Marine - IC-M710 Instruction Manual

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HF MARINE TRANSCEIVER IC—-M710 Icom Inc. IMPORTANT READ THIS INSTRUCTION MANUAL, CAREFULLY before attempting to operate the transceiver. SAVE THIS INSTRUCTION MANUAL — This instruction manual contains important safety and ‘operating instructions for the IC-M710. The DSC function is not standard for any of the IC-M710 versions and is possible with the IC-M710 GMDSS versions only. To use the DSC function, an optional GM-110DSC OSC TERMINAL UNIT must be connected to the IC-M710 GMDSS. EXPLICIT DEFINITIONS The explicit definitions described below apply to this struction manual WORD DEFINITION Personal injury, fire hazard or electric AWARNING | shock may occur. CAUTION | Equipment damage may occur. If disregarded, inconvenience only. No NOTE | tisk of personal injury, fire or electric shock, PRECAUTIONS 4\ WARNING! NEVER connect the transceiver to an AC outlet directly. This may pose a fire hazard r result in an electric shock. AX WARNING! NEVER mount the transceiver overhead. ‘The weight of the transceiver is approxi- mately 8 kg, but its apparent weight will increase several fold due to wave shocks or vibration. The transceiver must be mounted on a flat hard surface only. NEVER connect a power source of more than 16 V DC such as a 24 V battery. This connection will the transceiver. NEVER place the transceiver where normal opera- tion of the ship or vehicle may be hindered or where it could cause bodily injury. NEVER allow children to touch the transceiver. NEVER expose the transceiver to rain, snow or any liquids. ‘There are two types of grounding systems available for the IC-M710 — Negative Ground and Floating Ground — NEVER install the negative ground type to a plus-grounding ship. Such a connection might blow fuses and is not usable. DO NOT use chemical agents such as benzene or alcohol when cleaning, as they can damage the transceiver surfaces. In maritime mobile operation, KEEP the transceiver and microphone as far away as possible (at least 1 'm) from the magnetic navigation compass to prevent erroneous indications. USE an Icom microphone and/or handset only (supplied or optional). Other brands may have differ- ent pin assignments and may damage the trans- ceiver. AVOID using or placing the transceiver in areas with temperatures below -20 °C (~4°F) or above +60 °C (4140°F). AVOID connecting the transceiver to a power source using reverse polarity. This connection will not only blow fuses but may also damage the transceiver. AVOID placing the transceiver in excessively dusty environments or in direct sunlight. AVOID placing the transceiver against walls or putt- ing anything on top of the transceiver. This. will ‘obstruct heat dissipation. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY (for maritime operation) It your vessel requires assistance, contact other vessels and the Coast Guard by sending a distress call on 2182 kHz. r, transmit your distress call using digital selective calling on 2187.5 kHz ‘USING 2182 kHz WITH VOICE @ Push [2182kHz] to select the emergency fre- quency. @® Push [ALARM] and [TX FREQ] for 1 sec. to trans- mit a two-tone alarm signal for at least 30 sec. +The transceiver automatically stops the alarm after 50 sec. @ Push [ALARM] to turn OFF the alarm trans- mission, then push and hold the PTT switch on the microphone and send the following infor- mation. 1, "MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY.” 2."THIS IS " (name of vessel) 3."LOCATED AT ......" (Vessel's position) 4, Give the reason for the distress call. 5. Explain what assistance you need. 6. Give additional information: + Vessel type + Vessel length + Vessel color + Number of people onboard, USING DIGITAL SELECTIVE CALLING (Only for GMDSS versions with an optional GM-110DSC Dsc TERMINAL UNIT) When immediate help is needed @ Push and hold [EMERGENCY] on the GM-110DSC for 5 sec., until the short beeps become one long beep, to send the distress call. @ After 2182 kHz is automatically selected, transmit the appropriate information as at left using voice. When a potential problem exists @® Push [SEL] on the GM-110DSC, then select “All ships call” with [ENT] and DATA SELECTOR. @ Push and hold [CALL] on the GM-110DSC. for 5 sec., until short beeps become one long beep, to use the “all ships call” func- tion. @ Alter the pre-selected frequency is selected, transmit the appropriate information using voice. ‘(SC equipped ships may monitor your transmission VERSIONS The following versions are available for the IC-M710. Version | Ground type Descriptions Corroaanseaisant exer. moss | SNS 8°44 High stabityeryeta and FSK narow far bitin, roan round | OBtonal DSC terminal uni ean be connected 2 2182 kHz 2-tone alarm is built-in. Wegatve ground | 2182 itz tone alarms bukn Marino tnd. | FSk/eW narow ters optional Foatng ground | AISSA/FSK TU channels avalblo, 2182 Ke 2one alarms optonal General Negative ground | No transmit frequency programming allowed. only. ITU channels are optional. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS IMPORTANT «=--++ EXPLICIT DEFINITIONS PRECAUTIONS «++ IN CASE OF EMERGENCY VERSIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS ------s0---- 1 OPERATING RULES AND GUIDELINES --- 2 PANEL DESCRIPTION Front panel « Display « 3 SELECTING A CHANNEL - Selecting a channel---- ‘Using the channel selector Using the keypad ‘Using scan functions Selecting a frequency «= ‘OUsing the channel selector + ‘SUsing the keypad 4 RECEIVE AND TRANSMIT Bn1 Basic voice receive and transmit | Functions for transmit ‘© Transmit frequency check ‘Transmit power selection | Functions for receive --- ‘Squeleh funetion ~~ ‘Noise blanker ‘AGC off function ‘ORF gain setting ~ Clarity contro! CW operation MFSK operation - Cross channel operation 5 USER CHANNEL PROGRAMMING ----- Programming a frequency ‘Receive frequency sv ‘Transmit frequency - ‘Channel name ~ 6 SET MODE - verses W214 W Set mode operation 12 @ Set mode contents 12, 7 CONNECTIONS AND INSTALLATION --- 15-21 Connections on rear panel----~ 15 Unpacking »------ ‘Connector information Ground connection -- '™ Power source Antenna ~ ‘OMN-1O0/MN-t00L. ‘OAT-30/AT-130 ~ ‘Non-lcom tuner Mounting ---- ‘Mounting location « ‘Mounting example - 20 ‘© Transceiver dimensions sseenneeeees 20 W Installing options - 24 ‘Opening the case 5 2 ‘© Installing an optional iter and alarm unit 2 Fuse replacement/------+s-sssresseese 21 8 TROUBLESHOOTING - 22 9 SPECIFICATIONS AND OPTIONS 23 Specifications 23 ‘General - 23 ‘Transmitter - +23 Receiver + 23 Options. 