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Submitted by:

Candiza, Jeanzen C.

Barbo, James L.

Submitted to:

Ms. Rosalinda A. Servano

Salcedo 6807
Eastern Samar, Philippines
Factors that bring about differences in Culture
Education, social standing, religion, personality, belief structure, experience,
affection shown in the home, and a myriad of other factors will affect human behavior
and culture.
Modes of Acquiring Culture
The modes of acquiring culture adaptation are imitation, indoctrination, socializing
and conditioning. The first is imitation, it is when you imitate or mirrors the doings of the
people or country men in the new country
Assimilation refers to the process through which individuals and groups of differing
heritages acquire the basic habits, attitudes, and mode of life of an embracing culture.

Flag Description

The new national flag was adopted on May 20, 2002, when East Timor achieved full
sovereignty. The black represents more than four centuries of colonial repression, the
yellow the struggle for independence, and the red the suffering of the East Timorese
people. The white star symbolizes hope for the future.

Salcedo 6807
Eastern Samar, Philippines
National Anthem
“Patria” is the national anthem of East Timor (Timor – Leste). It was originally adopted
when East Timor unilaterally declared its independence from Portugal in 1975. However,
this usage would be short – lived when the country was invaded by Indonesia.
Lyrics of the National Anthem of East Timor
Patria, Patria, Timor – Leste, nossa Nacao
Gloria ao povo e aos herois da nossa libertacao
Patria, Patria, Timor – Leste, nossa Nacao
Gloria ao povo e aos herois da nossa libertacao

Vencemos o colonialism, gritamos;

Abaixo o imperialismo.
Terra livre, povo livre,
Nao, nao, nao a exploracao.

Avante Unidos firmes e decididos,

Na luta contra o imperialismo
O inimigo dos povos, ate a vitoria final.
Pelo caminho da revolucao.

Fatherland, fatherland, East Timor our Nation.
Glory to the people and to the heroes of our liberation.
Fatherland, fatherland, East Timor our Nation.
Glory to the people and to the heroes of our liberation.

Salcedo 6807
Eastern Samar, Philippines
We vanquish colonialism, we cry:
Down with imperialism!
Free land, free people,
No, no, no to exploitation.
Let us go forward, united, firm and determined
In the struggle against imperialism,
The enemy of people, until final victory,
Onward to revolution.
represents the basic values of politics and moral underpinning the nations and people’s
“Timor” is derived from timur, meaning ‘east’ in Malay, thus resulting in a tautological
place name meaning “East East’. In Indonesian, this results in the name Timor Timur. In
Portuguese, the country is called Timor – Leste.
In 1999, when the territory gained independence under UN supervision, Dili was
designated the administrative centre. It became the capital when East Timor achieved full
sovereignty in 2002.

Portuguese is one of Timor – Leste official languages. Officially called the Democratic
Republic of Timor – Leste, this tropical country sharing the Timor archipelago with

Salcedo 6807
Eastern Samar, Philippines
Indonesia has people speaking the Portuguese language. The reason being Timor –
Leste was under Portuguese rule from 1702 up to 1975.
Religious Demography. The U.S government estimates the total population at 1.4 million
(midyear 2021). According to the 2015 census, 97.6 percent of the population is Catholic,
approximately 2 percent Protestant, and less than 1 percent Muslim. The Catholic Church
is the dominant religious institution in East Timor and its priests and bishops are accorded
the highest respect in local society. Attitudes toward the small Protestant and Muslim
communities vary, given the previous association of these groups with the occupying
Indonesian forces.
Timor – Leste achieved independence on 20 May 2002. Timor – Leste’s independence
resulted from a UN – sponsored referendum in August 1999. Timor – Leste’s head of
state is a directly elected President with limited executive power. The Prime Minister is
the head of government and is formally appointed by the President. Politics of East Timor
takes place in framework of a unitary semi – presidential representative democratic
republic, whereby the Prime Minister of East Timor is the head of government, and the
President of East Timor exercises the functions of head of state. Timor – Leste is one of
the world’s youngest countries and while a beacon of democracy in Southeast Asia, the
country’s institutional capacity remains weak.
Timor – Leste’s President Jose Ramos – Horta Meets with Wang Yi. On June 4, 2002,
local time, Timor – Leste’s President Jose Ramos – Horta met with State Councilor and
Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Dili.

