problem?
A. Acid Cleaner B. Detergent C. Abrasive D. Solvent Cleaner
7. What is the process of removing food and other types of soil from a surface?
A. Storing B. Cleaning C. Pre rinsing D. Packaging
8. If John uses brush either by hand or a machine such as a floor
scrubber, what cleaning method did he use?
A. Chemical B. COP C. CIP D. mechanical
9. Which of the following process is done using heat, radiation or chemicals?
A. Steaming B. Sanitizing C. Freezing D. Bleaching
10. Which of the following is effective on a wide variety of bacteria;
highly effective; and not affected by hard water and generally
A. Iodine B. Muriatic acid C. Bleach D. Chlorine
Teacher’s Feedback:
Teacher Signature: _____________________
Quarter 1 Module 2

Name: ____________________________________ Grade: ____ Section: ___________________

Clean, Sanitize and Store Kitchen Tools in Designated Space

Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC) which is to:
1.1Clean and sanitize kitchen tools in accordance with prescribed standards
1.2 Store cleaned kitchen tools and equipment safely in designated space
 identify the kitchen tools, and equipment that need to be cleaned and
 clean kitchen tools and equipment in accordance with prescribed standard,
 sanitize kitchen tools in accordance with prescribed standard, and
 realize the value of cleaning sanitizing and proper storing of kitchen tools
kitchen tools and equipment
 store cleaned kitchen tools and equipment properly and safely.
Kitchen’s tools and equipment should always be kept at its best and free
from germs and bacteria, that usually accumulate in the kitchen area during
food preparations. Several surfaces around the kitchen such as walls, floors,
shelves and other surfaces must always be cleaned and sanitized properly
using the proper materials to reduce health hazards.
After going through this module, you are expected to develop the
LESSON 1: Cleaning and Sanitizing Kitchen Tools and Equipment
Proper Dish Washing by Hands

1. Scrape/Pre-wash

Put the dishes on the sink. Scrape off the leftover

food and large food particles from the dishes and
throw them into the trash can for garbage disposal,
Scrape left over
leaving behind some residue for dish washing

Pre -wash
2. Wash
By using cleaning implement such as sponges,
brushes steel wool and dish washing detergent ,
Wash dishes in order



Pots and pans

3. Rinse using running water




Pots and pans

4. Sanitize
Heat Method Sanitation using hot water

5. Air dry

Air-dry dishes on a rack

Cleaning of Kitchen Tools and Equipment

Before cleaning the stove, make sure that it is cool, to avoid burn while
cleaning. Using abrasive, clean it thoroughly, and wash the surface of
the stove. You can use emery paper if it is necessary. Remove all bars
and rack of the stove, then immersed it in hot water with detergent.
Scrub the top of the stove using non abrasive brush to remove food
from around the burners, knobs, and dials. Wipe clean with damp cloth.

Tackle stubborn dirt with scraper

Wipe dry with a fresh clean cloth.

Rinse the sponge well between wipes. Use cleaner with a scrub pad or use a
good degreaser product to remove any residue left. Refer to the manual for
directions in cleaning inner stove parts
Storerooms and Cupboards
Cupboards can get grease and dirt. Clean it by removing everything from
the cupboard. Dry the surfaces with a microfiber cloth. Sort out the things
removed and discard or disposed items no longer needed
LESSON 2: Storing Cleaned Kitchen Tools and Equipment Safely in the
Designated Space
We are all guilty of having a messy kitchen. There are times when we can
never remember where we put the tools we need once we start cooking.
Sometimes, there are mixed -up ingredients and kitchen tools inside our counter
top. We feel exhausted just by looking at those untidy things inside our kitchen

How do we store kitchen tools safely? There are 10 steps in organizing Kitchen
1. Pretend that your cabinet has
glass door and that everyone is going
see what’s inside
“A place for everything,
everything in its place”

2. Remove all tools and

equipment and clean shelves with
soapy water.

3. Think about what tools you

use most often and make sure
these are easy to reach.

4. Take a cabinet full of glasses

and line them up by color. Group
them according to uniformity of
design and size. Make sure all of
the front are facing out.
“All designs with attention to details.”

5. Silverware/ Flatware can be

grouped according to its use. The
flatware looks neat and tidy inside
a clean kitchen drawer lined with
tarnish -resistant flannel or line

6. Ask someone else look at

what you’ve done and improve it.
Tools and equipment should be
stored in a clean, dry place and
adequately protected against
vermin and other sources of
7. Glassware should be stored in a
clean dry place. Open shelves is
best for storing fragile glasses. This
will prevent glasses from breaking
. Dry cups and glasses before
putting them to the cabinets to
prevent stains . Store long glasses
on shelf upright , mugs and cups
maybe stored upside
down. Wine glass may be placed
on specially designed rails
8.When stored in closed
cupboards or lockers, utensils
and containers must be covered
or inverted whenever possible.
Utensils must be stored on the
bottom shelves of open cabinets
below the working top level.

9. Racks, trays and shelves

must be made of materials that
are corrosive- resistant, non-
toxic, smooth, durable and
resistant to chipping

10. Drawers must be made of the

same materials and kept clean.
Full- lined drawers are not
acceptable, but the use of clean
and removable towels for lining
drawers is acceptable.

