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WEEK Critical thinking, Scientific

Learning Area Learning OutcomesTAHUNAN SAINS GUNAAN
Activities 4 Attitudes and Noble Values
1.1 Force in 1.1.1 Explain the effects of force on an object. Observe and discuss situations that show the  Observing
mechanical systems effects of force on an object.
1.1.2 Explain with examples the effects of balanced  The use and handling of
forces on an object. Carry out an experiment to: scientific apparatus
a. Measure force using instruments
1.1.3 Explain with examples the effects of unbalanced such as spring balance with different  Interpreting data
forces on an object. loads.  Daring to try
b. Observe balanced and unbalanced
1.1.4 Explain the effect of torque. forces using weighted pulleys.  Being cooperative
 Being honest and accurate in
1.1.5 Explain the relationship of torque to clockwise and Observe and discuss situations that show the
counterclockwise moments. effects of torque such as to open and to close recording and validating data
a door, to turn a spanner and to turn on the
tap.  Being systematic

1.2 Pressure in fluid 1.2.1 Explain with examples pressure in fluids. Observe and discuss situations that show the
 Observing
systems effect of fluid pressure such as pressing a
1.2.2 Define pressure. tube of toothpaste, syringe and a bicycle  Measuring and manipulation
Solve numerical problems using the formula of numbers
1.2.3 Calculate pressure, force or surface area.  Being confident and

1.2.4 Explain the source of atmospheric pressure and its independent

Observe situations that show the effect of
applications.  Being cooperative
atmospheric pressure such as a siphon, a
plunger, rubber sucker to lift glass sheets and  Realizing and appreciating
1.2.5 Explain with examples how pressure in a liquid
a drinking straw.
depends on depth. contributions and applications
Observe and discuss the flow of water from a
container with holes at different depths. of science and technology in
1.2.6 Explain fluid pressure has the effect similar to
Discuss situations observed at a dam.
force. self development and nation
Carry out an activity that shows the fluid
motion from reservoirs at different heights. building
Discuss situations that involve the water pipe
system in a house.  Appreciating the contribution
of science and technology
WEEK Critical thinking, Scientific
Learning AreaLearning OutcomesTAHUNAN SAINS GUNAAN
Activities 4 Attitudes and Noble Values

1.3 Voltage in 1.3.1 Distinguish between direct current and alternating Observe and discuss situations to show the  Observing
electrical current. difference between the alternating current and
systems direct current produced from different sources  Inferring
3 1.3.2 Identify the source of AC voltage and DC voltage. using an instrument such as the cathode ray  Being responsible about the
1.3.3 Identify the important components of an electrical Set up and test a circuit with a source, switch, safety of oneself, others and
circuit: a source, conductor and load. conductor and load. the environment
Draw a schematic diagram for a simple
1.3.4 Determine the voltage for series and parallel electrical circuit.  Appreciating the contribution
circuits. Carry out an activity using a multimeter to of science and technology
read the voltage for series and parallel
1.3.5 Explain that voltage in an electrical circuit has the circuits.
effect similar to force. Observe and discuss circuits where different
voltages are applied across a load such as a
1.3.6 Describe a situation that requires a technician to light bulb or a motor.
measure voltage. Gather information on situations that involve
the measurement of voltage such as:
a. Electrical repair workshop
b. Sub-station
c. Voltage control centre in factories.

Competency Test for 1 period

1.4 Temperature in 1.4.1 Explain the direction of movement of heat energy Discuss situations that involve heat transfer  Observing
thermal systems in a thermal system. such as cooking utensils.
Observe and discuss heat transfer through a  Measuring and manipulation
1.4.2 Explain that temperature difference in thermal rod such as an aluminium rod with heat of numbers
systems has the effect similar to force. sensitive paper and aluminium rod with wax
and nails.  Thinking rationally
1.4.3 Explain the relationship between temperature Discuss situations that require a technician to  Appreciating the contribution
difference and the direction of heat transfer in measure and control temperature such as in:
thermal system. a. Bakery factory. of science and technology
b. Building for mushroom cultivation.
1.4.4 Describe a situation that requires a technician to c. Poultry farm.
measure and control temperature. Competency Test for 1 period
WEEK Critical thinking, Scientific
Learning AreaLearning OutcomesTAHUNAN SAINS GUNAAN
Activities 4 Attitudes and Noble Values

