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Teenage relationships, sometimes the word LOVE doesn't get said, However other times it
does. LOVE is a strong and powerful word and it has the potential to make or break a
relationship. It is a word that is thrown around way too much and the true meaning of the
word is sometimes lost. Love is something that is intense and passionate and when you're in
love you feel on top of the world. Actually when you are in love it's like nothing you have ever
felt before, but it's the most amazing set of emotions anyone could ever feel. However the
problem in teenage relationships is that a lot of the time they don't know what love is.
Frequently they mistake love for lust. This is where people can get hurt. Sometimes they get
wrapped up in their little world that they forget everything and everyone around them. It
must important to still have friends and family around you when you're in a relationship.
In the view of fact, Teenagers are affected by many relationships which involve their friends,
family, and their love relationships. The relationships affect them so much that most
teenagers change their ideas about how they should live their lives in a different way and to
change their future goals. They ought to be influenced to help themselves or to help
others.Teenagers mostly, do not understand the necessity of sustaining a relationship over a
period of time. Therefore, frequent break ups and fights lead to attempts of suicide, teenage
pregnancy or mental instability in extreme cases.
Usually, Teenagers are not yet matured enough to handle the whole things that the real
relationship requires. Besides, teenage love distracts teenagers fulfilling their responsibilities
in school. Most often, you really aren't ready for it. You just want to do it because your friends
are doing it and oh, you can't stand the pain of being isolated. When your desire to have a
love life is stemming from external influences, it is wise that you get a hold of yourself and
stop being dragged about. However, you sure are going to hate the aftermath.A teenage
relationship is so demanding. You're giving out a huge portion of your time, your resources,
your commitment and ultimately, your heart.
Lastly, teenage relationship can be mistaken as a physical attraction by teenagers leads them
to more serious problems. Surely, teenagers are the most confused group of people when
they fall in love.Pride and selfishness usually dominates the situation. And when they decide
to end the relationship, it becomes more difficult especially for girls to cope with the moving-
on process. Because of many problems, the other roles of the teenagers also
affected.Truthfully, teenagers should always consider that education must always come first. .
Teenagers who scarcely know real love can lead them to more serious problems. Because of
immaturity, they find difficulties in dealing with problems that inevitably come to their
In conclusion falling in love is natural and in some cases, having a serious romantic
relationship may also be natural, but never let that relationship change your personality in a
negative way. Allow you to take too much time away from family friends and school work, or
decrease your self-esteem.

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