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标题(Overarching question): How best can fashion brands combine the benefits of

pet influencers with fashion brands marketing in the era of internet celebrity

关键词是 pet influencers、internet celebrity economy、fashion brand mkt

Introduction: overall sense, why it’s important, some of the definition to help
understand (literature review go into more detail and in the wider cultural context)
1. 首 先 要 解 释 清 楚 标 题 中 的 两 个 关 键 词 , 给 pet influencer 和 internet celebrity
economy 下定义。因为外国老师不理解什么是宠物博主和网红经济,需要通过举例说
明和拆解的方式来讲。但是在 intro 里是引出和总结的作用,所以不需要细讲,具体的
在 lr 中再 review
e.g. who are pet influencers in a global context
- pet influencer 的定义
- how big is the market of pet influencers in global context
 youtube, tiktok, kwai, ins
- cases of who are pet influencers
 Rose, Naver, iPanda, 快手例子, 其他和时尚有关的例子
 data, criteria (why they become influencers)
- pet economy?
e.g. internet celebrity economy
“internet celebrity economy refers to the economic dynamics caused by the
influencers or KOLs who gain fame through the internet or social media platforms. So
“internet celebrity” has a similar meaning as “social media influencer”. “
2. 研究的学术价值(fill 了宠物博主相关研究的 gap,尤其从 global cultural context 出
发运用了 fashion culture、fan culture 等理论,研究了宠物博主在多大程度上使时尚品
3. 研究的 purpose 等

Literature review
a) clarification of key terms in the wider global context
- internet celebrity vs influencer vs KOL
 celebrity: someone is known/famous
 influencer: suggest people do sth as a result of following
 KOL:
“KOL is a term in Marketing. As a “influencer” may
generate influence on its followers, a “KOL” can reach a
higher level of popularity and is always the guider of human
behaviours such as purchasing, which would be helpful for
fashion brands’ marketing. So the term “pet KOLs”
indicates the pets that have a large fan base, which often
refers to the professionals that can lead the consumer
choices.” (literature support; 有一些形容 influencer 也可以)

- what influence on / why important to brands mkt: general 阐述?to B
& to C (intermediary?)
 what impact on audience’s perceptions of fashion brands
(interest in/different view on fashion, guide consumption)

- how far do they know people are being influenced by them
b) how & why fashion brand marketing and shopping habits are changing in the
social media age/internet celebrity economy ( 谁影响,怎么变) (how fit into
the wider context described above)
- internet celebrity economy (intro)
 定义、谁是 internet celebrity
 如何形成 social media
- shift in mkt strategies of fashion brands in the social media age/internet
celebrity economy
 what is branding/marketing
 how shift
 digitisation vs digitalisation (Entertain wk7)
 youth-oriented (Gen Z)
 influencers/KOLs
 why shift
 digital culture
 convergence culture?
 socialisation?
- shift in shopping ways of consumers
 how shift
 guide by influencers/KOLs
 e-commerce: live streaming、taobao
 why shift
 fan cultures on social media platforms
- how the trend sreinforced during Covid-19 to shape the ways of both the
audience and brands
c) how big is the pet market in the global context(数据)

How you plan to design and carry out the research. Which research strategies will
you use (e.g. qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods, multi-modal, arts-based or
Which materials or sources will you use?
How will your recruit participants / access sources / disseminate your survey etc?
Think carefully about sampling procedures for interviews and surveys (e.g. snowball
sampling, convenience sampling, purposive sampling).
How will you analyse the data that you collect? (e.g. thematic analysis, discourse
analysis, visual analysis, textual analysis, use of percentages and graphs for survey
data etc). Why use this analytical approach?
It is crucial in this section that you selectively cite and draw on methods literature to
demonstrate your understanding of your proposed research methods.
1. what is the appeal of pet influencers for audience
- who watches & why (interest/motivation) / what value in following/watching
 Gen Z 居多(年轻人)
 不能自己养宠物,云养宠物
 自己也养但想学习更多技巧、互相交流的 community、relationship
 human spiritual healing(如果写这条需要宠物心理学理论支撑)
 features of different pet species:狗猫鸭熊猫,分别叙述,无害的长相、趣