Operation Linis Kusina!
Conduct a clean –up drive in your respective home kitchen. Parents will give tasks to
each family member like to clean and sanitize the kitchen premises. Doing the work
together with love eases the hard task of each family member.
Document your activity with a video or pictures (before, during and after the tasks)
and send it to your teacher via messenger.
Accomplish this checklist
Criteria Yes No
1. Did we use appropriate cleaning implements and
cleaning agents for the following:
A. Glassware
B. Flatware
C. Plates
D. Bowls
E. Pots and Pans
F. Cooking Equipment
2. Did we follow the step by step procedure in washing kitchen
3. Did we follow the manufacturer’s
instructions in cleaning
4. Did we observe safety precautions in handling acid, bleach
and other chemical cleaning agents?
5. Did we handle the kitchen tools and equipment?
Activity 2:
Complete the step /procedure in washing dishes by hands. Fill in the boxes

Reminder: Do not forget your PPE- Personal Protective Equipment every time
you do a task in the kitchen… your apron, gloves, footwear and prevent your
hair from falling with hairnet or head bond.

Fact or Bluff
Direction: Write the word FACT if the kitchen tool is stored properly and
BLUFF if it is not. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

FACT/BLUFF Ways of Storing Cleaned Kitchen Tools and Equipment

Properly and Safely.
1. Fragile glasses are stored in an open shelves.
2. Tools most often used are placed at the highest shelf of the
3. Silverwares/flatwares are placed on a specially designed rails.
tarnish -resistant flannel or line.

4. Utensils must be stored on the bottom shelves of open

cabinets below the working top level.
5. Store long glasses on shelf upright , mugs and cups maybe
stored upside down.

Direction: Read the statements carefully and then select and write the letter of
your answer on the space provided.

______1. What is the difference between cleaning and sanitizing?

A. Cleaning uses chemicals or heat while sanitizing uses soap.
B. Cleaning uses soap while sanitizing uses water.
C. Cleaning uses soap while sanitizing uses chemicals or heat.
D. Cleaning uses water only while sanitizing uses soap.
______2. If you are to wash the dishes, which one is the last?
A. Flat wares B. Glass wares C. Plates D. Pots and pans
_______ 3. This equipment is used to mechanically wash, rinse and sanitize the
A. Mechanical cleaner. C. Mechanical dishwasher.
B. Mechanical disher. D. Mechanical sanitizer.
_______ 4. Why is there a need to stack dishes on a rack rather than stack dishes
on top of each other before washing them?
A. To allow the air to circulate properly C. To allow the water to circulate
B. To prevent the air to circulate properly. D. To prevent the water to
circulate properly.
_______ 5. Which of the following are ways to sanitize kitchen tools?
A. Cold method and chemical method. C. Heat method and chemical
B. Cold Method and soak method. D. Heat method and water
_______ 6. Why is it necessary to store cleaned kitchen tools properly?
A. To prevent bacteria from spreading and contaminating our food.
B. To prevent us from cleaning the kitchen tools.
C. To promote the spread of bacteria and diseases.
D. To protect the tools from being lost.
________ 7. Where should you store frequently used kitchen tools like silverware and glassware?
A. Accessible location. C. Inaccessible location.
B. Dark and hidden location D. Open location.
________ 8. Why is it important to store kitchen tools and equipment in a clean surface?
A. To lessen contamination in case of food contact.
B. To increase bacterial contamination.
C. To minimize contamination of food contact
D. To promote bacterial contamination.
________ 9. How do you store cups, bowls and glasses properly?
A. Inverted for storage. C. Stored in dark places.
B. Opened for storage. D. Stored in the most inaccessible places.
_______10. Which steps should you observe when washing the dishes?
A. Air –dry, Wipe, Stack, Prepare, Rinse, Scrape
B. Wash, Rinse, Scrape, Stack, Wipe Air-dry, Prepare
C. Prepare, Scrape, Stack, Wash, Rinse, Wipe, Air-dry
D. Wipe, Air-dry, Prepare, Wash, Stack, Wipe

Teacher’s Feedback:

Teacher Signature: ______________

Quarter 1 Module 3

Name: ____________________________________ Grade: ____ Section: ___________________

Clean, Sanitize and Store Kitchen Tools in Designated Space

Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC) which is to:

2.1 recognize the kitchen areas that need to be cleaned and sanitized.
2.2 clean the kitchen area hygienically in accordance with
food safety and occupational health regulations
2.3 clean surfaces without damaging property and adversely affecting health
 prepare own checklist of kitchen areas at home that need to be
cleaned and sanitized.
 realize the importance of cleaning and sanitizing kitchen premises at home.
 identify the areas in the kitchen that need to be cleaned hygienically in
accordance with food safety and occupational health regulations
 value the significance of observing food safety and occupational health
regulations in cleaning the kitchen areas
 identify kitchen surfaces that need to be cleaned
 value property and personal health when cleaning kitchen surfaces