2.1 Work done in 2.1.1 Define work done by a force in mechanical Observe and discuss situations which involve
mechanical systems systems. work done by a force that pulls, pushes or lifts  Being honest and accurate in
a load.
recording and validating data
Carry out an experiment to measure the work
2.1.2 Calculate work and efficiency. done by a pulley and to determine its  Interpreting data
efficiency using the formula:
a. Work done using the formula

b. Efficiency using the formula

Solve problems which involve the formulae for

work done and efficiency
2.1.3 Explain work done by a torque in a mechanical Observe and discuss situations which involve  Interpreting data
system work done by a torque such as closing bottle  Measuring and manipulation of
cap and loosening a wheel with a spanner. numbers

4 Solve numerical problems which involve work

2.1.4 Calculate the work done by a torque. done by a torque using the formula

2.1.5 Identify daily applications of work done in Discuss daily situations which involve work
mechanical systems. done such as the winch.
Competency Test

2.2 Work done in 2.2.1 Differentiate the work done in open and closed fluid Observe and discuss situations to compare:  Observing
fluid systems systems. a. Open fluid systems and closed fluid
2.2.2 Explain work done in fluid systems. b. Work done in an open fluid system
6 such as the water pump and a closed
fluid system such as the syringe.

2.2.3 Calculate work done. Solve problems which involve work done on a  Measuring and manipulation of
WEEK Critical thinking, Scientific
Learning Area Learning OutcomesTAHUNAN SAINS GUNAAN
Activities 4 Attitudes and Noble Values
piston by a force using the formula numbers

Solve problems which involve work done by a

water pump that lifts a volume of water
through a height using the formula

2.2.4 Explain the effect of work done on a fluid. Discuss situations that involve the effect of  Realizing and appreciating
work done on a fluid such as in hydraulic contributions and applications
systems of science and technology in
self development and nation

Competency Test

2.3 Work done in 2.3.1 Define work done in electrical systems. Observe and discuss situations which involve  observing
electrical systems work done in electrical systems such as the
motor, lamp and heating devices
2.3.2 Calculate the work done by an electric motor. Carry out an experiment to measure the work  Measuring and manipulation of
2.3.3 Explain the effect of work done on a fluid. output and the work input by a motor using the numbers
 Realizing and appreciating
contributions and applications
b. of science and technology in
Solve numerical problems which involve work self development and nation
input and work output. building
Discuss situations which involve work done by
a motor and electrical generator

3.1 Rate and 3.1.1 Distinguish between linear motion and rotational Observe and discuss situations to distinguish Being systematic.
WEEK Critical thinking, Scientific
Learning Area Learning OutcomesTAHUNAN SAINS GUNAAN
Activities 4 Attitudes and Noble Values
resistance in motion. between Classifying
mechanical a. linear motion Being cooperative
systems 3.1.2 Explain linear velocity and angular velocity. b. rotational motion
such as toy car, fan Being systematic
3.1.3 Calculate linear velocity. and food blender. Interpreting data

3.1.4 Calculate angular velocity. Carry out an experiment using

a conveyer belt to determine linear velocity
and angular velocity using apparatus such as
stroboscope.Solve numerical problems involve
a. linear velocity by using formula,

12 b. angular velocity by using formula,

3.1.5 Identify the sources of resistance in mechanical Observe and discuss situations that involve Observing
systems. resistance in mechanical systems such as Being honest and accurate in
brakes of vehicles. recording data and validating data
3.1.6 Explain ways to reduce resistance in mechanical Competency test 1 ( 1 period )

