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 In the Philippines, 28% of the adult population (ages
15 and above) smokes tobacco
 About 48% of men and 9% of women smoke
 Among teenagers, about ages 13-15 years old,
- Each stick of cigarette has more than 4000 chemicals 17.5% smoke cigarettes (23% are boys and 12% are
- Contains hydrogen cyanide, insecticides, methanol, girls), and usually 8% are currently using tobacco
butane fuels, benzene, cadmium, and formaldehyde products other than cigarettes (8% are boys and 7%
- Accelerates atherosclerosis and destroys the cilia in are girls)
Tar, nicotine, and carbon monoxide are substances from  Causes cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung disease,
tobacco that are most harmful to health. diabetes, COPD
Tar – carcinogenic and accumulates inside the respiratory  Kills 73,000 Filipinos each year
system, disrupts clearing process and ruins air sacs  40% of adults and 55% of the youth (ages 13-15) are
exposed to secondhand smoke
Nicotine – consists of nitrogen and makes cigarettes addictive
Carbon Monoxide – forces the heart to work more and
increase risk of cardiovascular diseases DEVELOPMENT

THE KINDS OF TOBACCO SMOKE  Dietary habits are habitual decisions and food choices
preferred by persons
1. Main Stream Smoke (Firsthand smoke) – it is the  Diet means specific intake of nutrition for health
smoke that is inhaled and exhaled by smokers from a reasons
lit cigar or cigarette  Healthy and balanced diet reduces cancer,
2. Second-hand (Sidestream smoke) – environmental osteoporosis, and diabetes
tobacco. Exposure to smoke and can cause
immediately harmful effects on the heart and blood DEFINITION
vessels and can cause coronary heart disease and  Not eating enough healthy food (underconsumption or
stroke overconsumption)
3. Third-hand smoke – cigarette offshoots that stick to a
smoker’s hair and clothing, and various other PRINCIPLES OF GOOD NUTRTION
 Adequacy: sufficient intake, fulfills nutritional
WHY DO PEOPLE START SMOKING requirements, refers to moderate amounts of nutrients
to maintain normal body function
a. Parental Role Model  Balance: refers to correct combination of nutrients
b. Addiction  Variety: involves eating different foods from all the
c. Limited Education food groups
d. Aggressive Marketing
f. Adolescent Experimentation and Rebellion
 Obesity
g. Depression
 Tooth Decay
h. Stress
 High Blood Pressure
 Heart disease and Stroke
a. Pleasure
b. Fear of weight gain  Type-2 Diabetes
c. Nicotine Dependence  Osteoporosis
d. Use of other harmful substances (e,g., alcohol and  Cancer
drugs)  Depression
 Eating Disorders (Bulimia nervosa, Anorexia nervosa,
Rumination disorder, etc.)
- Carcinoma: invasive malignant tumor from epithelial
DEFINITION tissue that tends to spread to other body parts
- Sarcoma: connective or supportive cancer
 Sedentary lifestyle occurs when an individual lacks
- Lymphoma: cells of the lymphatic or immune system
the recommended level of regular physical activity
characterized by abnormal production of white cells
 Physical inactivity is the leading risk factor of death
and decrease in resistance
- Leukemia: cancer of the blood or bone marrow
EFFECTS characterized by abnormal production of blood cells
 Increase risks of certain cancers DIABETES
 Contribute to anxiety and depression
- Disease resulting from a condition of the body
 Risk factor to certain cardiovascular diseases
wherein the body is not able to produce or effectively
 Increase risks of having a coronary heart disease and
use insulin.
- Insulin is a hormone that is produced in the pancreas,
 Decrease in skeletal muscle mass due to excessive
which regulates the utilization of glucose
 High blood pressure and increased cholesterol levels Type 1 Diabetes: insulin-reliant diabetes because the
body produces little or no insulin at all. Relies on daily
DISEASES insulin injections and follows a special diet.
CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES Type 2 Diabetes: non-insulin dependent. Body has insulin
 A disease of the heart and blood vessels and is the but cannot be used by cells. Relies on diet, oral
leading cause of death in the Philippines medication, and exercise programs. Symptoms are
usually not very obvious and may go undetected.
Types of cardiovascular diseases
Gestational Diabetes: occurs in pregnant individuals.
 Arteriosclerosis (arteries harden and thicken) Hormones cause no response to insulin produced.
 Atherosclerosis (type of arterio, plaque-buildup) Regresses after childbirth but has high chances of
 Coronary heart disease developing into Type 2.
 Heart attack
 Rheumatic Fever
- Called Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
 Heart Arrythmia
 Congestive Heart Failure
- Occurs in the air paths and other parts of the lunges
CANCER - Symptoms: breathlessness, chronic cough, excessive
mucus production.
 Cells divide in an uncontrolled pace. They form a
- Can be life-threatening and may lead to death if not
tumor (benign/malignant) identified with biopsy
detected and cured early
 Unhealthy lifestyle causes cancer.
 Chance of survival increases when detected early MAJOR RISK FACTORS
TUMORS - Tobacco smoking
- Indoor air pollution
- Malignant (cancerous): tumor spreads, process is
- Outdoor air pollution
called metastasis
- Occupational dusts and chemicals like vapors,
- Benign (non-cancerous): increase in size but stay in
irritants, and fumes
A healthy lifestyle is all about making one=s health and well-
being a priority. It is a choice made by an individual, a
commitment made for his own good and that of his loved ones.
01: Eat healthy food – this includes fruits, vegetables, and
whole grains. Go for lean meats and low fat dairy products. Do
not eat food with too much sugar or fat, or dine in at fast food.
Eat desserts and delicacies in moderation
02: Do Daily Routines of Physical Activity – you do not need to
go to the gym regularly or do marathons but rather, include
physical activities into your daily routine
03: Do Not Smoke - Gaining a little weight is a lesser risk than
to keep smoking. Many who quit smoking did not gain weight
04: Drink Moderate Amounts of Alcohol Only - Two average-
sized drinks daily for men; one for women
05: Manage Stress – Many individuals use eating as means of
managing stress. A lot of stress will be tough in making healthy
changes to your lifestyle
Likewise, changing the way you think helps you become more
successful in achieving a healthy body
Stop Comparing Yourself To others: A healthy body does not
come in one shape and size. Do not get frustrated over
unrealistic body shape; being healthy is more important
Awareness of How Angry or Full You Are: Be aware of why
you eat and how much you need to eat
It’s not about the diet; it’s more of a routine
Dieting almost never works over the long term. Its more of the
routine of eating properly
Be determined that you’re going to improve your health:
Instead of just deciding to go on diet. For instance, you may
think of what you want: to be more fit, lower blood pressure,
lower blood sugar and lower cholesterol
Stress is a reaction of the body and mind to unkind or
 Physical Signs: muscle tension, headache,
challenging life incidents such as tense feelings, worry, and
pounding heart, shortness of breath,
increased sweating, dry mouth, skin rash,
Is there a positive or negative stress? grinding teeth, nail biting
 Emotional Signs: anger, irritability,
The enhancing influence on our productivity and satisfaction is impatience, nervousness, forgetfulness,
called ‘eustress’ while the harmful physical consequence of inability to concentrate, negative thinking,
stress is called ‘distress’. excessive worrying, loss of interest, self-
• Eustress or positive stress promotes growth and criticism, frequent crying
accomplishments and stimulates you to go on. It is  Behavioral Signs: loss of appetite,
beneficial in attaining best performance. overeating, drug abuse, sleep problems,
restlessness, hurrying and talking too fast,
• Distress or negative stress often causes poor criticizing others, reckless behaviour,
performance. fidgeting
CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF STRESS  Psychological Signs: constantly irritable with
other people, feeling of being a failure,
A stressor is an event or a situation that causes stressful difficulty in making decisions, loss of interest
situations. in each other, having a hard time to
● Acute stress the most common form, arises from
recent past, and foreseen difficulties.
