Practical Research v1

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Answers for pseudo scientific
and scientific practices and
sample scientific research title
and question

Are thethe
Are following fields
following scientific
fields or or
scientific pseudoscientific?
Justify your
Justify answer.
your answer.

(a) Chiropractic medicine

> Pseudoscientific
> Chiropractic medicine is a alternative medicine that is
concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of mechanical
disorders of the musculoskeletal system, especially the spine.
It's main treatment technique involves manual therapy,
especially manipulation of the spine, other joints, and soft
tissues, but may also include exercises and health and
lifestyle counseling. Chiropractors believe that health can be
improved and preserved by making adjustments to these
structures, particularly to the spinal column. And to define
Pseudoscientific it includes beliefs, theories, or practices that
have been considered scientific but have no basis in scientific
fact. Since Chiropractic medicine is just a alternative
medicine and does not use , therefore it is a pseudoscientific
that is not based on scientific fact and is called "a science of
healing without drugs."

(a) Faith healing

>Faith healing is the practice of prayer and gestures (such as
laying on of hands) that are believed by some to elicit divine
intervention in spiritual and physical healing, especially the
Christian practice. It is also called supernatural healing, divine
healing, and miracle healing, among other things. Believers
assert that the healing of disease and disability can be brought
about by religious faith through prayer or other rituals that,
according to adherents, can stimulate a divine presence and
power. It can involve prayer, a visit to a religious shrine, or
simply a strong belief in a supreme being. The apostle Paul
believed healing is one of the special gifts of the Holy
Spirit, and that the possibility exists that certain persons may
possess this gift to an extraordinarily high degree. Some of the
priests possess the gift of the Holy spirit which is healing. They
conduct exorcism to the people believed is possessed by an evil
which science can't explain. I also encountered priest healing
sick people through laying his hands upon the persons forehead
and through some divine intervention, the person would be
healed. There are examples of faith healing that is popular in the
Philippines, one of it is the 'santigwar' which is popular in
provinces, and is considered as supernatural beliefs. And
ofcourse, the patron saints that is believed to grant wishes
according to it's purpose. To sum up, faith healing is
pseudoscientific for the reason that even science can't explain it.

(b) Homeopathy
>Homeopathy, or homeopathic medicine, is a medical system
based on the belief that the body can cure itself. Those who
practice it use tiny amounts of natural substances, like plants
and minerals. As well as, they believe these stimulate the
healing process. A basic belief behind homeopathy is “like
cures like.” In other words, something that causes symptoms of
a disease in a healthy person can treat an illness with similar
symptoms in sick people. In theory, a homeopathic dose
enhances the body's normal healing and self-regulatory
processes, as well as it triggers the body's natural defenses.
Furthermore, some people have used homeopathy to maintain
health and treat a wide range of long-term illnesses, such as
allergies, atopic dermatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and irritable
bowel syndrome. So Homeopathy is pseudoscientific as it is a
alternative medicine.

(c) Acupuncture
>Acupuncture is a form of treatment that involves inserting very
thin needles through a person’s skin at specific points on the
body, to various depths. It is a form of alternative medicine and
a key component of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in
which thin needles are inserted into the body. Acupuncture is a
pseudoscience, since the theories and practices of TCM are not
based on scientific knowledge, and it has been characterized as

(d) Parapsychology
>Parapsychology is the study of alleged psychic phenomena
(extrasensory perception, as in telepathy, precognition,
clairvoyance, psychokinesis, a.k.a. telekinesis, and
psychometry) and other paranormal claims, for example related
to near-death experiences, synchronicity, apparitional
experiences, etc. It is considered to be pseudoscience and is
rejected by a vast majority of mainstream scientists.
Parapsychology is a field of study that investigates paranormal
or “psychic" phenomena, including purported mental abilities
such as telepathy and telekinesis. Parapsychologists aim to test
the existence and explore the nature of experiences and abilities
in the paranormal realm.


Research Title: Effects of temperature to food

Scientific Question: How does the temperature affect food? When
does it spoil faster, in hot temperature or cold temperature?

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