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i working out meaning from context ' P fricndly intonation, showing interast 1A Questions and answers Lesson plan O READING & SPEAKING Even at Upper-internypiate level many, btn 4 Focuson the photos ofthe two actors and ask Stsif they lessdi fins te know anything abour them. Don’t worry ifthey don't. including indirect Give Sis time to read about who they ave citanswers to the two questionsand tell Sts if you have seen these setors before and what you think of them. b_ Focus on the ovo interviews and ask Sts what the ttle, 2 Q&A, means (Questions and Answers). ‘Then give Sts time to read the interviews and match questions A~G with the numbered gaps. Point out the 6 followed by Pronunciation, Glossary to Sts. jon in questions and showing Get Sesto compare with a partnerand then check Extra support + Belore Sts read the article, check it for wordsand phrases which your Sts might not know and be ready Relp with these, — hear various speak {questions they havp¥ Bonadict Cumberbatch 2F 58 OF son withoutthe book, "activities on p.150 that arose, © Quickly goTRFONH questions [-8 with Ses, making "> sure they understand all the lexis in them. Now tell Sts to read the interviews again and to answer the questions with the actors’ initials. 8 {tha partner and then check 1c 3EM 5 EM 7M 28 48C 6 BC BEM Extra challenge Yau coud got Sts to close sheif Books and then call ‘out som Wers (or parts of the answer) From the wo Q&A questionnaires to see if Sts can remember the questions, T Jasmine Sts What is your favourite smell T Feay'Erm’ 160 much, Sts. Which wordsor phrasesdo you most overuse? 4d. PurSts in pairs to decide which question isthe most interesting, the most boring, and too personal to ask x person who you don’t know well. You might want co tell Sts that they don'thave to agree with each other. Ger feedback From the class. ‘© Focus on the task and put Sis in pairs. Give Sts time ro choose their six questions. Extra support + Demonstrate the activity by getting Sts 10 choose questions to ask you. Give reasonably Full answers. and encourage Sisto ask follow-up questions. Get Sts to ask and answer their questions. Encourage ‘questioners’to ask for more information where possible Geet feedback by asking Sts for any interesting | fury answers and deal with any vocabulary problems that 2 GRAMMAR «question formation a Focuson the task and gothrough questions 1 and 2 Make sure Sts remember what, for example, an auxiliary verb is (do, have, etc) Get Sts to do the task in pairs or do itas an open-class activity. Check answers. 1. asubject question where there is no auxiliary verbs O question which ends with a preposition: G a question which uses a negative auxiliary verb: B 2 The question becomes What do you think you would ‘change?it becomes an indirect question and there iso inversion of youand would (the subject and auxiiar), b (1:2))/4,)) Tell Sts to go to Grammar Bank 1A, ‘on p.132. Focusoon the example sentences and play the audio for Sts to listen to the sentence rhythm. You could also get Sts to repeat the sentences ta practise getting the rhythm right. Then go through the rules th the class Additional grammarnotes + The Additional grammar notes in this Teacher's Book aim to add more information to the notes and rules onthe Grammar Bank pages in the Student's Book. There isa direct link between the ‘number of each rule in the Teacher's Book and the Student's Book, IFthere is no extra information about a rule in the Teacher's Book, thisis either because we assume that Sts at this evel should already know it or ecause all the information needed is on the Student's Book page. 1A question formation rule I:basic word order in questions + Sts atthis evel should be familiar with basicrules regarding question formation, though they may still ‘be making mistakes, especially when they speak. rule 2: word orderin negative questions + The word order is the same as in normal questions, ie, justadd nt to the auxiliary verb, e.g. Aren’t you {going to come? Why didn't you tll me? + You may wantto point out when full forms are used you have o puc the not between the subject and verb, eg. Are you not going to come? Why did you not tell me? + You should point out to Sts thatitis much more common to se the contracted negative, especially in spoken English. indirect questions + You may wantto highlight that in this kind of question the second question ‘disappears. Other expressions followed by the word order of indirect questions + Highlight that we only usea question mark when the introductory phrase isa question, e.g, Could ou tellme...? Do you have any idea...? Where the introductory phrase isnot a question, eg. 