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Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number and title Unit 09: Software Development Life Cycle

Submission date Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name Phung Huu Minh Khanh Student ID GDD210033

Class GCD1102 Assessor name SonPT

Student declaration
I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that making a
false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature Km

Grading grid
P1 P2 P3 P4 M1 M2 D1 D2


❒ Summative Feedback: ❒ Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:


Table of Contents
List of Figures..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
List of Tables ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
I. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
II. Describe two iterative and two sequential software lifecycle models. (P1) .................................................................................................................................. 6
1. Definition of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
2. How the SDLC Works? ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
3. What are the phases of SDLC? ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 19
4. Advantages of the SDLC? ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
5. What is the suitable model for the project, and explain why? ............................................................................................................................................ 22
6. Discuss the merits of applying the waterfall model to a large software development project. ........................................................................................... 23
III. Explain how risk is managed in the Spiral lifecycle model. (P2) ................................................................................................................................................. 23
1. Definition of Risk Management process. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 23
2. Why is risk assessment important? ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
3. What is the goal of risk assessment? ................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
4. Five Steps of the Risk Management Process ........................................................................................................................................................................ 25
5. Risk Handling in Spiral Model. ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 28
6. Apply to Tune Source project with problems to be faced and remedies. ............................................................................................................................ 28
IV. Explain the purpose of a feasibility report. (P3) ......................................................................................................................................................................... 29
3.1. Technical Feasibility Study ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 29
3.2. Economic Feasibility Study ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
3.3. Operational Feasibility...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 31


3.4. Legal Feasibility ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 31
V. Describe how technical solutions can be compared. (P4) ........................................................................................................................................................... 32
1. Introduction: ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 32
2. Feasibility criteria ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 32
2.1. Technical ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 32
2.2. Economic...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 32
2.3. Organizational.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 33
3. Alternative matrix for the Tune Source project ................................................................................................................................................................... 34
3.1. PHP Technology ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 34
3.2. JavaScript Technology .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 35
3.3. ASP.NET Technology .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 35
References....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 37


List of Figures
Figure 1: Waterfall Model. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Figure 2: Spiral Model. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 3: V-Model. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 4: Prototyping Model. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 5: Agile Model. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 6: How the SDLC Works? ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 7: Risk Management process. ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 23
Figure 8: Identify the rick. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 25
Figure 9: Analyze the risk. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 26
Figure 10: Monitor the rick. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 27
Figure 11: Technical Feasibility Study. .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 30
Figure 12: Economic Feasibility Study............................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Figure 13: Operational Feasibility. .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 14: Legal Feasibility. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 31
Figure 15: PHP Technology............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 35
Figure 16: JavaScript Technology. .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 35
Figure 17: ASP.NET Technology. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 36

List of Tables
Table 1: Different Phases of Waterfall Model in Software Engineering. .............................................................................................................................................. 8
Table 2: Spiral Model Phases............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 10


I. Introduction
Software development life cycle (SDLC) is the process of determining how an information system can support business needs, design the
system, build and deliver the system to the users. It is a framework that has a set of tasks to be performed at each stage in the software
development process. It is a process of giving a complete idea of the development, design and maintenance of a software project by
providing that all the functionality along with the requirements, goals and final goals of the software project. users are all addressed
together. With SDLC, the quality of the software project and the overall software development process is enhanced. If you've taken a coding
class or have programmed yourself, this sounds simple enough. However, in the real world, it's not so easy. Therefore, I will introduce clearly
the importance of SDLC.
II. Describe two iterative and two sequential software lifecycle models. (P1)
1. Definition of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a process that produces software with the highest quality and lowest cost in the shortest
time possible. SDLC provides a well-structured flow of phases that help an organization to quickly produce high-quality software which
is well-tested and ready for production use.
The SDLC involves six phases as explained in the introduction. Popular SDLC models include the waterfall model, spiral model, and Agile
1.1. Waterfall Model
Waterfall Model is a sequential version that divides software program improvement into pre-described phases. Each segment has
to be finished earlier than the subsequent segment can start and not using an overlap among the phases. Each segment is designed
for appearing particular pastime all through the SDLC segment. It turned into added in 1970 with the aid of using Winston Royce.


Figure 1: Waterfall Model.
Different Phases of Waterfall Model in Software Engineering

Different phases Activities performed in each stage

Requirement Gathering stage In this phase, detailed requirements of the software system to be
developed are collected from the customer.