23 OPERATING RULES AND GUIDELINES 1 Before transmitting, monitor the channel you wish to use so as to avoid interrupting transmissions already in progress. WONT + CALL PROCEDURES Calls must be properly identified and time limit must be respected. © Give your call sign each time you call another vessel or coast station. f you have no cal sign, identify the station by giving your vessel name and the name of the licensee. @ Give your call sign at the-end of each trans- mmission that lasts more than 3 min. @ You must break and give your call sign at least once every 15 min. during long ship-to-shore calls. @ Keep your unanswered calls short, less than 30 sec. Do not repeat a call for 2 min. © Unnecessary transmissions are not allowed. + PRIORITIES @® Read all rules and regulations pertaining to priorities and keep an up-to-date copy handy. Safety and distress calls take priority over all others. @ False or fraudulent distress signals are prohibited land punishable by law. + PRIVACY @ Information overheard but not cannot lawtully be used in any way. tended for you @ Indecent or profane language is pro! *LoGs © All distress, emergency and safety calls must be recorded in complete detail. Log data activity is usually recorded in 24 hour time. Universal Time (UTC) is frequently used. © Adjustments, repairs, channel frequency changes and authorized modifications affecting electrical ‘operation of the equipment must be kept in the maintenance log; entries must be signed by the authorized licensed technician performing or su- pervising the work. * RADIO LICENSES (1) SHIP STATION LICENSE ‘You must have a current radio station license before using the transceiver. It is unlawful to operate a ship. station which is not licensed. Inquire through your dealer or the appropriate gov- emment agency for a Ship-Radiotelephone license application. This government-issued license states the call sign which is your craft's identification for radio purposes. (2) OPERATOR'S LICENSE A Restricted Radiotelephone Operator Permit is the license most often held by small vessel radio opera- tors when a radio is not required for safety purposes. ‘The Restricted Radiotelephone Operator Permit must be posted or kept with the operator. Only a licensed radio operator may operate a transceiver. However, non-licensed individuals may talk over a transceiver if a licensed operator starts, supervises, and ends the call, and makes the necessary log entries. Keep a copy of the current government rules and regulations handy. 2 PANEL DESCRIPTION Front panel @ MICROPHONE CONNECTOR (p. 16) Accepts the supplied microphone or an optional handset. GNOTE: No audio is output via the speaker when J roicrophone or handset is not connected. @ POWER SWITCH ‘Turns power ON and OFF. © SPEAKER OFF SWITCH ‘Tums the speaker ON and OFF. - "¥€" appears on the display while the speaker is turned OFF. - Any external speaker connected to the rear panel is not turned OFF. @ DISPLAY INTENSITY SWITCH [DIMMER] Dims the display backlight. © VOLUME CONTROL (p. 8) Adjusts the audio output level. - Audio does not come from the speaker when: + A microphone is not connected. + The [SPEAKER] switch is turned ON. * The [SQL] switch is turned ON and no signal is being received. @ GROUP CHANNEL SELECTOR (p.5) Selects channels in 20 channel steps and the ITU marine channel group. G%NOTE: Some versions have no ITU channels. o. e eo o @ ANTENNA TUNE SWITCH (p. 8) Tunes the connected tuner to the antenna. + Activates only when an optional antenna tuner such as Icom's AT-130/E is connected. G; NOTE: When selecting “automatic tuning” in set. Z mode, this [TUNE] switch is not necessary. Z Confirm your set condition. (p. 12) @ CHANNEL SELECTOR (p. 5) *Selects an operating channel within the se- lected channel group such as ITU channel. -User channels can be selected trom 1 to 160 (max) in sequence regardless of the channel group. * Changes the operating frequency* after [CE] is pushed (while “®” appears). + The changed frequency is not programmed in this way. © FUNCTION SWITCH [FUNC] ‘After pushing, activates the secondary functions of these switches: = [RESET] .. Deactivates external control such as from a DSC terminal unit when connected. [SQL]... Starts and stops scan (p. 6). ~IRXI Sets RF gain (p. 9) + [TK] sane Selects transmit power (p. 8). © [CE] sn Fleprograms the channel name (p. 11) NOTE: Function availabilty depends on versions. @ CLARITY CONTROL (p. 9) Shifts the receive frequency +150 Hz for clear reception of an off frequency signal ® KEYPAD Enters the selected channel number (or frequency*) for direct channel selection. (p.6) ‘Stores a receive frequency into a user channel or ITU simplex channel when: = pushing [CE] ("appears - entering the desired frequency via the keypad = pushing and holding [AX] (p. 11) ‘Adjusts the RF gain after pushing [FUNC] to reduce the receiver sensitivity. (p. 9) * Stores a transmit frequency into a user channel (except General version) when: ~ pushing [TX] (" GE" blinks) = pushing [CE] (">" appears) entering the desired frequency via the keypad = pushing and holding [TX] (p. 11) ‘Selects the transmitter channel for cross channel operation (Europe versions only) when: ~ pushing [TX] (“EB " blinks) entering the desired channel number via the keypad = pushing [TX] (p. 10) *Selects the transmit output power after pushing [FUNC]. (p. 8) ££ * Toggles the channel number input and fre- quency inputt. (p. 7) =") appears when frequency input" is se- lected, - The channel selector and keypad changes the frequency while “b" appears. ‘+ Clears the entered digit and retrieves the previous channel (or frequency") while en- tering numbers. (p. 6) *Enters the name programing condition, after pushing [FUNC], for changing the channel name. (p. 11) * Toggles the channel and frequency indica- a + Enters *~" for ITU simplex channels. (p. 6) ®_« Enter channel number with up to 4 or 5 digits when “" does not appear. (p. 6) ‘Enter the frequency with up to 6 digits* when “»" appears. (p. 7) tol PANEL DESCRIPTION 2 ® SQUELCH SWITCH [SQL] (p. 9) * Activates the voice squelch function to reject undesired background noise while no signal is being received. = The squelch opens only when the received signal contains voice or FSK components. « Starts and stops the scan function after pushing [FUNC]. (p. 6) ® NOISE BLANKER SWITCH [NB] (p. 9) Tums the noise blanker function ON to remove pulse-type noise such as engine ignition noise. = *NB* appears when the function is turned ON. @ AGC OFF SWITCH [AGC] (p. 9) Deactivates the AGC function to receive weak signals biocked by strong adjacent signals. ="TAGCC" appears when the [AGC] switch Is tuned ON (Gtands for AGC deactivated), © MODE SWITCH (p. 8) Selects an operating mode temporarily. Available modes differ according to version. = J3E(USB), H3E, J2B(AFSK), FSK, RSE and ATA(CW) modes are available, = The temporary mode is cleared and the previous mode appears when changing a channel. © TRANSMIT FREQUENCY SWITCH [TX FREQ] (p.8) Displays the transmit frequency and opens the squelch to check and monitor the transmit fre- quency. © 2182 kHz SELECTION SWITCH [2182KHz-[RESETI] (pgs. i, 5) * Selects channel 0 (2182 kHz; distress call fre- quency). =The channel selector does not function when selecting channel 0. ‘Ignores external control and gives the front ppanel control priority when an external controller (NMEA format) is connected (except DSC ter- ‘minal unit). © ALARM SWITCH (p.i) ‘* Emits a distress alarm signal from the speaker. ‘*Transmits a distress alarm or alarm testing signal when pushed together with the [TX FREQ] switch, G NOTE: General versions are not equipped with this (ALARM) switch, *Some versions do not have frequency selection and frequency indication. 