One of the biggest concerns about cleanliness in the kitchen is food borne
illness due to spoilage or cross-contamination. You know about safety precautions
like using different cutting boards for meat and vegetables, always washing your
hands after handling raw meats and cleaning the sink and counter tops regularly.
LESSON 1: Recognize the Kitchen Areas that Need to be Cleaned and
Kitchen premises to be cleaned and sanitized
Kitchen floor is the lowest surface of a room which one may walk.
Kitchen wall is a continuous vertical brick, stone or wooden structure that
encloses or divides the kitchen area.
Shelves are flat horizontal plane used in a kitchen to hold items for storing. It is
raised off from the ground, anchored and supported on its shorter length sides by
Stove is an equipment for cooking or heating that operates by burning fuel or
using electricity
Table is a piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs , providing a
level surface on which food and other items can be used for food preparation and
Cleaning Challenge (Checklist)
After knowing the kitchen areas, you are now ready to prepare your own
checklist for cleaning your kitchen. A checklist is a list of items or things to be done
that serves as a reminder for a person.
Here is an example of a checklist commonly used in a kitchen. Try to prepare your
own checklist for cleaning and sanitizing your own kitchen.
Cleaning and
Areas of When
How to sanitizing to be
Kitchen to clean used
Walls and Weekly Wash walls with hot soapy water Use damp cloth or
Cupboard and sanitize. disposable cloth and
s sanitizer.
Refrigerators Weekly Remove food residue or spillage. Apply sanitizer and
Wipe door handles. Wash allow to dry
shelves and floors with hot
soapy water.
Chopping Every day Remove loose debris. Use hot water and
Boards or after Wash chopping board in hot paper
. each use soapy water towel or cloth.
Rubbish Bins Every Take out rubbish and place in Replace with new
/Trash Cans night designated area. clean bin liner. Put a
new bin liner.
Electrical Daily Wipe clean with dry cloth For windows, use
Switches, mild acid cleaner and
Door, Handles dry cloth.
Windows Monthly For windows, spray with Eco-Friendly sanitizer
and Doors sanitizer and wipe clean. For
doors, wipe clean using cloth
Pantry Every 6 Wipe the inside of the cabinet Eco-Friendly sanitizer
Area months with damp cloth followed by dry
cloth. Wipe down containers and
bottles that collected dust.
Sink Area Everyday Wash the entire surface area of Eco-Friendly sanitizer
the sink using gentle soap, soft
cloth and warm water. To clean
the faucets, drain and clean the
outer rim.
Preparation Daily Always use detergents and Eco-Friendly sanitizer
damp cloth to clean surfaces of
Area grease, and visible dirt, followed
by disinfectant that can kill
bacteria, then air dry.
Floors Daily Sweep the floor regularly to Eco-Friendly sanitizer
minimize dust and allergens.
Wash the floor weekly with soap
and water to keep the floor
Stoves Everyday For tough stains and built-up Eco Friendly sanitizer
spills, spread the 1:2 vinegar:
baking soda mixture on the
stovetop surface, then let the
mixture sit for 10 to 15 minutes,
before gently scrubbing it off. Dry
the stovetop with a clean cloth,
place the metal coils back in the
drip pans, and the drip pans
back in the stove.
LESSON 2: Clean the Kitchen Area Hygienically in Accordance with
Food Safety and Occupational Health Regulations
Proper maintenance and regular cleaning of your kitchen will reduce the
possibility of pests. Some pests, such as cockroaches, are extremely skilled at
hiding behind clutter. This makes it imperative that you not only maintain clean
counter tops and floors, but that your cupboard space is neatly organized, as well.


1. Clear and empty the counters. Wipe the

with sponge and warm soapy water. Use
non- abrasive dish soap. Avoid acidic natural
cleaners like vinegar and lemon juice, these
can damage the surface. Remove the soap
using damp cloth or towel. After cleaning, put
the items in its respective container.
2. Prepare a basin filled with hot water and
proper amount of dishwashing soap. Follow
the 5 steps in dishwashing: scrape, wash,
rinse, sanitize and air dry. Drain the sink
and rinse with hot water.
Wipe down the faucet and the handles.
Use a sponge to remove soap deposits, food
stains, rust, water spots to clean faucets and
For porcelain sink, use mild liquid detergent,
vinegar or baking soda. Do not use bleach on
colored porcelain. For stained sink, use ½
cup of powdered borax and squeezed lemon
juice from half of the fruit
Use vinegar on lime deposits. Soak paper towel
on vinegar and wrap the towel around the lime
deposits area. Wait for 14 10 minutes, then
wipe with dry paper towel.
3. Remove expired food items in the refrigerator.
Clean the refrigerator from top to bottom. Wipe
the shelves with soft towel and a non-toxic
/corrosive all purpose cleaner. Use the
Homemade All-Purpose Cleaner that you learned
Diluted bleach or vinegar may also be used in
cleaning the inner part of refrigerator, but do
not mix the two acids. Always follow the
manufacturer’s instructions when using
Use regular sponges. Clean the outer part by
using a microfiber cloth or soft cloth. Clean
also the top of refrigerator using cloth.
4. Dust the upper part of the kitchen, upper
corners, light fixtures, top of cabinets and
refrigerator. Remove the dirt and the things that
need to be discarded to the floor, then sweep
them up later. Clean the upper cabinets, then
the lower cabinets and walls.
Use damp cloth to clean wooden cabinets. Too
much liquid will damage the wood. Use
microfiber cloth to wipe the wood.
For glass cabinets
Use glass cleaner and polishing cloth. Refer to
the homemade glass cleaner that you learned
from your previous lesson.
5. Apply or spray the stovetop with all –
purpose cleaner, and let it sit for a few
minutes. Remove the stains with the aid of the
all-purpose cleaner, then wipe with a clean dry

6. Sweep the floor starting with the baseboards

under the cabinets, where dirt hides.
Never dig the mop in the sink. Dump the
dirty water outside.

7. Empty the trash. Before replacing the bag,

wipe the inside of the bin and the interior of the
top with clean wipes.

