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CHAPTER ONE..........................................................................................................................................2
1.1 Background of the study....................................................................................................................2
1.2 Statement of the problem...................................................................................................................3
1.3 Research Question.............................................................................................................................4
1.4 objective of the study.........................................................................................................................5
1.4.1 General Objective.......................................................................................................................5
1.4.2 Specific Objectives.....................................................................................................................5
1.5 significant of the study.......................................................................................................................5
1.6 scope of the study............................................................................................................................5
1.7 limitation of the study........................................................................................................................5
1.8 organization of the paper...................................................................................................................6
CHAPTER TWO.........................................................................................................................................7
REVIEW RELATED LITERATURE.....................................................................................................7
2.1 Definition of Job Satisfaction............................................................................................................7
2.2 Theoretical Review............................................................................................................................8
2.3 The Cause and consequence of Job Satisfaction.............................................................................10
2.4Motivation through Job Design........................................................................................................12
2.5 Compensation..................................................................................................................................13
2.6 Financial Compensation..................................................................................................................13
2.7 Non –Financial Compensation.........................................................................................................14
CHAPTER THREE...................................................................................................................................16
RESAERCH METHDOLOGY................................................................................................................16
3.1 Research Design..............................................................................................................................16
3.2 Source and Type of Data.................................................................................................................16
3.3 Target population.............................................................................................................................16
3.4 sampling technique and sample size................................................................................................17
3.5 methods of data collection...............................................................................................................17
3.6 Method of Data Analysis, Interpretation and presentation...............................................................17
3.7 Ethical consideration.......................................................................................................................17

1.1 Background of the study
Every type and form of business organization there is one big issue deals with all managerial
level that is how the employees of an organization are staying in the organization by assuming
their duties and responsibilities so as to attain efficient and effective productivity. In order to
visualize this big issue the contribution factors for employees job satisfaction should be studied
in detail for this plays a pivotal roles in employee’s existence in the organization by assuming
their responsibility and accountability (McGraw rwin, 2009)
Different scholar’s authors have written so many literatures up on the employee’s job satisfaction
and performance. They have been given so many recommendations on how to maximize job
satisfaction and minimize job dissatisfaction. This study also takes this topic employees job
satisfaction and performance in to account and assess the overall satisfaction of employees in
their work area. Job satisfaction defined as an effective or emotional respond towards various
factors of one job (Robbins, 1997)

The term 'job satisfaction’ therefore refers to the favourableness with which employees view
their work and the term 'job dissatisfaction' to the unfavourableness with which they take their
work (Qasim, Cheema &Syed, 2012).various theories like Maslow’s need hierarchy theory,
Herzberg’s motivation- hygiene theory, and vroom's expectancy model have been extended to
describe the factors responsible for the job satisfaction of the employees in the organization.

According to kreintker &kinicki,(1992) at the individual level satisfaction and productivity are
slightly related. However stated that when satisfaction and productivity data are gathered for the
organization at whole, rather than at the individual level, it is found that organization with more
satisfied workers tend to be more effective than organizations with fewer satisfied employees.
They concluded that happy organizations are more productive.

The most important effect of job satisfactions includes its effect on absenteeism, turnover,
organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB), organizational commitment, and productivity. Job
satisfaction refers to a collection of feelings that an individual holds towards his or her job.
Aperson with a highlevel of job satisfaction holds apositive feeling about the job,while a person

wssho is dissatisfied with his/her job holds a negative feeling about the job.
Spector’sstudy1977(a scited in Mosammod and Nurul,2011)

Many factors can affect employees’ job satisfaction. some of the factors include working
conditions, opportunity for advancement, job safety and security, work load and stress level,
relationship with co- workers, organizational policies, leadership behaviour, supervision,
relationship with management, financial reward, the level of pay and benefits and the job itself.

Human resource management is a specialized functional area of business that attempts to

develop programmes, policies, and activities to promote the job satisfaction of both individual
and organizational needs, goals and objectives. People join organizations with certain motives
like security of income and job, better prospects in future, and satisfaction of social and
psychological needs.(Armstrong,2010,p.8)

An individual may hold different attitudes towards various aspects of job Example on employees
may his/her job responsibilities but dissatisfied with job opportunities for promotion features of
an individual also affect job satisfaction. Challenging work valued rewards, opportunity for
advancement, competent, supervision and supportive co-workers are dimension of the job that
can lead to job satisfaction (B.Venka Prasad, 2007)

1.2 Statement of the problem

To ensure the achievement of firm goals, the organisation creates an atmosphere of commitment
and cooperation for its employees through policies that facilitate employee satisfaction.
Satisfaction of human resource finds close links to highly motivated employees. Motivated

employees then develop loyalty or commitment to the firm resulting to greater productivity and

lower turnover rates.