'mnot sure... wonder...,then the sentence ends with a full stop. Focus on the exercises and get Sts to do them individually or in pairs Check answers, getting Sts to read the full questions. ‘Should itelther how feel? How lang have you knawn your best friend? Could you tell me when the next train leaves? Who does the houseworkin your Family? ‘What ere you thinking about? What dont you tke doing atthe weekend? ‘What kind of music does Jane lke istening to? ‘Do you know what time the fim finishes? How many students came to class yesterday? Do you remember where the restaurant is? doyouusually do 6 does your sister do wrote 7 ate /has eaten this book costs 8 the swimming pool opens parked 9 Didnt / Doesrit your sister like 5 Didyouenjoy ‘10 Doyouhaveto ‘Tell Sts togo back to the main esson 1A. Extra suppore ink Stsneed more practice, you may want to give them the Grammar photocopiable activity at this, point orleave it for later as consolidation or revision 1A GRAMMAR question formation © Complete the questions. 1A Idontttke her dress, B_ What don’t you like about it? A Thestyle.|thinkit's awful. Bit must have cost a fortune though. A. Yes. Who. it? B_ Her grandparents paid. t was a wedding present, 2A Doyouknow over there? B_ That woman there? | think she's Claire's cousin, A. Her hairstyle is very old-fashioned! 3A Where oon their honeymoon? B Onan African safari | think. A How Ee going ? B_ Three weeks! © Change the direct questions to indirect questions. 1 ‘Where are the toilets? 2. ‘Why didn’t Sarah come to the wedding?” 3. ‘Isthar tall woman over there Claire's mother?” 4 ‘What does Molly's husband do?” 5 ‘Can I gota taxi after midnight? 6 ‘Did Claire's sister get married here?” 7 Will chey be happy?” 8 ‘Where did they put our coats?" Work with a partner. Write two direct and two i know about your partner. Ask for more information, "Nobody. He came on his own. His girlfriend left him last month, WW hime I think she met someone else. long __Matt and Claire each other? For about a year, think Miers ies 2 Someone tald me they met on an online dating site. Oniine dating? Who seta that?’ Ithink Alex told me. He's Matt's best friend, “Could you tell me where the toilets are?” 0) i) cr “Do you know ‘Do you remember "Do you have any idea __? “Do you remember Saal! “Do you think a “Do you know e Jirect questions to find out something you didn't English File 3d ection Teacher's Book Upper-intermediate Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2014 150 GRAMMAR introduction © Read about Beata. Then correct the bold phrases 1-18. yy name's Beata and I'm from Poznat in Poland. I was born there and ‘I have lived there until | was 14. Then my fami ‘move to Warsaw, and that's where I ive now. ‘Pm divorced and I have a son called Filip, who %is five years. He spends weekdays with me and weekends with his father: I have two brothers, “which are both studying at university. | am the ‘older child in the family. My mother works in a bank and my father i retired, “Hle use to be a Dusiness consultant | work for a big clothing company. I am “on charge of foreign suppliers, which means that I have to use English when | tak to them on the phone, and sometimes I travel to other countries such as Morocco and Turkey “for to meet supplies “Lam learning English for about nine year. | studied i at school, and then after I lft schoo! | spent eight weeks in Ireland. During the day I °was going to English classes, and in the evening I worked "like a waitress in a restaurant. It was "a very hard work. When I came home my English "has improved alot, but thet was a few yeats ago and I've forgotten alot since then. My main aim ths year is +to be able speak more uently and to Improve my writing, I think I am quite "good at read in English. As soon as my level of English "will be good enough, I'l take the IELTS exam. 1 Phave very few free time, but when I can, I go howe riding, IfT had more ime, "1 learn another language, maybe French or German, 1 Lived there 10 wn 2 Ss W g eee Togs 4 = eu 5 6 ee 7 i 16 a 8 SENS 7 an 18 Gels @ Write a similar text about yourself, in five paragraphs. Include the following information: + where you live + your family + what youdo + how long you've been learning English and why + what you do in your free time English File 3c edition Teacher's Book Upper intermediate Phatocopiable © Oxford University Press 2014

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