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Feature Report

pH Measurement
And Control Leached

When measured correctly, pH can be an invaluable Process

tool for both product and process control liquid electrolyte

Greg McMillan and Rich Baril of pH electrodes in effluent streams

Emerson Process Management throughout the chemical process
industries (CPI). The recognition

he mechanical design and mate- of the benefits of online pH control Figure 1. A typical hemi-bulb of the pH-
rial science of pH-sensor technol- to improve product quality and ef- sensitive glass of the industrial pH sensor
is shown at the top and a schematic repre-
ogy have evolved dramatically ficiency created a demand for spe- sentation of the “leached” layer formation
over the last century. Current- cialty sensors that could withstand on the both sides of the pH-glass is shown
day uses include a wide range of ap- harsh process conditions and ster- below it. If the pH of the reference electrolyte
plications from high-purity pharma- ilization. The need to reduce costs and process solution are equal, then there is
ceutical processing to wastewater and improve reliability resulted in a no potential (E) generated across the glass,
E = 0. Typically, the reference electrolyte is
treatment. Some of these applications number of improvements in design buffered to pH 7, so no voltage is generated
pose high challenges to pH measure- and intelligence of electrodes and if the process liquid has the same acidity as
ment, including high-temperature and transmitters. A summary of the cur- the buffer. If the process liquid is acidic, then
otherwise harsh measuring environ- rent state-of-the-art follows. E < 0, and negative potential is generated. If
the process liquid is alkaline, then E > 0, and
ments, stability (particularly in phar- positive potential is generated
maceutical processes), low conductiv- Glass electrodes
ity measurement and more-stringent It is the glass in a glass pH sensor that
pH control in processes. This article responds to the acidity level of the so- “health” of the glass can be monitored
outlines the basics of pH measure- lution. The pH-glass formulation is and the replacement of the electrode
ment and control, with focus on some the best-kept secret of any pH-sensor scheduled as necessary.
of these applications, and explores re- manufacturer. However, it is not a se- Aging and electrode life. The im-
cent advances — such as the develop- cret that alkali metals render silicate pedance of the glass is proportional to
ment of embedded memory chips and glass pH-sensitive. The “leached” layer the age of the glass. The simple rule of
transmitters with smarter diagnostics is formed on the very surface of the how to predict the life of the glass elec-
and wireless communication — that glass membrane (semi-bulb) once it’s trode is to monitor the glass imped-
have been developed to offer predic- hydrated (Figure 1). This phenomenon ance. A positive trend would indicate
tive maintenance, portability and gives us a hint on how to store and that the glass is aging. Interestingly,
greater stability. maintain the life of the glass electrode a process coating of the glass would
— simply keep the tip in an aqueous create a similar effect. To distinguish
pH Basics solution. Once the glass is dehydrated, between the two cases one needs to
Soren Sorensen of the Carlsberg Labo- because the bulb is not immersed or is clean the sensor and re-measure the
ratory of Copenhagen defined “the hy- exposed to non-aqueous chemicals, the glass impedance in buffer solution. If
drogen exponent” as the negative loga- leached layer disappears and the sen- the impedance drops to the original
rithm of hydrogen-ion concentration sor stops working or develops an er- value of the glass, then the cause is a
equated to ion activity. This introduced ratic signal. The leached layer is very coating. An appropriate cleaning pro-
the concept of pH and started the era thin, only about 5–10 nm and about cedure should be selected and sched-
of its measurement. The science be- 100 nm for the transition layer. How- uled to insure a good service life. If the
hind the pH-glass formulation, ref- ever, this layer contributes the most glass impedance value does not change
erence-electrode designs, electrolytes toward the conductivity of the pH after cleaning, then the cause is aging.
and buffer solutions rapidly developed glass. The electrical resistance of the Both coatings and aging can exhibit a
[1, 2] and prompted the appearance surface layer increases as glass ages sluggish response [4]. If the test time is
of the first laboratory-type pH me- [3]. Most modern analyzers can mea- long enough to see an entire response,
ters. Soon afterwards, industrial pH sure glass impedance of the pH sensor. aging may also show up as a decrease
sensors were produced and environ- If the effect of process temperature on in the final change in the indicated pH.
mental mandates prompted the use glass impedance can be addressed, the This loss in electrode efficiency or span
32 Chemical Engineering August 2010
7.00 pH

