Data Privacy Act and Philippine Competition Act1

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Data Privacy Act and Philippine Competition Act
PART I - seeks to regulate the processing
Right to privacy – constitutional and activities or conducts of essentially two
legislative origin types of persons: natural or juridical =
personal information controller and
Ople vs Torres – the contours of one’s processor
right to information on privacy is 1. actors: (active) = may be a
something that will require legislative natural/juridical person
intervention a. processor
b. controller
Data privacy involves the right to
regulate or control the manner by which data subject (passive) = always a
third persons/parties utilize or make use natural person
of personal information referring to us
Who is not a controller:
Constitutional right to privacy may a. a person to whom the controller
essentially be arrested only against the outsourced or subcontracted a
government = fundamental right processing activity (processor)
b. a person who processes or uses
Legislative right to privacy may be personal information in connection with
asserted both to the government and that individual’s personal family or
private individuals household affairs

In case of violation: Independent contractors are not

a. constitutional right = render the considered as personal information
evidence obtained in violation of this controller
right as inadmissible Reason: the decisive element should be
b. legislative (data privacy act) = does the level of control, not on the activity
not render the evidence inadmissible referring to an independent control but
except if what was violated is the level of control with regard to the
confidentiality imposed upon the processing of personal information
national privacy commission and its
officials/employees 2. regulated activity = processing

Who may invoke? special processing activities:

a. constitutional right = purely personal a. data sharing
in nature b. outsourcing
b. legislative = may be asserted by a 3rd
party because it is transmissible Data sharing – sharing, disclosure, or
transfer to a third party of personal data
Violation of the right to privacy under the custody of a personal
(constitutional/legislative) may entitle information controller to one or more
the person to recover damages other personal information controller/s
Data Privacy Act and Philippine Competition Act
a. private sector
- for purposes of
historical/scientifical/statistical – consent
will not be required
- for commercial purposes – should have
data sharing agreement/consent
b. public sector
- data sharing must be carried out for a
public function/service
Data sharing agreement is not
mandatory but is very much advisable
because the execution of the same
demonstrates the entities adherence or

Outsourcing (subcontracting) –
assignment or delegation of the
processing or personal data by a
personal information controller to a
personal information processor

Processing by a personal information

processor shall be governed by a
contract or other legal act that binds the
personal information processor to the
personal information controller
Data Privacy Act and Philippine Competition Act
Data sharing Outsourcing
Disclosure or transfer to a third party of Disclosure or transfer of personal data
personal data under the custody of a by a personal information controller to a
personal information processor personal information processor in order
for the latter to process the data
according to the instructions of the
Entity sharing the personal information Entity transferring the personal
and the entity receiving the same are information is the PIC and the one
both PICs receiving the same is merely a
Since both entities are controllers, each Since one party is merely a processor,
may determine their respective only the other party determines the
purposes for processing the personal purpose of the processing
Consent is required if other legitimate No separate consent is necessary before
basis for processing is absent because the PIC may outsource as the purpose
there will be two (or more) PICs which of the processing remains to be the
shall have separate and distinct same and the PIC remains to be the
purposes for processing personal data, same
to which the data subject must provide
his consent to