LESSON 3: Clean Surfaces without Damaging Property and Adversely

A lot of accidents can occur in the kitchen of which some are disastrous and
others minor. You can never tell when these accidents will occur and of what nature
so it is best to take precaution. What I have listed above is but a sample of much more
protective equipment for you. Take time to find out more about this for you and your
family’s safety. Remember to also share this information with your loved ones to help
them from encountering any mishap.
The best way to clean any kitchen surface
The average kitchen has a variety of different surfaces. Whether you opt for
stainless steel or laminate surfaces or a ceramic or enamel sink, chances are you
have a range of different materials in your kitchen.
Needless to say, with surfaces, cabinets and sinks, it's not a one-size-fits-all
approach when it comes to cleaning! Different materials, surfaces and features will
need to be cleaned accordingly.
Natural solid surfaces
Granite is a good example of a natural, solid surface. Black granite looks
wonderful when newly polished, but it takes a lot of elbow grease to keep it
looking shiny.
Clean with hot solution washing up liquid and buff to a shine with an e-cloth.
Stainless steel
To clean, wash with a solution of washing up liquid and dry with a soft cloth.
Don’t use any abrasive cream cleaners. If you just want to remove finger marks,
put a dab of baby oil or rinse aid on a clean cloth and rub the whole surface.
Laminates and man-made composites
Wipe down with washing-up liquid solution or use an anti-bacterial all-purpose
kitchen spray. Use a cream cleaner to remove staining. If the surface is
textured use a nylon bristled brush to get into the grain.
You’re safe to use solvents on laminates so you can tackle marks such as felt
tip with white spirit or nail-polish remover. Rinse thoroughly. Chips and small
scratches can be repaired using a laminate repairer or sealant. To remove
scratches on man-made composites, rub with medium and fine-grade sandpaper
in a circular motion. Buff well with a soft cloth.
Ceramic tiles
As laminates. Clean grouting with an old toothbrush dipped in a bleach
solution. Rinse thoroughly.
Wood/wood veneer
Wipe with a damp cloth and washing-up liquid solution. Use neat washing-up
liquid on stains, rubbing along the grain with a soft cloth.
Coloured wood effect
Wipe down with a washing-up solution taking care not to over wet. Rub stains
carefully with a slightly abrasive cream cleaner.
High gloss
These can easily be scratched so use a soft damp clean cloth. Use neat
washing-up liquid on stains, rubbing gently, then rinse well and dry. Buff with
a chamois leather or microfiber cloth to remove watermarks.
Kitchen sink Ceramic
For thorough cleaner use a slightly abrasive cream cleaner or an anti-bacterial
cleaning spray. To restore brightness fill sink with a cold water and add a cup of
bleach. Leave to soak then rinse thoroughly.
General cleaning uses a damp cloth and washing up liquid solution of
antibacterial cleaning spray. Don’t leave tea, coffee or fruit juices as these will
stain. Soak stubborn stains in a solution of biological washing powder or well-
diluted bleach.
Wipe down with a damp cloth and washing up liquid. Remove any limescale
marks with scouring pad and paste of bicarbonate of soda.
Stainless steel
Wipe with a damp cloth and washing-up solution or anti-bacterial spray. Once
a week use a cream cleaner, rinse and dry. Use a proprietary limescale remover
as necessary.
Wash as stainless steel but do not use limescale removers. If you get a build-up
of scale remove using a plastic scourer, neat washing up liquid and plenty of
elbow grease!
Activity 1:
Below is a table for you to prepare a cleaning checklist, for at least 5 areas of
your kitchen

Areas of Cleaning and

Kitchen When to
How to clean sanitizing to be

Activity 2:
Find me!
Name the numbered kitchen areas. Write your answers below.

1. 2. 3. _ _ 4. 5.
Performance Activity: Make a poster slogan, expressing your opinion on the
importance of a clean kitchen. Give a title of your poster slogan and submit it to
your teacher. Your work shall be graded using the rubrics below. Use a coupon

Criteria Point Score
Creatively and neatly done showing much relevance to 5
the given
Creatively done and neat enough with relevance to the 4
given topic
Creatively done and neat enough but no relevance to the 3
given topic
Simply done and neat enough but not so relevant to the 2
given topic
Poorly done with erasures and irrelevant to the given topic 1

Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if otherwise on the blank
provided before the number.

