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The Global North

We could find in the North the More Economically Developed Countries (MEDCs) in the world. They are
considered the “richer” and more stable countries.

Why are the countries in the North considered MEDC?

• The countries are considered MEDC because of the stability that their economy has and the change
that is happening within it.

• Countries that are considered MEDC generally have a better standard of living and quality of life.

• This may refer to life expectancy, education, medical care and how developed their technology is.

The Global South

• Known as the “Poor Side”, the Global South is composed of developing countries, meaning the GDP,
HDI and General standard of Living within these countries are considered inferior to that of the
countries in the “North”.

• Gross Domestic Product is a monetary measure of the market value of all the final goods and services
produced in a specific time.

Why are the countries in the South considered LEDCs?

• Nations belonging to Less Economically Developed Countries (LEDC’s) often are faced with the
challenges of an unstable government and poor economy.

• In an LEDC, citizens have poor standard of living and quality of life.

• Some characteristics of LEDC’s may include:

1. low Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

2. low Human Development Index (HDI)

• Some LEDC’s have skewed HDI’s due to a relatively high GDP and an exceptionally low standard of
living. An example is Indonesia.

Why is the South at such a disadvantage?

• Of the many possible reasons for the South’s woes, the one factor that stands out is colonization.

• Most of the MEDS of the North had become imperialist at some point in history. From the 13th
century on, most countries that are powerful have stayed powerful, such as France and United Kingdom.

• And therefore, most countries that were inferior have stayed inferior.
• However, like any aspect in history, there is always an exception, as the United States, a former British
Colony, has developed into the most powerful country in the world (Guttal, 2016).

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