Temperature Reference Liquid junctions

compensation electrode

Reference Helical pathway

Glass reference
electrode junction Orifice-junction


Figure 3. A cross-sectional view of a triple-junction

Figure 2. The glass electrode creates the potential proportional reference electrode is shown on the left. Multiple–junction
to the pH of the process liquid, while the reference electrode com- solutions are usually used for combating poisoning agents.
pletes the electrical circuit and provides a small and stable poten- The orifice-junction solution, shown in the middle (magni-
tial as a reference for the pH signal. Electrode temperature com- fication 250X) is used in low-conductivity applications. A
pensation is not absolutely necessary for the pH measurements, helical-pathway design (right) is used to prevent contami-
however is highly desirable, especially at elevated temperatures nation (poisoning) of the internals
7.00 pHof the pH sensor

occurs when the supply of alkali ions though the choice and performance of tion. The choice of the materials for
is exhausted and the sensor looses its the glass is critical, the performance the reference junction can vary from
sensitivity and the slope (mV versus of the pH sensor also depends upon Temperature Reference
Teflon to ceramic, to wood, to just a
compensation electrode
pH) of the electrode decreases. the design and integrity of the refer- tiny hole, as shown in Figure 3. The
Interestingly, a decreasing elec- ence electrode. purpose of the reference junction is
trode temperature has a similar ef- to provide electrical continuity with
fect, so it is important to monitor the Reference electrodes the process liquid.
It also serves as a
temperature of the process and use The purpose of the reference electrode guard to prevent junction
electrode the process liquid
the electrode temperature compensa- is to create a stable reference poten- from penetrating and contaminating
tion for the change in millivolts gen- tial against which the pH signal can or poisoning the sensor.
erated per pH unit as defined in the be measured. Having a constant ref- Each liquid
and every component of the
Nernst Equation [1, 2]. Most pH sen- erence potential is essential for high reference electrode contributes to
sors have built-in electrode tempera- impedance measurement. After all, the reference potential. This is why
ture compensation. The solution pH a pH sensor is essentially a high im- it presents an engineering challenge
is also temperature dependant. The pedance voltmeter (Figure 2). The to create a stable design. Typically,
temperature dependence of the water stability of the reference potential the reference impedance is an order
dissociation constant causes the pH to can be achieved through a variety of of magnitude less than the glass im-
decrease with temperature by approx- mechanical designs, such as single, pedance. The reference impedance can
imately –0.03 pH/°C above neutrality double and triple-junction; differential also be monitored by the analyzer if
[2]. The temperature coefficient for design, which can be described as hav- the pH sensor has a solution ground.
an actual process can be different be- ing a pH sensor inside the pH sensor; A gradual increase in the reference
cause of the temperature dependence application-appropriate choice of the impedance is indicative of a coating
of weak-acid and weak-base dissocia- junction materials and electrolytes of the reference junction. The sensor
tion constants. The coefficient can be (Figure 3). needs to be cleaned regularly to have
found by running temperature tests of The typical reference in commercial an extended service life. However, an
the process liquid and monitoring the pH sensors uses a potassium chloride increase in reference impedance may
pH response. Solution temperature electrolyte to satisfy all of the require- also be symptomatic of a plugged junc-
compensation, unlike electrode tem- ments for the reference fill solution tion and depletion or poisoning of the
perature compensation, is up to the [2]. The consistency of the electrolyte reference electrolyte. If the pH sensor
user to identify and configure. can vary from liquid to gel to solid in is “rebuildable” instead of disposable,
Operating temperature. The operat- order to slow down the migration of it’s possible to prolong service life of
ing temperature is also important in process ions inside the reference that the sensor by replacing the outer junc-
sensor selection. Usually low imped- come in through the reference junc- tion and refilling the electrolyte. The
ance glasses (<10 MΩ) are used for low tion. Depending on the application, cost of ownership of the rebuildable
operating temperatures, mid-range the chemistry of the electrolyte can type is usually less than that of a dis-
impedance glasses (10–100 MΩ) are be tweaked or even changed to satisfy posable sensor.
employed for ambient temperatures, specific requirements of the chemical
and high impedance glasses (>100 process. The highly competitive mar- Installation and wiring
MΩ) are reserved for high tempera- ketplace offers “rebuildable” sensors The process-installation procedure is
ture applications. It is important to with a variety of fill solutions. an important factor for the service life
remember that glass impedence ap- The reference junction is usually a of a sensor. Improper installation can
proximately doubles per every 10°C part of a rebuild-kit and is pre-soaked cause incorrect readings and even de-
as temperature decreases [2, 3]. Even in the corresponding electrolyte solu- stroy the sensor. Most glass electrodes
Chemical Engineering August 2010 33
Reagent Titration Curves

