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Regional Literature: Life and Works 2.

Cases on Municipal Corporations – Manila: Oriental

Comm. Company, 1924.
Of Canonical Authors 3. Cases on Constitutional Law – Manila: Bureau of
As defined by Oxford dictionary, canonical Printing, 1925.
4. Election Law of the Philippine Islands – Manila: Oriental
/kənɒnɪkəl/ traditionally means anything that is
Comm. Company, 1925.
included in a list of holy books that are 5. Local Government in the Philippine Islands – Manila: La
accepted as genuine. Another definition given is Pilarica Publication, 1926.
its connectedness with works of literature that
are highly respected.
It comes from the root word "canon" or a
generally accepted rule, standard or principle TONDO, MANILA
by which something is judged. If something has  He wrote Isang Dipang Langit (A Stretch of
canonical status, it is accepted as having all the Heaven), which later won a Republic
qualities that a thing of its kind should have. Cultural Heritage Award
Thus, canonical authors are those who are  Bayang Malaya (Free Nation), which later
highly esteemed and well-respected writers won a Balagtas Award.
whose published works have contributed greatly  Also written in prison was his masterpiece
in the field of literature. Luha ng Buwaya (Tears of the Crocodile)

Luzon Visayas
Whenever we hear the island group of Luzon, it is Many critiques consider literature from Visayas
not surprising that the language mostly associated as the home of hybrid forms especially in their
with it is Tagalog. In fact, most literary works romance novels where age-old pattern like
from Luzon are written in this language which corrido (metrical romances) is mixed with new
coined the term "Tagalog Literature" and trends and genre mostly depicting social realities.
flourished greatly during the Japanese occupation
when the English language was strictly banned. These hybrid forms are also rich in local colors
Specifically, bulk of Tagalog Literature comes that significantly show Visayan cultures and
from Southern Luzon, Central Luzon, and traditions. Unfortunately, lack of venue for
National Capital Region or Metro Manila. publication hinders the flourishing of fiction from
this island.
Moreover, most of our influential historical
figures who were writers themselves were also One of the longest known epics in the world
from this island such as Jose Rizal, Andres called Hinilawod is actually from Visayas. Truly,
Bonifacio, Jose P. Laurel, and Amado the love for poetry runs in the blood of Visayans.
Hernandez to name a few. Consequently, we can Modern literature revolves around poetry and
still trace modern literature reflecting the drama which are mostly satirical in nature that
country's historical development. deal with social behavior produced since the
1900s up to the present. Literature produced is
widely written in Waray, Cebuano, and English.
 Noli Me Tangere
 El Filibusterismo

 Pag ibig sa Tinubuang Lupa (poem)

People from Mindanao are divided into three
groups: Christian settlers (mostly migrants from
Visayas and Luzon), Moro (mainly from ARMM
groups), and Lumads (consisting of 18
ethnolinguistic groups). Being the only island of
the Philippines where majority is non-Christian,
JOSE LAUREL ignorance among Christians, discrimination, and
TANAUAN BATANGAS distortion are mostly felt by Muslim people.
1. The Election Law Annoted – Manila: Bureau of Printing,
Some of the insensitive words associated among
Muslims are being immoral because they can
marry as many wives as they can, warlike, killer,
and totally different from that of Christians. The
conflict in Mindanao is mostly because of two
factors: political and religious. Unfortunately, this
conflict extends up to their literature as it seems
to be widely invisible or inaccessible.

Moro-moro is a play that became popular in

the Philippines during the Spanish colonial
period where the Moros were portrayed as
perpetual villains who always lost to Christians
in the end. It depicts battles, in a rather comedic
way, between Christians and Moros as Muslims
in the Philippines prefer to be called.

Some Writers across the Region

Among the country's eighteen recognized
National Artists, sixteen are from Luzon who
mostly came from NCR such as :


author of Mga Ibong Mandaragit which exposes
the ills of society as evident in the agrarian
problems of the 50s

JOSE GARCIA VILLA - He was a Filipino

poet, writer, and critic. He used the pen name
“Doveglion” which was a combination of the
words “dove,” “eagle,” and “lion” and was what
he believed was his true persona. His notable
works include The Anchored Angel, The
Emperor’s New Sonnet, and Footnote to Youth.

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