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Betis Legacy Furniture is a family-owned furniture and
upholstery workshop in the Philippines. The researchers are
developing a website to increase the company's online
presence and reach a wider customer base. The
researchers conducted a study to evaluate the website's
effectiveness in terms of benefits for the company. The
team hopes to gain a better understanding of the
website's impact on the company. The research aims to
examine the influence of the website on the company's
performance and customer income.
Significance of the Study

Betis Legacy Furniture.

Clients of Betis Legacy Furniture.
Employees of Betis Legacy Furniture.
Furniture Oriented Businesses.
Future Researchers.
Statement of the Problem
1. Is there an increase in clients when customers are
using the website designated for product display?
2. Is there an increase in the ratings of the company
because of the website?
3. Is there a significant difference in the marketing after
the website was launched?
4. Is the website credible enough to make a significant
difference for the company?
Conceptual Framework
Hyphothesis of the Study
Ho. There are no visible differences in the company
after the marketing of the new website to the marketing
of the old website.

Ha. There are visible differences between the marketing

of the new website to the marketing of the old website
of the company.
Research Methodology
This research is a quantitative study that
employs an experimental research design
This research uses purposive sampling as
its sampling technique
The data was gathered through the use of
surveys which were four (4) point likert
Research Data
1. The survey that was conducted shows that the
launch of the website was effective in attracting more
clients for the company
2. The survey that was conducted shows that the
launch of the website was increase in the ratings of the
3. The survey that was conducted shows that the
launch of the website was very effective and that the
website was highly successful in improving the
company's marketing efforts.
1. To increase the accuracy and generalizability of the
findings, it is recommended that future researchers
conduct their study on a larger sample size and allow
the website longer runtime. This will provide a more
robust and representative data set, yielding more
reliable conclusions
2. The researchers recommend that future studies on this
topic use 5 point tallies, each number corresponding to
how much they would rate the company, and future
researchers should survey clients of the company.
3. The researchers recommend that future studies on
this topic include not only the employees of the
company, but also the clients in order to provide a
more dynamic perspective. This will allow research to
provide a more comprehensive understanding of the
4. The researchers recommend that future studies
should conduct this question on a much larger
population for the survey to yield better results.
1. The researchers have concluded that the launch of the designated
website for product display increased the number of clients for the

1.1 The release of the website gave the company more publicity which
in turn increased the clients of the company.

2. The researchers have concluded that there is a slight but visible

increase in the ratings of the company after the release of the website

2.1 The reputation of the website had no visible increase since the
launch of the new website.
3. The researchers have concluded that there is a
significant positive difference in the marketing,
and that the launch of the website was very
effective in terms of marketing.

4. The researchers have found that the website

has the credibility to significantly impact the

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