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Feb.09, 2018 Rearrange cells in a cell range to vertically distributed values

Feb.09, 2018 Get the latest revision Categories
Feb.08, 2018 How to use the TRUE function Add-in
Feb.08, 2018 How to use the DEGREES function Blank cells
Feb.08, 2018 How to use the RANK function Calendar
Feb.08, 2018 How to use the RADIANS function Case sensitive

Feb.08, 2018 How to use the PI function Charts

Feb.07, 2018 How to use the FORMULATEXT function
Column chart
Feb.07, 2018 How to use the ISFORMULA function
Feb.07, 2018 How to use the ISODD function
Feb.07, 2018 How to use the ISERR function Interactive
Feb.07, 2018 How to use the FIND function SCATTER (x y) chart
Feb.06, 2018 How to use the ISNA function Combinations
Feb.06, 2018 How to use the ISREF function Combine/Merge
Feb.06, 2018 How to use the ISNONTEXT function Compare
Feb.06, 2018 How to use the ISLOGICAL function Concatenate
Conditional formatting
Feb.06, 2018 How to use the ISTEXT function
Highlight duplicates
Feb.05, 2018 How to use the ISERROR function
Count records
Feb.05, 2018 How to use the ISBLANK function
Count unique distinct records
Feb.05, 2018 How to use the POWER function
Count values
Excel Functions Feb.05, 2018 How to graph an equation
Count text values
Feb.05, 2018 How to extract numbers from a cell value
Charts Count unique distinct
Feb.02, 2018 How to use the VALUE function values
Conditional Formatting
Feb.02, 2018 How to use the TODAY function Dates
Defined Tables Feb.02, 2018 How to use the DATEVALUE function Overlapping
Pivot Tables Feb.02, 2018 How to use the WITH … END WITH statement Drop down lists
Templates Feb.02, 2018 How to use the DATEDIF function Dependent drop down lists

VBA Reference Feb.01, 2018 How to use the DO LOOP statement Duplicate records
Feb.01, 2018 How to use the TAN function Duplicate values
Feb.01, 2018 How to use the COS function Features
User Defined Functions Advanced filter
Feb.01, 2018 How to use the SIN function
Videos Feb.01, 2018 How to use the EVEN function
Data validation
Excel table
Jan.31, 2018 Highlight opposite numbers
Expanding cell range
Jan.31, 2018 How to use the MINUTE function Named range
Jan.31, 2018 How to use the EXP function Pivot table
Jan.31, 2018 How to use the RANDBETWEEN function Solver
Jan.31, 2018 How to use the SECOND function Filter emails
Jan.30, 2018 How to use the HOUR function Filter records
Jan.30, 2018 How to use the FLOOR function Finance
Jan.30, 2018 How to use the FALSE function stock chart
Stock market trend
Jan.30, 2018 How to use the FACT function
Stock portfolio
Jan.30, 2018 How to use the IFNA function
Find numbers in sum
Jan.29, 2018 How to use the IFS function
Jan.29, 2018 How to use the INT function
Jan.29, 2018 How to use the CLEAN function
FLOOR function
Jan.29, 2018 How to use the COMBIN function
RANK function
Jan.29, 2018 How to use the PERMUT function
Date and Time
Jan.26, 2018 How to remove unwanted characters in a cell
DATE function
Jan.26, 2018 How to use the LEN function DATEDIF function
Jan.26, 2018 Identify all characters in a cell value DATEVALUE function
Jan.26, 2018 How to use the COUNTBLANK function DAY function
Jan.26, 2018 How to use the COUNTA function HOUR function
Jan.25, 2018 How to use the COLUMNS function MINUTE function
MONTH function
Jan.25, 2018 How to use the ROWS function
Jan.25, 2018 How to use SELECT CASE statement function
Jan.24, 2018 How to use the MAX function SECOND function
Jan.24, 2018 How to use the MAXIFS function TIME function
Jan.24, 2018 How to use the LARGE function TODAY function

