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General Biology 2 Reviewer from the same individual, we still consider thisU

sexual reproduction, as two gametes are involved.

Sexual reproduction
New organism that results from reproduction
Sexual reproduction requires two parents. Each
parent contributes a gamete – a sex cell that has Gamete
half of the normal DNA of a regular body cell. In Sex cell (in males: sperm; in females: eggs)
males, the gametes are sperm and in females, the
gametes are eggs. When these two gamete Fertilization
combine during fertilization, the result is a zygote, The joining of gametes to form a new organism
which then continues to develop into an embryo.
Asexual reproduction
Cell formed during the fusion of two gametes
Asexual reproduction requires only one parent.
There are many types of asexual reproduction. PLANT REPRODUCTION
Four major types are:
The plant reproductive cycle switches between
1) Binary fission: Single parent cell doubles haploid and diploid generations, allowing for both
its DNA, then divides into two cells. asexual and sexual reproduction. The generalized
Usually occurs in bacteria life cycle for land plants is thus said to undergo
2) Budding: Small growth on surface of "alternation of generations", as the sporophyte
parent breaks off, resulting in the and gametophyte generations alternate with one
formation of two individuals. Occurs in another to complete the entire process of sexual
yeast and some animals (like the hydra reproduction.
3) Fragmentation: Organisms break into two Plant Reproduction Sequence and Structures
or more fragments that develop into a new Each plant has different structures that serve
individual. Occurs in many plants, as well different functions in growth, survival, and
as some animals (like coral, sponges, and reproduction. The sequence of reproductive
starfish) processes in plants form structures such as:
4) Parthenogenesis: An embryo develops
from an unfertilized cell. Occurs in Gamete Formation: Ovule and pollen
invertebrates, as well as in some fish, Pollination: Pollen reaches the stigma of a flower
amphibians, and reptiles
Germination: Pollen germinates and forms a
pollen tube that reaches the ovary, and the male
gamete is released.
Some organisms are able to do both sexual and
asexual reproduction. This is particularly true for Fusion: Male gamete fuses with female gamete
fungi and plants (and rarely, animals – as in and forms zygote.
parthenogenesis). Often, the type of reproduction
Embryo Formation: The zygote divides numerous
that they undergo depends on their environmental
times to form an embryo
conditions or the point in their growth cycles.
Seed Development: Seeds germinate under
Although sexual reproduction requires two
favorable conditions to produce a seedling.
parents, they do not always have to be two
separate individuals. This may sound confusing, Flowering Plant Seeds: The embryo is formed
but some organisms are hermaphroditic, meaning from the zygote, the endosperm is formed by
they contain both male and female gametes. In double fertilization, and the seed coat is formed by
this instance, those organisms are able to self- maternal tissue of the ovule.
fertilize. Despite the fact that these gametes come
How do plants reproduce sexually and asexually?
The plant reproductive system uses different PARTS AND FUNCTION OF THE PLANTS
strategies for species continuation. Some plants
reproduce sexually (sexual reproduction) while
others reproduce asexually (vegetative
Sexual Reproduction in plants usually depends on
pollinating agents, while asexual reproduction is
independent of these agents. The flower is the
basic reproductive organ of plants that produces
seeds through sexual reproduction. In most plants,
seeds serve as the primary method by which
individuals of the species are dispersed across the
landscape to facilitate reproduction.
Vegetative Reproduction, on the other hand, is a
natural process of asexual reproduction that does Vegetative Parts of a Flower
not entail the union of sex cells or gametes and
results in new plant “individuals” without the The vegetative part of a flower consists of the
production of seeds or spores. following:

Plant Sexual Life Cycle Petals

The plant life cycle involves two distinct stages: This is a bright-coloured part that attracts bees,
the Gametophyte Stage and the Sporophyte Stage. insects, and birds. The colour of petals varies from
plant to plant; some are bright while some are pale
During the Gametophyte Stage, the haploid
Gametophyte produces distinct multicellular coloured. Thus, petals help us to differentiate one
structures called the male and female Gametes. flower from another.

