HSS 107 (Anjelo Briones) - Learning Kit Week 03 SET B

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Paul College of Ilocos Sur

(Member, St Paul University System)
St. Paul Avenue, Bantay, 2727 Ilocos Sur
PAASCU Re-Accredited Level III

Briones, Ruzzel Anjelo V.

St. Paul College of Ilocos Sur
(Member, St Paul University System)
St. Paul Avenue, Bantay, 2727 Ilocos Sur
PAASCU Re-Accredited Level III

Activity Sheets
Name: Ruzzel Anjelo V. Briones Grade and Section: 12 – St. Clare
Teacher’s Name: Ms. Vilma Ignacio Score: ________

LESSON 01: Branches of

Government and Politics
Instructions: Use these activity sheets to write your answers to the activities given to you. Detach
these sheets, staple them together, and place them in the Learning Package to be submitted on
the next distribution day

Activity 01: Document Me

Using the guide questions below, interview an elder member from your community who
is a beneficiary/ member of any non-government organizations. Document your
conversation through screenshot or video recording.
• Name of the community member: Nelia Pacpaco
• What civic organization do you belong to?
• Did you join the organization voluntarily or not? Why?
• What benefit/s did you get from the organization?
• Do you think the organization is beneficial to all the members and to the
community at large? Support your answer by enumerating some of the
activities of the said organization.

Briones, Ruzzel Anjelo V.

St. Paul College of Ilocos Sur
(Member, St Paul University System)
St. Paul Avenue, Bantay, 2727 Ilocos Sur
PAASCU Re-Accredited Level III

Activity 02: Watch and Reflect

Watch and understand the simple video clip (Active Citizenship 101 TEDx Waterfall Drive,
https://youtu.be/e3JaojPO134) then answer the different questions. This will be recorded
as your Written Works.

1. What does the video want to convey to the viewers?

Our world is filled with potential and competence that shape the very fabric of our
own reality. Oftentimes, we don’t recognize how powerful we are as a collective unit –
trying to develop our society day by day. And as with the presented speech, we can all
learn that every individual should have active citizenship values. There has been a
renounced notion in every part of the world wherein we can describe participation as a
way for us to contribute in our own community. Being able to push different skills and
talents for the betterment of all should create a space for us with unity in diversity. Most
often than not, everyone has the opportunity to change the world in their own small way.
May it be a small painting you have created, or maybe the small amount of pollution you
have eradicated. These small things are what make up the entirety of our nation. And to
observe active citizenship everywhere is the best way to approach societal development.
2. Explain the relevance of active citizenship as described by the speaker.
According to the speaker, we all have our own ways in participating in society; from
the small things that we do to the talents we ought to share, these are essential factors
that move our community in a certain direction. These of which we don’t notice, with the
use of social media platforms and trying to complain about how things should work in
accordance to people’s opinion, is not efficient use of an individual’s time. We should
promote actively volunteering to fix such problems rather than just issuing it online. Never
have we seen substantial effect from just a Facebook comment. Everyone should
proactively contribute by participating in civil societies and maximizing our own talents
and skills for the betterment of our community. The speaker wanted to portray the
message of individual importance. Every single one of us has a role to do – and whether
it be small or big, it shall effect the overall function of the society.
3. What is the role of the community members in the establishment of varied
civil societies and social movements particularly in the Philippines?
Organizations in the Philippines that are trying to create forward movement are
always hoping for the betterment of the Filipino people. As with their intentions, all of
which are for a good cause – and it’s to help those people who are in need. The non-
government organizations have the responsibility to provide aid outside the help of our
government. And although public officials can help with the rising movement, it’s always
great to understand that the people themselves are striving to fix their own problems.
These individuals advocate for societal change and gives out a statement that
selflessness is the key to a better tomorrow.

Briones, Ruzzel Anjelo V.

St. Paul College of Ilocos Sur
(Member, St Paul University System)
St. Paul Avenue, Bantay, 2727 Ilocos Sur
PAASCU Re-Accredited Level III

4. Given the chance to be a leader, what non-government organization do you

want to create to address best youth participation in our country? Explain
your answer.
With all the possible options to choose from, I believe that education should be
one of the top priorities into providing assistance for the youth. There are a lot of human
characteristics that are developed in an individual, and to recognize that if people
progressed their personalities at a young age, only will they have the ability to empower
such talents and skills to the world. So, I would create a non-government organization
that gives off free classes to children who are deprived of education. This shall promote
cognitive development and shall teach moral values for further youth participation.
Remember, youth involvement also depends on their capability to think, so we should
teach them in order for them to help us.

Activity 03: Think and Write

Assess yourself as a Filipino citizen by answering some questions below.
1. How would you classify yourself as a Filipino citizen based from the modes
and types of citizenship which we had just discussed? Explain your answer.
With the given types of citizens, these are all present in the world today and they
represent each personality and political standpoint that of which they regard. Personally,
I would consider myself as a democratic citizen for I prioritized the welfare of myself
alongside with the society. I believe that individualism is what makes our own community
develop within culture and different beliefs. And with that said, it’s always great to consider
prioritize both ourselves and other people. There is no world wherein selflessness is not
the answer to the societal problem. Having people to help out others is the key
fundamental aspect into implementing a healthy relationship with regards to politics. And
only when we realize this if we put ourselves on the place of other people. A world of
opportunity will always be the epitome of all realities – and everyone should be a
democratic citizen.
2. Are you proud to be regarded as a Filipino citizen and why?
Being a citizen of the Philippines is oftentimes one of the greatest things you can
say as a Filipino. Our community development is regarded as a very productive way of
approaching societal problems. And although we also face problems between the
government and those who are governed, all we want in the end is our name on the efforts
led by our own leaders – because active citizenship is what keeps our nation moving in
all its core. Moreover, we also have wonderful cultures that sets it apart from different
countries. There are so many festivals that truly make it unique in the people’s eyes. And
as though we are diverse in so many, all I can say is that we can also be a collective unit
regardless of race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, or genders. These are what make me proud
of my own skin. With a slight toned complexion, the blood of the Filipinos is what makes
out country roar in pride!

