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Name: Karen A.

Section: III-AMA

Bivariate Data

I. Answer the following.

1. Differentiate univariate from bivariate data. ‘

"Uni" means one. In other words, the univariate data simply means analyzing one
or single variable, while the so-called bivariate data analyzes two variables that might
be compared to find correlations which sometimes happened that other variable can
be modify or alter by another variable.

2. Give five examples of bivariate data.

Example 1. A broken family affects the child perspective as they get older.
Independent Variable: Broken Family
Dependent Variable: Child perspective

Example 2. As a car gets older, its value decreases.

Independent Variable: A car gets older
Dependent Variable: Value decreases

Example 3. The more a person constantly eats sweets, the higher the chance of
having a toothache.
Independent Variable: Constantly eating sweets
Dependent Variable: Higher chance of having toothache.

Example 4. When a kid receives treats or a toy, they will do anything you
Independent Variable: Kid receives treats or a toy
Dependent Variable: Will do anything commanded

Example 5. Having an intimate connection while you are younger can interfere
with your studies.
Independent Variable: Having intimate relationship at a young age
Dependent Variable: Interfere your studies.
3. Determine the independent variable and dependent variable in the following

a. The height of bean plants depends on the amount of water they receive.

Independent Variable: Amount of water receive

Dependent Variable: Height of bean plants

b. Spending time with a family dog decreases the amount of stress someone is

Independent Variable: Spending time with a family dog

Dependent Variable: Amount of stress someone is feeling

c. Eating breakfast in the morning increases the ability to learn in school.

Independent Variable: Eating breakfast in the morning

Dependent Variable: Ability to learn in school

d. A comprehension test was given to students after they had studied textbook
material either in silence or with the television turned on.

Independent Variable: Studying the textbook in silence or with the television

turned on.
Dependent Variable: Achievement on a test/ How well the students did on the
comprehension test.

e. Workers at a company were assigned to one of two conditions: One group

completed a stress management training program; another group of workers
did not participate in the training. The number of sick days taken by these
workers was examined for the next 2 months.

Independent Variable: Group training (Completion of a stress management

training program vs. group not participating in the training)
Dependent Variable: Number of sick days

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