13 3.2 Rate and 3.1.7 Identify workplace applications where technicians Gather information that involves measurement Observing
resistance in measure and control rate and resistance in mechanical and control of rate and resistance in situations
electrical systems systems. such as conveyer belt, food mixer and Being honest and accurate in
streamline design of vehicles. recording data and validating data

3.2.1 Explain frequency, period and peak voltage for Observe, discuss and solve problems
alternating current involving frequency, period and peak
voltage by using appliances such as CRO.
3.2.2 Calculate frequency, period and peak voltage for
WEEK Critical thinking, Scientific
Learning AreaLearning OutcomesTAHUNAN SAINS GUNAAN
Activities 4 Attitudes and Noble Values
alternating current.

3.2.3 Define electrical resistance. Carry out an experiment to measure voltage, Communicating
current and electrical resistance by using Being honest and accurate in
apparatus such as analog multimeter, digital recording data and validating data

3.2.4 Calculate the effective resistance in series and Draw a schematic diagram to illustrate Being systematic
parallel circuits resistance in series and parallel circuits. Rational

Solve circuit problems by using formula:


15 3.2.5 Identify workplace applications where technicians Gather information that involves measurement Communicating
measure and control current and resistance of and control of current, voltage, frequency,
electrical appliances. period and resistance in electrical and Being honest and accurate in
electronic appliances. recording data and validating data
WEEK Critical thinking, Scientific
Learning AreaLearning OutcomesTAHUNAN SAINS GUNAAN
Activities 4 Attitudes and Noble Values

Competency test 2 (1 period)

4.1 Energy in 4.1.1 Explain gravitational potential energy. Observe and discuss situations that show Thinking rationally
mechanical systems gravitational potential energy.

4.1.2 Explain elastic potential energy Observe and discuss situations that show Thinking rationally
elastic potential energy.

4.1.3 Explain translational kinetic energy Observe and discuss situations that show Thinking rationally
translational kinetic energy.

16 4.1.4 Explain with examples the moment of inertia of Carry out an activity to explain moment of Being honest and accurate in
rotating objects. inertia and rotational kinetic energy using the
recording and validating data
top, flywheel and the yo-yo.
4.1.5 Explain rotational kinetic energy Being systematic
Carry out an experiment using a flywheel to :
Being cooperative
a. determine angular velocity using an

instrument such as the stroboscope

b. measure rotational kinetic energy

4.1.6 Calculate gravitational potential energy. Solve numerical problems using the formula: Daring to try

4.1.7 Calculate elastic potential energy Solve numerical problems using the formula: Daring to try
17 a. b.
WEEK Critical thinking, Scientific
Learning Area Learning OutcomesTAHUNAN SAINS GUNAAN
Activities 4 Attitudes and Noble Values

4.1.8 Calculate translational kinetic energy. Solve numerical problems using the formula: Daring to try
a. c.

4.1.9 Calculate rotational kinetic energy. Solve numerical problems using the formula: Daring to try

4.1.10 Explain workplace applications where technicians Gather information on the measurement and Being confident and independent
measure and control energy in mechanical control of energy in mechanical systems such
systems. as vehicle tyre balancing machine, crane and

18 Assessment

4.2 Energy in 4.2.1 Explain how a capacitor stores energy. Observe and discuss situations to show that Thinking rationally
electrical systems energy is stored in capacitors and inductors
Being confident and independent
4.2.2 Explain how an inductor stores energy. such as
a. charging and discharging a
capacitor across a LED.
b. dry cell, transformer and LED.

24 4.2.3 Calculate the energy stored in a capacitor. Carry out an experiment to determine the Being honest and accurate in
energy stored in a capacitor
recording and validating data
Solve numerical problems using the formula: Being systematic
Being cooperative
WEEK Critical thinking, Scientific
Learning AreaLearning OutcomesTAHUNAN SAINS GUNAAN
Activities 4 Attitudes and Noble Values

4.2.4 Calculate the energy stored in an inductor. Carry out an experiment to determine the Being honest and accurate in
energy stored in inductor
recording and validating data
Solve numerical problems using the formula: Being systematic
a. Being cooperative

4.2.5 Explain workplace applications where technicians Gather information on the measurement and Being confident and independent
measure and control energy in electrical systems. control of energy in electrical systems such
as a start-up capacitor, inductor starting
device, flash light camera and lighting system
of a vehicle.