However, it was found that satisfied employees exert high performance than dissatisfied
employees. A person with highlevel of job satisfaction holds positive attitude towards the job
while a person who is dissatisfied with his or her job holds negative attitude about the job
Spector(1997) study as cited in (Mosammod and Nurul,2011).

Satisfied employees tend to be committed. on the other hand, dissatisfied employees show
absenteeism, soldiering (deliberately working at slow pace), turn over, etc. to ensure proper
utilization of human resource available in the organization, researchers continue research to

identify factors and their relative importance for shaping job satisfaction of employees.

Many new companies have been emerging in the world with an increase rate, which may create
high competitions among the existing and new ones. Because of job satisfaction is an important
factor for the organization successes .That means employees who are satisfied with their job
tends to be committed the organization. The employees are likely to be loyal and dependable
than employees who are dissatisfied. The more employees are satisfied with the job, the more
they be limeade, creative and adaptive (leis W.RUE, 2004).

Now away job satisfaction and employee’s commitment is not only make organization creative,
adaptive and productive, but also enables completive to the organization and enable the customer
to have good relation with employee of the organization.

Even if the theoretical areas hypothesize more on commitment by employee satisfaction, yet the
practice looks set back as of different finding tried to show the solution there for this study
would conduct on job satisfaction in wolkite Ethio-telecom and also to check whether the degree
of employee job satisfaction is higher out.

1.3 Research Question

In dealing the above issue the proposal will be answered the following research questions .

1. What are factors that affect employees’ job satisfaction?

2. Do the employee participate on organization decision making?

3. What are the consequences of employee dissatisfaction to the organization?

1.4 objective of the study
This study has both the general and specific objectives

1.4.1 General Objective

To assess employee job satisfaction in the wolkite ethio telecom and to give use
recommendation to responsible body on how to better improves the job satisfaction of

1.4.2 Specific Objectives

 To investigate the factors that affect employees job satisfaction
 To assess the consequence of employee dissatisfaction to the organization.

1.5 significant of the study

Any research actively shall be worthwhile to conduct because the importance of the research
can established only by contribution it makes .In light of the study may serve the following

 It may be useful for the researcher as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of
BA degree in management.
 It will help the management of the organization to be aware of about their employee’s job
satisfaction and analysis them to avoid their weakness.
 The study will helps the working environment from the organization to have the access of
good working from the organization

1.6 scope of the study

The proposal will be emphasizing on examining the job satisfaction on employee’s performance
with in special reference to Ethio telecom. Which is found in southern part of Ethiopia in SNNP
region and it is found 160 far from Addis Ababa which is the capital city of Ethiopia.

1.7 limitation of the study

 I guess the respondents may be got no willingness to respond the questioners
 If there is Mis understanding of the information about the questionnaires and the
instruction by few respondents
 It may be Carelessness of the respondents to fill the questions
 Dalliance of questions

1.8 organization of the paper
The research is organized into five chapters .the first chapter contains background of the study,
statement of the problem, research question, objective of the study, significant of the study,
scope of the study and limitation of the The second chapter deals with reviews of related
literature which analyze the theoretical frame work of job satisfaction performance. The third
chapter contains the methodologies of research. The fourth chapter contains data presentation,


2.1 Definition of Job Satisfaction

Job satisfaction is an individual general attitude about his /her job .It is five main components are
1. Attitude towards work group
2. General working condition
3. Attitude towards components
4. Monetary benefits
5. Attitudes towards supervisors.

Others major components that should be added to these five on individual attitude towards the
work itself and towards life in general, The individual attitude health, age, level of aspiration
social status and political and social activities can all contribute to job satisfaction, Therefore, job
satisfaction is an attitude that results from other specific attitude and factors (Leslie w.Rue1997)
Job satisfaction refers to individual mental set about the job. This mental set may be a positive or
negative depending on the individual mental set concerning the major components of job
satisfaction .Job satisfaction is not synonyms with organization moral. Organization moral refers
to an individual feeling of being accepted by and belonging to a group of employee through
common goals. Confidence in the desirability of this goal and progress towards the goals moral
is related to group attitude. Job satisfaction is a description of the competency, educational and
experience qualifications increment must process to perform the job (W. Rue, 1997).

