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Human Fighter (Greataxe / Javelin)

Athletics, History, Perception, Persuasion

Your family is no stranger to wealth, power, and privilege. In the glory days of Neverwinter, your parents
were the count and countess of Corlinn Hill, a large estate located in the hills northeast of the city. But
Mount Hotenow erupted thirty years ago, devastating Neverwinter and erasing Corlinn Hill from the
map. Instead of growing up on an estate, you were raised in a small but comfortable town house in

As an adult, you stand to inherit a meaningless title and little else.

Personal Goal:
Civilize Phandalin. You were meant for more than being a ruler of nothing at all. Rebuilding Corlinn Hill
is impractical, thanks to the volcano. But in the last three or four years, hardy settlers have been
rebuilding another ruin near the city: the old town of Phandalin, which orcs sacked five centuries ago.
Clearly, what Phandalin needs now is a civilizing influence—someone to take the reins and bring law and
order. Someone like you.

You’re not the only one with such ideas. A knight named Sildar Hallwinter recently set out for Phandalin
in the company of a dwarf named Gundren Rockseeker. They plan to reclaim an ancient mine and
restore Phandalin to a civilized center of wealth and prosperity. Since your goals align, Hallwinter should
be willing to assist you.

Lawful Neutral. It’s essential to establish law and order,
even if it takes an iron fist to do it. The nobility are bound by honor
and tradition to protect their people from both external and internal
threats to stability. An organized society leaves no room for evil and
chaos to take root.
Dwarf Cleric (Healing magic, Warhammer)
Athletics, Intimidation, Medicine, Religion

Trained as a soldier on the island of Mintarn, you traveled to Neverwinter as part of a mercenary
company that serves as both army and city watch. You grew disillusioned with your fellow soldiers,
who seem to enjoy their authority at the expense of the people they’re supposed to protect. Everything
came to a head recently, when you disobeyed an order and followed your conscience. You were
suspended from active duty, though you kept your rank and your connection to the mercenaries. Since
then, you have devoted yourself to your deity.

Personal Goal:
Teach the Redbrands a Lesson. You’ve heard that Daran Edermath in the town of Phandalin is looking
for people of courage and principle to teach some bullies a lesson. These thugs, the Redbrands, have
been throwing their weight around in Phandalin, much as your compatriots did in Neverwinter. Putting a
stop to their villainy is a worthy goal.

Alignment: Neutral Good. Your conscience, not law and authority, will guide you to do the right thing.
Power is meant to be used for the benefit of all, not to oppress the weak.
Halfling Rogue (short sword & shortbow)
Acrobatics, Deception, Investigation, Performance, Sleight of Hand, Stealth

The town of Phandalin is built on the ruins of an older settlement, vacant for five centuries until some
hardy settlers set about rebuilding it some years back. Drawn by stories of gold and platinum in the
nearby foothills, you came to Phandalin as well, not to earn a living, but to prey on those who struck it
rich. You joined a gang calling itself the Redbrands and made some decent coin as a burglar, enforcer, or
fence. But you must have made an enemy among your fellow Redbrands. Someone set you up. On that
person’s word, the head of the Redbrands—a wizard called Glasstaff—tried to have you killed. You
escaped, barely alive and thanking Tymora, the goddess of good fortune, for your luck. You fled
Phandalin, almost penniless and with only the tools of your trade to your name.

Personal Goal:
Get Your Revenge. Someone in the Redbrands nearly got you killed, and you sure would like to know
who it was. And then you’d like to take your revenge—on that person, on Glasstaff, maybe on all the
Redbrands. And you just got a tip that might help you: someone named Halia Thornton also has it out
for the Redbrands. She lives in Phandalin, which means showing your face to the Redbrands who still
want you dead.

Alignment: Neutral. You tend to do whatever seems best at the time. Sure, you’ve done some things
you’re not proud of, and you’re not personally committed to making the world a better place. But you
have no interest in causing suffering or making things worse than they already are.
High Elf Wizard (Arcane Magic, Short Sword)
Arcana, Insight, Investigation, Perception, Religion

You have spent your life dedicated to Oghma, all-seeing god of knowledge, and spent years learning the
lore of the multiverse.

Personal Goal:
Reconsecrate the Defiled Altar. Through visions delivered in your trances, your god has called you to a
new mission. A goblin tribe has made its lair in an ancient ruin now called Cragmaw Castle, where they
have defiled a shrine once sacred to Oghma. Now dedicated to the vile goblin god Maglubiyet, the altar
is an offense to Oghma that must not stand. You’re sure Oghma has greater things in store for you if
you can complete this quest. In the meantime, your visions suggest that Sister Garaele—a priest of
Tymora, the goddess of luck—can aid you in the town of Phandalin.

Chaotic Good. The pursuit and acquisition of knowledge is for the benefit of all. Kingdoms and laws are
useful so far as they allow knowledge to flourish. Tyrants who seek to suppress and control it are the
worst villains. You share your knowledge freely, and use what you have learned to help where you can.
Human Fighter (Archery / ranger type)
Animal Handling, History, Perception, Survival

Your parents lived in the prosperous village of Thundertree, east of the city of Neverwinter and at the
edge of the Neverwinter Wood. But when nearby Mount Hotenow erupted thirty years ago, your
parents fled, carrying you in your infancy. Your family drifted from village to village around the region,
finding work as servants or laborers where they could.

You’ve spent the last few years in Neverwinter as a porter and laborer at the city’s bustling docks. But
it’s clear to you and everyone around you that you are destined for much more. You stood up to an
abusive ship captain once, so other dockworkers look up to you. Someday, you’ll come into your own.
You’ll be a hero.

Personal Goal:
Drive Off the Dragon. The ruins of Thundertree call to you. Your family and their friends once lived in
prosperity there, and now they’re reduced to menial labor. The ruins are haunted by ash zombies, and
rumor has it a dragon has made its lair in the Old Tower, but those are problems a hero can solve. Slay
the dragon, or drive it off, and you’ll prove—to yourself and everyone else—you’re a real hero, destined
for greatness.

Lawful Good. A hero stands up to evil and never lets bullies have their way. A hero fights for law and
order, so that everyone can live in prosperity and happiness. A hero slays monsters, clears ruins, and
protects the innocent. You strive to be such a hero.

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