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Ánh: Good afternoon everyone, I’m Anh from Group 4.

Today, I’m going to

present our plan for Go Green Weekend event, an event aim to encourage people
to adopt a greener lifestyle and raise their awareness of environmental issues.
You can take part in this event by filling in the form. In this event we’ll have 4
activities, they are picking up litter, exchanging waste paper, recycling old
clothes and collecting old electrical appliances. And now Hung will introduce
about the first activity
Hưng: Hi, I’m Hung from group 4. Our first activity is picking up litter, so let’s
me explain what is litter and the impact of dropping litter to the environment.
Litter is small pieces of rubbish such as paper, cans and bottles. Dropping litter is
the one of the main factors cause soil pollution. So we decided to clean and pick
up litter in the school yard on Sunday morning to reduce the amount of litter in
our school. By doing this, we can make our school cleaner and more beautiful.
Moreover, if you have waste paper and don’t know what to use it for. You can
come to my group to exchange it for small plant. And now Tung will tell you
more about this activity.
Tùng: Hi, I’m Tung, I’m a member of group 4. As you know, we have so much
waste paper after school year and it can release toxic gases into the environment
when it is burnt . So on Sunday morning, you can exchange your waste paper for
small plant. With only 2 kilos of waste paper, you will have a small pot of
succulent. By doing this, we can reduce the toxic gases is released into the
environment and the waste paper will be used for making recycle paper. In the
afternoon we will have 2 more activity, they are donating old clothes and
collecting old electrical appliances. Now Ngan will introduce about the first one.
Ngân: Good afternoon everyone, I’m Ngan and this is our plan for recycling old
clothes. With these old clothes, we will recycle them into bags or hats to sell.
With the money from the sale of recycled items, we will use it to help people in
need. The last activity will be presented by Thanh.
Thanh: Hi, I'm Thanh from group 4. I'm going to give a presentation about my
group's last activity. It is collecting old electrical appliances that people no longer
use but still use. As we all know, if old electronics are not handled properly and
are thrown indiscriminately into the environment, they will pollute the soil
environment. We will buy these things back and sell them cheaply to those who
need them or donate them to families who can't afford them. Those are all of our
plan for Go Green Weekend event. Thank you for listening.

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