3. object: b. processing of personal information

a. personal information – identity of is necessary and is related to the
the individual is apparent or may not fulfillment of a contract with the data
be apparent but the information can subject or in order to take steps at the
be ascertained therefrom by the entity request of the data subject prior to
holding the information or when put entering into a contract;
together with other information can c. processing is necessary for
identify an individual compliance with a legal obligation to
b. sensitive personal information which the personal information
controller is subject;
Personal Sensitive d. processing is necessary to protect
information personal vitally important interests of the data
information subject, including life and health;
legitimate legitimate e. processing is necessary in order to
grounds under grounds under respond to national emergency, to
Section 12 Section 13 comply with the requirements of public
Penalty: lower Penalty: much order and safety, or to fulfill functions
higher of public authority which necessarily
includes the processing of personal
Section 12 – criteria for lawful data for the fulfillment of its mandate;
processing of personal information: or
a. data subject has given his or her f. processing is necessary for the
consent; purposes of the legitimate interests
Data Privacy Act and Philippine Competition Act
pursued by the personal information subject was obtained prior to
controller or by a third party or parties processing;
to whom the data is disclosed, except e. processing is necessary for purposes
where such interests are overridden by of medical treatment, is carried out by
fundamental rights and freedoms of a medical practitioner or a medical
the data subject which require treatment institution, and an adequate
protection under the Philippine level of protection of personal
Constitution information is ensured; or
f. processing concerns such personal
Section 13 – sensitive personal information as is necessary for the
information and privileged Information protection of lawful rights and
GR: not allowed/prohibited interests of natural or legal persons in
EX: following cases court proceedings, or the
a. data subject has given his or her establishment, exercise or defense of
consent, specific to the purpose prior legal claims, or when provided to
to the processing, or in the case of government or public authority.
privileged information, all parties to
the exchange have given their consent Anonymization
prior to processing; a. If anonymous = not covered under
b. processing of the same is provided the data privacy law
for by existing laws and regulations: b. Does not relate to an identified or
Provided, That such regulatory identifiable natural person
enactments guarantee the protection c. Data subject is no longer identifiable
of the sensitive personal information
and the privileged information: Pseudonymisation
Provided, further, That the consent of a. considered personal information =
the data subjects are not required by covered under the data privacy law
law or regulation permitting the d. individual can still be identified
processing of the sensitive personal
information or the privileged Data privacy law applicable to dead
information; person? Yes because the law grants
c. processing is necessary to protect rights to the heirs of the deceased to
the life and health of the data subject exercise his/her privacy rights
or another person, and the data
subject is not legally or physically able 4. extraterritorial application –
to express his or her consent prior to section 4 IRR = in an outside of the
the processing; Philippines
d. processing is necessary to achieve a. natural or juridical person involved
the lawful and noncommercial in the processing of personal data is
objectives of public organizations and found or established in the Philippines;
their associations: Provided, That such b. act, practice or processing relates to
processing is only confined and related personal data about a Philippine citizen
to the bona fide members of these or Philippine resident;
organizations or their associations: c. processing of personal data is being
Provided, further, That the sensitive done in the Philippines; or
personal information are not d. act, practice or processing of
transferred to third parties: Provided, personal data is done or engaged in by
finally, That consent of the data an entity with links to the Philippines,
Data Privacy Act and Philippine Competition Act
with due consideration to international processing is the sole basis of decision
law and comity making about the data subject that
would significantly affect the data
5. non-applicability of the subject
DTA/Special Cases
a. anonymous Profiling
b. only to the minimum extent of - form of automated processing
collection, access, use, disclosure or - use of personal data to evaluate
other processing necessary to the certain personal aspects relating to a
purpose, function or activity concerned natural person
c. does not extend to personal - personalize or predict aspects
information processors, who remain concerning that person
subject to the requirements of a. subject data should be informed
implementing security measures for b. gives the data subject the right to
personal data protection object the processing his personal data