Salcedo 6807
Eastern Samar, Philippines
Total Area
Timor – Leste is thus one of the smallest countries in Asia by area and ranked 160 th
worldwide. Most of the population (68%) resides within rural regions. The total area of this
country is 15, 006 𝑘𝑚2 .
Timor – Leste has exactly 1.321 million of population in 2021. Its population increase to
1.34 million persons in 2022.
The currency of Timor – Leste is the United States dollar (USD) based on a declaration
of the United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor in 2000.
Area Code
The area code of Timor – Leste is +670.
The most popular sport in East Timor is football, however some other sports like cycling,
martial arts, weightlifting, and badminton are also quite popular.
East Timorese dishes. Apart from rice, other staple food items that are cultivated in East
Timor include sweet potatoes, maize, cassava, and taro. These primary staples are
supplemented with beans, cabbage, spinach, onions, and cowpeas. The second category
of food consists of poultry, pigs, and goats.
Timorese culture is a melting pot of numerous influences, including that of the
Portuguese, Roman Catholic, Indonesian and Indigenous Austronesian and Melanesian
cultures. There is also a strong tradition of poetry in the country.
Tourist Attrction
Jaco Island
Cristo Rei
Atauro Island
Salcedo 6807
Eastern Samar, Philippines
Archives & Museum of East Timorese
Santa Cruz Cemetery
Nino Konis Santana National Park
Arte Moris
Tais Market
Ira Lalaro
Marobo Hot Spring
One Dollar Beach
Largo de Lecidere
Immaculate Conception
Compass Diving

Well – known People

Xanana Gusmao
Jose Ramos – Horta
Francisco Guterres
Taur Matan Ruak
Francisco Xavier do Amarai
Fernando de Araujo
Basilio do Nascimento
Alberto Ricardo da Silva
Nicolau Dos Reis Lobato

Salcedo 6807
Eastern Samar, Philippines
Mari Alkatiri
Madalena Boavida
Aicha Bassarewan
Maria Angela Carrascalao
Rosaria Corte – Real
Alianca de Araujo
Olinda Morais
Maria Terezinha Viegas
Ilda Conceicao
Aurora Ximenes
Avelino Coelho da Silva
Gil da Cruz Trindade
• You’re free to choose who you want to marry.
• Your parents won’t arrange your marriage.
• Marriage dowry
➢ In some marriages, the two families may also negotiate and agree upon a
barlake (dowry), which is ordinarily paid after the traditional marriage
➢ Couples will often meet prospective partners through familiar settings or
contacts, such as introduction by friends or family, or at work, school, or
church. Individuals are generally able to freely choose marriage partners,
although the decision may be influenced by other factors such as the
preferences of the family.
How they treat their visitors
• Timor – Leste is generally a safe travel destination, although you should take extra
precautions and try to avoid being out at night. This country is generally stable, but
there are ongoing security risks. The beauty of the country and the friendliness of
the people easily inspire visitors.

Salcedo 6807
Eastern Samar, Philippines
1. What is the national anthem of Timor – Leste?
a. Patria
b. Pheng Xat Lao
c. Kana Ma Kyei
d. The Spangled Banner
2. There are three mottos in Timor – Leste, the UNITY, ACTION and ______?
a. Progress
b. Peace
c. Democracy
d. Prosperity
3. What is the capital of Timor – Leste?
a. Vientaine
b. Dili
c. Nay Pyi Taw
d. Paris
4. What is the main religion in Timor – Leste?
a. Hinduism
b. Iglesia ni Cristo
c. Theravada Buddhism
d. Catholic
5. When was the Timor – Leste achieved their independence?
a. May 20, 2002
b. May 21, 2002
c. May 20, 2000
d. May 21, 2000
6. When was the Timor – Leste became a member of the UN?
a. September 25, 2002
b. September 28, 2002
c. September 27, 2002
d. September 26, 2002
7. He is the president of Timor – Leste?
a. Thongloun Sisoulith
b. Jose Ramos – Horta
c. Donald Thrump
d. Myint Swe
8. It refers to the process through which individuals and groups of differing heritages
acquire the basic habits, attitudes, and mode of life of an embracing culture.
a. Assimilation
b. Indoctrination
Salcedo 6807
Eastern Samar, Philippines
c. Socialization
d. Imitation
9. The new national flag of Timor – Leste has 4 colors, what are those?
a. Blue, yellow, green, and white
b. Black, yellow, red, and white
c. Orange, red, black, and blue
d. Black, green, red, and yellow
10. In Timor – Leste’s flag, what color that symbolizes the suffering of the East
Timorese people.
a. Black
b. Red
c. White
d. Yellow
11. – 15. Give at least five tourist attraction of Timor – Leste.
• Jaco Island
• Tatamailau
• Cristo Rei
• Atauro Island
• Dili
• Archives & Museum of East Timorese
• Baucau
• Santa Cruz Cemetery
• Nino Konis Santana National Park
• Arte Moris
• Tais Market
• Maubisse
• Ira Lalaro
• Marobo Hot Spring
• One Dollar Beach
• Largo de Lecidere
• Matebian
• Immaculate Conception
• Compass Diving
• Lospalos

Salcedo 6807
Eastern Samar, Philippines
Salcedo 6807
Eastern Samar, Philippines

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