Cantar de Mio Cid - en

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(Translated by R. Selden Rose and Leonard Bacon)


He turned and looked upon them, and he wept very sore

As he saw the yawning gateway and the hasps wrenched off the door,

And the pegs whereon no mantle nor coat of vair there hung.

There perched no moulting goshawk, and there no falc on swung.

My lord the Cid sighed deeply such grief was in his heart

And he spake well and wisely: "Oh Thou, in Heaven that art

Our Father and our Master, now I give thanks to Thee.

Of their wickedness my foemen have done this thing to me."

Then they shook out the bridle rein further to ride afar.

They had the crow on their right hand as they issued from Bivar;

And as they entered Burgos upon their left it sped.

And the Cid shrugged his shoulders, and the Cid shook his head:

"Good tidings Alvar Fanez We are banished from our weal,

But on a day with honor shall we come unto Castile."

Roy Diaz entered Burgos with sixty pennons strong,

And forth to look upon him did the men and women throng.

And with their wives the townsmen at the windows stood hard by,

And they wept in lamentation, their grief was risen so high.

As with one mouth, together they spake with one accord:

"God, what a noble vassal, an he had a worthy lord”.

Fain had they made him welcome, but none dared do the thing

For fear of Don Alfonso, and the fury of the King.

His mandate unto Burgos came ere tile evening fell.

With utmost care they brought it, and it was sealed well

'That no man to Roy Diaz give shelter now, take heed

And if one give him shelter, let him know in very deed.

He shall lose his whole possession, nay! the eyes within his head

Nor shall his soul and body be found in better stead.'

Great sorrow had the Christians, and from his face they hid.

Was none dared aught to utter unto my lord the Cid.

Then the Campeador departed unto his lodging straight.

But when he was come thither, they had locked and barred the gate.

In their fear of King Alfonso had they done even so.

An the Cid forced not his entrance, neither for weal nor woe

Durst they open it unto him. Loudly his men did call.

Nothing thereto in answer said the folk within the hall.

My lord the Cid spurred onward, to the doorway did he go.

He drew his foot from the stirrup, he smote the door one blow.

Yet the door would not open, for they lied barred it fast.

But a maiden of nine summers came unto him at last:

"Campeador in happy hour thou girdedst on the sword.

'This the King's will. Yestereven came tile mandate of our lord.

With utmost care they brought it, and it was sealed with care:

None to ope to you or greet you for any cause shall dare.

And if we do, we forfeit houses and lands instead.

Nay we shall lose, moreover, the eyes within the head

And, Cid, with our misfortune, naught whatever cost thou gain.

But may God with all his power support thee in thy pain. "

So spake the child and turned away. Unto her home went she.

That he lacked the King's favor now well the Cid might see.

He left the door; forth onward he spurred through Burgos town.

When he had reached Saint Mary's, then he got swiftly down

He fell upon his knee and prayed with a true heart indeed:

and when the prayer was over, he mounted on the steed.

North from the gate and over the Arlanzon he went.

Here in the sand by Burgos, the Cid let pitch his tent.

Roy Diaz, who in happy hour had girded on the brand,

Since none at home would greet him, encamped there on the sand.

With a good squadron, camping as if within the wood.

They will not let him in Burgos buy any kind of food.

Provender for a single day they dared not to him sell.

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