Jan.23, 2018 How to use the CELL function WEEKDAY function

YEAR function
Jan.23, 2018 How to use the COUNT function
Jan.22, 2018 How to use the CHAR function
CELL function
Jan.22, 2018 How to use the CODE function
ISBLANK function
Jan.22, 2018 How to use the COLUMN function
ISERR function
Jan.19, 2018 How to use the FOR NEXT statement ISERROR function
Jan.19, 2018 How to use the AVERAGEIFS function ISFORMULA function
Jan.19, 2018 How to use the AVERAGEIF function ISLOGICAL function
Jan.19, 2018 How to use the AGGREGATE function ISNA function
Jan.18, 2018 How to use the NETWORKDAYS function ISNONTEXT function
ISNUMBER function
Jan.17, 2018 How to use the ADDRESS function
ISODD function
Jan.17, 2018 How to use the TIME function
ISREF function
Jan.17, 2018 How to use the ISNUMBER function
ISTEXT function
Jan.16, 2018 WEEKDAYS between two dates
Jan.16, 2018 How to use the WEEKDAY function
AND function
Jan.16, 2018 How to use the DAY function FALSE function
Jan.16, 2018 How to use the MONTH function IF function
Jan.16, 2018 How to use the LOWER function IFERROR function
Jan.15, 2018 How to use the REPT function IFNA function
Jan.15, 2018 How to use the SUBSTITUTE function IFS function
ISEVEN funtion
Jan.15, 2018 How to use the UPPER function
NOT function
Jan.15, 2018 How to use the EXACT function
OR function
Jan.15, 2018 How to use the IF THEN ELSE ELSEIF END IF statement [VBA]
TRUE function
Jan.12, 2018 How to use the TRIM function
Lookup and reference
Jan.12, 2018 Extract last word in cell
ADDRESS function
Jan.11, 2018 How to remove numbers from a cell value CHOOSE function
Jan.11, 2018 How to use the ABS function COLUMN function
Jan.11, 2018 Extract first word in cell COLUMNS function
Jan.10, 2018 LEFT function for numbers FORMULATEXT function
Jan.10, 2018 CHOOSE function from list HLOOKUP function
HYPERLINK function
Jan.09, 2018 How to use the RIGHT function
INDEX function
Jan.09, 2018 How to use the LEFT function
INDIRECT function
Jan.09, 2018 How to use the MID function LOOKUP function
Jan.08, 2018 How to use the MIN function Lookup numerical
Jan.08, 2018 Excel’s SUMIFS function explained ranges
Jan.07, 2018 Learn how to use the CHOOSE function MATCH function
OFFSET function
Dec.27, 2017 Highlight empty cells
ROW function
Dec.21, 2017 INDEX and MATCH – multiple criteria and multiple results
ROWS function
Dec.20, 2017 Count cells containing text from list TRANSPOSE function
Dec.20, 2017 AVERAGE based on criteria VLOOKUP function
Dec.19, 2017 If cell contains multiple values Math and trigonometry
Dec.19, 2017 Days between two dates ABS function
Dec.18, 2017 SMALL function – INDEX MATCH AGGREGATE function
Dec.18, 2017 How to ignore zeros using the SMALL function COMBIN function
Dec.15, 2017 SMALL function – multiple criteria COS function
DEGREES function
Dec.14, 2017 SMALL function for text
EVEN function
Dec.14, 2017 AVERAGE ignore NA()
EXP function
Dec.13, 2017 How to AVERAGE time FACT function
Dec.13, 2017 AVERAGE ignore blanks INT function
Dec.13, 2017 Learn to use the AVERAGE function MMULT function
Dec.12, 2017 SMALL function with duplicates MOD function
Dec.12, 2017 SUMPRODUCT and nested IF functions PI function
POWER function
Dec.11, 2017 SUMPRODUCT if not blank
QUOTIENT function
Dec.08, 2017 SUMPRODUCT and IF function
RADIANS function
Dec.07, 2017 SUMPRODUCT – multiple criteria
RAND function
Dec.06, 2017 INDEX MATCH – Case sensitive RANDBETWEEN
Dec.06, 2017 Excel formula not working function
Dec.05, 2017 INDEX MATCH – multiple results SIN function
SUBTOTAL function
Dec.05, 2017 Compare two columns and highlight differences
SUM function
Dec.04, 2017 Match two columns
SUMIF function
Dec.04, 2017 If cell equals value from list
SUMIFS function
Dec.01, 2017 Sum by group SUMPRODUCT function
Dec.01, 2017 Learn how to use the SUBTOTAL function TAN function
Nov.30, 2017 If cell contains text from list Statistical
Nov.30, 2017 IF with OR function AVERAGE function
Nov.29, 2017 INDEX MATCH with multiple criteria AVERAGEIF function
Nov.29, 2017 Sum between two dates AVERAGEIFS function
Nov.28, 2017 COUNTIF not blank cells COUNT function
COUNTA function
Nov.27, 2017 If cell contains text
Nov.27, 2017 Excel’s OR function explained
COUNTIF function
Nov.24, 2017 How to use the AND function
COUNTIFS function
Nov.23, 2017 Use IF + COUNTIF to perform numerous conditions FREQUENCY function
Nov.23, 2017 IF with AND function – multiple conditions LARGE function
Nov.22, 2017 Nested IF functions MAX function
Nov.22, 2017 Learn to use the YEAR function MAXIFS function
Nov.21, 2017 Learn how to use the HYPERLINK function MIN function
MINIFS function
Nov.20, 2017 Two-dimensional lookup using two tables
PERMUT function
Nov.17, 2017 Learn to use Excel’s DATE function
SMALL function
Nov.14, 2017 Excel’s TEXT function explained
Nov.06, 2017 Excel’s SUMIF function explained
CHAR function
Nov.01, 2017 Filter values based on numerical ranges
CLEAN function
Oct.25, 2017 Running totals CODE function
Oct.16, 2017 Find empty cells and sum cells above EXACT function
Oct.12, 2017 Rearrange values FIND function
Oct.05, 2017 Opening a workbook runs a macro automatically LEFT function
Sep.04, 2017 How to extract a case sensitive unique list from a column LEN function
LOWER function
Aug.28, 2017 Count unique distinct values based on a condition
MID function
Aug.25, 2017 Lookup multiple values in different columns and return multiple values
REPT function
Aug.24, 2017 Extract a list of alphabetically sorted duplicates based on a condition RIGHT function
Aug.19, 2017 Extract duplicate values with exceptions SEARCH function
Aug.19, 2017 Filter duplicate values using critera SUBSTITUTE function
Aug.17, 2017 Concatenate cell values based on a condition [No VBA] TEXT function
Aug.16, 2017 Find last value in a column TEXTJOIN function
TRIM function
Aug.15, 2017 Unique distinct list sorted alphabetically and based on a condition
UPPER function
Aug.15, 2017 Find last matching value in an unsorted table
VALUE function
Aug.11, 2017 Use VLOOKUP and return multiple values sorted from A to Z
Fuzzy lookup
Aug.03, 2017 Concatenate unique distinct values
Jul.22, 2017 Excel’s SUM function
Jul.18, 2017 How to use the HLOOKUP function
Jul.11, 2017 Everything you need to know about the VLOOKUP function Maze
Jul.07, 2017 Nested Search Misc
Jul.06, 2017 Track progress Missing values
May.31, Normalize data
Use VLOOKUP to calculate discount percentages
2017 Pathfinding
May.24, Permutations
Count matching strings using regular expressions
2017 Random
May.16, Team generator
Reverse two-way lookups
Excel map chart Rearrange values
Apr.27, 2017 Split search value using delimiter and search for each substring
Related tables
Apr.25, 2017 Fetching values from ThingSpeak using vba
Mar.30, 2017 Count colored cells
Search and return multiple
Mar.16, 2017 Become more productive – Learn Excel Defined Tables values
Feb.27, 2017 Rotating unique groups with no repeat Sequence
Feb.17, 2017 Time sheet for work Sort values
Split values
Feb.07, 2017 Extract cell references from a formula
Substitute Replace
Dec.20, 2016 Filter rows where a cell contains a numeric value
Dec.02, 2016 Working with the LIKE OPERATOR Text string manipulation
Nov.16, 2016 Build a stock chart with two series Tournament
Nov.10, 2016 Calendar – monthly view Two-dimensional lookup
Oct.24, 2016 Round-robin tournament Unique distinct records
Oct.11, 2016 List permutations with repetition and how many to choose from Unique distinct values
Unique values
Sep.29, 2016 How to use DIALOG BOXES
Aug.26, 2016 List all permutations with a condition
Jul.04, 2016 Discover Pivot Tables – Excel’s most powerful feature and also least known
Jun.07, 2016 TEXTJOIN function
Jun.01, 2016 Working with ARRAY VARIABLES
Combo boxes
Apr.21, 2016 Stock market trends – pivots
Dialog boxes
Apr.12, 2016 Count identical numbers in two columns but items must be in same row Files and folders
Mar.22, 2016 Compare two columns in different worksheets Form Controls
Mar.16, 2016 Sort values by corresponding text Listbox
Feb.15, 2016 Sort names by value Macro
Feb.03, 2016 Multiply cells efficiently Print
Jan.26, 2016 Resize a range of values
Regular expressions
Jan.18, 2016 Website statistics for 2015
Nov.13, 2015 Follow stock market trends – trailing stop
DO LOOP statement
Nov.03, 2015 Follow stock market trends – Moving Average
FOR NEXT statement
Oct.19, 2015 Dynamic stock chart IF THEN ELSE statement
Oct.09, 2015 Find the highest status and when it was acquired SELECT CASE
Sep.22, 2015 Combine a column chart and a xy scatter chart statement
Sep.18, 2015 Primary data is hidden behind secondary data
Sep.07, 2015 Learn the basics of Excel arrays Text boxes
Aug.24, 2015 Highlight a column in a stacked column chart (no vba) User Defined Function
Aug.14, 2015 Color chart bars by value Worksheet

Aug.12, 2015 Count overlapping days across multiple date ranges VLOOKUP and return
multiple values
Aug.06, 2015 Find date given day and week
Sign up for free blog updates
Aug.03, 2015 Improve your X Y Scatter Chart with custom data labels
Jun.30, 2015 TRANSPOSE function
Jun.17, 2015 Calculate time between time zones
Jun.10, 2015 Find and replace a text string in file names, folder name and subfolders
Jun.04, 2015 Sum numerical ranges
Search website
Jun.02, 2015 Unzip files in folder and subfolders
May.29, Search
Custom Search
Count per row
Frequency bug?
Count overlapping days in multiple date ranges, part 2
Count overlapping days in multiple date ranges
Find missing dates in a set of date ranges
Dynamic scoreboard
Working with overlapping date ranges
Use MEDIAN function to calculate overlapping ranges
Apr.22, 2015 Team generator
Apr.16, 2015 Working with LIST BOXES (Form Controls)
Apr.10, 2015 Split expenses calculator
Mar.31, 2015 Count contiguous values
Mar.25, 2015 List all hyperlinks in worksheet
Mar.19, 2015 Add new items to a drop down list automatically
Mar.10, 2015 QUOTIENT function
Mar.03, 2015 Permutations with and without repetition
Feb.26, 2015 Return all combinations
Feb.19, 2015 Find numbers closest to sum
Feb.11, 2015 Filter duplicate files in a folder and sub folders
Feb.06, 2015 Compare file names in two different folder locations and their sub folders
Jan.27, 2015 Save selected sheets to a pdf file
Jan.19, 2015 Find cells containing formulas with literal (hard coded) values
Jan.09, 2015 LOOKUP function
Dec.30, 2014 How to enter array formulas in merged cells
Dec.16, 2014 INDIRECT function
Dec.09, 2014 Find the longest/smallest consecutive sequence of a value [VBA]
Dec.02, 2014 Split text across columns
Nov.18, 2014 Count the number of cells within a range that match multiple comma separated values
Nov.11, 2014 Find the longest/shortest consecutive sequence of a value
Nov.04, 2014 Find a sequence of values – wildcard search
Oct.28, 2014 Find a sequence
Oct.23, 2014 Search all workbooks in a folder and sub folders
Oct.14, 2014 List comments [VBA]
Oct.08, 2014 Use pictures in a column chart
Sep.30, 2014 Build a comparison chart
Sep.23, 2014 Add pictures to a chart axis
Sep.18, 2014 Group data by quarters