Job satisfaction can be defined at the amount of overall positive effects or filling individual have
to hard their job when we say that the individual have high job satisfaction, we mean say that the
individual make generally like and values the job highly and feels positively toward it
(Schermar, 1997).

Job satisfaction can be defined as emotional response to aspects of work (such as pay supervision
, benefit)or the work itself the word moral is often used interchangeable with satisfaction ,but
moral is frequently has make of good group or organizational contribution (Dressler, 1999).

2.2 Theoretical Review
A. Herzberg and Job satisfaction

According to (Qasim, Cheema & Syed, 2012) provided that Herzberg’s’ two factor theory of job
satisfaction describes that different factors combine to create job satisfaction and dissatisfaction
among employee. Herzberg identified the factors as either motivators or hygiene factors.
Motivators promote job satisfaction.

They include achievement ,responsibility, the work itself, recognition, and


Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory refers to the relationship between job satisfaction and
job dissatisfaction that are affected by motivators and/or hygiene factors. Herzberg states that
motivation factors can create high levels of job satisfaction, although the lack of these factors
does not guarantee job dissatisfaction.

In addition, hygiene factors can lead to dissatisfaction, but their absence does not guarantee
satisfaction (Qasim, Cheema & Syed, 2012). As such, job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction are
independent of each other. Hertzberg states that the opposite of job satisfaction is not
dissatisfaction, but a lack of satisfaction or no job satisfaction. This would mean that the opposite
of dissatisfaction is not satisfaction, but a lack of dissatisfaction or no job dissatisfaction

Hygiene factors do not directly lead to job satisfaction however; their absence may lead to job
dissatisfaction (Qasim, Cheema & Syed, 2012). They consist of; organizational policies,
supervision and leadership, pay or salary, work conditions, and communication with
supervisors/work partners.

Therefore, employers should seek ways of eliminating dissatisfaction resulting from hygiene
factors and focus on improving the motivators in the work environment to increase job
satisfaction (Qasim,Cheema& Syed,2012).

I. Motivator factors

As it is described above Herzberg’s motivator factors include the work itself, recognition,
advancement, and responsibility. These factors are related to an individual’s positive feelings
about the job and to the content of the job itself.

According to (Qasim,Cheema& Syed, 2012) these positive feelings, in turn, are associated with
the individual’s experiences of achievement, recognition, and responsibility. As a result,
motivators are referred as intrinsic factors; hence, they reflect lasting rather than temporary
achievement in the work setting. Intrinsic factors are directly related to the job and largely
internal to the individual (Qasim,Cheema& Syed,2012).

ii. Hygiene factors

Herzberg’s’ hygiene factors as described above include company policy and administration,
technical supervision, salary, fringe benefits, working conditions, job security, and interpersonal

(Qasim,Cheema& syed,2012) stated that hygiene factors are extrinsic factors or factors external
to the job because of hygiene factors are associated with an individual’s negative feelings about
the job and are related to the environment in which the job is performed. They serve as rewards
for high performance only if the organization recognizes high performance.

However, Herzberg’s also emphasizes that it is important to understand that those factors that
lead to job satisfaction are not the same as those factors that lead to job dissatisfaction. Job
security, benefits, and feeling safe cannot increase employee job satisfaction, but if these are not
present, they can lead to job dis satisfaction (Qasim,Cheema& Syed,2012).

B. Locke’s theory on job satisfaction

According to Tietjen & Myers(1998) Locke’s composite theory of job satisfaction is founded
from the many other concepts which Locke has developed through study and research on related
topics such as goal setting and employee performance. Initially Locke’s job satisfaction theory is

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developed by criticizing Herzberg’s’ theory of job satisfaction. After criticizing Herzberg’s’
work, Locke continued with his theory on values, agent/event factors, and finally an adjusted
view of job satisfaction.

The two basic points in which Locke’s criticize Herzberg’s two-factor theory are summarized in
brief as follows; the first is that job satisfaction and dissatisfaction result from different causes.

the second point is that two-factor theory is parallel to the dual theory of man’s needs, which
states that physical needs (like those of animals) work in conjunction with hygiene factors, and

psychological needs or growth needs (unique to humans) work alongside motivators. (Tietjen &
Myers,1998).the point of Locke’s criticisms is the concept of mind body dichotomy,
unidirectional operation of needs, lack of parallel between man’s needs and the motivation and
hygiene factors, incident classification system, defensiveness, the use of frequency data and
denial of individual differences.