Feature Report 10
For a strong acid and base the
8 pKa are off-scale and the slope
pH continually changes by a factor
of ten for each pH unit deviation
have an air gap inside the sensor to 4 from neutrality (7 pH at 25 °C)
allow for thermal expansion. If this 2
Reagent Titration Curves

type of sensor is installed upside-
0 10
down, an air bubble becomes trapped Reagent / Influent ratio
right against the pH glass and causes 9
Despite appearances, there are no straight
an erratic signal or loss of measure- lines in a titration curve (zoom in reveals 8

ment. The sensor tip should point another curve if there are enough data points, pH 7
a big “if” in neutral region) 6
down about 20 deg from horizontal.
Non-glass pH sensors are insensi- Yet titration curves are essential for every aspect 5
tive to this issue. Installing a sensor of pH system design but you must get numerical 4
values and avoid mistakes such as insufficient
too close to an agitator or a pump can data points in the area around the set point 3
Reagent / Influent ratio
cause premature failure, noisy read-
ings and electromagnetic interference. Figure 4. While titration curves are essential for every aspect of pH-system de-
Sensors with integral pre-amplifiers sign, you must get numerical values for the spectrum of operating temperatures and
allow longer cables and have less noise feed conditions and avoid mistakes, such as insufficient data points in the control
in the signal. However, long cables in- region near the setpoint
crease the installation, maintenance,
and replacement cost. Quick discon- Table 1. Trending data and follow-up actions
nect cables offer some ease of use but Diagnostic trend Sensor status Actions
do not eliminate the expense. Having Glass impedance Glass is aging or Schedule maintenance/
a “pre-amp” on the sensor side dra- increases over time gets coated inspection
matically improves signal reliability Slope (mV versus pH) Glass is aging or Schedule maintenance/
and signal-to-noise ratio. A typical pH- decreases over time gets dehydrated inspection
current signal is on the order of tenths Reference impedance Coating or Schedule cleaning and
of a nano-amp. It is only reasonable to increases over time poisoning calibration check
amplify a signal that small before it is Reference offset increases Coating or Schedule cleaning and
transmitted through meters of wires. over time poisoning calibration check

