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Name: Yu, Izel Ann B.

Strand & Section: 11 – HUMSS 2A
Subject Teacher: Miss Jolina Brillo


1. Watch any TEDTalk that you like.

2. Observe the speaker from the first to the last minute
3. Provide a link
4. Provide a proof that you are watching the said video
5. Answer the questions

TEDTalk Title:
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How did the speaker catch his/her audience’s attention?

The speaker was Doc. Ivan Joseph, he started his speech by reminiscing his past life; how
different and not true the rumours were about being a champion and people wanting to play with
him. It was very interesting because he begun by stating the lie on behalf of false gossips. By
doing so, the audience and even I was magnetized of his topic’s introduction.

How did he/she connect with his/her audience?

He connected himself to us his audience by giving real-life scenarios and experiences that
has a relation to the topic we was focused on which was self-confidence. I was also amused of
how confident and relaxing he was by doing his speech. From his speech, it wasn’t like very
serious where you can’t bring out your emotions, in fact I did laugh of some parts of his speech
how calming and jamming he delivered it very well. I was entertained and at the same time I
learned a lot from a simple conversation and not difficult to comprehend.

How did he/she present himself/herself?

He presented himself formally and he was wearing a pleasant attire which is not over-the-
top. I loved how he was not nervous at all. He showed how ready he was to share his speech and
how he is willing to deliver it by heart and not just saying it without thinking and feeling it.

What is the speech all about? What did you learn from it?

The speech was entitled; the skill of self-confidence which was all about boosting up
your confidence. I have learned a lot especially how repetition can also be an advantage of your
self-confidence, and doing self-affirmations are helpful rather than thinking of negative self-talk
which is downgrading your outmost feeling when something is happening around you. Also, I
learned to look more on the good side and appreciate other’s effort than pointing out what a
person lacks. That is what makes a person lose his/ her confidence because of some people trying
to dictate them what needs to be done. There is more potential in a person, it is just that we need
to bring it out in a way that it does not break a persons’ confidence.

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