Assignment Corrective Action

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Max. Marks :30
Question 1

The large window in Figure is opened using a hydraulic cylinder AB. If the cylinder extends at a constant
rate of 0.5 m/s, determine the angular velocity and angular acceleration of the window at the instant ϴ=

Question 2

The link AB has an angular velocity of 3 rad/s. Determine the velocity of block C and the angular velocity
of link BC at the instant ϴ= 45◦.

Question 3

Determine the angular velocity of links BC and CD at the instant shown.

Question 4

The car shown in Figure has a mass of 2 Mg and a center of mass at G. Determine the acceleration if the
rear “driving” wheels are always slipping, whereas the front wheels are free to rotate. Neglect the mass
of the wheels. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the wheels and the road is µk = 0.25.

Question 5

The 10–kg rod shown in Figure is constrained so that its ends move along the grooved slots. The rod is
initially at rest when ϴ = 0°. If the slider block at B is acted upon by a horizontal force P = 50 N,
determine the angular velocity of the rod at the instant ϴ = 45°. Neglect friction and the mass of blocks
A and B.

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