Aug.20, 2014 Copy filtered Excel tables [VBA]

Jul.16, 2014 Highlight a selected cell´s row and column
Jul.04, 2014 Optimize pick path in a warehouse
Compare two lists and filter unique values where the sum in one column doesn’t match
Jun.26, 2014
the other column
Jun.16, 2014 A quicker A * pathfinding algorithm
Jun.03, 2014 Learn how the MOD function works
Jun.03, 2014 Learn how the MOD function works
Finding the shortest path – A * pathfinding
Basic substitution cipher
Move data to workbooks
Apr.29, 2014 Learn Excel’s Subtotal feature
Apr.18, 2014 Sort and return unique single digit numbers
Apr.16, 2014 Print screen the entire worksheet
Apr.14, 2014 Highlight unique values in a filtered excel table
Apr.08, 2014 Customize Excel maze
Apr.02, 2014 Solve a maze
Mar.31, 2014 Build a maze
Mar.27, 2014 Introducing Get Digital Help´s Advanced Excel Course
Mar.21, 2014 Shortest path
Mar.14, 2014 Animating a line chart
Feb.27, 2014 Merge tables based on a condition
Feb.18, 2014 An animated bar chart
Feb.11, 2014 Find the most urgent work orders
Feb.07, 2014 Find last matching value in an unsorted list
Feb.04, 2014 Multi-level To-Do list template
Jan.28, 2014 An animated excel chart
Jan.21, 2014 Highlight a group of chart bars
Jan.14, 2014 Team ranking with criteria
Jan.08, 2014 Search all workbooks in a folder
Dec.29, 2013 5 most popular blog posts 2013
Dec.20, 2013 All you need to know about calculating NAV units for your stock portfolio
Dec.13, 2013 Lookup and return multiple values sorted in a custom order
Dec.03, 2013 Add your personal excel macros to the ribbon
Nov.26, 2013 Identify overlapping records
Nov.22, 2013 Remove print preview lines (Page Breaks)
Nov.12, 2013 Compare values between two columns and filter values existing in only one column
Nov.06, 2013 Quickly change chart data source
Oct.30, 2013 Working with TEXT BOXES [VBA]
Oct.25, 2013 Show and hide a picture [VBA]
Oct.22, 2013 Multiple wildcard lookups and include or exclude criteria
Oct.18, 2013 Lookup with an unknown number of criteria
Oct.15, 2013 Click a button to make specific worksheets hidden or visible (vba)
Oct.11, 2013 Click a cell to make a column hidden or visible [VBA]
Oct.08, 2013 Scroll through a data set [VBA]
Oct.02, 2013 Counting conditionally formatted cells (vba)
Sep.27, 2013 Count cells by cell and font color
Sep.23, 2013 Calculate min and max date among overlapping date ranges and based on a condition
Sep.20, 2013 Select and delete formulas evaluating to an empty text string
Sep.17, 2013 Prevent duplicate records [Data Validation]
Sep.14, 2013 Format fill color on a column chart based on cell color
Sep.10, 2013 Count unique distinct values by cell color

Sep.05, 2013 Pivot table calendar

Aug.30, 2013 Highlight date ranges overlapping selected record [VBA]
Aug.23, 2013 Basic mathematics in excel for school children
Aug.20, 2013 Find out if excel files in a folder are password protected
Aug.15, 2013 Count text strings in formulas [VBA]
Aug.07, 2013 Quickly select a data set or an excel defined table [HYPERLINK]
Jul.30, 2013 Quickly jump to last row in a data set using excel hyperlink function
Jul.16, 2013 IFERROR function
Jul.09, 2013 Locate a particular cell in a table
Jul.05, 2013 Excel’s RAND function
Jul.03, 2013 Use drop down lists to compare data series in an excel chart
Jun.27, 2013 Hierarchical relationships in an excel chart
Jun.19, 2013 Locate a shape in a workbook
Jun.14, 2013 Interactive candlestick chart
Jun.05, 2013 Find consecutive dates in a cell range
How to use FREQUENCY function
Highlight a data series in a line chart
Heat map using pictures
How to use Excel SUMPRODUCT function
Count students
Use a map in an Excel chart
SEARCH function
Yet another excel calendar
Apr.26, 2013 MMULT function – Matrix multiplication
Apr.23, 2013 How to use the SMALL function
Apr.17, 2013 Assign each person with randomly unique objects as a daily activity
Apr.15, 2013 ROW function explained
Apr.09, 2013 Highlight duplicates in a filtered Excel defined table
Apr.07, 2013 How to use the COUNTIFS function
Apr.02, 2013 IF function explained
Mar.27, 2013 Learn to use the COUNTIF function
Mar.25, 2013 Days contained in a range that overlap another range
Mar.20, 2013 How to use Excel’s MATCH function
Mar.15, 2013 INDEX function explained
Mar.13, 2013 Custom data labels in a chart
Mar.08, 2013 Change picture [VBA]
Mar.05, 2013 Heat map calendar
Mar.01, 2013 Lookup using multiple conditions
Feb.27, 2013 Substitute multiple text strings [UDF]
Feb.25, 2013 Sort cell values in corresponding columns
Feb.18, 2013 Count multiple text strings in a cell range
Feb.15, 2013 Move a shape [VBA]
Feb.11, 2013 Sort a table with an array formula
Feb.06, 2013 2012 website statistics
Feb.04, 2013 No more array formulas?
Feb.01, 2013 Dynamic data labels in a chart

Jan.29, 2013 Highlight a column in a stacked column chart

Jan.25, 2013 Highlight events in a calendar
Jan.24, 2013 Highlight a bar in a chart
Jan.18, 2013 Repeat values
Jan.15, 2013 Merge two related tables
Jan.11, 2013 Highlight events overlapping federal holidays
Jan.07, 2013 Lookup multiple values in one cell [UDF]
Jan.03, 2013 Sum security holdings monthly and yearly in a pivot table
Dec.28, 2012 Run a Macro from a Drop Down list [VBA]
Dec.10, 2012 Drop down list changes cell formatting
Dec.05, 2012 Prevent users from entering overlapping date and time ranges
Nov.30, 2012 Group a number of rows together by the first column
Nov.29, 2012 Lookup and return multiple values on the same row from a range excluding blanks
Nov.22, 2012 Find date range
Nov.20, 2012 Find max unique value from a range that have duplicate numbers and blanks
Nov.13, 2012 Monthly time sheet by project
Nov.09, 2012 Analyze trends using pivot tables
Nov.07, 2012 Hide specific columns [VBA]
Nov.05, 2012 Compare your stock portfolio with S&P500 in excel
Oct.31, 2012 VLOOKUP with multiple criteria
Oct.26, 2012 Locate lookup values in a table [HYPERLINK]
Oct.23, 2012 Use Conditional Formatting to do lookups in related tables
Oct.19, 2012 Working with three related tables
Oct.17, 2012 Extract unique distinct values from a related table
Learn this genius trick on how to use a Table name in Data Validation Lists and
Oct.15, 2012
Conditional Formatting formulas
Oct.12, 2012 Change bar color in charts [VBA]
Oct.10, 2012 Lookups in a related table (array formula)
Oct.05, 2012 Inventory consumption
Oct.02, 2012 Copy each sheet in active workbook to new workbooks
Sep.27, 2012 Filter values that exists in all three lists
Sep.26, 2012 Copy excel table filter criteria [VBA]
Sep.21, 2012 Quickly search a data set with many criteria
Sep.17, 2012 Create name initials
Sep.12, 2012 Search a table and use the returning value to search another table
Sep.10, 2012 Use a calendar to filter a table
Sep.10, 2012 Use a calendar to filter a table
Sep.05, 2012 Excel calendar [VBA]
Sep.03, 2012 Fetch data from another table
Aug.27, 2012 Use filtered table values in a drop down list [VBA]
Aug.22, 2012 Dynamic chart – Display values from a table row or column
Aug.20, 2012 How slow is ReDim Preserve?
Aug.17, 2012 Shift Schedule
Aug.15, 2012 Extract cell references from all cell ranges populated with values in a sheet
Aug.07, 2012 Use a mouse hovering technique to create an interactive chart
Aug.06, 2012 Sort values in a cell using a custom delimiter [VBA]
Jul.31, 2012 Count and visualize specific weekdays in a custom date range
Jul.27, 2012 Visualize date ranges in a calendar part 2
Jul.25, 2012 Quickly create links to sheets, tables, pivot tables and named ranges in a workbook
Jul.23, 2012 Count unique distinct values in a filtered table
Jul.18, 2012 Create links to all sheets in a workbook
Jul.14, 2012 Quickly create new sheets [VBA]
Jul.13, 2012 Adjust stock chart axis automatically
Jul.05, 2012 Insert hyperlinks to all files in current folder