3 | 2 PANEL DESCRIPTION Display @ ALARM INDICATOR (p. ii) ‘Appears when the alarm function is activated such for an alarm test or distress alarm trans- mission. - Not available on General versio. @ RECEIVE INDICATOR (p. 9) Appears while receiving and when the squelch is open. © TUNE INDICATOR (p. 8) Blinks while the connected antenna tuner, such as loom's AT-130/6, is being tuned. Tuning starts when transmitting on a new frequency ‘or pushing the [TUNE] switch @ TRANSMIT INDICATOR ‘* Appears while transmitting. (p. 8) ‘* Blinks when the [TX] key is pushed for transmit frequency programming, (p. 11) © DSC INDICATOR (p. ii) Appears when an optional GM-110DSC DSC TER- MINAL UNIT controls transceiver functions. -The GM-110DSC can be connected to GMDSS versions only © S/RF METER ‘*Shows the relative received signal strength while receiving ‘* Shows output power while transmiting, ‘* Shows antenna current level when an optional AT-130E HF ANTENNA TUNER is connected (Europe versions only). @ CHANNEL NAME READOUT Shows the pre-programmed channel name (alphanumeric) during channel indication. (p. 5) = Some versions have no channel name function and show receive frequency instead, + Shows the transmit frequency during frequency indication. (p. 5) Shows transmit channel number during cross channel operation (Europe versions only). (P. 10) @ SQUELCH INDICATOR (p. 9) ‘Appears when the squelch is ON. © SCAN INDICATOR (p. 6) Appears when the scan function is in use. ~The scan function is not available on some versions. Pushing [FUNC] then [SQL starts and stops scan. @ FUNCTION INDICATOR ‘Appears when the [FUNC] switch is pushed. - Some switches activate secondary functions. @ NOISE BLANKER INDICATOR (p. 9) ‘Appears when the [NB] switch is turned ON. ® AGC OFF INDICATOR (p. 9) Appears when the [AGC] switch is pushed to indicate the AGC function is deactivated @® MODE READOUT (p. 8) ‘Shows the selected operating mode (type of emis- sion). @ SPEAKER OFF INDICATOR Appears when the [SPEAKER] switch is pushed to indicate the front panel speaker is deactivated. ® CHANNEL READOUT *Shows the selected channel number during channel indication. (p. 5) ‘* Shows the receive frequency during frequency indication. (p. 5) © SIMPLEX/DUPLEX INDICATORS ‘These appear to show whether the selected chan- nel is simplex or duplex. © FREQUENCY INDICATORS (p. 7) Appear when the frequency entry condition’ is selected for frequency selection. = The [CE] key toggles the indicator ON and OFF. * Some versions have no frequency entry condition. SELECTING A CHANNEL O Mil Selecting a channel . GY NOTE: When Channel 0 and/or 2182 kHz is se- The transceiver has 160 user channels and TU GY channels. However, the number of user channels 7 lected with the [2182KH2] switch, channel selec. can be optionally restricted and ITU channels are not «ton is NOT possible. In such a case, push available with some versions. Z (2182KH12| in advance. (CHANNEL INDICATION ffs FREQUENCY INDICATION (CHANNEL SELECTION MODE: 1 Chamelcanbe sowed | FREQUENCY SELECTION MODE Frequency can be chenged NOTE: Channel name (alphanumeric) does not appear during channel indication according to set mode settings (p. 13). WOT © Using the channel selector [EXAMPLE]: Selection of the [GROUP] selector The transceiver has two large controls for group selection and channel selection. The [GROUP] (——zE [ar a] selector changes channels in 20 channel increments www aasr0 and selects ITU channel groups*; and the [CHAN NEL] selector selects each channel a1 RE at we) | ku sat 5 © Be sure no "»" indicator appears on the display. WBE wre) | § wom 6501.0 3 HP. 81 SE i 8 201 ee) | 2 appears, push CE} to delete 25.1450 @® Rotate the [GROUP] selector to select the de» [Tai HE) 31 RE sired channel group as shown at right andior Fax : below. xy Tate) 4001 FS] | ee @ Rotate the [CHANNEL] selector to select the SHPSHP J 42105. eg desired channel. *AILITU channels are not available with some versions and TTUFSK channels can be hidden using set mode. (p. 12) ‘CHANNEL GROUP (CHANNEL NO. DESCRIPTION [CHANNEL Wo. DESCRIPTION [CHANNEL No. DESCRIPTION lUser channels 841108-9 |@MHz ITU simplex channels ||2201 to 2253 [22 MHz ITU duplex channels 110 180 |{GROUP] selector changes in [20 channel stops) 1201 to 1241/12 MHz ITU duplex channels_|| 22-1 to 22-0 |22 MHz ITU simplex channels 401 10 427 [4 MHz ITU duplex channels || 12-1 to 12-9 |12 MHz ITU simplex channels [|2501 to 2553 [25 MHz ITU duplex channels 4-1104-9 [4 MHZITU simplex channels || 1601 to1856 |16 Miz TU duplex channels [| 25-1 to 25-0 [25 MHz ITU simplex channels (601 10608 [6 MHz ITU duplex channels || 16-1 to 16-9 |16 MHz ITU simplex channels ITU FSk duplex channels 611069 [6 MHZITU simplex channels || 1601 10 1815|16 MHz ITU duplex channels |} 4001 0 25040 |(SITOR use) No group separation) 801 10 892 |B MHz ITU duplex channels || 1 110 18-9 |18 MHZ ITU simplex channels 3 SELECTING A CHANNEL } Using the keypad Direct channel selection via the keypad is available for quick channel selection, @ Be sure” does not appear on the display. = Ititappears, push [CE] to delet it. @ Enter the desired channel number via the key- pad. =A user channel is selected when channel 1-160 is Input (max. number may be optionally restricted). -An ITU SSB channel is selected when channel ‘numbers higher than 401 are input (not available for some versions). -An ITU FSK channel is selected when channel numbers higher than 4001 are input (not usable according to set mode setting). ~The “~* key can be used for selecting an ITU simplex channel. @ Push [RX] to select the entered channel. [EXAMPLE]: Selecting channel 153. Using scan functions (Some versions do not have these functions) ‘The transceiver has automatic channel or frequency change capabilty (scan function). There are 3 types of scan functions