Assessment ( 1 + 1 )

4.3 Energy in thermal 4.3.1 Identify the factors affecting the amount of heat in Carry out an activity to investigate the factors Being systematic
systems thermal systems. that affect the amount of heat in a thermal
Being cooperative
system such as mass, change in temperature
and the type of material.

4.3.2 Define specific heat capacity of a material. Carry out an experiment to determine the Being confident & independent
specific heat capacity of a material.

4.3.3 Calculate the heat energy transferred between Solve numerical problems using the formula Being systematic
26 two objects at different temperatures.
Being cooperative
WEEK Critical thinking, Scientific
Learning AreaLearning OutcomesTAHUNAN SAINS GUNAAN
Activities 4 Attitudes and Noble Values
4.3.4 Explain workplace applications where technicians Gather information on the application of the Being confident and independent
measure and control energy in thermal systems. measurement and control of energy in thermal
systems such as the freezer room, palm oil
filtration plant and electrical power station

Assessment ( 1 + 1 )

1. Explain power in 5.1.1 Explain power in mechanical systems. Observe and discuss situations that show Compare and contrast
mechanical power in electrical systems such as the
systems 5.1.2 Differentiate power in linear mechanical systems engine of a motor boat and a car. Appreciating the contribution of
27 and power in rotational mechanical systems science and technology

5.1.3 Calculate the mechanical power output for a motor Carry out an experiment to determine the Gather data and classify
lifting a load. mechanical power output of a motor lifting a Analyze
load using the formula: Being systematic

5.1.4 Explain situations where technicians measure and Carry out an experiment to determine the Gather data and classify
control power in mechanical systems. average power required to stop a rotating
object using the formula: Analyze

Being systematic

Solve numerical problems on power in Relate

mechanical systems.
Appreciating the contribution of
Gather information on the measurement and science and technology
control of power in mechanical systems such
a. power in linear mechanical
systems, for example, cranes at
WEEK Critical thinking, Scientific
Learning Area Learning OutcomesTAHUNAN SAINS GUNAAN
Activities 4 Attitudes and Noble Values
ports, bulldozer, conveyor belt.
b. power in rotating mechanical
systems, for example gas turbines
and the milling machine

Competency Test(1 period)

5.2 Power in 5.2.1 Explain electrical power as the rate of transfer of Observe and discuss situations that involve Communications, analyze and
electrical electrical energy. electrical power such as a 60 W lamp and interpretating data.
systems low/high power amplifier.
5.2.2 Calculate electrical power.
Carry out an experiment to measure the Solving problem, gather data and
efficiency of a direct current electric motor classify
using the formula :

5.2.3 Explain that electrical power can be expressed as Carry out an experiment to measure the
efficiency of a direct current electric motor Solving problem, gather data and
28 using the formula : classify

5.2.4 Determine the electrical power that is used to

operate a D.C. motor.

5.2.5 Calculate the efficiency of a D.C. motor. Solve numerical problems that involve Solving problem
electrical power using the above formulae.
WEEK Critical thinking, Scientific
Learning AreaLearning OutcomesTAHUNAN SAINS GUNAAN
Activities 4 Attitudes and Noble Values

5.2.6 Explain workplace situations where technicians Gather information on the measurement and
measure and control power in electrical systems. control of electrical power in:
a. electrical power transmission Realizing and appreciating
system. contribution and application of
b. determination of suitable electrical science and technology
components based on the power
rating marked on the component to
avoid breakdown
c. determination of the power
requirement by electrical

Competency test(1 period)

6.1 6.1.1 Describe a mechanical energy convertor. Observe and discuss block diagrams that Appreciating the contribution of
Mechanical energy show the basic operation of an energy
science and technology
convertors convertor.
- Attributing,
Observe and discuss energy convertors in - comparing and contrasting,
machines such as the windmill and turbine - grouping and classifying
power generator.

