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Agro Product Distribution

Course tittle: Database Management System (Lab)

Course code: CSE-338

Group: Shadows

Submitted By Submitted To
Name: Shakil Hossain Shovon Md. Rokonuzzaman
Associate professor
ID: 17MGT061
Department of Management Studies
Dept: Management Studies
Banghabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science
Banghabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science
and Technology University, Gopalganj.
and Technology University, Gopalganj.

Date: 15-08-2021
Bangladesh is a small developing country with mostly an agro-based economy. Agricultural
sectors play an important role in the overall economic development and food security of this
highly populated country. Historically, agricultural sector is prominent for a long time in
Bangladesh. The agriculture sector contributes 12.65% to the country’s total GDP (2020) and
it remains as the largest employment sector in Bangladesh economy with about 40.6% of the
labor force engaged in agriculture (BBS. 2017). Agriculture is a major source of rural jobs in
Bangladesh as over 87% rural people derive at least some income from agriculture (BBS,

Production Profitability

Product productivity Production Others Total Market Revenue

name quintal per cost per cost cost price or
(Bigha) (Bigha) Loss
Paddy 10 18,950 1,200 20,150 30,000 +9,850
Wheat 6 16,150 2,000 18,150 32,000 +13,850
Jute 15 16,000 2,800 18,800 25,000 +6,200
Potato 48 16,900 5,600 22,500 40,000 +17,500
Sugar cane 110 15,350 2,000 17,350 36,000 +18,650
Mustard 2 14,000 2,500 16,500 22,000 +8,500
Fig: a table about the production profitability of some selected farmers on 1-Bigha land.

Step-1: We worked as a NGO group on the field of agro product distribution. Here my part is
the production profitability. Here on the table I put the profitability of different agro product
of some farmers of our country. By analyzing the table a farmer can start to assess which
product is less costly and have the most potential for highest net profit. Profitability is the
primary goal of all business ventures. Most of the farmer’s families are dependent on their
income from selling their crops in the market. If they fail to earn profit from their harvesting
that affects their family’s life. Without profitability there is no hope to survive for them.

Step-2: Discussion
Profitability is the primary goal of all business and agriculture. Profitability is measured with
income and expenses. Income is money/benefits generated from producing product and
selling them. For example, if crops and livestock are produced and sold, income is generated.
.The table shows the production profitability of some selected farmers. Here farmers produce
different kinds of crops. The productivity rate for paddy in the land of 1- bigha is 10 quintal.
The production cost of paddy for 1-bigha land is 18,950 tk. Farmer can earn profit of
minimum 9,850 tk. by harvesting paddy on his 1-bigha land. Similarly, by harvesting wheat
on his land he can earn 13,850tk. The total cost of harvesting wheat on 1-bigha land is 18,
150tk. Then the total cost of harvesting Jute on 1-bigha land is 18,800tk. The profit came
from jute was minimum 6,200tk. by selling them at the rate of total 25,000tk. After that we
saw that the total cost of producing potato on 1-bigha land is 22,550tk. in return they can get
profit of 17, selling price for potato was 40,000tk. Then, farmers who harvest
Sugar cane can get profit of tk18,650 by selling it on 36,000tk. The total cost of harvesting
sugarcane is 17,350tk. The farmers who produce Mustard cost total 16,500 tk. the market
price of mustard of 1-bigha land is tk 22,000. The farmers can make profit of minimum
8,500 tk. by producing mustard.

Step-3: relation with other fields.

i am from the group Shadows. Our group is working on the field of agro product distribution.
We discussed about the topic and selected 11table of data related with agro product
distribution. These tables of data are given below:

 Types of Production
 Farmers Profile
 Production Materials
 Production Cost
 Production Time
 Price table
 Market to sale
 Transportation Mood
 Preservation Mood
 Average production
 Production Profitability (Profit/Loss)

I personally worked with the table carried data of production profitability. On my table i have
showed the profitability of producing different crops on 1 bigha land. My table is interrelated
with the others topics. I have carried data from those different types of table. Me and my
group members worked as an NGO to discuss about the distribution of agro product
distribution and find solution for the farmers on this fields. In our country most of the people
are related with agriculture. But we did not treat our farmers very well. Every year they face
many problems to cell their crops in the market even they did not get the proper value for
producing the crops. Most of the time, they sell their product at a rate which is not profitable.
So, we worked for those people who did not get proper price for their crops and sell it on
loss. In my table i have showed the profitability that a farmer can get from different types of
product. If a farmer know the profitability of a crop, it’s easy for him to choose the better one
for him. In my table I have showed the total cost of producing different product. A farmer can
easily know about the cost of harvesting a crop and determine the price which is profitable
for him. Then I’ve showed the minimum market price of different crops. It can help farmers
to know about the market price of his product. This really helps farmers in future to select the
crops and selling it at a profitable price.

On my table I’ve collected data from my other teammates table. I’ve collected the data of
production cost from my teammate who worked on the field of production cost. Then I’ve
collected data from my other teammate who worked with the field market prices for different
product produced by farmers on their land. I have worked with the selected product which
was selected by one of my teammate who worked with the field types of production. So I can
say that, the table is related with other fields in different sectors.

Step-4: uses of technology and implement of other hardware/software.

Uses of technology (Hardware & Software)-

We have created the entire research table of group Shadows through MS Word. Data and
information have been fully disclosed throughout the research. If we want to transform those
data and information into DMBS there must be a hardware and software system.
The hardware refers to the actual computer system in which the database is accessed. So, if
we implement our data and information into DMBS on computer, than computer's Hard Disk,
Keyboard which we type in all the commands, computer's RAM, ROM all become a part of
the DBMS hardware.

After that when we think about software than this is the main component as this is the
program which controls everything. So, to implement our agro product Information into
DBMS, "Oracle RDMS" database of database management system software will be the best.
This database performs all its task and activities by providing high performance. Not only
this database server gives the proper solutions for the failure recovery but also prevent all
unauthorized access.

Uses and value of our data table-

From our data table every farmers/users can easily access it and collect the necessary data.
Farmers will get detailed idea about the production capacity, exact production time of the
specific product with different variety, production cost, transportation cost, production rate,
minimum price and market price etc. From this data they can easily take decision which will
lead to profit.

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