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This story called “MACBETH” by WILLIAM SHAKESPARE published on 1606 and it consist of 304 pages.
The genre of this story is historical and it also represents a classic tragedy play due to the protagonist's
descent into betrayal and violence, which surely results in his own death. Macbeth is the story of how a
little push for hunger can send an aspiring ambitious man on a disastrous and deadly face.

This story MACBETH it is about desire and greed it is about ambition. We do see mankind to say the
least humanity is worst. MACBETH and his significant other, Lady Macbeth fail and flop pitiably as
individual human beings. It is one thing to long for something, to be desirous to be jealous. But then it is
another plan a murder and after another for the sake of prophecy.

Three witches encounter Macbeth a victorious military leader that he will become the king of Duncan.
With this goody of premonition the seed of aspiration in Macbeth sprouts. He starts to consider how he
should deal with make the witches prediction. Macbeth appeared to be blinded by the ideas of power
but he had some integrity in that he felt regretful.

My first impression of Macbeth play was goodness. Macbeth begins with a lighting storm and three very
creepy witches. Macbeth is a provincial chief in Scotland and when he performs strikingly on the
battlefield king Duncan raises Macbeth degree power. In the meantime Macbeth and Banquo meet the
three witches on their way back to the kingdom and they foresee that Macbeth will become ruler.

I would definitely suggest this play to anyone in this century because it serves as a reminder of the perils
of our desires and the evil that resides within each and every one of us. Your life might not be
surrounded by royal blood but it does not mean that a battle doesn’t rage just below the surface of
what’s seen. Macbeth is one of Shakespeare's works that everyone should read at least once in their

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