special cases: Automated decision-making

- information on matters of public a. no automated decision would be
concern made based on the personal
- information necessary for information if that decision would have
journalistic/artistic/literary/research legal effects without the consent of the
purposes data subject
- information necessary to carry out b. subject data should be notified
functions of public authority
- information necessary for tax and PART 2
financial institution in accordance to Data privacy law does not prohibit the
the anti-money laundering law processing of personal information,
- similarly information originally what it seeks is to regulate the
collected from residents of foreign processing of information in order to
jurisdiction balance one’s right to data privacy
with other equally compelling state
6. publicly available information interest
- not expressly provided under the law
that is exempted therefore still 1. data privacy principles
covered - transparency
- does not authorize any - legitimate purpose
processor/controller to process a - proportionality = should be
personal information in any manner adequate, relevant, suitable, necessary
that it may fit (not a blanket authority) and not excessive in relation to the
declared and specified purpose
7. technological advances, - principle of lawfulness =
automated processing, profiling, anchored/based on lawful causes
automated decision-making - principle of fairness
Automated processing: - data quality principle
a. should notify the data subject with - principle of accountability
the existence of automated processing
b. must notify the national privacy
commission (NPC) that automated
Data Privacy Act and Philippine Competition Act
How long can a personal information For sensitive personal information it
be retained in light of the should be anchored/justified by the
proportionality principle? following:
- only for as long as necessary to a. consent
achieve the specified purpose b. law and regulation
- up until the accomplishment of the c. necessary to protect the life and
said purpose health
- retain the data for the purpose of d. necessary to achieve the lawful and
establishing/exercising/in defense of noncommercial objectives
one’s legal claims e. medical treatment
- instances authorized by law f. necessary for the protection of
lawful rights and
Principle of data minimization – collect interests/establishment, exercise or
minimal personal information as defense of legal claims
possible to be able to accomplish its
declared purpose/s There is not legitimate interest ground
when you are processing sensitive
Personal information collected may be personal information
processed for historical, scientific and
research purposes which can be stored Data privacy rights of the subject
in longer periods a. right to be informed
Principle of lawfulness: b. right to object
a. consent = freely given, specific and c. right of access
uninformed manner (granular and not d. right to rectify
blanket consent) e. right to erasure/blocking
b. contract f. right to data portability
c. legal obligation g. right to damages
d. vitally important interests
e. national emergency, public Privacy notice vs consent
order/safety, fulfill functions of public privacy notice
authority - implements the data privacy principle
f. legitimate interest of transparency
- acknowledges the data subject’s right
What if the data subject withdraws to be informed
his/her consent? Any processing - required all the time
activity prior will not be affected by the
withdrawal consent
- just one of the grounds for
3-tier test to determine legitimate processing personal information
interest test (ordinary or sensitive)
1. purpose test - not required all the time because it is
2. necessity test only one of the grounds provided by
3. balancing test = does not override law
the freedom/fundamental rights of the
data subject Privacy notice vs privacy policy
Privacy policy
Data Privacy Act and Philippine Competition Act
- internal statement of the company a. if the personal data is incomplete,
addressed essentially to the users of outdated, false or unlawfully obtained
personal information b. unauthorized purposes or unlawful
Privacy notice c. previously obtained for a different
- outward facing document addressed purpose and no longer necessary for
to the data subject telling them how the purpose
the company would use their personal d. concerns private information that is
information prejudicial to the data subject