6.1.2 Explain how a pump converts mechanical energy Carry out an activity using a water pump to
to fluid energy. transfer water from a low position to a higher

6.1.3 Explain how an alternator converts mechanical Carry out an activity to study the alternator in
30 energy to electrical energy. a car or motorcycle engines.

6.1.4 Explain applications where technicians use and Gather information on workplace situations
control mechanical energy convertors. that involve the use and control of
mechanical energy covertors such as:
WEEK Critical thinking, Scientific
Learning AreaLearning OutcomesTAHUNAN SAINS GUNAAN
Activities 4 Attitudes and Noble Values
a. power steering pump
b. car alternator
Competency test

6.2 6.2.1 Describe with examples fluid energy convertors. Observe and discuss fluid energy convertors
Appreciating the contribution of
Fluid energy such as the hydraulic jack, air wrench and air
convertors brakes. science and technology
- Attributing,
- comparing and contrasting,
- grouping and classifying
6.2.2 Explain how a turbine changes fluid energy to Gather information on energy changes in
mechanical energy. hydroelectric power stations and diesel
power stations.

6.2.3 Describe a process that converts fluid energy to Gather information on energy changes in
electrical energy. hydroelectric power stations and diesel
power stations.

6.2.4 Describe how an air conditioner uses fluids to remove Study and discuss how fluid energy
heat energy. convertors are used in the air conditioner.


6.2.5 Describe workplace applications where technicians use Gather information on places where fluid
and control fluid energy convertors. energy convertors are used such as:
a. Turbines in hydroelectric power
b. Turbine engines.
c. Brake system in heavy vehicles.
WEEK Critical thinking, Scientific
Learning AreaLearning OutcomesTAHUNAN SAINS GUNAAN
Activities 4 Attitudes and Noble Values

Competency test

Appreciating the contribution of

6.3 Carry out an activity to observe and study science and technology
6.3.1 Describe with examples electrical energy
Electrical energy electrical energy convertors such as the fan,
convertors. - Attributing,
convertors electric iron and electric kettle.
- comparing and contrasting,
- grouping and classifying

37 Study and discuss how electric energy

6.3.2 Explain how an electric motor converts electrical convertors are used in converting electric
energy to mechanical energy. energy to mechanical energy through a
electric motor

6.3.3 Explain how a resistance wire converts electrical Carry out an activity to observe and study
energy to thermal energy. how resistance wire converts electrical
energy to thermal energy with a mentol

Gather information on the use and control of
electrical energy convertors in equipment
6..3.4 Describe workplace situations such as:
where electrical convertors are a. various types of motors including
used. the starter motor.
b. loud speaker
c. extraction of metals by electrolysis.
d. door opener that uses a solenoid.
WEEK Critical thinking, Scientific
Learning AreaLearning OutcomesTAHUNAN SAINS GUNAAN
Activities 4 Attitudes and Noble Values
Competency test

Appreciating the contribution of

Observe and discuss situations that involve
6.4 Thermal energy 6.4.1 Describe a thermal energy convertor. thermal energy convertor through examples science and technology
convertors such as usage of bimetallic strips as switches - Attributing,
- comparing and contrasting,
- grouping and classifying

Observe and discuss situations that involve

6.4.2 Explain how an internal combustion engine
the internal combustion engine converting
converts thermal energy to mechanical energy.
thermal energy to mechanical energy

Discuss the principle behind the conversion

6.4.3 Explain how a thermopile converts thermal energy
of thermal energy to electrical energy by
to electrical energy.
using a thermopile.

Gather information that involves use and
control of thermal energy convertors in:
6.4.4 Identify workplace situations where technicians use
and control thermal energy convertors. a. a circuit breaker
b. a car engine
c. a jet engine
d. a temperature sensor

40 Modul 1- 5

Final Exam 2011


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