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0 conditional When/if I’m sick I try to recover. present simple routine, facts

If you see a homeless person on the street, do you give them money?

1 conditional If it’s sunny, I’ll go for a walk. present simple , will we think it can happen

Po if nigdy will, would If it’ll be sunny

2 conditional we think it won’t happen if+ past simple, would + infinitive

If I could do anything I would start my own charity organization.

What would you do if you won a lottery?

What would you do if you weren’t a teacher?

What will you do if you’re not a teacher?


whipped cream- bita śmietana

craving for- zachcianka na

not really- nie bardzo

I can afford it- móc sobie pozwolić

kid oneself/delude- łudzić się, oszukiwać Don’t kid yourself.

contagious- zaraźliwy Yawning is contagious.

yawn- ziewać

tend to do sth- mieć skłonność/ tendencję do robienia czegoś

fan- wiatrak

crack- (wiele znaczeń) złamać się psychicznie


in 2022, in December

for two weeks I haven’t done anything.

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