Jul.02, 2012 Match a criterion and extract multiple corresponding table headers
Jun.29, 2012 Plot buy and sell points in an excel chart using two moving averages
Jun.27, 2012 Add buy and sell points to a stock chart
Jun.18, 2012 Interactive Excel chart [VBA]
Jun.12, 2012 Highlight numbers within specific ranges
Jun.06, 2012 Sort values in an Excel table [VBA]
Jun.04, 2012 Normalize data, part 2
Search two related tables simultaneously [VBA]
Create comments in cells whose value is larger than the column width
Lookup multiple values in different columns and return a single value
Learn how to return values depending on how you enter the UDF
Select a cell in a table and the chart updates automatically [VBA]
Excel template: Getting Things Done [VBA]
Disable autofit column widths for all pivot tables in a sheet
Normalize data [VBA]
Date ranges: Weeks within a month
Apr.30, 2012 Add values to different sheets [VBA]
Apr.26, 2012 Add values to a table [VBA]
Apr.23, 2012 Unique distinct records sorted by frequency
Apr.21, 2012 Count the number of groupings of each value
Apr.21, 2012 Use a drop down list to extract and concatenate unique distinct values
Apr.18, 2012 Add or remove a value in a drop down list
Apr.16, 2012 Count a specific weekday in a date range
Apr.10, 2012 Open Excel files in a folder [VBA]
Apr.02, 2012 Copy table design settings [VBA]
Mar.30, 2012 Auto populate a sheet
Mar.28, 2012 Search for a text string and return multiple adjacent values
Mar.26, 2012 Toggle a macro on/off using a button
Mar.23, 2012 Calculate dates in each step in a project based on a finish date
Mar.19, 2012 Use a drop down list to select company info in header (vba)
Mar.14, 2012 Automate data entry [VBA]
Mar.12, 2012 Apply data validation lists dynamically [VBA]
Mar.09, 2012 Workbook log [VBA]
Mar.05, 2012 Working with formulas in Conditional Formatting
Feb.28, 2012 How to create random numbers, text strings, dates and time values
Feb.26, 2012 Categorize data entry values [VBA]
Feb.22, 2012 Dependent data validation lists in multiple rows
Feb.20, 2012 Holiday planner
Feb.13, 2012 Advanced Gantt Chart Template
Feb.10, 2012 Auto resize columns as you type
Feb.07, 2012 Highlight lookup values
Jan.31, 2012 Tracking calls in excel
Jan.27, 2012 Free School Schedule Template
Jan.24, 2012 Copy a cell range whose size is likely to change from time to time [VBA]
Jan.20, 2012 Easily identify groups of duplicate rows
Jan.17, 2012 List all open workbooks and corresponding sheets [VBA]
Jan.14, 2012 Basic data entry [VBA]
Jan.09, 2012 List all tables and corresponding headers in a workbook [VBA]
Jan.02, 2012 Basic invoice template
Dec.23, 2011 Filter weeks from a date range
Dec.21, 2011 Working with COMBO BOXES [Form Controls]
Dec.09, 2011 Excel charts: Multiple series and named ranges
Dec.07, 2011 Use a drop down list to search and return multiple values
Dec.02, 2011 Change chart data range using a Drop Down List [VBA]
Nov.29, 2011 Change pivot table data source using a drop down list
How many of a specific weekday falls between a start date and an end date except
Nov.24, 2011
Nov.17, 2011 Extract numbers from a value
Nov.11, 2011 Select numbers in each permutation
Nov.08, 2011 Dynamic Gantt charts in excel 2007
Nov.04, 2011 Filter an Excel table using the selection change event [VBA]
Nov.02, 2011 Extract unique distinct values from a filtered table [udf and array formula]
Oct.28, 2011 Zen archery problem
Oct.24, 2011 Populate a combobox with values from a pivot table [VBA]
Oct.19, 2011 Excel array formula: Enter a value in a cell and instantly populate adjacent cells
Oct.17, 2011 Excel: Look for values containing a lookup value and return multiple values horizontally
Oct.12, 2011 Copy selected rows (checkboxes) (2/2)
Oct.10, 2011 Add checkboxes to a sheet (1/2) [VBA]
Oct.06, 2011 Excel: List intervals between two values
Oct.05, 2011 Add values to a data validation list [VBA]
Sep.29, 2011 Follow hyperlinks in a pivot table
Sep.20, 2011 List five smallest numbers, excluding zeros
Sep.16, 2011 Quickly filter a column in an excel table
Sep.14, 2011 Reorganize data [UDF]
Sep.12, 2011 Populate a list box with visible unique values from an Excel table [VBA]
Sep.07, 2011 Populate a combo box (form control) [VBA]
Aug.31, 2011 Excel table: Filter unique distinct rows and use additional filters at the same time
Aug.26, 2011 Excel table: Filter unique distinct values (array formula)
Aug.25, 2011 Count unique distinct values in a large dataset with a date criterion
Aug.23, 2011 Two-way lookup using multiple tables [UDF]
Aug.19, 2011 Count entries between date and time criteria
Aug.18, 2011 Vlookup visible data in a table and return multiple values
Aug.15, 2011 Compare two tables in excel: Remove common rows
Aug.13, 2011 Create a custom-made item on the shortcut menu [VBA]
Aug.09, 2011 Sumif across multiple sheets [UDF]
Aug.05, 2011 Insert rows for missing values
Aug.03, 2011 Select cell A1 on all sheets before you close a workbook [VBA]
Aug.01, 2011 Filter unique distinct and duplicate values from a large data set in excel 2007
Jul.28, 2011 Filter unique distinct values, sorted and blanks removed
Jul.27, 2011 Excel udf: Import historical stock prices from yahoo – added features
Jul.22, 2011 How to sort a table in a custom order in excel [No formula]
Jul.17, 2011 Vlookup across multiple sheets
Jul.12, 2011 Count unique distinct values that meet multiple criteria
Jul.08, 2011 Import historical stock prices from yahoo [UDF]
Jul.04, 2011 Sum the cells in a range that meet multiple criteria
Jun.30, 2011 Identify duplicate files in excel
Jun.29, 2011 List files in a folder and subfolders [UDF]
Jun.22, 2011 Vlookup a cell range and return multiple values
Jun.20, 2011 Count unique distinct values in an Excel Pivot Table

Jun.17, 2011 Merge matching rows in excel (text values)