Design Stage  Plan the programming language, for Example Java, PHP, .net.
 Or database like Oracle, MySQL, etc.
 Or other high-level technical details of the project.

Built Stage After design stage, it is built stage, that is nothing but coding the

Test Stage During this phase, you test the software to verify that it is built to the
specifications given by the customer.


Deployment stage Deploy the application in the respective environment

Maintenance stage Once your system is ready to use, you can then request changes to the
code according to the customer's requirements.

Table 1: Different Phases of Waterfall Model in Software Engineering.

When to use SDLC Waterfall Model:

 Requirements are not changing frequently.

 Application is not complicated and big.
 Project is short.
 Requirement is clear.
 Environment is stable.
 Technology and tools used are not dynamic and is stable.
 Resources are available and trained.

Advantages of Waterfall Model:

 Before the next phase of development, each phase must be completed.

 Suited for smaller projects where requirements are well defined.
 They should perform quality assurance test (Verification and Validation) before completing each stage.
 Elaborate documentation is done at every phase of the software’s development cycle.
 Project is completely dependent on project team with minimum client intervention.
 Any changes in software are made during the process of the development.

Disadvantages of Waterfall Model:

 Error can be fixed only during the phase.

 It is not desirable for complex project where requirement changes frequently.


 Testing period comes quite late in the developmental process.
 Documentation occupies a lot of time of developers and testers.
 Clients valuable feedback cannot be included with ongoing development phase.
 Small changes or errors that arise in the completed software may cause a lot of problems.
1.2. Spiral Model
The spiral model is a risk-based software development process model. It is a combination of waterfall model and iterative model.
The Spiral Model helps to apply the software development elements of multiple process models to a software project based on the
efficient development process of unique risk patterns.
Each phase of the spiral in software engineering begins with a design goal and ends with the customer reviewing progress. The spiral
model was first mentioned by Barry Boehm in his 1986 report.

Figure 2: Spiral Model.


Spiral Model Phases:

Spiral Model Phases Activities performed during phase

It includes cost estimates, schedules, and resources for the

iteration. This includes understanding system requirements in
ongoing communication between the system analyst and the
The identification of potential risks occurs during the planning
Risk Analysis
and finalization of risk mitigation strategies.
It includes testing, programming and deploying the software at
the customer's site.
What customers say about the software. This also includes
identifying and monitoring risks, such as delays and cost overruns.
Table 2: Spiral Model Phases.
When to use Spiral Model?

 A Spiral model in software engineering is used when project is large.

 When releases are required to be frequent, spiral methodology is used.
 When creation of a prototype is applicable.
 When risk and costs evaluation is important Spiral methodology is useful for medium to high-risk projects.
 When requirements are unclear and complex, Spiral model in SDLC is useful.
 When changes may require at any time.
 When long term project commitment is not feasible due to changes in economic priorities.


Advantages of Spiral Model

 Additional functionality or changes can be done at a later stage

 Cost estimation becomes easy as the prototype building is done in small fragments
 Continuous or repeated development helps in risk management
 Development is fast and features are added in a systematic way in Spiral development
 There is always a space for customer feedback

Disadvantages of Spiral Model

 Risk of not meeting the schedule or budget.

 Spiral development works best for large projects only also demands risk assessment expertise.
 For its smooth operation spiral model protocol needs to be followed strictly.
 Documentation is more as it has intermediate phases.
 Spiral software development is not advisable for smaller project, it might cost them a lot.
1.3. V-Model
The V-Model is an SDLC model in which the execution of processes occurs in a V-shaped sequence. It is also known as verification
and verification model. Furthermore, it is an extension of the Waterfall model, based on assigning a testing phase to each
corresponding development phase. This means that for every phase in the development cycle, there is a testing phase directly
related to it. It's a disciplined model where the next stage only starts when the previous one is complete.


Figure 3: V-Model.
Verification: This is a static analysis technique (verification) that is performed without running any code. Is the process of evaluating
the stages of product development to determine whether specified requirements are met. Verification: It is a dynamic analysis
technique (functional, non-functional) and tests performed by running the code. Validation is the process of evaluating software
after the development phase is complete to determine whether the software meets the customer's expectations and requirements.