The male and female gametes fuse during Sepals

fertilization to create a diploid Zygote. Sepal is the green-coloured part beneath the petals
The zygote develops into a still-diploid to protect rising buds. Some flowers have fused
Sporophyte, thus marking the entry into the petals-sepals while a few have separated petals-
sporophyte stage of the plant life cycle. sepals.
The diploid sporophyte produce Spores through
Reproductive Parts of a Flower
These spores divide through mitosis to once again
produce haploid gametophytes, which will once Flowers contain the plant’s reproductive
again produce gametes, and the cycle repeats. structures. In different plants, the number of
petals, sepals, stamens and pistils can vary. The Along with the vegetative and reproductive parts,
presence of these parts differentiates the flower a flower is also composed of four whorls, which
into complete or incomplete. Apart from these are largely responsible for the radial arrangement
parts, a flower includes reproductive parts – the of a flower. A typical flower has a circular section
stamen and pistil. A flower may have only female with a common centre, which can be clearly
parts, only male parts, or both. observed and distinguished from the top of the
flower. There four whorls are:
The reproductive parts of a flower consist of the
following: Calyx
Stamen The calyx is the outermost whorl of a flower. It
comprises sepals, and tiny leaves present at the
This is the male reproductive organ and is also
base of a flower. These protect the flower whorls
known as Androecium. It consists of two parts
against mechanical injuries and desiccation. Some
namely: anther and filaments.
plants have coloured sepals the calyx and are
The anther is a yellowish, sac-like structure, called petaloid.
involved in producing and storing the pollens.
The filament is a slender, threadlike object, which
If the sepals are free the calyx is called
functions by supporting the anther.
polysepalous, and if they are united it is called
Pistil gamosepalous. In many flowers, the sepals fall off
before the flower even opens fully. Such sepals
This is the innermost part and the female
are known as caducous. In some, the sepals fall
reproductive organ of a flower which comprises
off after fertilization. Such sepals are known as
three parts -stigma, style and ovary. This is
deciduous. The persistent sepals remain up to the
collectively known as the pistil.
fruiting stage.
It is the topmost part or receptive tip of carpels in
This is the second whorl of a flower. It contains
the gynoecium of a flower.
petals which serve two main functions:
To attract pollinators.
It is the long tube-like slender stalk that connects
To protect the reproductive parts of a flower
the stigma and the ovary.
Petals are brightly coloured and scented to attract
animals and insects for pollination. The calyx and
It is the ductless reproductive gland that holds a corolla are collectively called the perianth.
lot of ovules. It is the part of the plant where the
Different forms of the corolla are found in the
seed formation takes place.
Polypetalous Regular
Along with the vegetative and reproductive parts,
Polypetalous Irregular
a flower is also composed of four whorls, which
are largely responsible for the radial arrangement Gamopetalous Regular
of a flower. A typical flower has a circular section
Gamopetalous Irregular
with a common centre, which can be clearly
observed and distinguished from the top of the Stamens
flower. There four whorls are:
Stamen is also known as the third whorl of the
Whorls flower and is the male reproductive part. It
consists of a filament which is a thread-like Tissues are groups of cells which work together to
structure with a circular structure anther on the carry out a specific function. A collection of
top. Pollen is produced by the anther which tissues which work together to carry out a function
contributes to the male reproductive process of the is called an organ. You need to know about the
plant. All the stamens do not bear fertile anthers. following tissues in plants and what they do:
The carpel is the fourth whorl of the flower Epidermal tissues – the epidermis is the upper
present in the centre. The carpels contain the tissue layer of a leaf. It is thin and transparent
pistil, the female reproductive part of the flower. It which allows light to reach the photosynthesising
comprises the ovary, style, and stigma. The egg or cells in the palisade mesophyll layer below.
the ovule is present in the ovary. After Together with the waxy cuticle, it also protects the
fertilization, sometimes the ovary turns into the leaf from damage.
fruit to keep the seed. At the top of the ovary is a
Palisade mesophyll – this is a tissue layer found
vertical structure called style that supports the
towards the top of leaves where most of the
stigma. The dispersed pollens stick to the stigma
photosynthesis takes place. Cells in the palisade
and travel down to the ovary through the style.
mesophyll layer are found close together and are
packed full of chloroplasts to absorb the light
energy needed for photosynthesis. Their position
Functions of a Flower
towards the top of the leaf also means that they
The important functions of flowers are mentioned can absorb as much light energy as possible.
Spongy mesophyll – this is a tissue layer in the
• Gametophytes develop in the flowers. leaves which contains air spaces to allow gas
exchange to take place. The carbon dioxide
The flowers can produce diaspores without
needed for photosynthesis can circulate and
diffuse into cells while the oxygen produced from
After fertilization, the ovary of the flower photosynthesis can diffuse out of the cells and into
develops into a fruit containing a seed.
The most important function of flowers is
reproduction. They help in the union of male and
female gametes.
Flowers provide nectar to certain birds and
insects, which in turn help in the transfer of pollen
from one flower to the other.
Flowers may promote selfing, i.e., the union of
sperms and eggs from the same flower, or cross-
fertilization, i.e., the union of sperms and eggs
from different flowers. the air spaces and will eventually diffuse out of
the leaf through the stomata.