Choosing the right sensor

Typically, process and service engi- speed and magnitude of the response pH sensor, for example, can cause the
neers perceive the pH sensor as a tool starts at temperatures above 50°C. loss of a batch worth ten million dol-
or a “black box” that has to do the job. The need to retain pH sensitivity and lars that takes 10 to 20 days to process.
It’s important, however, to understand withstand thermal shocks has led to As with electrodes designed for high
that there is no “one” universal pH more-advanced pH-glass formula- temperature, recent improvements in
sensor for each and every application. tions and construction [5]. Most com- sensor structure and glass formula-
Many specific application and main- petitive high-temperature sensors tion have significantly improved the
tenance challenges can be addressed have ratings up to 155°C at 400 psig, performance and life of electrodes sub-
by technologically advanced sensors. but their performance and life expec- jected to sterilization. The drift after
However, the increasing complexity tancies vary. The best way to extend sterilization has been significantly de-
and the cost of these specialty sensors the life of a sensor at high tempera- creased and the number of steam and
may not be desirable for general-pur- tures is to select high-temperature autoclave cycles that can be tolerated
pose applications. General-purpose ap- glass based on test results, use elec- has been greatly increased.
plications imply relatively clean water, trode temperature compensation and Noise and accuracy in low-con-
no coating, no poisoning ions, good monitor glass impedance. ductivity applications. High-purity
conductivity, moderate temperature (HP) applications with low conduc-
and pressure range and no sanitary High-purity processes tivity (<10 μS/cm) present another
requirements. In contrast, specialty Pharmaceutical processes. Repeti- challenge for pH-sensor design. A
sensors are designed to withstand tive thermal and chemical shocks, such typical example is in the power in-
high temperature and pressure condi- as those in steam-in-place (SIP) and dustry for measurements in boiler
tions, combat fouling and coating, and clean-in-place (CIP) procedures, cre- water, return condensate and feed-
perform well in low conductivity water ate a challenging environment for pH water. The pH of the feedwater must
as well as in poisoning applications. sensors. Both SIP and CIP capabilities be controlled within a very narrow
are usual requirements in the phar- range to minimize corrosion of the
High-temperature performance maceutical industry. A pH sensor that boiler hardware. The challenge of
High temperature processes (for ex- retains its calibration after steam cy- measuring pH in low-conductivity
ample, ethanol production, geother- cles or autoclaving is one of the biggest water manifests itself in the fact that
mal plants, and breweries) put a lot challenges for pH-sensor manufactur- there is not enough ionic strength to
of stress on a glass electrode. Prema- ers. No where else is more at stake, provide a pH signal. This means that
ture aging and the decrease in the in terms of pH performance. A faulty additional charge carriers need to be
34 Chemical Engineering August 2010
Figure 5. The titration curve is used to
design the control valve and see the pH
8 oscillations from valves, disturbances,
Set point Control band loops, and non-ideal mixing in flow or
6 concentration on the x-axis by numerical
translation to the y-axis
Er = 100% ∗ Fimax ∗ −−−−
Frmax Influent pH pKa (where pKa = pKw – pKb). The ef-
B Reagent flow
Frmax = 1.25 ∗ A ∗ Fimax fect of the associated acid or base con-
Influent flow centration and process temperature
Er = 80% ∗ −−−−
The effect of concentration fluctuations or on the slope is the greatest at these
A gradients (noise) on measurement error points on the curve [6].
and control valve resolution is less on flat
Ss = 0.5 ∗ Er portions of the titration curve but high acid
or base concentrations may attack glass Controller tuning
and materials of construction and affect The controller gain is inversely pro-
reference junction potential
portional to the process gain. Conse-
Where: quently, the change in controller tun-
A = distance of center of reagent error band on abscissa from origin
B = width of allowable reagent error band on abscissa for control band
ing due to the nonlinearity of pH, is
Er = allowable reagent error (%) way beyond what you experience in
Frmax = maximum reagent valve capacity (kg per minute) other process control loops unless you
Fimax = maximum influent flow (kg per minute)
Ss = allowable stick-slip (resolution limit) (%)
are lucky enough to have high concen-
trations of weak acids or weak bases
and are operating close to their pKa.
introduced for stable readings. terms of control-valve and equipment Tuning settings are either scheduled
A flowing junction type of sensor is selection, mixing uniformity, reagent based on pH, or the controlled variable
typically employed for these applica- injection, and controller tuning [6, 7]. is converted from pH (y-axis) to per-
tions because the small flow of elec- The most oscillatory loops in a plant cent reagent demand (x-axis) based on
trolyte through the reference junction are often pH loops. a representative titration curve to re-
into the process maintains a smaller duce the nonlinearity. The scheduling
and more-consistent reference junc- Graphical deception and linearization is not perfect due to
tion potential. Also, the sample flow Nearly all of the implications for pro- changes in process temperature and
past the sensor is kept low and con- cess control can be analyzed in terms feed concentrations, but is better than
stant by the electrode holder (cell) de- of the slope of the titration curve, no embedded process knowledge.
sign, reducing erratic readings from which is representative of the process
streaming potentials. Having the gain (change in pH for a change in re- Control-valve design
controlled low-flow cell is extremely agent addition). Systems with strong The smallest change possible in a con-
advantageous for good accuracy and a acids and bases are the most difficult trol valve position multiplied by the
good signal-to-noise ratio. Usually this to control because the slope changes process gain at the setpoint must be
type of measurement is conducted in by a factor of 10 for every pH-unit de- less than the allowable deviation in
a side stream to avoid contamination viation from the neutral point (7 pH at pH from the setpoint. The smallest
of the process. In tightly controlled 25°C), which translates into a process change in position is the resolution
conditions, the achievable level of ac- gain at neutrality that is potentially of the control valve expressed as a
curacy is about ±0.05 pH with a noise 107 times larger than the process gain percent of the signal span and hence
level less than ±0.02 pH. The best way at the ends of the pH scale. Most labo- valve capacity. The typical source of a
to maximize the sensor life in low- ratory titration curves show a vertical valve resolution limit is stick-slip. In-
ionic-strength applications is to know straight line in the neutral region (4 tegral action in the controller creates
the stream composition (presence of to 10 pH), which gives the illusion that a sustained equal-amplitude oscilla-
contaminants), take measurements the process gain is constant and the tion (limit cycle) even if there are no
under controlled conditions, monitor process is linear. However, a zoom cen- disturbances, as the controller output
the diagnostics, and have a conductiv- tered on the neutral point would re- ramps back and forth across the reso-
ity measurement of the same stream. veal another S-shaped titration curve lution limit. The best pneumatically
if there were sufficient data points actuated control valves with digital
pH-control challenges (Figure 4). Successive zooms on what positioners have a resolution of 0.1%
The challenges of pH control are actu- appears to be a straight line would of span. Since the resolution is ulti-
ally a separate subject from pH mea- reveal further S-shaped curves. Fur- mately a percent of valve capacity, the
surements. However, measurement is thermore, the slope depends upon pro- resolution required depends on the
an integral part of the pH-loop perfor- cess temperature via the dependence distance of the incoming pH from the
mance for control. If you consider the of the dissociation constants for water setpoint on the titration curve. Figure
scale of 0–14 pH, the glass electrode (pKw), acids (pKa), and bases (pKb) on 5 shows how a reagent flow oscilla-
can measure hydrogen ion concen- temperature. The presence of a weak tion is amplified by the process gain
trations of 1 to 10–14 normality. The acid or base will cause a moderation and how the valve resolution required
extraordinary range and sensitivity of the slope centered at a pH equal to is proportional to the width of the al-
of the pH measurement creates ex- the pKa. To spot this effect, the pKb of lowable control deviation (B) and is
ceptional challenges for pH control in a base is converted to the equivalent inversely proportional to the distance
Chemical Engineering August 2010 35
Feature Report