Design Phase:

 Requirement Analysis: This phase contains detailed communication with the customer to understand their requirements and
expectations. This stage is known as Requirement Gathering.
 System Design: This phase contains the system design and the complete hardware and communication setup for developing
 Architectural Design: System design is broken down further into modules taking up different functionalities. The data transfer
and communication between the internal modules and with the outside world (other systems) is clearly understood.
 Module Design: In this phase the system breaks down into small modules. The detailed design of modules is specified, also
known as Low-Level Design (LLD).

Testing Phase:

 Unit Testing: Unit Test Plans are developed during module design phase. These Unit Test Plans are executed to eliminate
bugs at code or unit level.
 Integration testing: After completion of unit testing Integration testing is performed. In integration testing, the modules are
integrated and the system is tested. Integration testing is performed on the Architecture design phase. This test verifies the
communication of modules among themselves.
 System Testing: System testing test the complete application with its functionality, inter dependency, and communication.
It tests the functional and non-functional requirements of the developed application.
 User Acceptance Testing (UAT): UAT is performed in a user environment that resembles the production environment. UAT
verifies that the delivered system meets user’s requirement and system is ready for use in real world.

Advantages of V-Model

 This is a highly disciplined model and Phases are completed one at a time.
 V-Model is used for small projects where project requirements are clear.
 Simple and easy to understand and use.


 This model focuses on verification and validation activities early in the life cycle thereby enhancing the probability of
building an error-free and good quality product.
 It enables project management to track progress accurately.

Disadvantages of V-Model

 High risk and uncertainty.

 It is not a good for complex and object-oriented projects.
 It is not suitable for projects where requirements are not clear and contains high risk of changing.
 This model does not support iteration of phases. It does not easily handle concurrent events.
1.4. Prototyping Model
The Prototyping Model is one of the most popularly used Software Development Life Cycle Models (SDLC models). This model is
used when the customers do not know the exact project requirements beforehand. In this model, a prototype of the end product
is first developed, tested and refined as per customer feedback repeatedly till a final acceptable prototype is achieved which forms
the basis for developing the final product.
In this process model, the system is partially implemented before or during the analysis phase thereby giving the customers an
opportunity to see the product early in the life cycle. The process starts by interviewing the customers and developing the
incomplete high-level paper model.

Figure 4: Prototyping Model.


The prototyping model has the following six SDLC phases as follow:

Step 1: Gathering and analysing requirements

Requirement analysis is the first step in prototyping. The system's requirements are defined in depth at this phase. Throughout the process,
users of the system are interviewed to learn what they anticipate from it.

Step 2: Create a quick design

Sometimes known as a fast design, a preliminary design is the second step. A basic system design is built at this stage. It is, however, not a
complete design. It offers the user a quick overview of the system. The prototype development is aided by rapid design.

Step 3: Create a Model

The information acquired during rapid design is used to create an actual prototype in this step. It is a scaled-down version of the needed system.

Step 4: Initial user assessment

The proposed system is submitted to the client for an initial review at this stage. It aids in determining the working model's strengths and
weaknesses. Customer feedback and suggestions are gathered and forwarded to the developer.

Step 5: Make the prototype better

If the user is dissatisfied with the present prototype, you must modify it in response to their feedback and ideas.

This phase will continue until all of the user's criteria have been fulfilled. A final system is produced based on the authorised final prototype if
the user is pleased with the developed prototype.

Step 6: Install and maintain the product

After being designed based on the final prototype, the final system is thoroughly tested and put into production. Routine maintenance is
performed on the system to prevent large-scale breakdowns and minimise downtime.


1.5. Agile Model
The Agile SDLC model is a combination of iterative and incremental process models that focus on process adaptability and customer
satisfaction by rapidly delivering software products. is active. The Agile method breaks the product into small incremental builds.
These builds are provided in iterations.
The Agile model believes that each project needs to be handled differently and that existing methods need to be tailored to best fit
the project's requirements. In Agile, tasks are broken down into time boxes (small time frames) to deliver specific features for a
release. An iterative approach is taken and a working build of the software is delivered after each iteration.
Each build is incremental in terms of features; The final build contains all the features requested by the customer.

Figure 5: Agile Model.

These are now collectively referred to as Agile Methodologies, after the Agile Manifesto was published in 2001.

Following are the Agile Manifesto principles −

 Individuals and interactions − In Agile development, self-organization and motivation are important, as are interactions like co-
location and pair programming.