Jun.16, 2011 Excel toolbox: Save your custom functions and macros in an Add-In
Jun.13, 2011 Auto refresh a pivot table
Jun.09, 2011 7 days (weekly) date ranges
Jun.07, 2011 Lookup with multiple criteria and display multiple unique search results (array formula)
Jun.02, 2011 Compare pricelists in excel 2007
Jun.01, 2011 How to compare two data sets
Excel 2007 pivot table: Count unique distinct records (rows)
Sum unique distinct invoices
Count unique distinct records with a date and column criteria in excel 2007
Google spreadsheets: Pivot tables
Filter unique distinct records with a condition
Use dynamic ranges to automatically add new values
Vlookup – Return multiple unique distinct values
Chandoo’s excel VBA classes are now open!
Calculate average of last 10 data with possible blank cells
Filter unique distinct records (case sensitive)
Filter unique distinct values (case sensitive) [Excel UDF]
Apr.28, 2011 Create a dynamic named range
Apr.26, 2011 How to create a dynamic pivot table and refresh automatically
Apr.21, 2011 Combine cell ranges eliminating blanks
Apr.19, 2011 Bill reminder in excel
Apr.17, 2011 Dependent drop down lists – Enable/Disable selection filter
Apr.12, 2011 Running totals within date range
Apr.06, 2011 How to highlight differences in price lists
Apr.05, 2011 Word frequency [UDF]
Apr.04, 2011 Fuzzy lookups [UDF]
Mar.28, 2011 Filter records within two dates and search for a text string
Mar.24, 2011 Fuzzy vlookup [Array formula]
Mar.23, 2011 Text to columns: Split words in a cell [Array formula]
Mar.21, 2011 Quickly highlight records containing text strings in excel (AND Logic)
Mar.16, 2011 Filter emails from an excel range [UDF]
Mar.12, 2011 Highlight records [AND logic]
Mar.09, 2011 Highlight records – multiple criteria [OR logic]
Mar.07, 2011 Cash drawer bill extractor template in excel
Mar.03, 2011 Filter duplicate records
Mar.02, 2011 Highlight closest number
Feb.27, 2011 Merge matching rows in excel
Feb.25, 2011 Find positive and negative amounts that net to zero [UDF]
Feb.22, 2011 Find numbers in sum [UDF]
Feb.16, 2011 Filter overlapping date ranges in excel 2007
Feb.15, 2011 Count digits and ignore duplicates in any line in excel
Feb.09, 2011 Quickly concatenate values into one cell [No VBA]
Feb.08, 2011 Tracking a stock portfolio #2 in excel
Feb.03, 2011 List permutations without repetition [UDF]
Jan.31, 2011 Tracking a stock portfolio in excel (auto update)
Jan.29, 2011 Create a drop down calendar in excel
Jan.26, 2011 Weekly appointment calendar in excel
Jan.24, 2011 Monthly calendar template #2 in excel
Jan.19, 2011 Monthly calendar template
Jan.17, 2011 Count unique distinct records in Excel
Jan.13, 2011 Compare two lists of data: Filter records existing in only one list in excel
Jan.12, 2011 Compare two lists of data: Highlight records existing in only one list in excel
Jan.11, 2011 Compare two lists of data: Highlight common records in excel
Jan.08, 2011 Compare two tables: Filter common records
Jan.04, 2011 Highlight duplicate columns
Jan.03, 2011 Extract duplicate records
Dec.30, 2010 Highlight duplicate records
Dec.30, 2010 List permutations with repetition [UDF]
Dec.22, 2010 Count matching cells in date range in excel
Dec.20, 2010 Lookup and return multiple values concatenated into one cell
Dec.15, 2010 Automate excel: Update list with new values
Dec.13, 2010 Use text qualifiers to make text to columns conversion easier [VBA]
Dec.10, 2010 Create a Print button [VBA]
Dec.09, 2010 Select and view invoice [VBA]
Dec.06, 2010 Populate listbox with unique invoice numbers [VBA]
Dec.03, 2010 Edit invoice data [VBA]
Dec.01, 2010 Save invoice data [VBA]
Nov.28, 2010 Invoice template with dependent drop down lists
Nov.26, 2010 Create random dates, Mon to Fri, within a year in excel
Nov.22, 2010 Return multiple matches with wildcard vlookup
Nov.16, 2010 Create dependent drop down lists containing unique distinct values in multiple rows
Nov.15, 2010 Filter values existing only in one out of two ranges [UDF]
Nov.12, 2010 Filter values in common between two cell ranges [UDF]
Nov.11, 2010 Select value based on time and date [VBA]
Nov.09, 2010 Filter duplicates in a large dataset [UDF]
Nov.08, 2010 Compare two columns and show differences
Nov.03, 2010 Select 6 unique and random numbers from 1 to 49 (Lottery) in excel
Nov.02, 2010 Generate list of random dates with criterion
Nov.01, 2010 Remove duplicate text strings based on the 4 last characters
Oct.28, 2010 Apply dependent combo box selections to a filter in excel 2007
Oct.26, 2010 Create a drop down list containing alphabetically sorted values
Oct.22, 2010 Count unique distinct values in a large dataset [UDF]
Oct.20, 2010 List people with the highest scores based on criteria in a pivot table (Excel 2007)
Oct.18, 2010 List people with the highest scores based on criteria in excel
Oct.17, 2010 Remove duplicates and sort dates by each row in excel
Oct.16, 2010 Remove duplicates from a large dataset [UDF]
Oct.12, 2010 Sort a list in random order in excel
Oct.10, 2010 Create a random playlist in excel – True round-robin tournament
Oct.09, 2010 Highlight duplicate values and overlapping dates in excel
Oct.07, 2010 Dynamic team generator in excel
Oct.05, 2010 Create a random playlist
Sep.30, 2010 Team Generator in excel
Sep.28, 2010 Count records between two dates with multiple parameters in excel

Sep.26, 2010 Sort values in parallel in excel, part 2

Sep.24, 2010 Random row from a boolean matrix in excel
Sep.22, 2010 Case sensitive lookup and return multiple values
Sep.21, 2010 Filter unique words from a range [UDF]
Sep.19, 2010 Vlookup with multiple matches returns a different value
Sep.15, 2010 Filter unique distinct words from a cell range [UDF]
Sep.12, 2010 Filter duplicate words from a cell range [UDF]
Sep.10, 2010 Split words in a cell range into a cell each [UDF]
Sep.06, 2010 Consolidate sheets in excel, part 2
Extract a unique distinct list by matching items that meet a criterion in excel 2007 using
Sep.03, 2010
pivot table
Sep.01, 2010 Extract a unique distinct list by matching items that meet a criterion
Aug.31, 2010 Extract dates from a cell block schedule in excel, part 3
Aug.30, 2010 Extract dates from a cell block schedule in excel, part 2
Aug.29, 2010 Extract dates from a cell block schedule in excel
Aug.23, 2010 Concatenate cell values in excel
Aug.20, 2010 Filter emails spread over several columns in excel
Aug.16, 2010 Search for a cell in a table and then display the column title in excel
Aug.15, 2010 Schedule recurring events in a weekly schedule in excel
Aug.08, 2010 Setting up your work hours in a weekly schedule in excel
Aug.05, 2010 Populate cells dynamically in a weekly schedule
Aug.01, 2010 How to filter numbers inside (and outside) number ranges in excel
Jul.29, 2010 Find empty hours in a weekly schedule
Jul.26, 2010 Count cell blocks in excel
Jul.21, 2010 Schedule recurring expenses in a calendar in excel (Personal Finance)
Jul.17, 2010 Create dependent drop down lists containing unique distinct values
Jul.13, 2010 Count overlapping dates
Jul.11, 2010 Create a unique distinct sorted list containing both numbers text removing blanks
Jul.08, 2010 Filter overlapping dates from date ranges in excel
Jul.04, 2010 Highlight specific time ranges in a weekly schedule
Jul.01, 2010 Weekly schedule template in excel
Jun.28, 2010 Convert date ranges into dates in excel
Jun.22, 2010 Convert dates into date ranges in excel
Jun.20, 2010 List dates outside specified date ranges in excel
Jun.14, 2010 Visualize date ranges in a calendar
Jun.10, 2010 How to use absolute and relative references
Jun.03, 2010 Highlight overlapping date ranges using conditional formatting
Identify overlapping date ranges
Use a number range when trying to find the frequency of a number in excel
How to return the total for orders with more than one item in excel
Merge two columns with possible blank cells
Count unique and duplicates text values in a closed workbook in excel (formula)
Extracting unique distinct text values from a closed workbook in excel (formula)
Count unique and duplicate numbers from a closed workbook in excel (formula)
Extract unique distinct numbers from closed workbook in excel (formula)
List all unique events in a month
Sort numeric values by closest to farthest to a specific number in excel (array formula)
Apr.28, 2010 How to quickly select a large non contiguous range with keyboard in excel
Apr.24, 2010 Highlight duplicates with same date, week or month
Apr.19, 2010 Filter duplicates within same date, week or month in excel