(A) traversed on the titration curve

[6]. It is important that data are used
rather than the plot from a labora-
tory titrator, that there be at least five
data points in the control region, and
finally that the x-axis be converted to
a ratio of reagent to feed flow.
Concentration and feed distur-
bances are amplified by the process
gain just as the disturbance from valve
resolution was in Figure 5. Similarly,
the variability in reagent concentra-
tion from non-ideal mixing is ampli-
fied. The smoothing of oscillations and
Figure 6. A software screenshot shows the health status of the pH-sensor in a
fluctuations is inversely proportional process. These variables can be historized to see longterm trends
to the residence time of a well mixed
volume. The attenuated amplitude per
Equation (1) must be translated from after control action is proportional to Alternative system solutions. Today,
the x-axis (ratio of reagent to feed flow) the total loop deadtime. An extremely inline pH-control systems followed
to an amplitude on the y-axis (pH) of effective strategy to minimize the by a moderately mixed volume are
the titration curve to include the effect amount of process nonlinearity is to used to reduce cost and space needs
of the nonlinear process gain [6]. minimize the loop deadtime [6, 7]. In [6–8]. These inline control systems use
To other words, loops with minimal dead- pumps, piping fittings and static mix-
 Ao  Ai s (1) time and well-tuned controllers keep ers to provide coarse mixing. Inline
2sP sTp
the pH close to the setpoint. On the control systems have a much faster re-
Where: other hand, poor pH-system designs sponse and period of oscillation than a
Ai is the amplitude of input oscillation exhibit larger excursions on the titra- vessel control system. The downstream
into volume (reagent to influent ratio) tion curve and changes in process gain volume provides the needed attenua-
Ao is the amplitude of output oscilla- that make the problem worse. tion per Equation (1). Signal charac-
tion from volume (reagent to influent terization that translates the loop’s
ratio) Control solutions controlled variable from pH to reagent
To is the period of oscillation, minutes Traditional solutions. The classi- demand (x-axis of the titration curve)
τp is the process time constant from cal solution was to have a large, well- is used to suppress reaction to mixing
mixing (residence time), minutes mixed vessel for every 2 pH units of noise and to help the controller recog-
the feed pH from the setpoint. For a nize the true distance of the incoming
Mixing and injection delays feed around 2 pH or 12 pH, three well- pH to the setpoint in terms of reagent
A controller cannot compensate for a mixed vessels in series were used. addition [6–8].
disturbance until it sees the change For the 2 pH case, the setpoints of
in pH and can get the reagent into the vessels were 4, 6, and 7 pH. The Maintenance
the process at the same point as the first vessel typically had the largest As we can see, the overall pH per-
disturbance. The total loop deadtime volume to cross neutralize the influ- formance is a fine balance of many
involved in the observation and com- ent and the largest control valve to variables, and maintenance is one of
pensation can be approximated as the provide a coarse adjustment to move them. The burden of maintenance is a
sum of delays and small lags in the the pH most of the distance along the challenge that should not be underes-
loop. This sum should include sample flatter part of the titration curve. The timated. The pH sensors have a finite
transport delay, electrode lag, trans- last vessel had the smallest volume life — both storage and service-life. The
mitter lag and update delay, DCS and smallest control valve to provide sensor performance depends on the
execution time delay, DCS filter lag, a trim adjustment. The volumes were process conditions as well as on proper
control valve delay and lag, injection designed to be significantly different maintenance and installation. Routine
delay, and mixing delay and lag. The in size to prevent the resonance of os- maintenance usually boils down to
injection delay that occurs when a cillations since the natural frequency cleaning with water, and a two-buffer
reagent valve opens or closes is often of the loop was thought to be mostly calibration check. If the coating is acidic,
the largest and most insidious source dependent on volume. These vessels the use of a weak caustic solution (<4%
of loop deadtime [6]. This injection had a large capital cost and footprint, NaOH) is recommended. If it’s alkaline
delay can be approximated as the and were prone to large and slow oscil- or a scale-coating, then vinegar or ~5%
dip tube and piping volume between lations — from the limit cycle of the HCl can help. Oil, grease and organic
the injection point and the reagent large valve on the first volume — that compounds can be taken away by using
valve divided by the reagent flow. were not effectively smoothed by the off-the-shelf detergents or organic sol-
The error from a process disturbance last volume. vents that are compatible with the sen-
36 Chemical Engineering August 2010