 Working software − Demo working software is considered the best means of communication with the customers to understand
their requirements, instead of just depending on documentation.
 Customer collaboration − As the requirements cannot be gathered completely in the beginning of the project due to various
factors, continuous customer interaction is very important to get proper product requirements.
 Responding to change − Agile Development is focused on quick responses to change and continuous development.

Advantages of Agile Model

 Is a very realistic approach to software development.

 Promotes teamwork and cross training.
 Functionality can be developed rapidly and demonstrated.
 Resource requirements are minimum.
 Suitable for fixed or changing requirements
 Delivers early partial working solutions.
 Good model for environments that change steadily.
 Minimal rules, documentation easily employed.
 Enables concurrent development and delivery within an overall planned context.
 Easy to manage.

Disadvantages of Agile Model

 Not suitable for handling complex dependencies.

 More risk of sustainability, maintainability and extensibility.
 An overall plan, an agile leader and agile PM practice is a must without which it will not work.
 Strict delivery management dictates the scope, functionality to be delivered, and adjustments to meet the deadlines.
 Depends heavily on customer interaction, so if customer is not clear, team can be driven in the wrong direction.
 There is a very high individual dependency, since there is minimum documentation generated.
 Transfer of technology to new team members may be quite challenging due to lack of documentation.


2. How the SDLC Works?
SDLC reduces software development costs while increasing the quality and speed of the development process. SDLCs achieve these
seemingly irreconcilable goals by adhering to one strategy. This avoids possible risks in software development projects. The strategy
starts with assessing the deficiencies of existing systems.
Then determine the requirements for the new system. Software is then created through analysis, planning, design, development,
testing and deployment. SLDC reduces repetitive and subsequent rework by eliminating costly mistakes, such as forgetting to consult
end users or customers, for example.
It should also be noted that a lot of attention was put into the testing phase. Because SDLC is a cyclical technique, code quality needs
to be verified at each stage. Many companies place less emphasis on testing, even though a greater focus on testing can save them a
lot of rework, time, and money.
Let us look at the various stages of the Software Development Life Cycle now.

Figure 6: How the SDLC Works?


3. What are the phases of SDLC?
The SDLC process is broken down into the following SDLC steps:

 Phase 1: Requirement collection and analysis.

 Phase 2: Design.
 Phase 3: Coding.
 Phase 4: Testing.
 Phase 5: Installation/Deployment.
 Phase 6: Maintenance.


Phase 1: Requirement collection and analysis
Requirements is the first stage of the SDLC process. It is carried out by senior team members with input from all stakeholders and subject
matter experts within the industry. Planning of quality assurance requirements and identification of associated risks are also carried out
at this stage.
This phase more clearly describes the scope of the overall project and the anticipated issues, opportunities, and policies that trigger it.
The requirements gathering phase requires the team to obtain detailed and concise requirements. This helps the company set the
necessary timeline for completing work on the system.
Phase 2: Design

In this third phase, the system and software design documents are prepared as per the requirement specification document. This
helps define overall system architecture. This design phase serves as input for the next phase of the model. There are two kinds of
design documents developed in this phase:

High-Level Design (HLD)

 Brief description and name of each module.

 An outline about the functionality of every module.
 Interface relationship and dependencies between modules.
 Database tables identified along with their key elements.
 Complete architecture diagrams along with technology details.

Low-Level Design (LLD)

 Functional logic of the modules.

 Database tables, which include type and size.
 Complete detail of the interface.
 Addresses all types of dependency issues.
 Listing of error messages.
 Complete input and outputs for every module.


Phase 3: Coding

The next phase is coding, which follows the system design phase. Developers at this stage start developing codes in the chosen
programming language to build the entire system. Tasks are broken down into parts or modules and passed off to different developers
throughout the coding phase. It is the most time-consuming part of the software development lifecycle.

Developers must adhere to the specified code requirements at this stage. To generate and implement code, they also need to use
programming tools such as compilers, interpreters, and debuggers.

Phase 4: Testing

Once the software is ready, it is deployed to the test environment. The testing team starts testing the functionality of the entire system.
This is done to verify that the entire application works as the client expects.

At this stage, QA and testing team can find some bugs and report them to developers. The dev team fixes the bug and sends it back to
QA for retesting. This process continues until the software is bug-free, stable, and meets the business requirements of the system.