GR: Right to be informed Right to data portability

EX: - to be given a copy of his/her
a. collected/needed pursuant to personal information
b. collection and processing are for Requisites:
obvious purposes a. should be electronically processed
c. legal obligation and structured in commonly used
Right to object – can be exercise if the b. processing is based on consent or
basis of the processing is consent and contract
legitimate interest
Right to access Five pillars of data privacy
Limitations: accountability and compliance:
a. publicly available 1st – commit to comply: appoint a data
b. in cases of repeated request protection officer (DPO)
c. reasons as to the safety of the data Data Protection Officer (DPO)
subject - should be independent
- should not be in the position where
Effects for the right to object/access he may have conflict of interest
GR: cease further processing - not required to be an employee of
EX: the company
a. collected/needed pursuant to - not required to be a Filipino
subpoena - 2 years term
b. collection and processing are for
obvious purposes Privacy by design – approach by which
c. legal obligation privacy policies are
d. justify the processing on other incorporated/integrated in the
grounds other than consent/legitimate implementation of projects/program
interest (controller has the burden of
proof to justify) 2nd – know your risks: conduct a
privacy risk or impact assessment
Right to rectify may be applied when it - controller undertakes to evaluate the
is manifestly vexatious privacy impacts/risks for a particular
project or process
Right to erasure/blocking – right to
request suspension, withdrawal, GR: conduct of a privacy assessment is
removal or destruction of personal mandatory
Data Privacy Act and Philippine Competition Act
EX: if the controller determines that - event/occurrence that affects data
the particular activity entails minimal protection includes incidents that
risks would have resulted in personal data
Responsibility of the controller breach where it not for the security
himself/itself measures of the controller
- no need of certification/reported but
3rd – be accountable: develop a privacy it has to be documented
management program and privacy
manual Data breach
- breach of security leading to
4th – demonstrate your compliance: accidental/unlawful destruction or loss
implement privacy and data protection - requires certification
Kinds of breaches:
The requirement to register entities a. availability breach – destruction or
data processing systems applies only loss of personal information
in the entity and its data processing is b. integrity breach – unlawful or
conducted here in the Philippines; unauthorized alteration of the data
otherwise: no need c. confidentiality breach –
unauthorized disclosure or access of
Registration of entities as to their data
processing system: (mandatory)
1. controller/processor employs at The obligation to notify is lodged with
least 250 employees the personal information controller
2. processing activities includes notwithstanding if it is outsourced or
processing of sensitive personal not
information that is 1000 individuals
3. processing poses a risk to the rights Conditions where notification or report
and freedom of the data subject of breach would arise:
4. processing is not occasional in 1. personal data involves sensitive
nature personal information
2. reason to believe that the
Processing poses a risk: information if acquired by
1. information affects the security, unauthorized person
public safety, public health 3. acquisition of the data would give
2. information required by law as a rise to serious harm or risk that would
rule is confidential affect the data subject
3. vulnerable data subjects
4. in cases of automated processing When made? Within 72 hours upon
5. in cases of profiling knowledge or reasonable belief that a
breach requiring notification has
5th – prepare for breach: regularly occurred
exercise your breach reporting
procedure 72 hours absolute?
GR: there should be no delay
Security incident vs data breach EX:
Security incident a. notification to the commission
Data Privacy Act and Philippine Competition Act
- if the purpose is to determine the freedom of trade with statutory
scope of the breach authority
- to prevent further disclosure
- to further restore integrity to the Unfair competition
system 1. confusing similarity in the general
appearance of the goods
Exemption to exemption: 2. intent to deceive the public and
a. if the breach involves at least 100 defraud a competitor
data subjects
b. the disclosure involves sensitive
personal information Illegal Acts of price manipulation:
a. hoarding
b. notification to the data subject b. profiteering
- if it is not reasonably possible to c. cartel
notify the data subject
- exemption to notify is allowed RA1067
Statutory policy – “market competition
COMPETITION LAW as a mechanism for allocating goods
The state shall regulate or prohibit and services is a generally accepted
monopolies when the public interest so precept”
required. No combinations in restraint
of trade or unfair competition shall be 2 assumptions:
allowed. – Sec 19 Art XII, 1987 1st – self-interest = economic activity
Constitution 2nd – unlimited wants but limited
Monopoly – form of market structure If economic actors act according to
in which one or only a few firms self-interest, what ensures that that
dominate the total sales of a product self-interest will not lead to
or service abuse/greed? Market Competition

GIOS-SAMAR Inc vs DOTC – elements Elements of the national competition

before a monopoly may be regulated policy (NCP)
or prohibited: 1. pro-competitive policies and
1. there in fact exists a monopoly or government intervention
an oligopoly 2. competitive neutrality
2. public interest requires its regulation 3. enforcement of competition related
or prohibition laws and issuances by PCC

Combinations in restraint of trade – Applicability: any person engaged in

agreement or understanding between trade, industry and commerce in the
two or more persons, in the form of a Philippines
contract, trust, pool, holding company,
or other form of association, for the Non-applicability: does not apply to
purpose of unduly restricting labor related matters/activities
competition, monopolizing trade and
commerce in a certain commodity, Types of anti-competitive conduct:
controlling its production, distribution 1st = anti-competitive agreements (Sec
and price, or otherwise interfering with 14)
Data Privacy Act and Philippine Competition Act
- per se standard (US influence)
- object or effect standard (EU A genuinely unilateral measure, taken
influence) without the express or implied
participation of another undertaking is
Horizontal agreement = between not an agreement under competition
competitors (par a and b) law
Vertical agreement = peers of the
different stages of production, Object or effect: anti-competitive
distribution or marketing shares (par effect is measured against the
c) procompetitive justification/s if any