________ 1. Remove unnecessary clutter from surfaces.

________ 2. Keep your refrigerator messy and untidy.
________ 3. Use a rubbish bin open to let odors out to attract flies and other insect.
________ 4. Wash and disinfect your rubbish bin everyday.
________ 5. Use separate chopping boards for different kinds of food.
________ 6. Change the dishcloth frequently which you use in wiping surfaces
________ 7. Use a wet towel for any mess that is like to cause contamination, such
as raw meat or eggs and anything that has fallen on the floor.
________ 8. Keep kitchen floors free from debris and grease by sweeping and
washing regularly.
________ 9. Never wash surfaces that get touched.
________ 10. Wash your hands before handling food.
Direction: Read each statement carefully. Choose and write the letter of the
answers on the blank provided before the number.
_______ 1. Which area in the kitchen has an ideally large counter space to work on
before actual cooking?
A. Cooking Area B. Pantry Area C. Preparation Area D. Sink Area
_______ 2. Where do you put all the utensils, equipment, kitchen appliances and
A. Pantry Area B. Pantry Area C. Sink Area D. Storage Area
_______ 3. This is the important part of the kitchen where cleaning of dishes is
A. Cooking Area B. Preparation Area C. Sink Area D. Storage
_______ 4. What are the things that are commonly seen in a storage area?
A. A large counter space with tools C. Stove and oven
B. Cabinets and drawers D. Refrigerators
_______ 5. Which of the following does NOT belong in the cooking area?
A. Cooking ware B. Oven C. Range D. Stove
______ 6. Which is best to use in cleaning porcelain sink?
A. Use bleach. C. Use powered borax.
B. Use mild liquid detergent, vinegar or baking. D. Use vinegar.
______7. Which of the following is best used in cleaning wooden cabinets?
A. Use bleach. C. Use regular sponges.
B. Use oil soap and damp cloth. D. Vinegar and lemon juice.
______ 8. Which of the following is NOT true in cleaning the refrigerator?
A. Clean the external or outer part by using steel brush.
B. Clean refrigerator from top to bottom, wipe down shelves with
microfiber cloth.
C. Towel and a non-toxic/corrosive material are good for rubber pose.
D. Use regular sponges and thin rags.
______ 9. What will you use in wiping the kitchen counters?
A. Acidic natural cleaners. C. Dish soap and cold soapy water.
B. Damp cloth or towel. D. Sponge and warm soapy water.
______ 10. Which of the following statements is NOT true in cleaning the kitchen?
A. Clean upper cabinets, then lower cabinets and anything mounted on
the walls.
B. Dig the mop in the sink from time to time.
C. Empty the refrigerator of any food items that are expired.
D. Prepare a basin filled with hot water and few squirts of dish washing
_______ 11. Which is the best material to use in cleaning tile kitchen surface?
A. Use a nylon bristled brush. C. Use a non-abrasive multi-surface cleaner.
B. Clean with hot solution. D. Use a multi-purpose spray.
_______ 12. Which of the following is NOT true in cleaning a stainless-steel kitchen
A. Use a non-abrasive multi-surface cleaner.
B. Do not use any abrasive cream cleaners.
C. Wash with a solution of washing up liquid and dry with a soft cloth.
D. Put a dab of baby oil or rinse aid on a clean cloth and rub the whole
_______ 13. What is the best material to use in cleaning marble kitchen surface?
A. Use a nylon bristled brush.
B. Wipe with soapy solution.
C. Use a non-abrasive multi-surface cleaner.
D. Use a multi-purpose spray or microfiber cloth.
_______ 14. Why is unsealed wood not a good choice to use in cleaning kitchen
A. Very expensive to manufacture.
B. Surfaces can be scratched and chipped.
C. Can crack if stressed.
D. The wood darkens as it ages no matter how often you dust it and the
wood may warp
______ 15. Which kitchen surface is cleaned and sanitized with hot solution,
washed up liquid and buffed to shine with a soft cloth?
A. Ceramics B. Granite C. Stainless Steel D. Wood

Teacher’s Feedback:

Teacher Signature: ________________

Quarter 1 Module 4

Name: __________________________________ Grade: ______ Section: ____________________

Clean and Sanitize Kitchen

Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC) which is to:
2.4 Use Cleaning Agents in Sanitizing Kitchen Premises Safely
2.5 Follow Cleaning Schedule based on Enterprise Procedures
2.6 Follow Safety and First Aid
Procedures TLE_HECK-12KP-Ib-2
 identify the cleaning agents in sanitizing kitchen premises safely
 realize the importance of cleaning agents in sanitizing kitchen premises.
 identify the daily, weekly and monthly task for cleaning schedule
value the importance of having a daily, weekly and monthly schedule in
keeping home clean and sanitized.
 enumerate the safety and first aid procedures.
 realize the significance of following safety and first aid
procedures in the kitchen
Everyone can help fight and prevent the spread of viruses like coronavirus, by
staying home. As teenager, you can help clean and sanitize home premises, using
the knowledge that you learned from your previous lessons. You may use the
approved cleaning agents in the market or the homemade all-purpose cleaner that
you prepared for your family.
There are two methods that you can use in sanitizing your kitchen tools and
equipment. You can use chemical sanitation and heat sanitation method.
It is a method of using chemical compounds which are safe. It is used against
bacteria, molds and viruses. Most homeowners use water and chlorine.
Caution: You need to know the right concentration
to be used based on the label. Check also suitable
materials for Chlorine to prevent the damage of
kitchen tools and equipment. How do you prepare
Chlorine solution for chemical sanitation?
Chemical method solution using
Chlorine solution: Soak dishes for at least one
minute in a sanitizing solution. Remove dishes and
allow to completely air dry. Use gloves or utensils like
tong to remove dishes from hot water. When using
bleach, be sure to check the bleach label statement.
You need to have adult supervision when preparing
this chemical solution.
List of accepted chemical sanitizers
It is the most commonly used inexpensive and effective
disinfectant. It disinfects, deodorizes and removes stains on
sink, tiles, tubs, vinyl, linoleums, porcelain and other hard

Carbolic Acid

It is a white crystalline soluble

poisonous acidic derivative of benzene.
It is used as antiseptic and

A colorless gas used to prepare a surface or disinfection. It removes

difficult dirt and grime from surfaces. It is necessary to read the manufacturer ‘s
instructions in the label before using it. Never mix ammonia with chlorine bleach.
Dishwashing Soap

It is also known as dishwashing

soap/dish soap used to wash
glassware, tableware, silverware,
utensils and kitchen tools.

It is used to disinfect floors, walls, bed

frames, countertops, tables, chairs,
garbage pails, and other hard surfaces.
is specifically made for hospitals, schools
and nursing home.

Soap is a cleansing agent Soap and

used to remove
bacteria and other microorganisms from
hands by hand washing. Alcohol – based
sanitizers can reduce microbes on hands.
Hand sanitizers are not effective when
hands are dirty. Handwashing with soap
is still recommended.

It is a sanitizer that kills bacteria, fungi and viruses. Alcohol

should be at least70% isopropyl and apply it for 30
seconds or 1 minute, to kill the bacteria.

Boric Acid

It is used as cleaner, stain

remover, disinfectant deodorizer and
mould-killer. Boric Acid in the form of
Borax can be corrosive to the eye.

Heat Method is a method of allowing

kitchen tools and areas be exposed to
high heat for a given time for the
purpose of sanitizing the surface.
Heat method solution: Soak dishes
completely covered in 170 °F or 76 degree
Celsius or a temperature almost re aching the boiling point. Use thermometer to
check water temperature, and time your soak with a clock. Remove dishes and
allow to completely air dry. Use gloves or utensils like tong to remove dishes from
hot water.