Apr.17, 2010 Count unique distinct values within same week, month or year
Apr.15, 2010 How to count unique distinct occurrences for each date
Apr.13, 2010 Remove duplicates within same month or year
Apr.13, 2010 Remove duplicates in same week in excel
Apr.12, 2010 Remove duplicates on same date in excel
Lookup values in a range using two or more criteria and return multiple matches in
Apr.07, 2010
excel, part 2
Apr.05, 2010 Lookup values in a range based on criteria and return multiple values
Calculate your stock portfolio performance with Net Asset Value based on units in
Mar.31, 2010
Mar.29, 2010 Consolidate sheets [vba]
Mar.24, 2010 Lookup using two criteria
Mar.22, 2010 Automate net asset value (NAV) calculation on your stock portfolio
Mar.18, 2010 Calculate your stock portfolio performance in excel
Mar.15, 2010 Sum based on multiple criteria
Mar.11, 2010 Categorize values into multiple columns (excel formulas)
Mar.10, 2010 Categorize values into multiple columns [VBA]
Mar.07, 2010 Count unique distinct numbers across multiple sheets (3D range) in excel
Return unique and duplicate numerical data entries from multiple sheets (3D range) in
Mar.04, 2010
Mar.03, 2010 Split data across multiple sheets [VBA]
Feb.28, 2010 Combine data from multiple sheets
Feb.26, 2010 Calendar with scheduling [vba]
Feb.21, 2010 Dynamic stock chart in excel – Add date ranges
Feb.18, 2010 Extract unique distinct year and months from dates
Feb.16, 2010 Create a dynamic stock chart using a web query and a drop down list in excel
Feb.11, 2010 Match two criteria and return multiple records
Create a unique distinct list of a long list without sacrificing performance using vba in
Feb.10, 2010
Feb.07, 2010 Scan stock markets in excel
Feb.02, 2010 Extract negative values and adjacent cells in excel
Jan.30, 2010 Stock alerts in excel
Jan.27, 2010 Quickly select a range of values in excel
Jan.24, 2010 Create number sequences in Excel
Jan.20, 2010 Excel formula to count cells between two values
Jan.19, 2010 Return value if it exists more then n times
Jan.16, 2010 Filter unique distinct values if value contains specific string
Jan.14, 2010 Return multiple values if in range in excel
Jan.13, 2010 How to return a value if lookup value is in range
Jan.12, 2010 Sort values in parallel (array formula)
Jan.10, 2010 Vlookup of three columns to pull a single record
Jan.08, 2010 Using Excel Solver to schedule employees
Jan.07, 2010 Find positive and negative amounts that net to zero in excel
Jan.05, 2010 Identify numbers in sum using solver
Jan.04, 2010 Sequencing and numbering of batches
Jan.03, 2010 Sum adjacent values from a range using multiple lookup criteria
Jan.03, 2010 Lookup values in a range using two or more criteria and return multiple matches
Dec.31, 2009 Sum adjacent values using multiple lookup text values in a column
Dec.29, 2009 Vlookup with 2 or more lookup criteria and return multiple matches
Dec.27, 2009 Filter duplicate values in a range using “contain” condition in excel
Dec.23, 2009 Filter unique text values in a range using “contain” condition in excel
Dec.21, 2009 Filter unique distinct text values in a range using “contain” condition in excel
Dec.17, 2009 Filter duplicate text values in a range using “begins with” criterion in excel
Dec.17, 2009 Filter unique text values using “begins with” criterion in a range in excel
Filter unique distinct text values using “begins with” criterion in a range using array
Dec.14, 2009
formula in excel
Dec.13, 2009 Formula for matching a date within a date range
Dec.10, 2009 Count unique values in two lists combined in excel
Dec.10, 2009 Count matching values in one or more columns in excel
Dec.07, 2009 Find records using two numerical criteria
Dec.05, 2009 Find latest date based on a condition
Dec.04, 2009 Filter unique distinct values where adjacent cells contain search string
Dec.02, 2009 Validate duplicates in excel
Nov.30, 2009 Validate unique distinct list in excel
Nov.30, 2009 Validate unique list in excel
Nov.26, 2009 Sum values in a range where adjacent cell value equals a criterion
Nov.25, 2009 Search for multiple text strings in multiple cells and use in data validation
Nov.23, 2009 Highlight odd/even months
Nov.22, 2009 Lookup a value in a list and return multiple matches
Nov.21, 2009 How to calculate missing months in a given date range
Nov.18, 2009 Count date records between two dates in a range in excel
Nov.16, 2009 Sum values between two dates and based on a condition
Nov.15, 2009 Most common value between two dates in a range in excel
Nov.14, 2009 Most common value between two dates in excel
Nov.14, 2009 Count unique distinct values using date criteria in a range in excel
Nov.12, 2009 Largest value in a range using date criteria in excel
Nov.11, 2009 Lookup min max values within a date range
Nov.09, 2009 Lookup two index columns using min max values and a date range as criteria
Nov.08, 2009 Lookup two index columns returning multiple matches in excel
Nov.07, 2009 Text to be on top of column in excel
Nov.07, 2009 Lookup two index columns in excel
Nov.04, 2009 Count matching cell values in two columns
Nov.04, 2009 Create a custom date range
Nov.02, 2009 Create a quartely date range
Nov.01, 2009 Create a monthly date range
Nov.01, 2009 Extract unique values from a range
Oct.29, 2009 Count unique text values in a range containing both numerical and text values
Oct.26, 2009 Extract and sort text cells from a range containing both numerical and text values
Oct.25, 2009 5 easy ways to VLOOKUP and return multiple values
Oct.23, 2009 Extract cell values in a range using a criterion in excel
Oct.20, 2009 Filter common text values in two different ranges
Oct.19, 2009 Filter text values existing in the first range but not in the 2nd range
Oct.17, 2009 Filter unique distinct list sorted based on sum of adjacent values [Array Formula]
Oct.15, 2009 Filter unique values from a range using array formula in excel
Oct.13, 2009 Filter unique values sorted from A to Z
Oct.12, 2009 Filter unique text values from a range containing both numerical and text values
Oct.10, 2009 Extract duplicate text values from a range containing both numerical and text values
Oct.09, 2009 Extract dates and adjacent value in a range using a date critera in excel
Oct.07, 2009 Create a list with most recent data available in excel
Oct.05, 2009 Count unique distinct text values in a range
Oct.04, 2009 Extract unique distinct text list from a range containing both numerical and text values
Lookup with multiple criteria and display multiple search results using excel formula,
Oct.01, 2009
part 4
Sep.29, 2009 Extract numbers and text from a range
Sep.28, 2009 Extract all rows from a range that meet criteria in one column
Sep.28, 2009 Identify largest text value in a column using array formula in excel
Sep.27, 2009 Sort text values by length using array formula in excel
Sep.26, 2009 Create unique distinct list sorted based on text length using array formula
Sep.24, 2009 Unique distinct list sorted based on occurrance in a column in excel
Sep.22, 2009 Unique distinct list from a column sorted A to Z using array formula
Sep.20, 2009 Identify missing numbers in a range in excel
Sep.18, 2009 Filter numbers or text in a column
Sep.16, 2009 Extract a unique distinct list sorted alphabetically removing blanks from a range
Sep.15, 2009 Count unique distinct records in a date range and a numeric range
Sep.14, 2009 Create a list of dates with blanks between quarters in excel