Tietjen & Myers (1998) added that, by distinguishing values from needs, he also argue that they
have more in common with goals. Both values and goals have content and intensity
characteristics. The content characteristics answer the question of what is valued, and the
intensity characteristics answer how much is valued. With regard to finding satisfaction in one’s
job, the employee who performs adequately on the job is the individual who decides to pursue
his or her values.

As values are a point at which Locke’s theory of job satisfaction begins to separate from the
theory of Herzberg, so too are agent and event factors a source of divergence between the two

The comparison of needs and values by Locke is described as follows. Primarily Locke refers
needs as innate, a priori, and the same for all humans. Locke mentioned that needs are objective:
they exist apart from knowledge of the needs confront man and require action. Locke refers
values to be acquired and posterior. Locke added that values are unique to the individual, and
values are subjective: they are acquired through conscious and sub-conscious means; values
ultimately determine choice and emotional reaction (Tietjen& Myers,1998).

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2.3 The Cause and consequence of Job Satisfaction
2.3.1 The Cause of Job satisfaction

Five predominant model of job satisfaction specify its cause

1. Need fulfillment: - This model proposes satisfaction is determined by the extent to which
the characteristics of job allow all individual to fulfill her/his needs. The model generally
accepted that need fulfillment is correlated with job satisfaction (Schermerhon1996).

2. Discrepancy :- This model proposed that satisfaction a result of meet expectation represents
the difference b/n what at individual expect to receive from job such as good pay promotional
opportunity what he/she actually received a person will be dissatisfied (Schermarhon, 1996).

3. Value attainment: - The idea underlying value attainment for fulfillment of all individual
important work value. In general research supports the prediction that value fulfillment is
positively related to job satisfaction and performance.

4. The manager can thus enhance employee satisfaction by structuring the work environment at
its associated result/reward and recognition for enforce employee value (Krether1998)

Equity: In this model satisfaction is auction of how fairly on individual is treated at work.
Satisfaction results from one’s perception that work out comes, relative to impute compass
favorable with significant others outcomes /input. Employees perceive fairness of pay and
promotion were significantly correlated with satisfaction (Schemerhon, 1996).

6 Genetics componentThis model is based on belief that job satisfaction is partly a function of
both personal trait and genetic factors. This model implies that stable individual differences are
just as important in explaining job satisfaction as characteristics of the work environment.
Genetic factors also were found to be significantly periodic life satisfaction well-being and job
satisfaction (Robbing 2001)

2.3.2 The Consequences of Job Satisfaction

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The relationship b/n job satisfaction and any other variables either negative or positive, the
strength relationship ranges from weak to strong relationship implies that manager can
significantly influence the variables of interest by increasing job satisfaction.
1. Motivation are those psychological process that causes the arouse direction and
persistence of voluntary action that are goal directed managers need to understand these
psychological process if they are to successfully guide employee towards a
accomplishing organizational objectives they become motivated .There is positive
relationship b/n motivation job satisfaction significantly correlated with motivation
(plunkt,1998) .
2. Job involvement: - Represent the extent to which an individual is personally involved
with his /her work and role it is moderately to faster satisfying work environment in
order to fuel employees’ job involvement (Plunt, 1998).
3. Organizational commitment: - Reflect the extent to what individual identifies with an
organization and is committed to its pod managers are advised to increase job
satisfaction in order to elicit higher productivity (Leslie.WRue1997).
4. Absenteeism: - Is costly and managers are constantly on the lookout for a ways to
reduce it. One recommendation has been to increase job satisfaction (LeslieW.Rue,
5. Turnover: Turnover is important to managers b/c it both disputes organizational
continuity and its very costly. These is moderate negative relationship, manger would
be advised to try to reduce turnover by including employee job satisfaction
(LeslieW.Rue, 1997).
6. Job performance:- Hertzberg argue that satisfaction leads to higher performance were
some slightly related .If performance rating do not reflect the actual interaction
interdependence at work examining the relationship b/n ape prate measure of job
satisfaction and organization performance is one solution to correct his problem
(Scherner 1996).
1. In support of this idea a recent data (Study) found significant positive correlation b/n
organizational performance and employee satisfaction. Thus it appears that manager
can positively affect performance by increasing employee job satisfaction( Kinict,