available to suit your needs. Channel sean @a) @Q Scan is cancelled when tranemiting @> channel resume “oy y @2) @R fhaneeumes shar” transmitting, 3) Programmed sean (optional) Scans the frequoncy range botwoen the programmed. @i60) fraquencios on channels {se and 100, Scans fast when squelch is losod and showy when = pened ‘Channel scan and channel resume scan increases channels within a 5 channel range such as ch 1 to ch 5, ch 156 to ch 160, etc. in user channels; or all ‘channels in the group of ITU channels, Programmed scan (optional) changes frequencies within the frequency range between user channels, 159 and 160. ‘Scan selection is available in set mode. See p. 13, for scan selection. SCAN OPERATION @ Select your desired channel group with the [GROUP] and [CHANNEL] selector. = Or use the keypad and [CE] key for direct selection, This operation is not necessary for programmed @ Push [SQL] to turn OFF the squelch function if the programmed scan is selected. @ Push [FUNC] then [SQL] to start the scan. @ To stop the scan, repeat step @ again. = [CHANNEL| rotation and some other switches also stop the scan, Selecting a frequency ‘The transceiver has 0.5 to 30.0 MHz general cov- erage receive capability with 100 Hz resolution, The receive frequency can be changed instantly, indepen- dent of the transmit frequency. SELECTING ACHANNEL 3 NOTE: The selected frequency is used for tempo- rary receiving (transmitting is not available). This frequency is cleared once the channel is changed. you want to program a frequency, refer to p. 11, memory programming. AUN © Using the channel selector @ Select a channel which is programmed near the frequency you want receive. @ Push the (CE] key to select frequency selection mode. =" appears on the display. @ Rotate the [CHANNEL| selector to change the frequency. @ To return to the previous frequency, push [CE]. =" " disappears and the previous frequency or channel name appears. eels SHPY SHEP Nom" indicator shows that the channel will & be changed when rotating [CHANNEL]. a aioe USE 38g be "p" and frequency show that the frequency can be changed. © Using the keypad CAUTION: A frequency can be entered into a user channel or ITU simplex channel by pushing the [RX] key. However, when pushing and hold- ing the [RX] key after entering a frequency, the previously programmed contents are erased and cannot be retrieved. Therefore, keypad entry should be used only on spare channels. y Z Z y Z y y ) 4 @ Select the memory channel to be used for gen- eral coverage use. No frequency programmed channel for general coverage use. (mode and channel name do not appear) @ Push [CE] to select frequency selection mode. @ Enter the desired frequency with 5 or 6 digits. @ Push [RX] o input the frequency. = Do not hold [RX] for more than 0.5 sec., otherwise the frequency will be programmed into the channel. [EXAMPLE]: Setting 12.3450 MHz Select non frequency programmed channel so oO : iso oe 7 i iso 1S So *12345R m fe SG Jae = » 123452 (momentary) After tomporariy receiving. eo s ‘| ol 4 RECEIVE AND TRANSMIT ll Basic voice receive and transmit © Be sure of the following in advan: ‘Microphone is connected. ‘* [SPEAKER] switch is turned OFF. + [SQL] switch is tumed OFF. * [CLARITY] control is set to center position, sat) [SPEAKER] [MICROPHONE] Eonnector [CLARITY] @ Select the desired channel to be received with the [GROUP] and [CHANNEL] selectors. =When receiving a signal, S-meter shows its signal strength. @ Functions for transmit @ Adjust [VOLUME] to the desired audio level when receiving a signal. @ Push [MODE] to select the desired operating mode, if the received signal isin a different mode. © Push [TUNE] to tune the antenna tuner, if con- nected, This operation is not necessary when “automatic tuning” is selected in set mode (p. 12). © To transmit on the channel, push and hold the PTT switch on the microphone. =*TUNE” flashes for 1 to 2 sec. for the first trans- mmission on a channel when connecting an antenna tuner. @ After the flashing stops, speak into the micro- phone at your normal voice level. ~The RF meter shows the output power (or antenna current) according to your voice level. Release the PTT switch to return to receive. ©} Transmit frequency check When “DUP” appears on the display such as for a ship-to-shore channel, the transmit frequency differs from the received frequency. In such a case, the transmit frequency should be monitored before transmitting to prevent interference to other stations. * Push and hold the [TX FREQ] switch to monitor the transmit frequency. = The display shows the transmit frequency simuita- neously. } Transmit power selection The transceiver has 3 selectable output powers*. High power produces long distance communication and low power reduces power consumption. Y NOTE: Low power setting affects all channels Z except the 2182 kHz emergency channel. SN “Only 2 selectable output powers are available with some versions. In this case, level 1 stands for 60 W (the same as level 2). © Push [FUNC] then [TX] to call up the following display. @ Rotate the [CHANNEL| selector to select high or low output power. *3 :high power (150 W PEP) idle power (60 W PEP) +1 :low power (20 WeP) @ Push [FUNC] or [CE] to return to the previous display. i Functions for receive RECEIVE AND TRANSMIT 4 ‘© Squelch function This function detects signals with voice components and squelches (mutes) unwanted signals such as non modulated beat signals. This provides quiet stand by. ‘When you need to receive weak signals, the squelch should be turned OFF. * Push [SQL] to tum the squelch function ON and OFF. Teo at RMI "SQL" appears when the squelch is ON (noise is muted), Noise blanker ‘The noise blanker function reduces pulse type noise such as that coming from engine ignitions. The noise blanker may distort reception of strong signals. In such cases, the noise blanker should be turned OFF. * Push [NB] to turn the noise blanker function ON and OFF. = i650 dae "NB" appears when the noise bianker is ON. AGC off function The receiver gain is automatically adjusted accord- ing to received signal strength with the AGC (Auto- matic Gain Control) function to prevent distortion {rom strong signals and to obtain a constant output level When receiving weak signals with adjacent strong signals or noise, the AGC function may reduce the sensitivity. In this situation, the AGC function should be deactivated. *Push [AGC] to deactivate or activate the AGC function. Bo FE ‘Appears when the [AGC} switch is ON {AGC function deactivates), ORF gain setting The receiver gain can be reduced with the RF gain setting. This may help to remove undesired weak signals while monitoring strong signals. Usually, the AGC function reduces the RF gain according to the receive signal strength and these weak signals are removed. However, during periods of no signals, these weak signals may not be heard. In such cases, the RF gain may be useful for setting a minimum level at which to hear signals. © Push [FUNC] then [RX] to call up the following display. F- GAIN @ Rotate the [CHANNEL] selector to set the de- sired minimum cutting level. ="0"to "8" are available, = S-meter shows the minimum permitted level @ Push (FUNC] or [CE] to exit the RF gain display. © Clarity controt Voice signals received from other stations may be Jifficutt to receive. This may sometimes happen if a station is transmitting slightly off frequency. In such cases, compensate the receive frequency only, us- ing the [CLARITY] control. '* Adjust [CLARITY] to improve the audio signal. 