Sep.13, 2009 Count unique records between two dates
Sep.09, 2009 Highlight duplicates based on criteria, part 2
Sep.08, 2009 How to highlight MAX and MIN value based on month
Sep.06, 2009 Count unique distinct months in excel
Sep.04, 2009 Identify missing three character alpha code numbers in excel
Filter duplicates from two columns combined and sort from A to Z using array formula
Sep.02, 2009
in excel
Aug.31, 2009 Find min and max unique and duplicate numerical values
Aug.29, 2009 Reverse a list ignoring blanks in excel
Aug.26, 2009 List names whos date has past in excel
Aug.26, 2009 Calculate occurences the past 90 days in excel
Aug.24, 2009 Search and display all cells that contain all search strings in excel
Aug.23, 2009 Sum text cells using criteria
Aug.21, 2009 Highlight more than once taken course in any given day
Aug.19, 2009 Sort a range by occurence using array formula in excel
Aug.17, 2009 Comparing two columns and sum unique values using array formula in excel
Aug.16, 2009 Search and display a range of values in excel
Lookup with multiple criteria and display multiple search results using excel formula,
Aug.13, 2009
part 3
Aug.12, 2009 Filter common values between two ranges using array formula in excel
Aug.12, 2009 Filter values existing in range 1 but not in range 2 using array formula in excel
Aug.10, 2009 Filter common values from three columns in excel
Aug.09, 2009 Filter unique distinct values from two ranges combined in excel 2007
Aug.06, 2009 Filter duplicate rows and sort by date using array formula in excel
Aug.05, 2009 Filter unique rows and sort by date using array formula in excel
Aug.04, 2009 Advanced custom date filter in Excel 2007
Aug.02, 2009 How to filter values between 0.5 and 1.5 from two columns in excel 2007
Aug.01, 2009 Sort a range from A to Z using array formula in excel
Jul.30, 2009 Highlight unique distinct values in two cell ranges
Jul.28, 2009 Extract a unique distinct list sorted from A-Z from range in excel
Jul.26, 2009 Highlight duplicate values in two cell ranges combined
Jul.25, 2009 Exact word in string
Jul.23, 2009 Highlight smallest duplicate number
Jul.21, 2009 Extract a list of alphabetically sorted duplicates from a column
Jul.20, 2009 Highlight duplicate values in a cell range
Jul.19, 2009 Highlight unique values and unique distinct values in a cell range
Jul.17, 2009 Extract largest values from two columns
Jul.15, 2009 Search for multiple text strings in multiple cells in excel, part 2
Jul.14, 2009 Count unique values and unique distinct values in three ranges combined in excel
Jul.13, 2009 Extract duplicates from a range using excel array formula
Jul.11, 2009 Count unique values and unique distinct values in two ranges combined
Jul.11, 2009 Count text string in a range
Jul.09, 2009 Search for a text string in a data set and return matching records
Jul.09, 2009 Search for a cell value in a dataset
Jul.07, 2009 Count unique and unique distinct values in a multicolumn range in excel
Jul.06, 2009 Count specific text string in a cell
Jul.05, 2009 Count unique distinct values in two columns with date criteria in excel
Jul.03, 2009 How to create a list of random unique numbers
Jul.03, 2009 Web statistics and most popular articles in June
Jul.01, 2009 Sort text cells alphabetically from two columns using excel array formula
Jun.29, 2009 Merge two columns
Jun.28, 2009 Merge three columns into one list in excel
Jun.27, 2009 How to create a unique distinct list where other columns meet two criteria
Jun.25, 2009 Sum only if unique value in another column
Jun.24, 2009 How to perform a two-dimensional lookup
Jun.23, 2009 Extract a list of duplicates from three columns combined using array formula in excel
Jun.22, 2009 Extract a list of duplicates from a column
Jun.22, 2009 Extract a list of duplicates from two columns combined using array formula in excel
Lookup with multiple criteria and display multiple search results using excel formula,
Jun.21, 2009
part 2
Jun.20, 2009 Extract a unique distinct list from three columns
Jun.16, 2009 Extract a unique distinct list from two columns
Jun.16, 2009 Create a date range [Formula]
Jun.15, 2009 Identify missing values in two columns using excel formula
Jun.13, 2009 Identify missing values in a column using excel formula
Jun.11, 2009 Count unique distinct values in three columns combined in excel
Jun.10, 2009 Count unique distinct values in two columns in excel
Jun.09, 2009 Count unique distinct values
Jun.08, 2009 Most popular excel articles in May
Jun.06, 2009 Sorting numbers and text cells in an descending order also removing blanks
Jun.06, 2009 Sorting numbers and text cells also removing blanks using an array formula
Jun.04, 2009 Highlight duplicates in two columns
Jun.03, 2009 Compare two columns and highlight values in common
Jun.02, 2009 Sort dates within a date range
Extract dates using a drop down list in excel
Extract distinct unique sorted year and month list from a date series in excel
Dynamic formatting
Split values equally into groups using excel array formula
Create a drop down list containing only unique distinct alphabetically sorted text values
Find the largest number in an expanding cell range
Highlight missing values between to columns
How to highlight duplicate values
How to filter out every second row using excel formula
Lookup the nearest date
Highlight every other row
Prevent duplicates using dynamic conditional formatting in excel
Lookup with multiple criteria and return multiple search results
May.13, Highlight duplicates where an adjacent column is in a date interval using conditional
2009 formatting in excel
Create a unique distinct list from a date range
Highlight dates in a date range
Create a repeating list of numbers from 1 to Nth value
Identify duplicate invoice records using conditional formatting
Identify duplicate invoice records
How to color every cell in excel
Invert a list using named ranges
Invert a list using cell references
Create a unique distinct list where a corresponding column has text cell values
Create a list of distinct values from a list where an adjacent cell value meets a criteria
Create a list of duplicates where adjacent cell value meets a condition
Apr.30, 2009 Highlight duplicates based on criteria, part 1
Apr.28, 2009 Group similar cell values on same row in excel
Apr.26, 2009 How to rank uniquely with criteria in excel
Apr.25, 2009 How to rank text uniquely in excel
Apr.24, 2009 Create a unique distinct list and sort based on frequency
Apr.23, 2009 How to create an array of uniquely ranked duplicate values in excel
Apr.21, 2009 Search for multiple text strings in multiple cells
Apr.20, 2009 Sum unique values in excel
Apr.19, 2009 How to highlight unique distinct values
Apr.17, 2009 Create and sort distinct list by adjacent cell value size
Apr.16, 2009 Create unique distinct list from column where an adjacent column meets criteria
Apr.15, 2009 Insert a new row at the top every time a value has been entered
Apr.14, 2009 Create a unique distinct alphabetically sorted list extracted from a column
Apr.13, 2009 How to quickly find the maximum or minimum value [Formula]
Apr.11, 2009 How to automatically fill all blanks with missing data or formula
Apr.10, 2009 Create unique list from two columns
Apr.08, 2009 Merge two lists
Apr.07, 2009 Sorting date ranges in excel
Apr.06, 2009 Conditional formatting highlights more than 10 if there are duplicates
Apr.05, 2009 Determine the sum between a range of dates for a specific currency
