Project Management

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Table of content

TABLE 1: PROBLEMS RELATED TO SELLING.....................................................2

TABLE 2: PROBLEM RELATED TO PRODUCTION TIME.......................................5

TABLE 3: PROBLEM RELATED TO PRODUCTION MATERIALS...............................7

Table 1: Problems related to selling

Types of
Variety of Bangladesh Average Market Price Problems
Paddy Aman 27Tk per kg
Khancan 1. Lack of scientific
Wheat Akbar 28Tk per kg knowledge
Sourav 2. Market fluctuations
Barnali 3. Long chain of
725-730 per mound in the
Maize Shuvra middleman
local market
Khai Bhutta 4. Malpractices in the
Raw mustard seeds market
Tori-7 Retail market 2000- 5. Lack of market
Mustard Sonali Sarisha(SS-75) 2200tk;Wholesale market information
Kallani(TS-72) 1800-1900;dry seeds 6. Inelastic demand
Potato Multa 25Tk per kg
 To provide training and development
 To provide knowledge and information
 Don’t have enough time and resources to achieve their goals. This is not easy to
correct, but we can address it.
 To provide proper direction
Bangladesh is one of the most densely populated countries in the world and mainly depends

its agriculture. Agriculture has a great contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of

the country. If the marketing system is not efficient, price signals arising at the consumers’

level are not adequately transmitted to the producers. As a result, farmers do not get fair price

incentive to increase the production of the commodities. If the marketing system is not

efficient, price signals arising at the consumers’ level are not adequately transmitted to the

producers. As a result, farmers do not get fair price incentive to increase the production of the


For this table I selected one types of crops in Bangladesh. For example : market for sale in
Table 2: Problem related to production time
Production Time

Name of Variety Time of sowing seeds Harvesttime Problem

Paddy Aus In the rainy month of It can be cut in 1. Less use of
chaitra Asadha–Shravan modern
Aman Ropa Aman–Seeds In the month of technology.
are sown in the Agrahayan-Poush 2.Weather
month of Sravan- problem.
Bhadra 3.Environmental
Bona aman–Seeds are In the month of degradation.
sown in the month of Agrahayan 4. Natural
Aman Chaitra-Baishakh disasters.
Boro Seed sowing starts Harvested till 5.Insufficient
from the month of Baishakh-Jaistha material supply.
Kartik 6.Lack of
Jute Desi jute CC-45–30 Falgun- 30 is It is cut in135- scientific
sown in the month of 160days knowledge.
Chaitra 7.Lack of
BJRI Desi Jute-5– It has to be cut knowledge on
1Chaitra – 1Boishakh is in105-115days how to make
planted the same land
Tosha jute O-9898–Planting is It has to be cut in suitable for
done between 1 125-145 days producing
Chaitra –15 Baishakh different crops.
Mesta HS-24–Planted in It has to be cut 8.Agricultural
1Chaitra–30Baishakh in180-210days products
Wheat Barry wheat Suitable time for It has to be cut in decompose
30 sowing is 15-30 100-105days rapidly and
November (1-15) post-harvest
agrahayan losses are high.
Akbar It takes 103-108 days Ittakes103-108
from sowing to days from sowing
harvesting to harvesting
Kanchan It takes 108-112 days It takes 108-112
from sowing to days from sowing
ripening to ripening
Sourav It takes 102-110 days It takes102-110
from sowing toripening days from sowing
to ripening
Sugarcane Sugarcane Sugarcane can be sown The harvest
from Kartik Agrahayan season is from
to Falgun-Chaitra October to March
Bangladesh is an agricultural country. 75% percent of the people in this
country live in villages. In Bangladesh, 59.84% of the population is rural and 10.81% is
urban. .The contribution of agriculture sector to the GDP is 19.1% and employment
of 48.1% people is being created through agriculture sector. In order to increase this
employment, it is necessary to increase the production in agriculture. .This requires
solving production problems - the first of which is the problem of production time. In
order to solve this problem, farmers need to be creative in some areas and also need
to solve some other problems. Such as -

 Increased use of modern technology

 Adequate material supply
 Crops diversification
 Taking measures to deal with natural disasters
 Land reform
 Making the same land suitable for producing different crops
 To arrange training of farmers
 Agricultural research and extension
Table 3: Problem related to production materials.
Types Materials Materials cost Problem
For One bigh 1.Lack of modern
Seeds 5kg. Seed=1000 tk. technology.
Aus, Water 100hours
Amon, Water=5000tk. 2.Insufficient
Paddy Power 4 Times
Iri Urea 40kg. Fertilizer=8000tk materials &
Mop 20 Kg. Labor =5000 tk fertilizer.
Pesticide 900g. 3.Inept farmers.
Labor 12.
Seeds 20 kg 1.Lack of
Water 15hours Seeds =500tk essential
Cinchona Power 4 Times Water =900tk seeds,technology,
Wheat Akbar Urea 20kg
Tractor cost=600
Provita TSP 20kg Materials.
Mop 70kg Fertilizer=2000tk change
Pesticide 900g Labor =4800 tk 3.Problem of
Lbor :12
crucial direction.

Seed 400kg Seed=4000 tk 1.Lack of financial

Diamond Tractor 8 times Tractor=800tk support.
Potato Water 20 hours
Multa TSP 40kg Water=1200tk 2.Unfavourable
Dheera Urea 30 kg Fertilizer=4000tk weather.
Mop 20 kg Labor =8000 tk 3.Lack of perfect
Labor 20 direction.
Seeds 1kg 1.Weather
Toni-7 Tractor 4times Seed=500tk problem.
Rai-5 Water 10 hours Tractor =400tk
TSP 10kg 2.Proper
Mustard Soumpot Fertilizer=3000tk
Urea 20 kg direction.
Others fertilizer Labor=2000tk 3.Problem of
Labor 5 perfect pesticide.
Seeds 10 kg Seeds=200tk 1.Useful fertilizer.
Mohon Tractor 4 times Tractor=400tk 2.Proper
Maize Shovra Water 10 hours
Fertilizer =50 kg Water =4000 tk maintain
Bani Pesticide=900gm Fertilizer=2000tk 3.Inept Farmers.
Bhutto Labor 10 Labor=4000 tk
Solution : Bangladesh is an agricultural country among the world. Our 80%
of people are dependent by the agricultural sector. And they are maintain Their
life.Every year our country getting huges number foreign amount by Produced
Agri product. So in our country vast number of people dependent by the
Agricultural sector. But our huges number of people they are not enough
concern in the agriculture sector and also lack of materials, technology, and
fertilizer and expert man power. For this problem we are unable to produced
enough product for our country.
But if we are taken effective step with the government & human beings.So we
can to solved this type of problem. Firstly we ensure that proper technology.
Because proper technology is Very important for produce enough product. The
technology are, Tractor, powertiler,Paddy cutting machines etc.Then we needed
enough fertilizer & useful fertilizer. Fertilizer is called the food of crops. So Its
playing vital role in agriculture sector. Then needed perfect Seeds for producing
perfect crops. Available water supply service is needed. Because water is called
backbone of crops. Without sufficient water you can’t Produce enough product.
And also we needed expert man power, because by the perfect human power.
You can utilize our time.So here training & direction playing vital role to make
proper man power. So if we can to arranged this requirement. So we can to
improve our agriculture sector among the World.

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