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By Vasiliki Nastou
Science is subject with definite principles
The principles are universal
There are definite results
The results can be experienced by all irrespective of religion, cast, creed, gender, culture etc.
YOGA fulfils these conditions, hence Yoga is Science
Η επιστήμη υπόκειται σε συγκεκριμένες αρχές
Οι αρχές είναι καθολικές
Υπάρχουν σίγουρα αποτελέσματα
Τα αποτελέσματα μπορούν να τα βιώσουν όλοι ανεξαρτήτως θρησκείας, θρησκείας,
πίστης, φύλου, κουλτούρας κ.λπ.
Η ΓΙΟΓΚΑ πληροί αυτές τις προϋποθέσεις, επομένως η Γιόγκα είναι Επιστήμη".
Vasiliki Raja

What is Yoga? (Vasiliki's thoughts)

Yoga defines itself as a SCIENCE

-that is, as a practical, methodical, and systematic discipline or set of techniques that have a
lofty goal of helping human beings to become aware of their deepest nature. The goal of
seeking to experience this deepest potential is not part of a religious process, but an
experiential science part of self-study.

Religions seek to define what we should believe, while a practical science such as meditation
is based on the concrete experience of those teachers and yogis who have previously used
these techniques to experience the deepest Self.

Yoga does not contradict or interfere with any religion, and may be practiced by everyone,
whether themselves as agnostics or members of a particular faith.

Thought history, yogic techniques have been practiced in both the East and the West, so it
would be an "error" to consider Yoga as an "Eastern import".

In fact, Yoga, with its powerful techniques for creating a sense of inner peace, harmony and
clarity of mind, is absolutely relevant to the modern world - for both East and West.

Given the increasing pace and conflict present in modern life, with all its resulting stress,
one could say that yoga has become an essential tool for survival, as well as for expanding
the creativity and joy of our lives.
Yoga probably is the oldest science (7000 years), a complete method of exercises for the all
body, including muscles, tendons, joints, bones and ligaments, breathing and concentrating

Yoga Is Not a Religion

Although Yoga presents detailed information and techniques regarding the ‘soul’, Yoga is
not a religion. Yoga is a spiritual science. By learning this science, an individual understands
the fundamentals of all religions. Yoga is a universal development system.

Yoga develops a human on the subjects of consciousness and soul, yet it is not a religion
based on theology and rituals. There is no hierarchy or worshiping of a leader or a deity in
Yoga. Yoga is a source of spiritual information. By acquiring this information, an individual
comprehends the basic principles of all religions.

Yoga is a cultural and spiritual branch of knowledge that is open to all humans without
regard of class, faith, color, race, gender and age. Perhaps the only essential quality
necessary to begin Yoga is to accept the existence of the secret potentials of the human
consciousness and to have the will to reach the summit of consciousness by practicing Yoga

The factor that differentiates Yoga from religions is its perspective on the body, mind and
emotions. Religions perceive the body, mind and emotions as an obstruction on the path to
enlightenment and as a means of sin. Whereas Yoga teaches that the body, mind and
emotions are a part of the universal truth and how it can be used for humankind to develop,
become enlightened and ascend.

When the body, mind and emotions are cleaned and filled with positive energy by means of
Yoga techniques, the individual is naturally freed of negative desires, thoughts and actions.
By using one’s free will in a positive manner and enhancing one’s self-confidence, a person
takes on the responsibility of his/her destiny and is emancipated from the slavery of destiny.
To conclude: Yoga it is an integral, subjective Science. Its spiritual, mental or physical import
cannot be separate from each other.

In Science of Yoga we have techniques for the physical body , techniques for the mental
body, techniques for the emotional body and techniques for spiritual body, such as asana,
pranayama, mundra, bandha, kriya, pratyahara, meditation etc.

Yoga its a complete Science of self- development and self-awareness and self-love.


IAYT Definition (International Association of Yoga Therapists)

Yoga therapy is the process of empowering individuals to progress toward improved health
and well-being through the application of the teachings and practices of Yoga.
References: American Yoga Association, Coulter, 2001,Anatomy of Hatha Yoga, Dr. J.K.
Thakur, Vasiliki Raja Nastou.

Vasiliki Raja Nastou (international Yoga Therapist C-IAYT, Addiction therapist IAHT,
Athlete’s manager) website: Viber,What’s up: +357-99027227

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