List of heat sanitizers

Hot water

Using hot water is one method in sanitizing kitchen

implements and kitchen premises. Water is heated at a
minimum 180 ºF.


It is used to disinfect and kill bacteria

and viruses, and more. Do this method
for at least three minutes. The higher
the temperature, the better.

Dry heat

It is used to sterilize items using conduction.

Lesson 2: Follow Cleaning Schedule Based on Enterprise Procedures

A well-planned cleaning schedule allows you to finish work systematically. It gives you
the feeling of satisfaction, when you get things done. You become more organized in
performing your daily task. Hence, you save time, energy and resources when you plan task
at home. Safety and health security are also your priority, when you prepare and follow
schedu Lesson 2: Follow Cleaning Schedule Based on Enterprise Procedures
A well-planned cleaning schedule allows you to finish work systematically. It gives you
the feeling of satisfaction, when you get things done. You become more organized in
Lesson 3: Follow Safety and First Aid Procedures
Cut is a break or • Use knife properly. To stop severe bleeding, apply
opening in the skin. It is • Keep your knife pressure using a thick cloth on the
also called a laceration. sharp. cut then get medical help. Minor
A cut may be deep, • Use a drawer cuts – wash with soap and
smooth, or jagged. It divider or knife rack water, blot dry and
may be near the surface for sharp and cutting bandage.
of the skin, or deeper. A tools. Basic First Aid -Cuts
deep • Don’t try to catch * In general, a cut that need stitches
cut can affect tendons, a falling knife. should be repaired within 6 hours
muscles, ligaments, • Don’t soak knives in of the injury.
nerves, blood vessels, or sink or dishpan or The exception is cuts on the face
bone. water. and scalp, which generally can be
• Remove broken glass repaired up to 24 hours after the
from the floor using injury.
broom and dustpan Steps to treat minor cuts: Stop
the bleeding
-apply pressure on the area
. Clean and protect
-clean the area with warm water
and gentle soap
-apply an antibiotic to reduce
-put sterile bandage on the area
Call a health care provider
- if …
-the cut is deep or over a joint
-you cant get the
cut/laceration clean
-the injury is a deep puncture
wound or the person has not had
recent (within 5 to 10
years) tetanus shot or booste
BURN *Oven gloves should be To treat first degree burn, place the
First-degree burn this used when taking injured area under cool, running
involves just the items out of the oven. water for 3 to 5
top layer of skin.It looks • Make sure that gas minutes. Apply an antibiotic ointment
red and is painful, like flames on the top of (prescribed by the Doctor) never
sunburn the cooking ware is put ice, oil, butter
not too high, to avoid or toothpaste to your wound. Cover it
oil or fat from food with a clean bandage. It should heal
splashing on to skin. in 3 to
• Be careful when you 6 days.
When you trip, the body
typically falls
forward. You use your
hands and knees to brace
your fall.
fry, fire must not be too
• Always use pot
holder when handling
hot casserole.

Second-degree burn- this is To treat second degree burn, soak

a deeper skin injury the burned area in cool water for 15
that turns to30 minutes. Apply an antibiotic
red, does blisters, swells, cream to prevent infection
and hurts. (Prescribed by the physician). Cover
Third-degree burn-this type the area with a sterilized dressing.
of severe burn involves all Change the dressing each day and
layers of skin and will have check nor signs of infection. These
white or blackened tissue on include increased redness, swelling,
top. It might pain and pus. This is a medical
not hurt much. That’s emergency. Cover the wound in a
because the nerves in the cool, wet dressing and bring to the
skin are damaged. nearest emergency room of the
FALL -move downward, • Keep floor clean and Don’t move a person with broke
typically rapidly and freely free ofclutter. bones unless necessary. Call medical
without control, from a Wipe up spills, help if headaches, dizziness, vomiting,
higher to a lower level. spatters and peelings. or speech impairment results from
- lose one's balance and • Eliminate other head injury.
collapse hazards, slippery Mild bruises/sprains need ice bag
floors, throw rugs and or cold water/cloths and elevation.
fix damaged flooring.
• Tie shoes, avoid long
clothes, floppy slippers.
• Use a firm step stool
or ladder instead of a
chair when repairing or
fixing higher part of
SLIPS- loss of balance when • Avoid spilling water If your injury is serious and needs
there is too little friction and make sure that immediate attention, consult the
between the foot and the boiling pots do not Doctor.
floor (e.g. stepping on a wet overflow and spill on to If there is no obvious injury of a
or oily surface) the floor. person, help him into a sitting
Slip tends to propel the • Avoid overfilling pots position carefully.
body backwards. with water Note any sign of pain, discomfort or
Depending on the velocity • Make sure to clean dizziness. Allow the person to relax
of your movements, you spillage as soon as and rest.
could possible to prevent
seriously injure your head, anyone else from
neck, or spine. entering the kitchen
and slipping.
General rules for safety in the kitchen

1. Keep sharp knives out of children’s reach.

2. Cut away from yourself when using a chopping-board.
3. Do not allow pets in the kitchen.
4. Keep curtains away from the stove.
5. Do not wear garments with long or wide sleeves when you work at the stove.
6. Mark containers that contain foodstuffs and cleaning agents clearly.
7. Mark poisons clearly and keep them safely out of reach of the children.
8. Roll broken glass in layers of newspaper before placing it in a trash bin.
9. When passing a knife to someone, present it with the handle
pointing towards the recipient.
10. Do not run and play in a kitchen.