4 RECEIVE AND TRANSMIT CW operation The transceiver has the following CW keying fea- tures and they can be selected in set mode as described on p. 14 + Full break-in (receiving is possible while transmitting) + Delay keying (automatic transmission with keying) + OFF (manual transmission is necessary before keying) @® Connect a CW keyer or an external electronic keyer to the ACC(1) socket as shown at right. @ Select the desired channel to operate CW mode. @ When the selected channel is not in A1A mode, push [MODE] one or more times to select “A1A." Operate the CW keyer to transmit a CW signal. ® CW mode may not be used depending on versions. CW narrow can be selected in set mode (p. 13) when an optional iter is installed (aiready built-in to the GMDSS versions). WONT CW key connection Acct) socket II FSK operation The transceiver has FSK and J2B modes for FSK operation. Use the FSK mode when using the oscillator in the transceiver and use the J2B mode when using an AFSK terminal unit ® Connect an FSK terminal unit as shown at right. @ Select the desired channel. = FSK ITU channel group, ch 4001 to ch 25040, are available depending on versions. @ Push [MODE] one or more times to select the type of emission as “FSK” or “J2B.” @ Operate the FSK terminal unit. G FSK shit requency and FSK polary can be adjusted Z io set mode (pgs. 13, 14. NOTE: Some transceivers may operate 1.7 kHz higher than the IC-M710's J2B mode even when the same displayed frequencies aren use, FSK terminal unit connection ACC(t) socket FSK terminal unit Cross channel operation (Europe versions only) Cross channel operation is available with some versions to operate different channels for receiving and transmitting, © Select the desired channel for receiving. =ITU simplex channels cannot be used for cross channel operation. @® Push [TX], then select the desired channel for transmitting. = “€EB" blinks after pushing (TX) @ Push [TX] again to stop the blinking. @ Operate the transceiver normally. © Change the channel to clear the cross channel setting. Cross channel operation example While transmitting Z NOTE: This function is available for the Z, Europe versions only. 10 USER CHANNEL PROGRAMMING 5 = Mi Programming a frequency The IC-M710 has up to 160 user-programmable channels each with channel name capability of up to 7 alphanumeric characters. NOTE: ITU simplex channels can be programmed as well as user channels. However, transmit fre- quencies cannot be programmed (not necessary to program). SPHMHON Receive frequency @ Select the desired user channel to be pro- grammed. = Channels 1 to 160 (maximum) are programmable, @ Push [CE] to select frequency selection mode. =" and frequency appear on the display. @ Enter the desired frequency via the keypad with 5 or 6 digits. =Or rotate the [CHANNEL] selector to change the frequency. @ To change the operating mode (type of emis- sion), push [MODE] one or more times. © Push and hold [RX] for 1 sec. to program the user channel. Push [CE] Set frequency. ‘Use keypad or channel selector. PushandtoW x. [oy 1 JIE} uSER 160 Programming is completed, @ Select the desired user channel to be pro- grammed. @® Push (7X, = “tg” blinks, @ Push [CE] to select frequency selection mode. = "” and frequency appears on the display. @ Enter the desired frequency via the keypad with 5 or 6 digits - The [CHANNEL] selector cannot be used. - Reter to p. 23 for programmable frequency range © Transmit frequency (Not applicable for General versons) Push (7X) Push [CE] Push and hold (7X) {trequency coverage, transmit). =a © Push and hold [TX] for 1 sec. to program. © Push [TX\ to clear the “ama” blinking. Channel name @ Select the desired user channel to be pro- grammed, Push (FUNC) @ Push [CH/FREQ] to select channel indication. betta] @ Push [FUNC] then [CE]. = The channel name (alphanumeric) readout blinks. @ Rotate the [GROUP] selector for cursor position Lorelnent| and the [CHANNEL] selector for the message to select cursor and contents. character. = To return to the previous message, push [CE]. © Push and hold [RX] to program the message. = Blinking stops. veel? + Avallable GChannel name programming is inhibited on some characters Gversions. 1" mm 6 Set MopE i Set mode operation ‘Set mode operation is used for programming infre- quently changed values or conditions of functions. ‘The IC-M710 has up to 13 such items. JY Some of the set mode items described in this Z section are not available on some transceiver ver- Z sions. © Push [POWER] to turn power OFF. @ While pushing and holding [FUNC] and [1], tum power ON to enter set mode. = Set mode is selected and one of is items appears. @ Rotate the [GROUP] selector to select the desired item. @ Rotate the [CHANNEL] selector to set the values oF conditions for the selected item. © Turn power OFF and ON again to exit set mode. NOW ll Set mode contents Oo. Opso Dp [POWER] (FUNC) [1] a. =—stiéi‘_ TUNER ——|-tem (1) FSK ITU channels FSK ITU channels appear as a group between the ITU 25 MHz band and user channels. This FSK channel group can be hidden for voice communi- cation use only. FSK channels do not ‘appear {no SITOR operation), (etaut) FSK channels appear (for ‘SITOR operation), (2) Connected antenna tuner ‘The transceiver has several tuner control systems ar-130 for use with an optional Icom antenna tuner. Select (detaut) the condition depending on the connected antenna tuner. arsiz0 Note that internal switch selection may be required ‘when using a non-Icom tuner (p. 19). ata (8) Automatic tuning condition When the optional AT-130 or AT-130E Auromaric an Leer ANTENNA TUNER is connected, tuning can be started AUT ~ Tun | poshigiptron anew automatically without the [TUNE] switch for instant frequency operation. Tuning tart ont lf manual tuning is required, this automatic operation TUNER is posed. can be deactivated (deteut) 12 SETMODE 6 (4) Scan type selection (scan-type