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2.4Motivation through Job Design
2.4.1 Job Enrichment
Job enrichment consists of basic changes in the content and level of responsibility of a job
so as to provide greater challenge to the worker. Job enrichment provides vertical expansion
responsibility. The entire job enrichment program does not always achieve possible result.
They have often brought about improvement in a job performance and in the level of
workers satisfactions (Inkencakiceh 1998).
2.4.2 Job Enlargement
Involves changes in the scope of a job so as to provide greater variety to the worker .It
provides a horizontal expansion of duties proponent of job satisfaction as a result of
enlargement claim that it can employee satisfaction ,motivational and quality of product.
2.4.3 Job Rotations
As with job enlargement job rotations purpose is to give employees greater variety in their
work. Job rotation call for moving employees from one specialized job to another, instead
of performance only one job workers are trained to performance two more separable jobs on

2.5 Compensation
Compensation a total of all extrinsic rewards to employee in return for their service.
Compensation can be direct financial composition, which consists of pay that persons
receive in the form of wages, salary bonuses and commissions. In a indirect financial
compensation or benefit include all financial reward that are not including in direct
compensation (Leslie.WRue1997).

2.6 Financial Compensation

2.6.1 Merit Pay
In theory merit a pay increased given to employee on their level of performance as in
indicated in appraisal .In practice however, is it is often merely a cost of living increase.
Merit pay based on previous employment period but added perpetually table pay is difficult
to justify.

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2.6.2 Variable Pay
Variable pay is compensation based on performance the most common type of variable pay
for performance is the bonus or lump sum payment is one time award that is not added to
employee based pay.
2.6.3 Skill Based Pay
It is a system that compensates, employee on the basic of job related skills and knowledge
they possess, not for their job titles the factors gain addition importance in highly
Competitive environment, this factors environment, in which promotional opportunities are
more limited than in the past (LesileRue W1997).
2.6 .4 Seniority
The length of time any employee has associated with company decision department or job is
referred to seniority.

2.7 Non –Financial Compensation

Job jobs that people are given to do may be boring or even so dissatisfied that employees
dread going to work. a more rewarding scenario involves an individual who has a job that is
interesting and provide some challenge when a job of this type is performed, employees
often realize sense of achievement.
The task of management is to create work that is meaningful and staff this jobs with whose
interests and abilities match the work to be done. The job is central issue in many theories
of motivation and it’s also a vital component of a total compensation program. Employees
may receive important reward by performing meaningful job. These type rewards are
intrinsic in nature, but management arranges required job and to job content, therefore, the
job compensation possibilities are largely controlled by the organization. The selection and
placement process are extremely important in this context. The collection of this tax make
up job that is challenging to one may be quiet boring to another. (Invacevich 1998)
According to characteristics theory, employee experience intrinsic compensation.
When their job rates high on five core job dimension, task identify, skill variety, task
significance, autonomy, and feedback. In this theory, jobs proving skill variety, tasks

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identify and task significance, leads employee to perceive their work as meaningful. Jobs
that give autonomy allow employees to feel responsible for the outcomes of their work and
jobs that provide feedback employees let employees know how well they have performed.
The ultimate benefits of these characteristics are increased performance, lower absenteeism,
turnover and higher employees’ satisfaction. (Invacevich, 1998) analysis and interpretation.
Finally, chapter five deals about

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3.1 Research Design
The study will be used descriptive type of research design. The study will be focuses on
assessment of factors affecting employee`s job satisfaction. It will be conducted for the purpose
of whether employees of wolikite Ethio-telecom are satisfied or not on their career and
identifying factors that have major contribution to job satisfaction. The proposal will be census
inquiry technique. The study will be used both primary and secondary source of data. Primary
source will be gathered from operation staff of the organization whereas secondary data were
from manuals and reports of the organization. The data will be collected using questionnaire
from employees and unstructured interview for human resource department. The collected data
will be analyzed using descriptive type of data analysis such as table s and percentages.

3.2 Source and Type of Data

In order to have complete information about the study the proposal will be uses both primary and
secondary sources of data.

The primary source will be from employees of wolikite Ethio-telecom through questionnaire (it
will be easy for respondents to answer; easy to analyze statistically and response choices would
clarify the question for respondents) and interview will be gather firsthand information.

The secondary sources will be reviews for the purpose of conducting this study are company
documents, Policies and manuals, organizational reports, brochures, articles, journals and
internet and other relevant materials etc.

3.3 Target population

The study will be carry out in the area of operation of wolikte Ethio-Telecom. The study
population consists of total of 72 employees stationed at the company. The researcher target
employees of the Ethio-telecom which includes Managers, Professionals and Clerical staff
employees of the company.