Performance Activity 1:
Direction: Make a simple poster slogan on ensuring your safety when cleaning
and sanitizing the kitchen.
Materials: A4 bond paper, Coloring Materials, pencil, marker, ruler. Your output will
be rated using the rubrics below.
Characteristics GOOD (5) FAIR (4) POOR (2)
The poster slogan is exceptionally
attractive and neat.
The poster slogan is exceptionally
The poster slogan has exceptional
ideas and has relevance to the
There are no grammatical errors.

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on a separate sheet
of paper.
1. Which type of severe burn involves all layers of skin and will have white
or blackened tissue on top?
A. First-degree burn C. Third-degree burn
B. Second-degree burn D. Fourth-Degree burn
2. Which of the following ways is NOT true in preventing cuts?
A. Keep floors clean and free of clutter.
B. Don’t soak knives in sink or dishpan or water.
C. Knives should be kept sharp and use properly.
D. Sweep up broken glass from the floor using broom
3. Erikca saw her mother accidentally fall while working in the kitchen. If
you were Erikca, what will you do?
A. Apply an antibiotic ointment.
B. Cover the area with a sterile dressing.
C. Don’t move a person with broken bones unless necessary.
D. Apply pressure using a thick cloth on the cut then get medical help.
4. Which of the following kitchen activity is done weekly?
A. Remove and clean drain covers.
B. Sweep floors after meals and mop.
C. Wash dish cloths at each end of the day.
D. Remove lime and other residues on dishwasher and sink.
5.Louella helped her sister stop the bleeding, when she accidentally cut
her finger while cooking. After stopping the bleeding, what must she do
A. Cover the wounds properly C. Stop the bleeding immediately
B. Seek immediate medical help D. Apply antiseptic for minor wounds
6. This is the most commonly used inexpensive and effective disinfectant?
A. Ammonia B. Carbolic Acid C. Chlorine D. Timsen
7.What is used to prepare the surface before disinfection as it removes difficult
dirt and grime?
A. Ammonia B. Boric Acid C. Chlorine D. Timsen
8.Which of the following ca be used as cleanser, stain remover,
disinfectant deodorizer and mould-killer?
A. Boric Acid B. Carboric Acid C. Chlorine D.Timsen
9.Which heat method is used to disinfect and kill bacteria and viruses and
more within at least three minutes?
A. Dry Heat B. Filtration C. Heat Water D. Steam
10. What method is used against bacteria, molds and viruses?
A. Chemical Sanitation B. Filtration C. Heat Method D. Sanitation
11. This kind of skin injury turns red, does blisters, swells, and hurts.
A. First-degree burn C. Third-degree burn
B. Second-degree burn D. Fourth-Degree burn
________ 12. Which is the best way to treat a third-degree burn?
A. apply an antibiotic ointment.
B. cover the area with a sterile dressing.
C. cover the wound in a cool, wet dressing and consult a doctor.
D. place the injured area under cool, running water for 3 to 5 minutes.
13. Why do need to empty and clean trash can daily?
A. To prevent rodents and vermin's to come over.
B. To avoid fool odor.
C. To keep any kind of food contamination.
D. All of the above
14. What will you do first when you accidentally cut your finger, while
working in the kitchen?
A. Clean the wound. C. Stop the bleeding immediately.
B. Cover the wounds properly. D. Apply antiseptic for minor wounds.
15. How do you prevent cut while working in the kitchen?
A. avoid overfilling pots with water.
B. keep and use sharp tools properly.
C. keep floors clean and free of clutter.
D. make sure that gas flames on the cooker top are not too high

Teacher’s Feedback:

Teacher Signature: ________________

Quarter 1 Module 5

Name: ___________________________________ Grade: _____ Section: _____________________

Tools and Equipment Needed in the Preparation of

Most Essential Learning Competency:
Identify tools and equipment needed in the preparation of
appetizers TLE_HECK9-12PA-Ic-3
 use correct tools and equipment in preparing appetizers.
 value the importance of choosing the correct tools and
equipment in preparing appetizers.
This module teaches you how to identify the different tools and equipment
needed in preparing appetizers. It also helps you determine the uses of each tool
and equipment, and the ways to clean as well as to sanitize them. It teaches you to
prepare tools and equipment based on the required task.
Familiarization on the different tools and equipment used in the kitchen is one of
the integral part in cooking. Knowing each uses and the right tools and equipment
to be used for a specific task is as important as our health. You should be able to
identify and prepare all the needed tools and equipment as well as all the
ingredients to make the preparation and cooking easy.
LESSON 1: Identify tools and equipment needed in the preparation of appetizers
How to Perform Mise- En- Place
Mise- En- Place is a French culinary phrase which means “set in place” or
“to put everything in it’s place.” One of the most essential technique that is
used in order to assemble meals quickly and systematically.

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Read the recipe and make Prepare all needed Place each ingredient in
a plan ingredients tools and container and position
equipment them near cooking area

Figure out before cooking Chop any ingredients that Choose containers that fit
which ingredients, tools needs chopping, mince the ingredients. Example,
and equipment you need to anything you need to you can put your measured
minced,measure all the milk i a small bowl and
ingredients which you need chop meat on a plate
to measure, to have the exact
Kitchen Tools in Preparing Appetizers

 It is a small handheld utensil used for food preparation.

It is a sharp-edged scoop for cutting out balls
of fruits and vegetable.

It is used for making butter curls.

It is a small hand tool in making garnishes.

It is a kitchen utensil used to strain or rinse
foods such as pasta, rice or even vegetables.
Colanders are also made of plastic, silicone,
ceramic, and enamelware.

