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Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

I Respect all of the attendees who have attended here. especially to Professor Doctor Che An
Binti Ahmad and Doctor Suharsono, Master of Nursing as the speaker at the 1st International
Nursing Conference who attends offline in Magelang Nursing Department and Mr. Muhammad
Arsyad Subu, Registered Nurse. Diploma. HEd., Master Science Degree in Nursing, Doctor of
Philosophy with Doctor Reynold C. Padagas, Registered Nurse as the speaker at the 1st
International Nursing Conference who attends online in zoom meeting.

First of all, let us say praise to God for giving us His blessing so that we can realize the first
internasional nursing conference.

Before I say something on this greeting, i wanna say thankyou to MC that has give to me a time to
welcome you as Chairman of the committee on the First Internasional Nursing Conference.

Especially for the komiti, the part of Hima Aksara solid and always helps me and my partner Anis
Muwakidah as Chairman of the komiti.

Last but not least, i want yo say thankyou and apologize if we as the organizers especially me
personally many sorry with, perfect and imperfection and facilities, and many other deficiencies,
we are the komiti always tried to be professional, but the limitation makes us just giving like this
is, before I close i want to say thankyou for all, best regards.

Wassalamaualaikum Wr. Wb.

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