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IES <Virtual Environment> Training

Trainee notes
ApacheSim and ApacheCalc/ApacheLoads

VE 2018

Session B

In this session you will be shown how to apply construction and thermal data to the building within the
Apache view, and how to modify this data for the building. You will see how to set fuel carbon
emission data and set site and location data. We will then run a dynamic thermal simulation (and
thermal load calculations if applicable) on the building.

The trainer will show you how to perform various functions as shown in the following pages, and
images are included to assist you in following the trainer as the session proceeds, and to act as a
memory jogger after the session.

For more detailed help you can use the Help menu within the specific IES application, and also you
can refer to the product manuals installed with the IES software.
Selecting the Apache application
You will see how to switch to the Energy group of programs and then to the Apache view.

Assigning thermal templates to selected rooms

Thermal templates can be assigned to selected rooms within the Apache view. The best way to do
this, is to use the Tabular Space Data button:

You can apply or change the Thermal template for selected rooms in the General tab.
Viewing and editing room thermal data for a single room

To view or change the thermal data for a single room, select a room then click the Query button.

Defaults can be changed by unchecking the Template tick box.

General tab
System Tab
Space Conditions tab
Internal Gains tab
Air Exchanges tab

Once you have made changes in the required tabs, click OK.
Changing or viewing the data for more than one room

Room data for more than one selected room can be changed or viewed using the Tabular Space
Data facility.

You can view or change the relevant data for selected rooms.

You can select any of these tabs and can edit related properties of all the selected rooms at the same
time. The tabular room data gives you the option of copying and pasting your room data to various
other applications such as Excel, which allows you to externally present information to others or to
keep a record of the thermal settings.
Input Data Visualization

You can visualize many of the room variables assigned in Apache: This is useful for visualizing the
various templates assigned to rooms, thermal data, constructions assigned etc. To access the Input
Data Visualization, first select the rooms for which you want to visualize the assigned input data.

For example in the example below, upon clicking Apply, the Model Viewer II will show the different
Thermal Templates assigned to the Model for the rooms that have been selected.
Assigning constructions
You will see how to assign constructions to all rooms or selected rooms at the top level (Model level)
of decomposition.

Assignation to all rooms or selected rooms:

The currently assigned Construction Type can be replaced with one of the Possible Replacement
Construction Types.

You can move down a level to the middle level (Space level) of decomposition for a selected room to
assign a construction to a selected surface of that room.
Space level assignation:

By moving down to the bottom level (Surface level) of decomposition, you can change the
construction for selected windows (or doors) in a surface.

Surface level assignation:

Viewing the Constructions assigned to the Building Model using the Input Data Visualization:
Editing multiple adjacencies
Here you will be shown how to change the adjacent condition of ground floor constructions (or
external wall constructions) from outside air temperature, to a ground (earth) temperature. We can do
this for selected rooms.
Setting energy sources, C02 emission data and creating meters (if required)
Defining Electricity Generators (renewables)
You will be shown how to set up renewables (photovoltaics, wind power or CHP).

PV Panels
Wind generator

CHP generator
Setting site location and weather data using ApLocate

We can use the Wizard to set up location, design weather data and simulation weather data. If you
are doing dynamic simulations only and not doing loads calculations, simply use the Set Location
Only option and then move straight to the Simulation Weather Data tab.
Location and site data wizard

Use filter to establish closest location

Design weather data

Data acquired for annual percentiles

Simulation Weather Data

Select the required simulation weather file for ApacheSim

Running dynamic thermal simulations using ApacheSim
Output options

Viewing the simulation results

Once the simulation is complete, we will then view the results in Vista Pro, IES’s results viewer (see
the separate VistaPro training notes).
Running CIBSE loads calculations using ApacheCalc (if applicable)

Select the CIBSE load calculations method:

Viewing the CIBSE load calculation results
You will be shown how to view the results in Vista Pro, IES’s results viewer (see the separate
VistaPro training notes).
Running ASHRAE loads calculations using ApacheLoads (if applicable)

Select the ASHRAE load calculations method:

Viewing the ASHRAE load calculation results
You will be shown how to view the results in VistaPro, IES’s results viewer (see the separate
VistaPro training notes).
Data Navigator

An alternative to using the Apache View is the Data Navigator via the Navigators tab. The Data
Navigator allows you to prepare the thermal and construction data for a project via a series of steps.

Note: to run the simulations or load calculations you need to go back to the Apache View via the
Applications tab.
Navigator Quality Assurance functions
Each navigator item has a notepad, check box (to remind you that you have completed that item) and
an optional date/time stamp.

Some navigator items perform functions when you click on them, and some navigator items are
simply reminders (similar to items in a checklist) for you to do something.

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