Phase 5: Deployment

Once the software testing phase is complete and there are no more bugs or bugs in the system, the final deployment process begins.
Based on the project manager's feedback, the final software is released and checked for any deployment issues.

Phase 6: Maintenance

Once the system is deployed, and customers start using the developed system, following 3 activities occur

 Bug fixing – bugs are reported because of some scenarios which are not tested at all
 Upgrade – Upgrading the application to the newer versions of the Software
 Enhancement – Adding some new features into the existing software


The main focus of this SDLC phase is to ensure that needs continue to be met and that the system continues to perform as per the
specification mentioned in the first phase.

4. Advantages of the SDLC?

Obviously, the main reason for adopting SDLC is to control the development process. Work organization, conflict management among
participants, and budget management are other important benefits of the software development lifecycle.

If SDLC is executed correctly, it can achieve the highest level of management control and documentation. Developers know what they
should build and why. All parties agree on a clear goal and a plan to achieve it. The price and resources required are easy to understand.

There are several issues that can make SDLC implementation more of a development stumbling block than a useful tool.
Misinterpretation of system requirements can result if the needs of the customer, all users, and all stakeholders are not considered
from the outset. The benefits of an SDLC will only be realized if the plan is implemented consistently.

5. What is the suitable model for the project, and explain why?
Due to the large scale of the TUNE SOURCE project and the huge initial investment, the expected return on investment is
approximately $2 million per year. So, it's a daunting task. To prevent mistakes, attention to detail is required. For this reason, we will
choose the spiral model for this project, as it meets almost all of our client's needs.

If we used a model, please explain why:

 Requirements do not change frequently.

 Application is neither complicated nor time-consuming.
 The project has a fixed deadline.
 There are clear requirements.
 Settings are secure.
 The techniques and tools used are both static and non-dynamic.


6. Discuss the merits of applying the waterfall model to a large software development project.
Since the software development process requires relatively little customer involvement, and the product cannot be demonstrated until
it is complete, if problems arise after the software is complete, it is costly to fix those errors because we have to change everything from
documentation to proofs. Another risk is that if the software development documentation is not done effectively, we are likely to get
lost in the design of this product. Applying this paradigm lacks project relevance when requirements have medium to high risk of change.
If we use this strategy for complex, object-oriented applications, the probability of failure is quite high.

III. Explain how risk is managed in the Spiral lifecycle model. (P2)
1. Definition of Risk Management process.
In projects, the risk management process is a systematic set of actions that decision makers perform to keep the project on track
under specific circumstances. Throughout the project lifecycle, decision makers must identify, analyze, and assess risks, and then use
their organizational structures and management processes to mitigate those risks to the benefit of the project. The complexity of the
project and the maturity of the organization are seen as key factors affecting the success of the project.

Figure 7: Risk Management process.


2. Why is risk assessment important?
Risk assessments are very important as they form an integral part of occupational health and safety management programmers.

They help:

 Develop awareness of hazards and risks.

 Identify who may be at risk (e.g., employees, cleaners, visitors, contractors, members of the public, etc.).
 Determine if a control program is required for a particular hazard.
 Determine if existing controls are adequate, or if more should be done.
 Prevent injury or illness, especially during the design or planning phase.
 Prioritize hazards and control measures.
 Comply with legal requirements, if applicable.
3. What is the goal of risk assessment?
The purpose of the danger evaluation system is to evaluate risks and then, if necessary, do away with the ones risks or limit the extent
of danger through including controls. By doing this, you create a more secure and healthier workplace.

The goal is to reply the subsequent questions:

 What occurs below what circumstances?

 What are the viable consequences?
 How probable are the consequences?
 Is the danger efficiently managed or does similarly motion want to be taken?


4. Five Steps of the Risk Management Process
Follow these risk management steps to improve your process of risk management.

a) Identify the risk.

Anticipating the potential pitfalls of a project doesn't have to spell gloom and doom for your business—quite the opposite.
Identifying risks is a positive experience that your entire team can share and learn from. Project risk refers to any factor that may
affect the project schedule, budget, or success.
Leverage the collective knowledge and experience of the entire team. Ask everyone to identify any risks they have experienced or
may be aware of. This process encourages communication and facilitates cross-functional learning.

Figure 8: Identify the rick.