control room. The pH measurement
can be wirelessly transmitted from
the most difficult and remote location
to a main computer. Sensor designs
can be tested, and data for in-process
samples can be communicated to the
control system without any wiring.
Sensors proven in laboratory tests can
be installed in the process without any
wiring. The sensors can also be read-
ily moved, based on field results, to a
location that minimizes fluctuations
from imperfect mixing and process-
transportation time delay. The sensor
health can be monitored remotely, and
the maintenance trips can be sched-
Figure 7. Actual trend recording of a single-use-bioreactor batch shows that a uled in accordance with diagnostic’s re-
wireless transmitter did not show the noise spike seen by the wired transmitter, and cords, as shown in Figure 6. It can save
the wireless control of the batch is within 0.001 pH despite a reduction in the number many dollars to the end user because
of communications by 60% to increase battery life
needless maintenance can be avoided
and catastrophic failure prevented.
sor body materials. Monitoring the pH- memory chip are gaining more popu- Wireless control. A simple enhance-
sensor diagnostic parameters is very larity. Advanced diagnostics offer un- ment to the PID control algorithm
helpful for predictive maintenance. For disputable advantages to the plant op- has been developed, which combined
instance, glass impedance can indicate eration. The pH sensor that can carry with the WirelessHART communica-
if the glass is broken, coated or spent. the factory calibration, serial number tion rules can reduce the number of
The reference offset and reference im- and several diagnostics data can ease communications by an order of mag-
pedance can indicate coating and or the maintenance burden. First of all, nitude, thereby dramatically increas-
plugging. The pH span and offset can this smart sensor does not need buffer ing battery life [9]. The communica-
reflect the sensitivity and number of calibration at the installation point. It tion rules provide a transmission of
the standardizations. The low level of means that the service engineer does signal in the schedule time slot set
the pH signal makes it susceptible to not need to carry the buffers, beakers up by the network manager, only if
noise. Installation of the sensor in close and rinse water to the place where the difference between the new mea-
proximity to air conditioners, pumps, the sensor is installed. It really makes sured value and the last transmitted
agitators, mixers and motors can result sense if you are in unfriendly environ- value exceeds a sensitivity limit, or
in electromagnetic interference. Piping mental conditions, such as rain, snow the elapsed time since the last trans-
material can make a difference in pH or blazing sun. The calibration can be mission exceeds a refresh time. The
measurements. It’s well known that done in the laboratory and can be re- transmitter continues to measure the
metal pipes have far less problems with motely or locally digitally accessible process at a fast rate but will trans-
grounding than plastic ones or metal after installation. Since the sensor mit faster than the periodic reporting
pipes with a plastic lining. Correct wir- has an embedded factory calibration, set by the refresh time on an excep-
ing and proper cabling also fall under the instrument can always be reset to tion basis set by the sensitivity limit.
the category of maintenance. Interest- the default calibration, without any The optimum sensitivity setting
ingly, some locations or installations for special efforts. Furthermore, several should be larger than the maximum
pH monitoring can be cost-prohibitive diagnostic data sets and time stamps amplitude of measurement noise and
due only to the wiring. The cost to run stored on the memory chip make it larger than the resolution of the con-
the cables all over the plant or to a re- easy to see the trend of the diagnos- trol valve multiplied by the process
mote location can be excessive. tics data (Table 1). Until recently, this gain, but less than the minimum al-
historization was possible only by lowable deviation from setpoint [9].
Recent advances manual data logging. The enhanced PID algorithm keeps
Recent developments in sensor and the controller execution fast, to pro-
transmitter intelligence and commu- Wireless transmitters vide an immediate response to set-
nication are an indication of the fu- Wireless signal transmission is tak- point changes and fast disturbances
ture trend of pH measurements to be ing pH sensors even further. Having via proportional feedback and feed-
smarter and more portable. advanced diagnostics stored inside forward control. The integral mode
the sensor and being able to transmit is only executed when there is a new
Embedded memory chips them wirelessly from the analyzer is a value of the measurement. The inte-
Looking forward, it’s becomes appar- big step forward. It eliminates the need gral contribution uses the external
ent that sensors with an embedded of wiring the transmitters to the main reset-mechanism and dynamic-reset
Chemical Engineering August 2010 37
Feature Report

