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Name of Grp Members: Diaz, Karl Daniel; Mangibin, Marlon; Montevirgen, Lorraine; Viana, Maeryl Shane

Topic Title: Back to Basic: Repair the Tongue by Focusing on the Fundamentals

Evaluate the student’s research presentation employing the following range-scored criteria (best is on right)
Inadequate Average Admirable Outstanding
Knowledge & Content 1 2 3 4 Score
Organization of Hard to follow; sequence Most of information Information presented in Information presented as 4
presentation of information jumpy presented in sequence logical sequence; easy to interesting story in logical,
follow easy to follow sequence
Background content Material not clearly related Material sufficient for Material sufficient for Material sufficient for clear 4
to topic OR background clear understanding clear understanding AND understanding AND
dominated seminar but not clearly effectively presented exceptionally presented
Methods Methods too brief or Sufficient for Sufficient for Sufficient for 4
insufficient for adequate understanding but not understanding AND understanding AND
understanding OR too clearly presented effectively presented exceptionally presented
Results (figures, Some figures hard to read Majority of figures clear Most figures clear All figures clear 4
graphs, tables, etc.)
Some in inappropriate Majority appropriately Most appropriately All appropriately formatted 4
format formatted formatted
Some explanations lacking Reasonably explained Well explained Exceptionally explained 4
Contribution of work Significance not Significance mentioned Significance explained Significance exceptionally 4
mentioned or just hinted well explained
Knowledge of subject Does not have grasp of At ease with At ease, answered all Demonstrated full 4
information; answered information, answered questions but failed to knowledge; answered all
only rudimentary most questions elaborate questions with elaboration
Workshop Workshop doesn’t give Workshop gives a little Workshop somehow Workshop gives full 4
Presentation solution/support to the solution/support to the gives solution/support to solution/support to the
issues and is not mentioned issues that is mentioned the issues. issues.
in the lecture. in the lecture
Group Evaluation Rubric for Workshop and RRL
Criterion 4 3 2 1
Effort Produced additional Fully prepared; Minimal preparation; Little or no evidence of
resources for the completed all superficial preparation; no effort
group; extraordinary agreed tasks; knowledge of shown.
effort demonstrated competent, but not resources; minimal
extraordinary effort
Attitude Exceptionally positive Positive; Neutral; neither Disparaging; negative,
and constructive; supportive; mostly encouraging nor withdrawn or
encourages other constructive and discouraging; belligerent; absent.
group members; does upbeat disinterested in the Complains too much.
not complain about performance of
the task others
Contribution Outstanding Good quality work: Poor quality work; Poor quality; little, if
contribution; above- few revisions or substantive errors; any, contribution to
and-beyond; work is additions are much revision and group goals; Late in
excellent in form and necessary editing are required submitting the work

Names of the Effort Attitude Contribution Total

Group Member
Diaz, Karl Daniel 4 4 4 12
Mangibin, Marlon 4 4 4 12
Montevirgen, 4 4 4 12
Viana, Maeryl 4 4 4 12

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