A project risk log, also known as a project risk register, is an essential part of any effective risk management process. As an ongoing
database of potential risks for each project, it not only helps you manage current risks, but also serves as a reference point for past
projects. By outlining your risk register with the right data points, you and your team can quickly and accurately identify and assess
potential threats to any project.


b) Analyze the risk.
Once your team has identified potential issues, it's time to dig deeper. How likely are these risks to occur? When they do, what is
the impact? How would you react?
In this step, your team estimates the likelihood and impact of each risk to decide what to focus on first. Then define a response
plan for each risk. Factors such as potential financial loss to the business, loss of time, and severity of impact all play an important
role in properly analyzing each risk. By examining each risk, you can also identify common problems in projects and further improve
the risk management process for future projects.

Figure 9: Analyze the risk.

c) Prioritize the risk.
Rank each risk by considering its probability of occurrence and its potential impact on the project. This step gives you an overview
of the project at hand and determines where the team's focus should be. Most importantly, it helps you find workable solutions to
any risks. This way, the risk management workflow is not interrupted or significantly delayed, even during the treatment phase.
d) Treat the risk.


Send in your treatment plan as soon as you identify the most serious risks. While you can't predict every risk, the previous steps
in your risk management process should have set you up for success. Start with the highest priority risks first and have your team
address them or at least mitigate them so that they no longer pose a threat to the project.
Effectively managing and mitigating risk also means using the team's resources efficiently without derailing the project. Ove r
time, you'll build a larger database of past projects and their risk logs, enabling you to anticipate potential risks so that they can
be dealt with more effectively by taking a more proactive rather than reactive approach.
e) Monitor the risk.
Clear communication between your team and stakeholders is critical when it comes to continuous monitoring for potential
threats. Regularly send project updates to the team and other stakeholders. Contact your risk manager individually to ensure
that no red flags are raised throughout the project. Be sure to actively maintain your risk register—it should be a living document
that you and your team refer to frequently. As risks change or evolve, they should be updated in the log for all to see. This way,
everyone stays on the same page and can react to risks more quickly and proactively.
While it may sometimes feel like you're herding, with your risk management plan and a proper project risk register in place, keeping
track of these ever-changing goals becomes risk-free.

Figure 10: Monitor the rick.


5. Risk Handling in Spiral Model.
Projects have many unknown risks that occur during development, in which case the Spiral Model is the best development model to
follow due to risk analysis and risk treatment in every stage. So, in this project I use the Spiral model. It has the most important feature
of how to deal with these unknown risks after the project has started. Creating a prototype makes the process of addressing such risks
simpler. The spiral model makes it easier to address risk by enabling prototyping at every stage of software development.

Risk management is also supported by the Waterfall Model, but risks must first be thoroughly identified before project development
begins. In practice, however, project risks may arise after development work has begun; In this case, the Waterfall Model cannot be
used because the transition from one growth phase to another will take place only after the previous phases have completely finished
successfully, and there is no going back. previous phase or overstepping phase. Product features are dated and analyzed in each phase
of the Spiral Model and the risks that exist at that time are identified and addressed through waterfall creation. Therefore, this model
is significantly more adaptable than other SDLC models.

6. Apply to Tune Source project with problems to be faced and remedies.

Using spiral model in TS (Tune Source) project has many advantages. However, there are a few related issues that will expose this project
to risks from that problem. Below are the problems the project faced with it along with its causes and given results and remedies.

Problem Cause Result Remedies

Lack of staff The employee did not The project is not completed, Recruiting knowledgeable or highly
receive the knowledge or can be completed but not qualified personnel, investing in courses
in time or was on time for handover on the lack of knowledge for former
discharged and employees
Not enough technology Insufficient funds or Programmers or employees Investing in new technologies for
equipment damaged equipment won't have enough products programmers to use and apply to the
to complete projects quickly project to complete the project quickly
Lack of funds Disease issues, and Insufficient funds to maintain Applying high-efficiency but low-cost and
sources of income and develop the project old technology products to reduce excess


IV. Explain the purpose of a feasibility report. (P3)
1. Definition of feasibility report.
A feasibility observe is an evaluation that considers all of a task's applicable factors—along with economic, technical, legal, and
scheduling considerations—to examine the chance of finishing the task successfully. Whether a task is possible or now no longer can
rely on numerous factors, along with the task's fee and go back on funding, that means whether or not the task generated sufficient
sales or income from consumers.