limiting that has been found to be im-

portant for cascade control. The reset
time is set equal to the process time
constant, and the contribution to the
reset mode is based on the elapsed
time since the last updated measure-
ment to provide a correction that
matches the time response of the pro-
cess. The derivative mode only makes
a change in the controller output if
there is an update and computes the
rate of change based on the elapsed
time from the last update rather than
the execution time of the controller.
Thus, integral and derivative action Figure 8. The enhanced, wireless PID performance (bottom row) has value be-
only occurs when there is a measure- yond wireless operation by providing tighter and more stable control of processes
with significant measurement delays from at-line analyzers. The Lambda factor is
ment update. Figure 7 shows how the used for computing controller gain, and is inversely proportional to it
new communication rules and en-
hanced PID provided tight control of significant measurement-time delay. mizing the utility of the new wireless
a single-use-bioreactor batch, while Figure 8 for a generic self-regulating technology [9].The wireless communi-
increasing battery life and ignoring a (continuous) process, dominated by a cation and advanced diagnostics are
spike from ground noise [9]. large time delay, shows that the PID taking us into the future of not only
In control studies, the PID enhance- enhancement eliminates oscillations. pH measurement and maintenance,
ments improved the stability for any This technological advancement in the but also the overall approach of run-
control system whenever there was a PID for all loops is a fall out of maxi- ning the plant.