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3.4 sampling technique and sample size
The study will be used census inquiry to collect data from employees. The reason for this is to
cover all employees. There is small number of employees that is 72 employees in the
organization. To increase the accuracy the study used census inquiry type method.

3.5 methods of data collection

To obtain necessary and relevant information the proposal uses structured questionnaire and
unstructured interview from manager of the organization. The interview used to obtain some
points that are not included in the questionnaire.

3.6 Method of Data Analysis, Interpretation and presentation

After the data had will be collected the findings are processed, analyzed and interpreted the data
manually and checked completeness and errors as well as a few respondents responded more
data that processed a data were analyzed by descriptive method of data analysis. Inference lastly
appropriate and logical interpretations of fact of facts were made which paved the way for
drawing conclusion.

3.7 Ethical consideration

All possible ethical issues were given consideration in the course of this study. The names of
data sources will be keep anonymous during data analysis. They would be informed that their
participation would be based on their free will, and so each of the participants signed a consent
form. Ethical issues are expect to be take in to account in all stages of the research .In this study
the following ethical issues will be consider in the proposal process. Firstly permission will be
ask from department of public administration and development management, secondly,
explanation of the objective and significance of the study to participant, thirdly, confidentiality,
anonymity, and willingness ought to be insure and mention to participant. Generally, willingness
and freedom of with participant guarantee of anonymity gives a high value of ethics.

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Time break activities DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE

Week 1-4 Week5-8 Week1-4 Week5-8 Week1-4 Week5-8 Week1-4

Proposal development XX

Defend proposal XX

Literature review XX

Chapter 1 XX

Chapter 2 XX

Design questionnaire XX

Pilot–test questionnaire XX

Revise questionnaire XX

Administer,questionnaire XX

Conduct interviews XX

Collect questioners XX

Data preparation XX

Data analysis XX

Write last chapters XX

Proof read reports XX

19 | P a
submit final report XX

3.7. Work plan and budget breakdown

3.7.1. Work plan

Time break activities DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE

Week 1-4 Week5-8 Week1-4 Week5-8 Week1-4 Week5-8 Week1-4

Proposal development XX

Defend proposal XX

Literature review XX

Chapter 1 XX

Chapter 2 XX

Design questionnaire XX

Pilot–test questionnaire XX

Revise questionnaire XX

Administer,questionnaire XX

Conduct interviews XX

Collect questioners XX

Data preparation XX

Data analysis XX

Write last chapters XX

Proof read reports XX

submit final report XX

20 | P a

3.7.2. Budget break down

No. Item Unit Unit Price Total unit price

1. Flash disk 1 200 200 birr

2. CDMA 1 1000 1200 birr

3. A4 paper 500 1 birr 500 birr

4. Pen 5 pen 15 75 birr

5. Binder 1 100 100 birr

6. Printing questionnaires 150 (average pages) 5 birr per page 750 birr
and formats

7. Treating informants ….. ….. 500 birr

Total cost 3325

Contingency cost 15% of the

Total= 498.75

The total estimated cost will be 3823.75 birr

21 | P a
3.7.2. Budget break down
No. Item Unit Unit Price Total unit price

8. Flash disk 1 200 200 birr

9. CDMA 1 1000 1200 birr

10. A4 paper 500 1 birr 500 birr

11. Pen 5 pen 15 75 birr

12. Binder 1 100 100 birr

13. Printing questionnaires 150 (average pages) 5 birr per page 750 birr
and formats

14. Treating informants ….. ….. 500 birr

Total cost 3325

Contingency cost 15% of the

Total= 498.75

The total estimated cost will be 3823.75 birr

22 | P a
23 | P a

 Wendell, French (2007)Human Resource management 5th ed. Boston New York
 Stephen Probing (2001) organization brevier 2nd ed. University of Colombia
 Shouwn Tyson and Alfred York (1996) Human resource management 3rd ed. Stony
 Robber Kreitner and Angelo Knick (1998) Human Resource management 2nd ed
Sydney Austria
 John R.schermer harm Jr (1996) Human Resource management 5th Ed Rob Zwettler,
Georgia state University.
 Invacevich john (1998) Human Resource management 7th craig’sBeytien University
of Houston
 Leslie W Rue (1997) Human Resource management 5th Ohio University
 McGraw hill (2009) fundamental of human resource management 3rd edition
university of India.
 D.s.seetharamanB.enkateswara Prasad (2009) human resource management 2nd
edition university of India.
 Lesi W.RUE.(2004), Human resource management 7th ed. Newyork.

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