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Exercise 1: (5 pts)

Exercise 2: Choose the correct answer for each question below: (5 pts)
1. James: Good morning, how are you doing?
Emma: Good morning,.............................
A. I going to school
B. I am doing well
C. It is pleasure to meet you
2. Lisa: Thank you so much for helping us
A. Don’t mention it
B. No, thanks
C. Yes, please
3. Where are you off to?
A. To the library
B. I’m off today
C. I’ve got a history exam next week
4. I’d like you to meet John
A. No, I don’t like
B. It’s nice to meet you, John
C. I like it so much
5. “Sure” is often used in informal conversation to mean:
A. Yes
B. No
C. Don’t know
6. Who’s the tall woman next to Jim
A. Talk to you later
B. Hi Jim. Nice to meet you
C. That’s her friend Mary
7. What time is it? We’re going to be late
A. It’s 7:00
B. Don’t panic
C. Sure we will
8. When someone is stressed, you can you expression like:
A. Don’t worry
B. You’re welcome
C. Don’t mention it
9. “Rush hour” is the time of day whn traffic is........
A. heavy
B. large
C. light
10. “I was wondering if you like to...........” This is a polite way of asking.......
A. Do you want to......?
B. Would you like.......?
C. Both are correct
11. I was thinking about that mew comedy “Light Out”. What do you think?
A. I don’t agree
B. See you then
C. Sounds reat
12. “What a small world” is a common expression used to describe……
A. A chance meeting
B. The world is small
C. An intentional meeting

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