● Cumulative stress is a series of stress that has built Once a person senses a stressor, his/her body goes
up. through the following stages of General Adaptation
Syndrome (GAS), a theory developed by Austrian-
● Chronic stress is a form of stress that is recurring. Canadian Hans Selye.
Stressors lead to stress response or the body's reactions 1. Alarm stage is the phase where the brain deciphers
to stress which help bring balance. There are different the distress and instantly deals with it. This is also
sources of stress. Some of these include: known as “fight or flight”.
2. Resistance Stage is the process where the stress is
1. Major Life Changes - Majority of stressors are key life being resolved after meeting its demands the body
changers that influence an individual's family and goes back to normal afterward.
social life. 3. Exhaustion Stage develops when stress recurs until it
2. Everyday Problems - The stress or "hassles" we becomes chronic and reaches this final stage. Stress
encounter everyday. level peaks and plateaus then develops health risk
3. Physical Surroundings - The immediate surroundings that cause high blood pressure, stomach, and heart
affect the level of day-to-day stress problems.
4. Other Stressors - Other stressors involving teenagers
include worrying about their future, conflicts and The body's response to stress is known as the "fight
disagreements with family members, friends, and or flight" response, which involves the release of
other people, among others. adrenaline and other hormones that increase strength
and prepare the body for fight or flight. This response
is automatic and focuses on the immediate threat, but
can be harmful in the long-term if the stressor persists
and depletes the body's resources.
1. Time management requires planning a schedule
How can Stress Be Managed? ahead and sticking with it.
2. Sharing and talking about problems with someone-- a
1. Manage stressors: stressors cannot be eliminated but
friend, teacher, or family member-- to relieve stress.
it can be avoided. Refrain from unnecessary matters
3. Using adrenaline-raised energy for simple tasks like
and focus on the important ones.
cleaning the house or the car redirects how the body
2. Rest and sleep: A very helpful way of reducing stress
reacts from stress.
and relieving tension is having a good amount of rest
4. Being at ease lying or sitting down while emptying the
and sleep. .
mind with upsetting ideas, listening to gentle music, or
3. Exercise: exercising naturally relieves the body from
imaging being in a quiet place can relieve stress.
the effects of stress.
5. Having a good laugh with friends or family, watching
4. Use relaxation methods in coping with stress:
different movies, or going to funny places after a
numerous types of relaxation methods can be done to
stressful day.
counter the adverse effects of stress.
Coping Strategies that You Can Adopt:
Use relaxation methods in coping with stress
Humor: look at the funny side of a problem.
a.) Progressive relaxation uses body's feedback
mechanism in reducing muscle tension, a common Seek support support from family members or friends keep
indicator of stress. It is essential to learn and practice emotional health balance.
exercises that can relax tense muscles.
Problem-solving: aims to pinpoint the source of the problem
b.) Deep breathing tells the brain to calm down and relax,
and determine solutions.
relieving the stress.
c.) Meditation is a technique that temporarily "tunes out" Relaxation: unwinding events or calming skills help manage
the world, disregards outside disturbances, and stress and enhance overall coping.
provides inner peace.
d.) Visualization (creative imagery) uses imagination to Physical recreation: regular exercises like yoga, meditation,
relax and reduce stress. and muscle relaxation are helpful in handling stress.

Counterproductive Coping Strategies Adjusting expectations: accepting different results of situations

in life may help
Coping refers to the ability to respond and recover from stress.
It involves conscious efforts to balance mental and emotional Venting: an expressing-type of coping technique by voicing out
states in response to stressors, which can be both negative strong sentiments with friends or family.
and positive. Coping skills are necessary to manage these
changes and include behaviors, thoughts, and emotions to
minimize or tolerate stress.
Coping Styles
People use different coping styles to manage stress. Adaptive
coping strategies involve addressing the stressor, while
maladaptive coping strategies involve ignoring the problem or
using counter-productive methods.

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