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-The pandemic has brought great trouble to us/our daily lives/our economy/our
educational system/and how we live today/in the new normal set-up. Face masks are not
an exception as they've become essential/to be used to protect ourselves/from the virus
roaming around our world/and later on/as studies urge/for face masks to be mandatory,
that was taken into consideration/by the government and as response/they've mandated
face masks/to be used mandatorily.

Facts and Figures:

-The Executive Order/allows voluntary wearing of face masks/in outdoor settings/and
reiterating the continued/implementation of minimum public health standards during the
state of public health emergency/relating to the Covid-19 pandemic.

-It is still best to wear face masks/even after the current directive/having face masks now
voluntary to be worn in public places/because we still can't foresee/what could be the
consequences/if the virus still manages/to spread and infect people.

Rhetorical Questions
-Why we need to risk our life? Why we need to raise the cases again? Is it really that hard to

Emotive Language
-We are students that are not just brave and strong but needed a proper care by school and

-We can be the honest students you guys ever had. We just need to be listened by

-We need to ensure our safety, note our suggestions and listen to the opinions/for you/for
me/for everybody.
(Wear you facemask)
Thank you
(Vow then stand still)

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