It refers to any receptacle for holding a
product used in storing, packaging, and

It is also known as “chopping board”.
It is a wooden or plastic board used for cutting fruits
and vegetables.
Here are the different cutting board colors
and their meanings:
Green: Fruits & Vegetables
Yellow: Raw Poultry
Blue: Cooked Food
White: Dairy
Products Tan: Fish
& Seafood Red:
Raw Meat
Follow the color code of cutting boards to
prevent food contamination.

It is a small tool used for chopping, slicing and dicing

fresh fruits and vegetables .

It is a cutting device used for cutting

ingredients. (example: scissors).


A measuring cup is used for
measuring dry ingredients such as
flour, sugar, oats etc.
It is made up of plastic or metal and sets
usually include 1 cup, 1/2 cup, 1/3 cup and
1/4 cup.
When using a dry measuring cup, the
capacity is measured to the level top of the
It refers to a container which is
usually transparent.
It is smooth in the inside with the
graduation mark on the outside to read.
This is also used for measuring liquid
ingredients such as water, fruit juice,milk
and oil.
Liquid measuring cup is a vessel used
specifically for measuring liquids.
When measuring liquids, fill the measuring
cup with liquid and hold the cup at eye level
to check the amount.

They are used for measuring dry and liquid
ingredients in small quantity.

These containers have smooth, rounded
interior surfaces with no creases to retain
some mixture.
They refer to an item used for mixing ingredients.
It is made of wood in different sizes and
different length of the handle.
A tool that is used to remove the skin
covering of fruit and vegetables.
It is a very versatile type of knife which
can be used for many food preparation tasks
(from peeling vegetables and chopping fruits
to deveining shrimp and slicing cheese).
This type of knife have blades that range between
3- 4 inches.

It is a tool which is specifically designed to
press cooked vegetables especially potato.


It is used to scrape off mixtures in the

bowls. A kitchen implement made of
metal, plastics,
wood, rubber or silicone.


It refers to is a broad, flat, flexible blade

used to flip , spread and lift material.


A cutlery or kitchenware utensil used in lifting or

combining foods.
It is made up of wood, stainless or
plastic. It varies in different sizes and
color as well.

A tool used for mixing thinner liquids. It is also

used to beat eggs, create foamy egg whites, whip cream
and add air into any kind of batter or substance.


It is used to remove zest or citrus peels in thin strips.

Kitchen Equipment
Usually refers to the larger items in the kitchen that handle bulk preparation
and cooking processes.


It is a cold storage used for keeping cold food and

liquid chilled for service


A kitchen stove, often called simply a stove or

a cooker, is a kitchen appliance designed for the
purpose of cooking food.


It is a thermally insulated item used for heating,

baking, or drying food.


It is colloquially called as “fridge”, a large,

cold storage equipment, which helps us
reduce the rate of food spoilage.
The lower temperature lowers the
reproduction rate of bacteria, so the
refrigerator reduces the rate of spoilage.12
Keep the refrigerator temperature at or
below 40° F (4° C).

Activity1 :
Direction: Identify appropriate tools and equipment suitable for the
given kitchen activity.
Tools or Equipment to be
Kitchen Activities Used
1. Keeping leftover to
prevent spoilage and
keeping ingredients, 1.
vegetables and other
food fresh
2. Baking of cakes and

3. Zesting of lemon for
Leche plan making


4. Slicing meat on it


5.Cooking of delicious
food for the family

6. Scraping off
mixtures in the bowl.

7. Measuring liquid
ingredients on it.

8. Beating eggs,
creating foamy egg
whites and whipping 8.

9. Removing the skin

covering of fruit and

10. Curling butters for

a nice garnish

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the letter of your
Answer on the space provided before the numbers.
1. Which of the following is NOT an example of equipment that are used in
the kitchen?
A. Blender B. Microwave Oven C. Refrigerator D. Tong
2. Gloria will prepare a spaghetti for her pajama party on Friday. What
essential utensil will she use to strain the pasta?
A. Colander C. Strainer
B. Mixing bowl D. Wire whip
3. Which equipment is used to prepare Baked Tahong?
A. Microwave Oven B. Oven C. Stove D. Toaster
4. Pedro wants to make Dynamite Lumpia as appetizer, but she finds
difficulty in searching for tools to be used. What tool will you suggest in
preparing Dynamite Lumpia?
A. Chopping Board B. Mixing bowl C. Knife D. All of the Above
______5. Juanita wants to prepare a mashed, sweet potato for her daughter. Which
of the following tools should she use?
A. Grater B. Grinder C. Mortar and pestleD. Potato masher
______6. Tekla needs to bake a chocolate moist cake for her mom’s 60th birthday.
What baking equipment does she need?
A. Bread toaster B. Baking oven C. Microwave oven D. Steam oven
7. This means “to set in place” or “to put everything in the right place”.
A. Au Gratin B. Mise-en-place C. Nouvelle Cuisine D. Mise-en-
8. Juan organizes a thanksgiving party for his daughter’s graduation. He
notices that there are a lot of lef over foods on the table. Which is the best
storing equipment to use?
A. Chiller B. Crisper C. Freezer D. Refrigerator
9. This essential tool is made up of a wood or plastic board with different set
of color which is used as a surface for cutting, slicing and chopping fruits,
vegetables and meat.
A. Chopping Board B. Colander C. Kitchen shears D. Knife
__10. Which tool is used for measuring liquid ingredients like water, milk and oil?
A. Glass measuring cup B. Measuring cups C. Mixing bowls D. Paring knife

Teachers Feedback:


Teacher Signature: ___________________

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