Xylem and phloem – these are vessels which
transport water and sugars around the plant.
Plant Tissues Xylem carries water (and dissolved mineral ions)
from the roots to the rest of the plant. Phloem
vessels transport sugars from photosynthetic
regions of the plant (e.g. the leaves) to other parts osmosis. Their cell membranes have lots of carrier
of the plant. proteins for the active transport of mineral ions.
Meristem tissue – this is found at the growing tips Xylem vessels transport water and mineral ions
of roots and shoots and contains stem cells. Stem from the roots to the stem and leaves. They are
cells are unspecialised cells which are able to composed of hollow tubes strengthened by lignin.
divide into any type of cell to form the various Water moves through the plant due to
parts of a plant (e.g. some stem cells will become transpiration.
root cells, others will become pollen grains). The
Phloem vessels transport dissolved sugars from
meristems also contain cells which are actively
the leaves to the rest of the plant for immediate
dividing which allows the plant to grow.
use or storage. They are composed of elongated
The leaf is an example of a plant organ. It includes cells which contain pores in their end walls to
all of the tissues listed above, except for meristem allow cell sap to move from one phloem cell to the
tissue which is only found in the tips of roots and next. The movement of sugars around the plant is
shoots. The leaf also contains stomata which are known as translocation.
gaps in the leaf which control gas exchange. They
allow carbon dioxide to move into the leaf for
photosynthesis and oxygen to leave the leaf. Plant cell / tissue
Guard cells are found at either side of stomata and
Root hair cell
are responsible for opening and closing the
stomata depending on whether it is daytime or Xylem tissue
night-time. During the night, the guard cells close
Phloem tissue
the stomata to prevent too much water vapour
escaping from the leaf (transpiration) when the Transpiration
plant is not photosynthesising. Guard cells open
Water moves into root hair cells by osmosis down
and close due to the movement of water into and
a water potential gradient and is transported to
out of the cells by osmosis.
different parts of the plants in the xylem. Water
near the surface of the leaf evaporates, becoming
water vapour and exiting the leaf through the
stomata. When this happens water is drawn up
from the xylem to replace the water lost from the
leaves. This is known as a ‘‘transpiration stream’
or ‘transpiration pull’.

Factors which affect the rate of transpiration:

Plant Organisation
Humidity: humid conditions means the air is full
Plants have two transport systems – the xylem and of water vapour, which reduces the concentration
the phloem – which are adapted for transporting gradient of water vapour between the inside and
water and sugars. You need to know how these the outside of the leaf. This reduces the rate of
two transport vessels, along with root hair cells, transpiration as water vapour diffuses out of
are specialised for carrying out their function. stomata more slowly.

How it is adapted for its function Wind speed: the faster the wind speed, the faster
the rate of transpiration since windy conditions
Root hair cells have a large surface area to volume
will move any water molecules hanging around
ratio, which increase their uptake of water by
outside of the leaf. This increases the
concentration gradient so increases the rate of This type of tissue forms three types of muscles,
transpiration. namely skeletal (striated and voluntary) muscle,
smooth (non-striated and involuntary) muscle and
Temperature: higher temperature increases the
cardiac (striated and involuntary) muscle. They
rate of transpiration as the water molecules have
help in movement by contraction and relaxation of
more kinetic energy so move faster out of the
stomata. Higher temperatures also increase
evaporation of water from a liquid to gaseous Connective Tissue
As the name suggests, they connect the different
Light intensity: higher light intensity causes the tissues, organs, and parts of the body. Different
stomata to be open for longer time periods, types of connective tissues are Areolar tissue,
therefore the amount of transpiration will increase. Adipose tissue (fat), Blood, Lymph, Bone, and
Cartilage. They connect and support organs and
also transport substances between organs.
Nerve Tissue
These tissues are made up of specialized cells
called nerve cells (neurons). They conduct and
transmit electrochemical impulses between
Animal Tissue
The animal body is made of four different types of