only) This item selects one of the following scan functions. Channel scan and channel resume scan search 5 channels around a user selected channel or search all ITU channels in the band when an ITU channel is selected. Programmed scan (optional) searches signals within ‘Channel scan ‘Scan is canceled when tranemiting, (detaut) Channel resume scan ‘Sean pauses when trans- iting, then resumes after “ 30 see. Programmed scan the frequency range and activates slowly while ‘Scan operates over the squelch is open and fast while squelch is closed. ets (6) Scan speed (scan type only) Selects scan speed as follows: Fastest scan speed (un meres oe [Cnanneacan [190 [200 | 520 [rov| z80[ 00320 |e scl (sefaut: 4) emenre [s feis[«lslelzfele| egimred | v0 | 20 | «0 | 00 | » | wo] 00 | 5x0 [00] 20 equeeh dosed: 10 maich = —Fastopeed Slow epee —— ‘Slowest sean speed (@) Channel name and frequency The lower half of the display can be set to display a programniable channel name or a receive frequency Channel number and channel name CH BISP (alphanumeric) according fo an operator's needs. MeBTsP mai? 7 ‘channel number I ‘and frequency (7) CWIFSK narrow filter This item selects the passband width for A1A (CW), oFF Passband: FSK or J2B mode, NAR-EIL 2.3 Ki2!-6 68 NAR“FIL (dotaut) G NOTE: When “on” is selected without optional Z ‘iter installation, the Marine and General versions Passband: Z do not function on these modes. The GMDSS Gece) J versions can use “on” as standard. 350 Fizi-6 dB (or GMDSS versions) (8) FSK shift frequency Several shift frequencies (the difference between the mark and space frequency) are used for FSK opera- tion. This item allows you to select a shift frequency for almost any FSK system. EET FSK~SFT ‘Shit frequency: io He (detaut) Shit frequency: 425 Hz Shift frequency: 850 Hz 6 SET MODE (9) FSK polarity Normal and reverse polarities are available for FSK operation. This item allows you to select one of Fk normal these polarities. (detaut) “FSK-REV off” (normal): key open (mark); key close{space) an FSK reverse “FSK-REV on” (reverse): key open (space); key close(mark) (10) CW break-in (CW break-in function (in A1A mode) toggles transmit and receive with CW keying. Full break-in allows you to receive signals between transmitted keying pulses during CW transmission. Semi break-in allows you to mute receiving until keying stops with (EGE i breakin ‘Automatic keying without olay time Lae SS ldotauny ‘Semi breakin ‘Automatic keying with some delay time. delay ime FFE OFF Ch BRIN Manual transmission necessary for keying (11) LOD contrast ————— ‘The LCD contrast can be adjusted through 10 levels ai to suit transceiver mounting angle, location and LOB-CNT Lowest contrast ambient lighting, a (dofaut: 7) fy] LOB-ENT Highest contrast (12) ID number setting for remote control When connecting an external controller such as a at Rei personal computer, 2-digit ID codes are required to PENT~-IB (doraut) access the transceiver. The IC-M710 adopts Ls NMEA0183 format and uses a “proprietary sen- i tence” for remote control. a REMT-IR NMEA 1D: "99" (13) Remote contro! input terminal Remote control signals can be input via the [DSC] (or REMOTE) socket or [CLONE] jack. [DSC] (or REMOTE according to version) socket (@efaut) [CLONE] jack CONNECTIONS AND INSTALLATION 7 i Connections on rear panel Optional AT-130/E © ANTENNA CONNECTOR (p. 19) + Connects a 50 Q HF band antenna with a 50 Q matched coaxial cable and a PL-259 plug. @ GROUND TERMINAL (p. 18) IMPORTANT! Connects a ship's (or vehicle's) ground. See p. 18 for details. © ACC(1) and ACC(2) SOCKETS See p. 16 for details @ CLONE JACK For Dealer use only. @ DSC or REMOTE SOCKETS: * DSC socket for GMDSS versions — Connects an optional GM-110DSC DSC TERMINAL UNIT for DSC operation. ‘+ REMOTE socket for Marine and General ver- sions @ NBDP SOCKET (GMDSS versions only) Connects NBDP (Narrow Band Direct Printer) equipment, if desired. i Unpacking Microphone (EM-101) Microphone hanger DC power cable (OPC-568) Mounting bracket Bracket knobs (8820000170) ‘CONNECTORS DIN connector (@ pin for ACC) 1 DIN connector ( pin for AGC2) vr 4 Speaker plug (5810000040) 1 NUTS AND BOLTS. Allen bolt (MB x 50) “Tuner connector (5810000150) 1 4 Pins for tuner connector (6510018090) DIN connector cover (GMDSS only) ~~ 2 (attach tothe ACC sockets) Buty tape (GMDSS only) eee 4 (Tape this on to junction of DC power connector to obtain wate resistance.) 12V battery @ EXTERNAL SPEAKER JACK Connects a 4-16 Q external speaker using a 1/4 inch monaural plug. This external audio is not muted by the [SPEAKER] switch on the front panel. @ TUNER RECEPTACLE Connects a control cable to an optional AT-130 or AT-130E ANTENNA TUNER. A female connector is supplied for connection. © DC POWER RECEPTACLE Connects to a regulated 12-16 V DC power source such as 12 V battery or DC power supply using the supplied DC power cable. CAUTION: DO NOT connect to a 24 V battery. This will damage the transceiver. @ FUSE HOLDERS Hold two 30 A fuses for ® and © terminals. Replace both fuses when one fuse is blown, Selttapping screws (M6 x 30) Nuts (MB; use 2 pes for each bot) Flat washers (MB) rere Spring washers (Me) Soltapping screws, (@.5 % 20 for mic. hanger) FUSES FGB 30 A (for rear panel) 2 4 FGBSA (forinside) 2 15 7 CONNECTIONS AND INSTALLATION ante ‘Anienna current input DESCRIPTION ‘SPECIFICATIONS + | ewK | eWand FSK eed put Tnptioval + Lass thon 0.8 or vane KS 2 | GND | Comecs to ground Cenneced in paral wih ACCA) pn 3. Tapp pn Ground ive “asi008Vv (S6.27]) | 2 | sen. | Ceosto ground when raremitng. | iputcurot ee tan 20-04 Wen grounded ranamt. Cnnecod in para ACE) Be Modulating Tapuinpedance —: 10K8 Rearpanei | 4 | MOD | Usatiewnenpin3is rounded. __| nptiovel, Appr 100 mV ms 3 ar | AF cetecor ouput Output impedance: 47 KA Frxedrogardlots ot AF} postin. | Ouput pel 400 300 nV me 6 [SCAN _| stars scan when grounded Sean oporaton + Less heno6 sr Output carent = Wa 1A 2 jee eee ee eee Connected in parallel with ACC(2) pin 7. Conlvetago_: -310V 8 | ALC ALC voltage input, Input impedance © : Morethan 10kQ Connecod in para with ACER) pin 5. ASC) __[ IN [Pin NAN DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATIONS a Oupavetage BV #03 tie etal Output current Less than 10.mA 7 2 [GND [Sane ssacompma (SPE) [a [Seno [sane se accra es 4 | NC No connection pearpes 5 | ALG [Samos ACCU pina view 6 | ALC | Tray contol oun Wen varamiting 1 V fesshan 058) 7_[136V_| Sames ACCU pin7 MICROPHONE | PIN [PIN NAME] DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATIONS 1 | Mice ee ene Input impedance 6002 2 [NC | Nocomeaton AF ouput conoid wit VOLUME] i la Connected to pin 4 in the microphone, | Output impedance ae AF npat ee ee Connected to pin 3 in the microphone. 