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Distributed Systems

-Assignment 1-

Online Medication Platform

Student: Pop Elisa Teea

Group: 30442
Teaching Assistant: Balc Diana-Maria
1. Conceptual Architecture of the distributed system
There are three parts that make up the system:
a. The backend, made in Java Spring, that handles the connection to the database and handles all
the logic behind the requirements of the application:
i. Controller​: is the backpoint on the backend side, handles the direct requests from
ii. Dtos​: used to match the data format received from the frontend and may be also used
as a request response
iii. Entities: ​contains the entities mapped on the tables alongside their relation.
iv. Main: ​contains the main application
v. Repositories: ​where data is retrieved/sent to the database
vi. Services: ​takes action over repositories and manipulates it to meet the requirements
vii. Utils: ​has utility classes, for example and encryption class.

The backend was deployed at: ​

b. The frontend, made in Vue.js that provides a friendly interface for the users. It mainly consists
of views that use data from the backend.

c. The database, that deals with storing data that can be later accessed by the backend
2. Database Design

A class named Person was created to maintain all the common fields between the possible roles in this
application. Namely, Doctor, Caregiver and Patient. In this way, we avoid writing duplicate code.

3. UML Deployment Diagram

4. Build and execution considerations
To access the project on the cloud:
Frontend: ​
Backend: ​

The following users can be used to be logged in as a specific role

Username: tabita
Password: Password1
Username: amysteele
Password: Password1
Username: leosullivan
Password: Password1

The functionality of the backend can also be seen by sending requests using postman:

In order to run the server locally, clone the projects. For backend, run Application from the main package and
for the front end write in console
“npm run serve” and access the
given links:
Example of a page:

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