Apr.04, 2009 Sort cell values into categories, part 2
Apr.03, 2009 Sort cell values into categories
Apr.02, 2009 Count records between two dates
Apr.01, 2009 Split first and last names and sort them alphabetically
Mar.31, 2009 How to extract a list of duplicates from a column in excel
Mar.30, 2009 5 easy ways to extract unique distinct values
Mar.29, 2009 Return row reference of largest to smallest
Mar.28, 2009 Next upcoming date from list
Mar.27, 2009 Sort a column alphabetically
Mar.26, 2009 How to sort text cells filtered by two dates, part 2
Mar.25, 2009 Extract all rows that contain a value between this and that
Mar.24, 2009 How to sort cells filtered by two dates
Mar.23, 2009 How to find out if a number is between two dates
Mar.20, 2009 Delete blanks and errors in a list
Mar.19, 2009 Search three columns on three sheets, part 2
Mar.18, 2009 Search three columns on three sheets
Mar.17, 2009 Find missing numbers in a range from multiple columns
Mar.16, 2009 Extract unique distinct values from a multi-column cell range
Mar.13, 2009 Count specific text string in a cell range
A more userfriendly version of: Automatically filter unique row records from multiple
Mar.12, 2009
Mar.11, 2009 Calculate machine utilization
Mar.10, 2009 Filter a unique distinct list and remove blanks
Mar.09, 2009 Filter records between two dates
Mar.06, 2009 How to count unique distinct records in a date range
Mar.05, 2009 How many common cell values are there in list 1 and 2?
Mar.04, 2009 How to automatically calculate a specific day of a month
Mar.03, 2009 Excel template: School attendance register
Mar.02, 2009 merge two sheets with array formula
Feb.27, 2009 How to remove common values between two columns
Feb.23, 2009 Categorize numbers in excel
Feb.20, 2009 How to identify two consecutive dates in a list
Feb.18, 2009 How to find duplicates in a range spanning multiple columns?
Feb.16, 2009 Finding values in an excel list
Feb.13, 2009 Compare two columns for same values [Excel Formula]
Feb.12, 2009 How to navigate quickly in a complex Excel workbook using hyperlinks
Feb.09, 2009 Coordinates of cells that are not empty in a range
Feb.07, 2009 Get data from same cell references of every sheet in workbook
Feb.05, 2009 Excel 2007: How do i remove errors from a cell formula?
Feb.03, 2009 How to count unique combined column values
Feb.02, 2009 Lookup Unique based on Multiple Conditions
Jan.31, 2009 Improve your VLOOKUP formula and return multiple values
Jan.30, 2009 How to extract email addresses from an Excel sheet
Jan.29, 2009 How to sum different rates with a date criteria
Jan.15, 2009 How to create a useful search formula
Jan.14, 2009 Filter unique distinct row records
Jan.13, 2009 What values are missing in List 1 that exists i List 2?
Jan.13, 2009 Multiple cells in a new row
Jan.12, 2009 Extract duplicates and their adjacent values
Dec.19, 2008 Get cell addresses from several cells
Nov.12, 2008 Sum cells with check boxes
Excel: How to calculate negative time
Apr.23, 2008 Excel: How to automatically summarize preceding month and year
Apr.08, 2008 How to efficiently summarize data by category and month
Jan.17, 2008 Excel: Efficiently navigate cells and do fast selections
Jan.11, 2008 Excel: Count cells
Dec.11, 2007 Excel: How to evaluate a complex formula
Dec.10, 2007 Excel: Create a random list of specific text values
Dec.10, 2007 Excel: Find the smallest difference between the two closest values
Dec.07, 2007 Excel: Dynamic summation through numeric named sheets
Dec.05, 2007 Find closest value
Dec.04, 2007 Excel: Vlookup with text and date formatting
Dec.04, 2007 AVERAGE ignore 0 (zero)
Dec.03, 2007 Excel: Percentage of total number
Dec.03, 2007 Excel: Using lookup to categorize numbers
Dec.01, 2007 Office: Display all commands in menu
Nov.27, 2007 Excel 2007: Color unique values using conditional formatting
Nov.27, 2007 Excel 2007: Color cells that meet criteria using conditional formatting
Nov.23, 2007 Excel 2007: Create a template and save time
Nov.20, 2007 Excel: Remove rows containing specific dates
Nov.19, 2007 Excel 2007: Delete duplicate cell values
Nov.15, 2007 Dynamic chart with drop list
Nov.14, 2007 Excel: How to rank by two columns
Nov.12, 2007 Excel and Word 2007: Increase workspace by minimizing the ribbon
Nov.09, 2007 Excel 2007: How to freeze first row/column and scroll the others
Nov.09, 2007 Excel: Add screentip to your hyperlink
Nov.08, 2007 Excel: Regional settings
Nov.07, 2007 Excel 2007: How to find errors in a large sheet
Nov.07, 2007 Excel 2007: How to find errors in a large sheet
Nov.07, 2007 Excel 2007: How to not display the formula in the formula bar
Nov.05, 2007 Excel: How to invert a list
Nov.05, 2007 Excel: Dynamically sum a column
Nov.03, 2007 How to create a dynamic chart
Nov.01, 2007 Excel: How to remove spaces
Nov.01, 2007 Excel: Count rows between two values in a list
Oct.30, 2007 Excel: Notify if expired
Oct.28, 2007 Excel: Holidays and networkdays
Oct.26, 2007 Excel 2007: Collect unique values from several columns
Oct.24, 2007 Excel: Upcoming date
Oct.22, 2007 Count the number of a specific weekday in a range
Oct.13, 2007 Excel: Select only visible cells
Oct.13, 2007 Excel: How to convert to hexadecimal
Oct.06, 2007 Excel: Count time
Oct.04, 2007 Excel 2007: How to install analysis toolpack
Sep.22, 2007 Excel: Convert word address list to excel
Sep.17, 2007 Explaining OFFSET function
Sep.16, 2007 Remove blank cells
Sep.13, 2007 Excel: Calculate last date of a specific month
Sep.12, 2007 Count the number of times a specific number exists in a list
Sep.09, 2007 Excel: Convert text to integer in formula
Sep.08, 2007 Excel: Count unique values in a list
Sep.07, 2007 Excel: Count and sum values between specific ranges in a column
Sep.04, 2007 Excel: Autosum when a row is inserted
Sep.01, 2007 Find latest date in a list
Sep.01, 2007 Excel: Interactive summation
Aug.31, 2007 Excel: Sum automatically specific posts in a list
Aug.30, 2007 Excel: Count the number of cells within a range that meet the given condition
Aug.29, 2007 Find the smallest value in a list but bigger than a number
Aug.29, 2007 Excel: Automatically create a numbered list
Aug.27, 2007 Excel 2007:How to remove empty cells
Aug.20, 2007 Excel:Advanced search between two tables
Aug.19, 2007 List all named ranges and their cell references in a worksheet
Excel: Refer to the same cell regardless of whether the row above the cell is deleted
Aug.17, 2007
or the cell is moved
Aug.16, 2007 Excel: Effectively search and replace specific characters
Aug.14, 2007 Print consecutive pagenumbers from several sheets

Aug.10, 2007 Sum only visible cells

Aug.08, 2007 Count cells in a specific area
Aug.07, 2007 Excel: Find last input value
Aug.06, 2007 Find largest value in a table and return adjacent cell value
Jul.30, 2007 Print headers on every page
Jul.10, 2007 Excel:Rotate text to save space
Jul.04, 2007 Get a better overview within word 2007 and excel 2007
Jan.26, 2007 Excel 2003: How to format numbers as text
Jan.01, 2007 Components of a excel chart
Dec.10, 2006 Why use R1C1?
Dec.02, 2006 Creating transparent bars in excel 2003 and excel 2007 charts
Nov.03, 2006 Transpose a column of values to values in a row
Oct.31, 2006 Powerful way to search an excel list automatically
Sep.15, 2006 How to find duplicates in a Microsoft Excel list
Sep.01, 2006 Increase sheet readability in excel
Aug.20, 2006 Learn how to create a stock chart in excel

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