5 [PTT __| Prrewiennput When rounded wana 6 [ GNO | Comoctes ground 7_[ MIC= [Conca ound tor Me &_[ AF= | Goode ground er AFT and AFZ TONER [PIN [PIN NAME: DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATIONS + [Key | Keyra put 051008 ding Wing 2 [START _ | sion signa out Patod up, 0 (00 mses) a8 8 Har sal 3 [racy | mevounn Maximum curen 2A f aa 4 input level ‘Approx. 2 Vers CONNECTIONS AND INSTALLATION 7 bse in [PIN WANE ‘DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATIONS Tonnes venineiy | + | owe | iuaionmnttoma SCwmiml [rpaineines gO 2 | BMO= | comsaigrandier NOT |e | ome [aecmerononrensciomiar [ovpaineeone = ee eee [4 | DAF | comin round tor DAF 7 s 5 | NMI NMEA data input NMEA standard formatievel 6 [NMI | consi ground orn 7_[ NMO+ | NMEA st ou NEA wandrd ornate @ | NMO= | CooxalgrunatornwOe @ [ GND [around tor dita square NBOP IN PIN NAME DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATIONS ‘ewossverionoas) | | nwpw | Modan input tom an NBDP ——[inputimpodance—: e000 (Nara wtp Inpatovt porn. 1 mV ms 2_[_NMD= | Cons round or ND 2 | ware | seosrountraDscwmnnal [Oapaineaanes = 020 + [NAF | consi ground tor NAF 5 | NSEN | Tranmts wen grounded ern ey © [NC | Noconmesion 7_[ No | Noconecton @ [NC _| Noconncton © [ GNo | Gronator tal equipment REMOTE | PIN [PIN NANE| DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATIONS (WareGewareser] + | mone | Hoiaininatonenensra lrpainpatoce apo @ | MOD= | Coexal ground or Mode a | are) AFsetoctor opal fran oxamal | Oupatimpadanca > 6005 _ terminal un Output iv + 025-25 Vme Cesc [= [A [comets at = [5 [nme _[ nea cas npi NMEA sandardomatiove 6 [Ni | con ground orn 7_[NMO+ | NEA das ouput NEA sandard mato! @ [NWO | Cons roma or nNO™ © [GN | crondter dota ecuipment De 1a [PIN [PIN NAME DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATIONS tae Tee. |7]@ — | ocmmne Max power consumption 30 «(feletoh)« tela} —2— Jase] | cima 7 CONNECTIONS AND INSTALLATION @ Ground connection ‘The transceiver and antenna tuner MUST have an adequate ground connection. Otherwise, the overall efficiency of the transceiver and antenna tuner in- stallation will be reduced. Electrolysis, electrical shocks and interference from other equipment could also ocour. For best results, use the heaviest gauge wire or strap available and make the connection as short as possible. Ground the transceiver and antenna tuner to one ground point, otherwise voltage differences between 2 ground points may cause electrolysis. Z CAUTION: The IC-M710 has either a negative Y ground or floating ground depending on version. Z NEVER connect the negative ground type to a 7, dlusqrouncing ship" otherwise the transceiver Z Z, will not function. Transceiver Copper pipe Metal object ‘* Good ground points + Ship's ground terminal External ground plate - External copper screen + Acceptable ground points + Stainless steel tuna tower - Stainless steel stanchion = Through mast = Through hull - Metal water tank ‘+ Undesirable ground points (these points may cause noise or electrolysis) ~ Engine block - Keel bolt * Unusable points (these connection may cause an explosion or electrical shock) ~ Gas or electrical pipe - Fuel tank - Oil-catch pan U___, Optional AT-130/E ‘Copper screen ll Power source ‘The transceiver requires regulated DC power of 13.6 V and at least 30 A. There are 3 ways to supply power: = Direct connection to a 12 V battery in your ship through the supplied DC power cable. - Use the PS-60 DC POWER SUPPLY to connect to an AC outlet. - Use the PS-66 DC-DC CONVERTER to connect to a 19-32 V DC power source. CAUTION: The supplied DC power cable MUST be used to provide power to the trans- ceiver. AVOID exceeding the 3 m (10 ft) length of the DC power cable. Ifit is necessary to make run of over 3 m, use #6 or similar cable instead of the supplied DC power cable for a maximum run of 6 m (20 ft) DOWD ‘+ DC power cable connection GNOTE: Use terminals for Z the cable connection. ‘Supplied DC power cable 18 CONNECTIONS AND INSTALLATION 7 @ Antenna Most stations operate with a whip or long wire (insu- With a 50 Q matched antenna all marine bands can- lated backstay) antenna. However, these antennas not be used. The following antenna matcher or cannot be connected directly to the transceiver since antenna tuner may be helpful for antenna installation. their impedance may not be matched with the trans- ceiver antenna connector. © MN-100/MN-100L © ATA3O/AT-130E lom710 coaxial cable AT-130/AT-130E 7 ANT G} (AT-130€ only) i [EJAT-130 only) ‘Conivol cable (sold separately) ‘An optional OPC-566 is available ©Non-Icom tuner Some non-Icom tuners may be used with the IC-M710. Please consult your dealer or marina if you wish to connect one. The following internal ‘settings may be required for connection. ‘Grounded wien pushing [TUNE} AISA 3H) suppies 2 whan meesegtrone (CB) ts oe {Start port level) fnoworback signal” [CED] (sed tr AT-1301AT-1206\¢detaut) sn + ‘Accopts LOW" as an ‘Acoopts "HIGH" as an answor back signal ‘(Key port input) 7 CONNECTIONS AND INSTALLATION i Mounting G AX WARNING: NEVER mount the trans- Z ceiver overhead. The weight of the transceiver is, 7, eoproximately 8 kg, but its apparent weight will 7 ivcrease several fold due to wave shocks or vibra- ZG tion. The transceiver must be mounted on a flat, 7, ard surtace. WN Mounting location Select a location that provides easy access to the front panel for navigation safety, has good venti- lation and is not subject to sea spray. The face of the transceiver should be at 90 degrees to your line of sight when operating it CAUTION: KEEP the transceiver and microphone at least 1 meter away from your vessels's magnetic navigation compass. Check the installation angle; the display may not be easy-to-read at some angle. Spring washer © Transceiver dimensions 319 (12516) 350 (1325122) 290 (117/10) 3125 (12 16) 280 (11) Unit: mm (inchs) 100 5/6) 170 (Te) Hi installing options CONNECTIONS AND INSTALLATION 7 ©} Opening the case Follow the case and cover opening procedures shown here when you want to install an option or adjust a setting for non-Icom tuner control @ Remove 9 screws from the rear panel, then remove the rear frame and rear sealing. @ Remove the transceiver's case as shown at right. @ When reassembling the cover, check the follow- ing points: ‘Internal fan and slits in the case are on thé same side. ‘* Mate the front sealing correctly. ‘Attach the rear sealing in the correct direction. * Tighten the screws to their previous positions. Lee reneeaia Rear sealing © Installing an optional filter and alarm unit yas Ff] Fin Alter opening the case as above, install the desired ‘option to the position as at right. These options are available (or already builtin) for a the following versions: LI Version GMDSS | Marine | General >| fp if oa canal ‘optional | optional | space for UT-95 oc UT-95 85 a munt | builtin | buitin | optonat Op ‘After installing the 2-tone alarm unit into a General version, remove the plastic cover on the [ALARM] switch to use the switch. ‘space for the FL-100. (Plug in here. Right or lett orientation is okay.) li Fuse replacement The transceiver has 3 fuses to protect internal cir- cuitty, 2 fuses for the fuse holder on the rear panel and 1 for inside. If the transceiver stops functioning, check the fuses below. 