However, a feasibility observe is not most effectively used for initiatives trying to degree and forecast economic gains. In different words,
possible can suggest something different, relying at the enterprise and the task's goal. For example, a feasibility observe ought to assist
decide whether or not a health center can generate sufficient donations and funding greenbacks to amplify and construct a brand new
most cancers center.

Although feasibility research can assist task managers decide the threat and go back of pursuing a plan of action, numerous steps and
satisfactory practices have to be taken into consideration earlier than transferring forward.

2. The purpose of conducting a feasibility study.

A feasibility has a look at determines if a proposed project or idea need to be pursued with the aid of using assessing whether or not
the assignment or plan is feasible. A feasibility evaluation can perceive the deserves and obstacles of a proposed plan.

3. Type feasibility
3.1. Technical Feasibility Study
In the technical feasibility, the undertaking's engineering viability is considered. Civil, structural, and different pertinent
engineering factors are discussed. The technical capability of the proposed technology and the abilities of the undertaking
humans are taken into account.

Technology switch among cultures and geographical places must be tested in unique cases, especially while projects are in third-
global nations. Because of variances in gasoline supply, location, terrain, infrastructural support, and different issues,
productiveness gain (or loss) and related ramifications are understood.


Figure 11: Technical Feasibility Study.
3.2. Economic Feasibility Study
The feasibility of an assignment to offer monetary blessings is known as monetary feasibility. A cost benefit evaluation is
required. Breakeven evaluation will also be used to examine an assignment's monetary viability. The tangible and intangible
elements of an assignment have to be transformed into monetary phrases to offer a regular basis for evaluation. Even if the
business enterprise is non-profit, monetary viability is crucial.

Figure 12: Economic Feasibility Study.


3.3. Operational Feasibility
This assessment involves getting to know to assess whether—and to what extent—the organization’s desires may be addressed
through completing the challenge. Operational feasibility research additionally observes how a challenge plan meets the
standards special at some stage in the gadget improvement necessities evaluation phase.

Figure 13: Operational Feasibility.

3.4. Legal Feasibility
This evaluation looks at whether any component of the planned project violates legal requirements such as zoning rules, data
privacy laws, or social media laws. Let us imagine a company wishes to develop a new office building in a particular area. A
feasibility study may discover that the ideal location for the company is not designated for that sort of business. That organization
has just saved a lot of time and effort by discovering that their idea was not possible.

Figure 14: Legal Feasibility.


V. Describe how technical solutions can be compared. (P4)
1. Introduction:
The purpose of technical solutions is to assist in design selection and solution implementation needs. Engineering solutions include handling
products, product components, lifecycle model selection, and more. Engineering Solutions focuses on evaluating, selecting solutions,
developing detailed designs, and then implementing those designs. This segment looks at how the challenge's feasibility criteria are
implemented and whether the challenge is viable.

2. Feasibility criteria
2.1. Technical
Tune Source provided the necessary technology for the project. The project uses a variety of technologies, including PHP, JavaScript,
HTML, and CSS. They simplify the task of developing useful functionality for a website. In addition, these technologies make it easier
to customize the website according to the needs of project managers and clients. Furthermore, the development team of the TS
project used the same technique several times. And since the team consists of people who not only have a lot of expertise but also
have worked extensively on the same project, they can easily solve some of the project's problems. The project also uses server
technology. Web servers, SQL servers, database servers, and other types of servers are used to build websites. Website maintenance
can be simplified with hosting.
2.2. Economic

The economic case for the Tune Source project is presented in the table showing the items in this project including Operating Costs
and Material and Spiritual Costs.

Operational Costs (VND)

Software update fee 15.000.000
Software maintenance fee 10.000.000
Software license fee 10.000.000
Hardware upgrade 8.000.000


System operation fee 17.000.000

Material and Spiritual Costs (VND)

Downloading music fee 20.000.000
Registering profile fee 18.000.000
Selling CDs at website or social network fee 15.000.000
Musical gift cards and giveaways fee 10.000.000
Total 63.000.000