The major organs in higher animals include

Epithelial Tissue the brain, heart, lungs, kidneys, liver,
stomach, intestines, and skin, as well as the
All organs in the body are lined with a group of reproductive organs.
tissues called epithelial tissues. They cover the
surface of all internal as well as external organs. brain is the control center of the body,
directly and indirectly regulating all vital
There are four types of epithelial tissues:
functions, including breathing and the beating
Squamous epithelium, Stratified epithelium, of the heart.
Cuboidal epithelium and Columnar epithelium. heart serves as a pump that circulates blood
They are cuboidal, columnar or flat shaped cells. throughout the body.
The main functions of these tissues involve lungs function in gas exchange; they are
protection, secretion, absorption, sensation etc.. responsible for adding oxygen to and
removing carbon dioxide from the blood.
Muscle Tissue kidneys maintain water balance and help rid
the body of metabolic wastes.
stomach and the intestines are the primary
sites for the digestion of food and the
absorption of nutrients.
Stage 1: The process of embryogenesis
One of the most important organs is the liver. begins with an egg or ovum being fertilized by
Among its many functions are removing a sperm cell to form a zygote. The zygote is
wastes and toxic materials from the surrounded by a strong membrane made up
blood,clotting. of glycoproteins, which the sperm has
skin has a variety of important functions. It is managed to penetrate. The zygote is formed
the main barrier between the inner body and 24 hours after the egg and sperm nuclei fuse.
the environment and is the body’s first line of
The zygote is a single diploid cell.
defense against “foreign” invaders, such as
allergens and infectious organisms. Skin also
functions to some extent in gas exchange, Stage 2: Over the next three days, the zygote
especially in amphibians. undergoes a number of cell divisions, a
process referred to as cleavage. Once the
All animals have reproductive organs, though
embryo has reached the 8-cell stage, it
these vary in complexity depending upon the
animal. In humans and other mammals, the undergoes another process called
female reproductive organs include the uterus compactation, which involves the tight binding
and ovaries; the primary reproductive organs of the cells to create a compact sphere. After
in males are the testes and the penis. compactation, the embryo is made up of 16
cells, which is referred to as the morula.

Stage 3: After one more day, a cavity

referred to as the blastocele develops in the
Embryogenesis, the first eight weeks of morula. Cells inside the blastocele compact
development after fertilization, is an incredibly and flatten to form a structure referred to as
complicated process. It’s amazing that in eight the blastocyst.
weeks we’re transforming from a single cell to an
organism with a multi-level body plan. The Stage 4: Around 24 hours later, the
circulatory, excretory, and neurologic systems all blastocyst moves towards the womb, where it
begin to develop during this stage. Luckily, like implants itself in the lining.
with many complex biological concepts,
fertilization can be broken down into smaller, Stage 5: Over the next week, the mass of
simpler ideas. The big idea of embryogenesis is cells rapidly divides, giving rise to a disc-
going from a single cell to a ball of cells to a set of shaped structure that has two layers. One of
tubes. the layers goes on to become the embryo
and the amniotic cavity, while the other layer
develops into the yolk sac.

Stage 6: A process called gastrulation also

occurs, where the blood system starts to
appear in the placenta and blood cells are
produced by the yolk sac. A streak of cells
becomes apparent on the embryonic disc.