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38 Chemical Engineering August 2010
Gregory McMillan is a prin-
cipal consultant to Emerson
Process Management’s Pro-
cess Systems and Solutions
Group (Research Park Plaza,
Embedded process models control and inferential measurement of Bldg. 3, 12301 Research Blvd.,
Austin, TX, 78759; Email:
Dynamic models of the pH system will pH as a third signal for middle signal Greg.McMillan@Emerson.
be embedded with prototypes of the selection. An application of an adapted com). McMillan is a retired
senior fellow from Solutia/
control system in the DCS to provide a embedded model for a RCRA (Resource Monsanto and an ISA Fellow.
more efficient process design. In a recent Conservation and Recovery Act) waste He received the ISA “Kermit
Fischer Environmental” Award for pH control
example, the capital cost was reduced neutralization system in a chemical in 1991, was inducted into the Control “Process
Automation Hall of Fame” in 2001 and received
by 50% for neutralization of the regen- intermediates plant demonstrated the the ISA Life Achievement Award in 2010. He has
eration effluent from a demineralized concept and provided reagent savings of a B.S. in engineering physics from Kansas Uni-
versity and M.S. in electrical engineering from
water system [9]. These embedded mod- $100,000/yr [10]. In both cases, the key Missouri University of Science and Technology.
els will also be put online and adapted to model fidelity was matching the pro- McMillan is the author of numerous books on
process control, the most recent being Essentials
to provide better signal characteriza- cess gain (titration curve slope) of the of Modern Measurements and Final Elements
tion and inferential measurements of model to the plant. ■ for the Process Industry. His expertise is sum-
marized on his Website: www.modelingandcon-
influent composition for feedforward  Edited by Dorothy Lozowski
Richard Baril is the prod-
uct marketing manager for
References Processing, April 2008. Emerson Process Manage-
1. H. Galster, “pH Measurement Fundamentals, 6. McMillan, G.K. and Cameron, R.A., “Advanced ment, Rosemount Analyti-
Methods, Applications, Instrumentation”, pH Measurement and Control”, 3rd Ed., ISA, cal (2400 Barranca Parkway,
VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Weinheim, Research Triangle Park, N.C. (2005). Irvine, CA, 92696; Phone:
1991. (800–854–8257; Email: Rich-
7. Shinskey, F.G., “pH and pION Control in Process He
2. C. C. Westcott, “pH Measurements”, Aca- and Waste Streams”, John Wiley & Sons, 1973. has been active in the drink-
demic Press Inc., 1978. 8. McMillan, G.K., Reedy, R.D., and Moulis, J.P., ing water and wastewater
3. C. D. Feng, Aging mechanism of pH sensing Virtual Plant Provides Real Insights, Chem. process industries for more
glass in high temperature environment, Pro- Process., January, 2009. than 20 years. Baril holds a
ceedings of the ISA 53rd Analysis Div. Sym- 9. McMillan, G.K., What have I Learned — B.S. in Chemistry from Long Beach State and
posium, April 2008. Unexpected Wireless Benefits, February 9, an MBA from the University of La Verne. He is
4. Moore, Ralph, Good pH Measurements in 2009, a current member of the International Ozone
Bad Process Streams, Instrum. Control Syst. Assn., has spoken at several industry confer-
(I&CS), December, 1990. 10. McMillan, G. K. and Sowell, M.S., Virtual Con- ences, and has authored numerous articles in a
trol of Real pH”, Control, November, 2007. variety of publications.
5. N. Starostin, New trend in pH-technology,

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