8 TROUBLESHOOTING What appears to be trouble may not be damaging or hard to solve. Check the following chart before making any adjustments or sending the transceiver to an Icom Service center. be selected. mode, PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTION REF. | Power does not come on |» Power cable improperly connected, | » Reconnect the cable secure. Bis EB \iinen POWER] | + Blown se, {Check or caus, then repiace the se |p. 21 8 |ousned, wna spare one. 'No sound comes from the | The [SPEAKER] switch is turned ON. | « Tun OFF the [SPEAKER] switch. p2 eae. { erophone isnot connected + Connect the microphone tthe eno: |p. 2 PHONE] connector. «RF gains set too dooply and several | «Push [FUNG], thn FX reset the RF |p. 8 Segments ofthe meter appear. | gain (REGAN 9 apples aud) + The squelch is closed + Push sat] switch to turnthe squcten |p. 9 OFF, Senstviy slow and ony [> Antennal not propery matched to | » Push TUNE] to tune the connected |p. 12 strong signals are auc” | "the operating Weauncy. fern tuner or elect “automate tun- bie ing sing set mode when an optional 2 AT-130/E is connected. q '* RF gain is set too deeply. '* Push [FUNC], then [RX] to reset the RF |p. 9 i san & + wrong tuner condton is selected in|» St tothe proper condition forthe con- |p. 12 sermode. nected tuner. : Feceved auc ie unclear| + Wrong Wp of emission selected, |» Push MODE] to slealtho proper oper |p. 8 or itrtod. fing mode. ‘© AGC is deactivated while receiving a_| « Push [AGC] to activate the AGC func- |p. 9 trong sgl _ «Noise bankeris tuned ON when | «Push [Neto tum the noise banker |p.9 receiving a stong inal OFF, «The CLARITY] contolisrotatetoo_ |» Adust the [CLARITY] contaltrecewve |p. 9 far lockee or counersockwiee, | proper aus ouput Your sigral does nat [> The Wansmitpowerlssetiow. | » Push FUNG), then [TXjto reset ihe |p. 8 Teach a fa away a5 Ube trait power, (= PWR 28 mas al. mum power.) + Antara tuners impropay matched |» Pur (TUNE] to tune the comected |p. 8 tothe operating requency when tan-| antanna tre’ er ole -eutomat tun [or Ul tuning i selected ing using set mode pte 5 + CW or PEK nodes selected for vice » Punt (MODE] to soll J3E mode (or [ps8 2 transmission. HE, ROE ete.) | Transmit cignalle unclear | Wrong ype of eriesion e selected. | » Push [MODE] to selec the proper oper [p. 8 E |oraetoned ating mode + Microphoneistoo closet your |» Speakinto the microphone naturally | — mouth and donot hoi the microphone too Ghose to your mouth No conta possible + Wrong WanamitFequenayis set, | » Push 7X REO] To check and sore he |p. 6 th another station correct ranemit frequency. Frequenay cannotbe set [+ The [CE]keyis ot pushed ("| » Push GE] ("> appear), then enter |p. 7 viathe keypad does not appear before dig enty. | the dested frequency. © 2182 kHz is selected with the * Push [2182KHz], then set the fre- pS = [2182KHz] switch, quency. B |Aiedicuor appar and [+The Nighest contac locicain + Solio the ropa delay convaat. [p14 B |e cnannel number can: | "ast mode, rt be ead FSKITU channels cannat |» SITOR operatonis set to OFF inset | +Sa-SITOR to ON Inset meds, p12 SPECIFICATIONS AND OPTIONS 10 Hil Specifications © General “Frequency coverage Receve 800 KHz 20.990 MHz Transmit 1.8 20000 MHz, 40- 49990 MHz 80- e9000MHz, 80- ao000 MHz 120-12.9009 MHz, 160179900 Mie eo 19.9006 Miz, 220 22.0900 MHz 250-27,5000 MHz + Mode 19E(USB), HE, J26(AFSK, FIBIFSK) ae, aiaicwy tela modes ter depending on version) ‘+ Numberot “ :1188 channels (mae) channels /180 zerpegrmmata) { 242 cru ssB unin, \62 (Tu FSK dupes) ‘Antenna impedance 509 nominal += Usable temperature range: ~30 to +60°D; (-22 10 +140°F ) + Frequency stabilty #10 Hz (-30 10100: -22 +1407) (20 Hz above 15 M2 for General end Marine versions) 138VDC = 15% (vegatve and floating grounds ave avalable de- Pending on vorsione) "ra erusse stn) ‘+ Power supply requirement * Current dain: “Transmit (max. ouput power) 30. Receive (max audio ouput) 2.5 A negative ground 1990) 3. oatng ground type) 291.4(W)x116.4(H)«315(0) mm 11.300) x 4.4(H) x 12.80) in (peectons not incuded) 7.9 kg: 17.4 Ib (negative ground type) 8.1 kg; 17.8 Ib foatng ground ype) + Dimensions + Weight Options © Transmitter + Output power: USA. versions 150, 60, 20 WPEP (eslecabi) (00, 20 ony for 25 Miz bane) Europe versions 150, 60 WPEP (eelecabe) (@0.W only or 25 He bana) 765 dB (USA. versions) ~60 dB (Europe versions) * Carrier suppression: 40 dB ‘Unwanted sideband suppression * Microphone impedance + Spurious emissions 55.08 6009 Receiver *’Senstviy BE, ROE, J2B, F1B, AYA (or 1248 SINAD}: (05 uV (18-20.0000 Miz) {NOUV (18—1.7000 tH) 6.3 uV (05-5000 mes) 3.2uV (1.8 20.9000 mia) 2.3 UV (181.7090 MH) S2uV (05-15000 M2) “Spurious response rejection : 70 dB (1.620.000 Mitr) ‘= Audio output power: 4.5W (at 10% dstorion with 49 Joas) ‘+ Audio impedance: 4108 * Clary variable range : +150 Hz HSE (10 48 500) All stated specications are subject to change without notice or obligation. ‘Gw-110Dse DSC TERMINAL UNIT 'AT-190/E AUTOMATIC ANTENNA TUNER ‘MN-100/MN-100L ANTENNA MATCHERS ee HS-60 HANDSET 6 channel emergency scann- Ing recelver that contains the Matches the transceiver to a Jong wire antenna with a Match the transceiver to a long wire antenna without Provides better audio re- ‘ception during offshore Tetmote contol capably of minimum ofinserton loss. applying DC power, Conditions and comes in the IC-M710 GuDss ford handy for listening privacy trees call, selective cal, et. onboard. Pesooorouensurey | [paeeoooccowenren | [ricoo ‘UT95 2 TONE NAAN UNT Gi NARROW FLTER te Provides 126 VDC (GDA) Provides 138VDC (90 A) Allows better receiver selec. Provides an alarm rans- output from an AC out.” output roma t9-22V0C tly for OW and FSK mission fr emergency use power source. (oandwiat: 500 Hz/-6 dB) during martime operation. GMDSS versions already ‘Marine and GMDSS ver- have an improved narrow _sions builtin as standard, fiter. Count on us! A-S343H-1EX-D Icom Inc. Canyeahee Tae 6-916, Kamihigashi, Hirano-ku, Osaka 847, Japan {Copyright © 1005 by tom In. i

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