Briones, Ruzzel Anjelo V.

St. Paul College of Ilocos Sur
(Member, St Paul University System)
St. Paul Avenue, Bantay, 2727 Ilocos Sur
PAASCU Re-Accredited Level III

3. In your own locality, how can you be an active community member? Give at
least three situations and explain substantially.
There are a lot of different ways in which we can contribute to our own society.
Even though I’m still part of the youth, small acts of participation are beneficial for the
welfare of our community. Personally, I have helped clean the environment by joining
church activities. This has been well uplifted when I joined the choir as a child. On the
other hand, I’ve also have helped by promoting proper values for people to read. Most
often, social media is used to broadcast news, and for me to share this news is one thing
I can help about the community. And lastly, I’ve come to empower my own talents of art
and film making through my school and my community. These practices have always
helped my own understanding of charism – and in this way, I can contribute to the
economy by putting up commissions for everyone to avail.
Every individual has their own way of contributing to the society and it’s within our
capability to rest assure that we are going to become the future as a collective unit.

Activity 04: Think and Write

Create an infographic or any campaign material explaining the importance of active
citizenship especially in the light of the upcoming May national and local elections. You
may use another sheet of paper if the space below is not enough.

Briones, Ruzzel Anjelo V.

St. Paul College of Ilocos Sur
(Member, St Paul University System)
St. Paul Avenue, Bantay, 2727 Ilocos Sur
PAASCU Re-Accredited Level III

Activity 05: Think and Write

Read each question carefully and answer it honestly and comprehensively. Write your
answers on a short bond paper if the space provided below is not enough. There is no
need to copy the questions.
1. Among the topics discussed for this Second Quarter, which do you find most
and least interesting to you? Explain your answer.
For the most part, learning within this course has been greatly pushing me to
understand such political concepts at an early age. Most often than not, I would study
these topics by myself just to get a grasp on how amazing the world of politics is. But
within this course, what’s bothering me the most is the field work given in order to analyze
real-world political problems. Personally, I do not have a problem with the said task – it’s
just somewhat inconvenient to gain the information that we need in order to fulfill it. It is
true that we could reach out to different public officials that work in office but for people
like us, they have more responsibilities to prioritize after the interview we could conduct.
Now, to be fair, understanding real-world problems is a great way for us to understand
how overwhelming it is to have political problems by the corner. What’s bothering me is
how these people in power really do not want to talk about the flaws of which they have
done – and to be honest, it was all fun and great trying to analyze such issues, but I really
had hope people would be more cooperative than I would expect.
At the end of the day, we are what create our own societies, and as long as we
support those who want to make a change, we can make forward movement to societal
2. The three branches of our Philippine government are clearly discussed.
Given the chance to be leader, which branch would you like to fit in?
Expound your answer.
Being in one of these branches is truly a big responsibility to hold for the reason
being that your actions could affect the welfare of every Filipino out there. And with these
three branches, what suits me the most is to become part of the judiciary branch. For the
past few months, I’ve been training proper debate etiquette and pushing through
understanding what justice really means in this time and day. And being an aspiring
lawyer, one could understand how these justices are what formulates equal rights
amongst our own people. So, I might not be the leader of the nation, nor someone who
makes the law, I would indeed be part of a lawful system that abides the Philippine
constitution and speaks of what man can and cannot do. It’s not that other positions are
less interesting for me, it’s just that I believe that I can contribute more with the given skills
and understandings that I have.
Every single one of us has their own skillsets with regards to the profession that
they want to take up. And even though we are striving for different careers, we can always
look forward for the help of everyone else.

Briones, Ruzzel Anjelo V.

St. Paul College of Ilocos Sur
(Member, St Paul University System)
St. Paul Avenue, Bantay, 2727 Ilocos Sur
PAASCU Re-Accredited Level III

3. Being aware of the simple concepts of Philippine Politics and Governance,

make a simple slogan which summarizes your learnings in HSS 107 and
explain it in 7-10 sentences.
“Man is not present without problems; for man is within the world of politics.”
- Anjelo Briones
For the previous weeks of learning this course, we have learned a lot with regards
to how the Philippine government works along with the different LGU’s that support it.
Alongside with this, we have tackled how people in different communities can create a
difference with civil societies and active citizenship – all of which are essential in building
up an effective nation. Within the world of politics, we can definitely find different patterns
in human behavior and its power to lead the masses. Being it said that we are in a
democratic country, our power lies on the hands of the people, and that if we hold that
position that we run for, it is with our responsibility to help and aid those who need our
assistance. Even though we have different political ideologies in mind, we should all strive
to have the betterment of all individuals, because in the end, mankind will rise with those
who cherish it. There will always be problems for the reason being that we are in a world
of politics – so we should accept it, and do what we can to find the solution to all. Every
man has a problem, and it’s within themselves that they find to understand how they are
in a world of politics.

Briones, Ruzzel Anjelo V.


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