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Executive Summary
FLASH founded in 2022 is owned by fully Malaysians and it’s operated the business based in
Malaysia-Rawang, Selangor. FLASH is company that create pen drive and why we choose pen
drive because pen drives are still relevant today. For example, even with the cloud like
smartphones or computers, pen drives are still necessary. Other than that, the cloud cannot
provide all of the benefits the pen drives can provide, such as the cloud requires an internet
connection, while pen drive do not require an internet connection and pen drive offer an
excellent physical way to keep data safe in your hand without you feel worried that the data
is gone. Although the technology nowadays is more advanced, pen drive is still the best way
to carry huge amount of data from one place to another physically. In example it is used by
lot’s types of people like office workers, businessmen or women, students and many more.
To give the best service to our customer we tend to use high quality supplies to create our
pen drives, so that our customer feel satisfied with our product that the customer purchase.

The flash will grow at the market level and be one of the most top rated companies for
electronic supplies in the country and abroad.
The flash company aiming to provide pen drive that will expand in terms of quality and
external ways to organize files.

3. Goals and Objectives

We want to provide the high quality pen drive that consists a unlimited storage and make
sure that it is more capacity and and more durable for a pen drive. Beside that, we want to
make sure that the pen drive can do an additional back and transfer of computer files.

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