 宠物精神对于人本身的映射:宠物世界单纯而美好、脱离人间世俗
一种有效的疗愈及慰藉方式,这推动了 “宠物亲人化” 的趋势。而
 宠物背后的主人影响力引流:因名人效应带来的宠物流量(例如 rose 的狗、
- how reinforced during Covid-19(理论+问卷支撑)
 人们被迫在家里隔离,空闲时间更多,上网时长变长
 有人与自己的宠物被迫分开,因为想念
 疫情使人精神状态变差,loneliness、mental health issues
2. what impact on their perceptions of pet influencers compared with human
influencers in terms of fashion
- 作为观众:侵略性低,易接受,愿意花钱支持宠物博主的发展
- 作为粉丝:宠物博主不会像人类博主一样有丑闻;人类博主的 fashionable
- 作为消费者:宠物博主比人类博主获利小,因此即使打广告也会更加有信任
- 对品牌的看法更有好感?
3. what concerns/complaints, if any
- 宠物商品化,人为操纵


- how effective is pet influencer compared with human influencers and other
fashion mkt for brands (benefits & limits 都要有) (理论上可以类比 AI?)
 how pet influencers link to fashion(为什么宠物博主能对时尚品牌发挥作
 萌经济(人们愿意为萌付费,能创造经济价值,因此能被品牌利用)
 时尚品牌设计宠物服饰,宠物主人购买
 时尚品牌的 human products 通过 pet influencers 向人类宣传(目标
人群:Gen Z、热爱宠物的人)
 real-life examples of existing cooperation between fashion brands and
 李佳琦的狗代言完美日记小狗盘眼影、与 fresh 品牌联名
 时尚品牌的宠物产品:Goyard 的宠物系列、burberry 宠物系列等
 通过例子总结为品牌 add 什么 value
 commercial value: profitablity (广告费用比人低,相对的利润更高)
 positive image of fashion branding (brand integrity 等)
 market potential 有限(limits):
 并非所有 pet influencers 都有指导消费、为时尚品牌赋能的潜力的 +
examples (例如宠物频道 iPanda 只是为了记录/保护/ 某个宠物的)
 作用有限,不如人类博主

1. Synthesise: recommendations as to how fashion brands might best use pet
influencers in the future (market their products/influence perceptions)
- 相比人类博主虽然有。。。的优点,但要规避。。。
- 因此需要精挑细选有商业价值的宠物博主
- 选择合适的产品由宠物博主推广
- how can data from audiences help fashion brands to understand the
benefits; do they already collect data/how do they know what impact
it has:发挥受众对宠物博主的
- 利用疫情期间加强的电商、直播、博客等 digital media,与宠物博主
2. 本文的 limitation,未来的研究方向等

Qian Xiao, 2019a. TikTok TOP30 Pet KOL Has a Total of 180 Million Fans. Available

Qian Xiao, 2019b. Top10 Most Popular Pet KOL on TikTok with the Highest Price of
580,000 Yuan. Available at:

Chongyejia Zichao, 2019a. TikTok Top100 Pet KOL, Let's See How Many You
Followed. Available at:

Qian Xiao, 2019c. After Weibo and TikTok, What's the Difference between Kwai's
Top100 Pet KOL. Available at:

Qian Xiao, 2019d. In the Era of Pet KOL Economy, Take a Look at these “Expensive”
Pets Abroad. Available at:
Chongyejia Zichao, 2019b. Most People Experience Cyber Pet “Raising” by Top100
Pet KOL on Weibo. Available at:

Chongyejia Zichao, 2020a. A Review of Top100 Pet KOL on Weibo. Available at:

Chongyejia, 2020b. A Review of New Top100 Pet KOL on Weibo. Available at:

Qian Xiao, 2019e. Is Pet KOL Marketing Winning or Losing? Available at:

Xiaopei Pets, 2020. “It Economy”: Ritual Sense of Life has Spawned a New Wave of
Pet Economy in China. Available at:

Xiaopei Pets, 2021a. Prospects and Trends of the Pet Industry in 2021. Available at:

Xiaopei Pets, 2021b. The Development of Pet Economy in Recent Years. Available

Nino Tang, 2021. Next Billion-dollar Investment Potential of Fashion is Cute.

Available at:

Linghunchuqiao KKK, 2019. Is Pet Fashion the Next Growth Area for Luxury Brands?
Available at:

NOWRE Xianke, 2019. A Rising Fashion Sector: How Much Are You Willing to Pay
for Clothes for Your Pet? Available at:

浪 时 尚 _ 新 浪 网 :

萌 宠 逆 袭 时 尚 圈 , CROCI 品 牌 引 领 宠 物 行 业 新 风 向 _ 消 费 中 国 : http://
时 尚 的 下 一 个 亿 万 级 风 口 , 画 风 很 可 爱 :

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