In this project, the company Tune Source recruited three entrepreneurs Harry Giant, Megan Patter and Phillip Harvard to lead this
project. There is also Project Sponsor, Green Edwards, Assistant Vice President of Client Marketing. They are people with knowledge
and connections in the music industry. Tune Source is their most passionate project. In addition, this is their most passionate project.
Therefore, they will oversee the project until its completion. There is also a knowledgeable and dedicated team. They have enough
experience to keep the website running while collaborating with an Internet Service Provider (ISP). Investors can expect exceptional
products and customer service because they are entrepreneurs with a background of knowledge and forward thinking. However,
since some consumers may use music download platforms and apps, the project must be completed quickly to attract more
customers. In addition, the sale of items such as cards related to songs will help Tune Source become more and more popular and

2.3. Organizational

Because of the growing revenue and increasing popularity, Tune Source will soon become a music company known for its modern
music products and is broadcast through the website and popular social networks. At first, developers, CEOs, and administrators
might closely monitor software ownership. Due to its unique features (offline downloads, searching for popular songs, etc.), thanks


to its unique features that make it easy for users to use and those features, that's why Tune Source will become a popular and
convenient website for everyone. In addition, Tune Source includes the ability to find rare and unique tracks and mixes that are only
available on Tune Source, and user reviews and comments may also have contributed to this. the continued popularity and growth
of Tune Source's website and products.

3. Alternative matrix for the Tune Source project

3.1. PHP Technology
 PHP is a general-purpose programming language geared towards web development. It was originally created in 1994 by Rasmus
Leadoff, a Danish-Canadian programmer. The PHP team is currently creating a PHP Reference Implementation. Although PHP
stands for Personal Homepage, it now often refers to recursive initializations. "Hypertext Preprocessor" stands for PHP.
 PHP code is typically processed on a web server using a PHP interpreter, which can be implemented as an executable module,
daemon, or Common Gateway Interface (CGI). The result of the interpreted and executed PHP code – which can be any form of
data, such as binary image data or generated HTML – makes up all or part of the HTTP response on the machine. web owner.
Web template systems, online content management systems, and web frameworks can all be used to help coordinate or simplify
that response preparation. PHP can also be used for non-web development activities, including standalone graphics programs
and drone control. Command prompt can also be used to execute PHP code.


Figure 15: PHP Technology.
 There was no clear definition or standard for the PHP language until 2014, with the initial implementation serving as the de facto
standard that later implementations sought to match. Since 2014, there has been a working traditional PHP standard.
3.2. JavaScript Technology
 JavaScript, sometimes called JS, is a computer language that, along with HTML and CSS, is one of the essential web technologies.
Over 97 percent of websites use JavaScript to control page behavior on the client side, with third-party libraries being used
frequently. All major web browsers have a dedicated JavaScript engine to run code on the user's device.
 JavaScript is a high-level, usually instantiated, ECMAScript-compliant language. It has first-class functions, dynamic typing, and
prototype-based object-oriented. It is multi-paradigm so you can code in an event-driven, functional, or imperative style. It
includes, among other things, APIs for working with text, dates, regular expressions, standard data structures, and the Document
Object Model (DOM).

Figure 16: JavaScript Technology.

 JavaScript engines, previously only available in web browsers, are now available in a wide variety of servers and applications.
The most common runtime system for this in Node.js.
3.3. ASP.NET Technology

ASP.NET is a free, open-source framework created by Microsoft that is frequently utilized by web developers to create web
applications, web services, and hubs that connect clients to new information in real time. immediately. This structure is intended to


collaborate with the HTTP protocol, which is the common protocol for all online applications. Since ASP.NET is a server-side platform,
web developers that utilize it release scripts to the server that create custom user experiences. Client-side or browser-executed
scripts are often necessary for online applications to function.

Figure 17: ASP.NET Technology.

3.4. Select an alternative matrix for Tune Source project
Programming Maintenance Case Total
Factor Cost Performance Security Speed Score
time cost Support Score
Weighted factor 5 4 4 4 4 3 3
Score 3 2 4 4 3 2 2 20 99
Weighted Score 15 8 16 16 12 6 6 79
Score 2 2 3 3 2 1 3 16 74
Weighted Score 10 8 12 12 8 3 9 58
Score 1 1 2 3 1 3 2 13 64
Weighted Score 5 4 8 12 4 9 9 51

Conclusion: Based on the above analysis, PHP Technology is the best choice for Tune Source project compared to JavaScript and
Microsoft .NET Framework technologies with the highest score of 99 points on criteria including programming time, performance.
cost, security, speed and maintenance costs.


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