Stage 7: Three weeks after ovulation, two

types of cells arise from the streak which
changes the two-layered disc into a three-
layered one. These layers are referred to as and spinal cord are large and compact and
the ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. the arches for the neck and face have
The endoderm eventually gives rise to the become evident. Differentiation of the
tissue that forms a lining in the tonsils, lungs, digestive layer also gives rise to buds for the
bladder, digestive system, tongue, and lung, stomach, liver, and pancreas.
urethra. The mesoderm develops into the
bones, lymph, heart, lungs, muscles, blood Stage 13: Thirty-four days after ovulation, up
cells, spleen, and genital organs. The to 40 somites are visible and the brain
ectoderm gives rise to the nails, skin, tooth differentiates into the forebrain, midbrain, and
enamel, mammary glands, pituitary gland, hindbrain. Whereas the forebrain is
anus, mouth, sinuses, eye lens, the lining of associated with thinking and memory, the
the external and internal ear, and the entire midbrain is associated with message relay.
nervous system. Thirdly the hindbrain is associated with
control of the heart, breathing, and muscles.
Stage 8: Twenty-three days after ovulation, It is now possible to identify the retina, optic
the embryo is pear-shaped with a broader stalk, mouth, and tongue of the fetus. The
head area. At the same time, embryonic thyroid gland also develops by this stage and
blood cells start to form blood vessels. The the lymphatic system starts to form. The
ectoderm develops into the neural plate and chambers of the heart are now filled with
neural curve that eventually becomes the blood and the lungs continue to form.
nervous system. Structures in the abdomen such as the
gallbladder and stomach also continue to
Stage 9: Twenty-five days after ovulation, the develop.
mesoderm condenses into somites that form
on either side of the neural groove. Three Stage 14: Five weeks after ovulation, the lens
pairs of somites are visible at this stage. pit and optic cup are visible and the head and
brain rapidly grow. The esophagus starts to
Stage 10: Four weeks after ovulation, the form and the four chambers of the heart are
heart fold fuses with the neural folds and up visible. Lung sacs can be seen on either side
to twelve pairs of somites develop. The of the esophagus. The kidneys and ureter
precursor cells for both the ear and eye cells bud can also be seen and nerves start to
appear and the neural tube starts to close. form in the upper limbs.
One S-shaped endocardial tube forms and
the cardiac muscle starts to contract. Stage 15: Thirty-eight days after ovulation,
the jaw begins to form and the beginning of
Stage 11: Thirty days after ovulation, up to the mouth and oral cavity are visible. The
20 pairs of somites have formed and the body of the eye lens also starts to take
central nervous system is developed. If there shape. By this stage, blood begins to flow
are 20 pairs of somites, the forebrain is now through the heart. Additionally, the forearm,
closed. At this point, the heart begins to beat hand plate, and shoulder can begin to be
and peristalsis starts to move fluids through visualized. The lower limb bud also becomes
the body. Optical vesicles and two more rounded at the top where the foot will
pharyngeal arches also appear. start to form.

Stage 12: Thirty-two days after ovulation, up Stage 16: Six weeks after ovulation, the
to 29 pairs of somites have formed and the hemispheres of the brain are well
upper limb buds have developed. The brain differentiated and the lower and upper jaws
are visible. The skull and face continue to females, the clitoris starts to develop and in
form and mammary gland tissue starts to males, this tissue becomes the penis. The
mature. The ureter lengthens and the lower cartilage is gradually replaced with bone and
limb buds start to form the leg, foot, and the finger digits start to separate fully. The
thigh. feet also become more defined.

Stage 17: Forty-five days after ovulation, a Stage 23: Nine weeks after ovulation, the
sense of smell starts to develop and the jaw
head is rounded, the ears are fully formed,
and facial muscles grow. The diaphragm,
teeth buds, trachea, bronchi, and larynx all taste buds develop, the upper and lower
start to develop and the trunk becomes limbs are well-formed and all toe and finger
straighter. digits are separated.

Stage 18: Seven weeks after ovulation, eyes

become pigmented, the eyelids start to form
and nerves develop in the scalp. The body is
more cube-shaped at this stage, and both the
nipples and wrist become recognizable. The
kidneys also start to produce urine.

Stage 19: Fifty-two days after ovulation, the

brain waves can be detected in the brain, and
the gonads begin to form. The limbs have
developed indentations in the knee and ankle
areas, and the toenails start to grow. The
trunk lengthens and becomes straighter,
muscles get stronger and the bone cartilage
becomes solid.

Stage 20: Eight weeks after ovulation, the

brain is connected to nerves and muscles
and movement is possible. The upper limbs
bend at the elbows and skin folds between
what will be the toes are recognizable. The
nasal openings and the nasal tip are also fully
developed. The testes and ovaries can now
be seen.

Stage 21: Fifty-eight days after ovulation, the

eyes are well developed and the tongue will
be fully formed in the following few days. The
feet are still fan-shaped and the toes are

Stage 22: Sixty days after ovulation, the heart

is fully formed, the eyelids and ears are more
developed and the upper lip is formed. In

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