Price-fixing – competitors collude with Efficiency gains – those which

one another to fix prices of goods or contributes to improving the
services, rather than allow prices to be production or distribution of goods and
determined by market forces services or to promoting technical or
economic progress, while allowing
Cover bidding – occurs when consumers a fair share of the resulting
competitors agree to submit bids that benefits, may not necessarily be
involve either submitting a bid that deemed a violation of this Act
contains terms that are known to be
unacceptable to the purchaser Improvement cannot be subjective to
the parties involved. Improvement
Bid-suppression schemes – must in particular show appreciable
agreements among competitors in objective advantages of such a
which one or more companies agree to character as to compensate for the
refrain from bidding or to withdraw a disadvantage which they cause in the
previously submitted bid so that the field of competition
designated winner’s bid will be
accepted 2nd = abuse of dominance
2 concepts:
Output-limitations – agreements a. dominant position – position of
which, among others, limit output or economic strength that an entity or
control production by fixing production entities hold which makes it capable of
levels or setting quotas, or agreements controlling the relevant market
which deal with structural overcapacity independently
or coordination of future investment b. abuse
relevant market:
Market-sharing – producers restrict 1. product market
their sales of goods and services to 2. geographic market
certain geographic areas, developing
local monopolies Relevant product market factors:
1. reasonable (as opposed to limited)
Agreement – any type or form of interchangeability of the offerings to
contract, arrangement, understanding consumers
or concerted action whether formal or 2. significant cross-elasticity of
informal, explicit or tacit, written or demand, such that a price change in
oral one party’s goods or services will lead
Data Privacy Act and Philippine Competition Act
to a price change in the other party’s assets; or
goods or services b. gross revenue
generated here
National Federation of Hog Farmers vs by said assests
Board of Investments – to determine
whether products are “available 2nd
substitutes” or “reasonably Assets outside BOTH >
interchangeable”, one factor the Philippines: threshold
considered should be the consumer a. aggregate
response or cross-elasticity or value of assets
tendency or lack of tendency of here of the
consumers to switch from the acquiring entity;
plaintiff’s products to the defendant if and
it were to raise its prices or vice versa b. gross revenue
generated in or
Relevant geographic market – into Philippines
comprises the area in which the entity by those assets
concerned is involved in the supply outside the
and demand of goods and services in Philippines
which the conditions of competition
are sufficiently homogenous 3rd
Assets inside and BOTH >
There is a presumption of market outside the threshold
dominant position if the market share Philippines:
of an entity in the relevant market is at a. aggregate
least 50% unless a new market share value of assests
threshold is determined by the here of the
commission for that particular sector acquiring entity;
Abuse: conduct/s that substantially b. gross revenue
prevent, restrict or lessen competition: generated in or
a. exclusionary into Philippines
b. exploitative by:
1. assets
3rd = prohibited mergers and acquired in the
acquisitions Philippines and
Compulsory notification 2. assets
2 tests: acquired outside
a. size of party test – exceeds 6 billion the Philippines
b. size of transaction test – exceeds 2
billion 4 hundred million 4th – proposed acquisition of (i) voting
shares of a corporation or of (ii) an
Proposed mergers and acquisitions: interest if a non-corporate entity
1st a. aggregate > threshold
Assets in the > threshold value of the
Philippines: assets in the
a. aggregate Philippines
value of said
Data Privacy Act and Philippine Competition Act
owned by; or
b. gross
revenues from
sales in into or
from the
Philippines of the
acquired entity
c. acquisition of > 35% of
voting shares outstanding
(corporate) / voting shares (if
interest (non- corporate) or
corporate) will aggregate
result in the interest entitling
acquiring entity the acquirer to
owning 35% profits or
assets (if non-
d. 50% if > 35% before
acquiring entity the acquisition
already owns

Acquisition – purchase of securities or

assets, through contract or other
means, for the purpose of obtaining

An agreement consummated in
violation of the requirement to notify
the Commission shall be considered
void and subject the parties to an
administrative fine of 1% to 5% of the
value of the transaction

Can a party who consummated the

agreement but failed to notify the
Commission invoke Sec 20? No.
Agreement be considered void and
independent from Sec 20.

Criminal consequences, PCA:

Anti-competitive agreements: per se
(Section 14a) and object/effect
(Section 14b) = imprisonment

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