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Quiz 1.

1 Writing an Essay

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Oldan, Jesreel Ayesa R. GEC 005
CE21S5 September 4, 2021

“Nature of Language in our Daily Lives”

Language encompasses all of existence. It maintains the great human

thinking and achievements, which enhances the quality of life for everybody.
Accordingly, as the spectrum of human activity increases, so does a
language's extent. Individuals begin to study languages at birth and
continue to do so until they are far into adulthood. Every day, with every
individual in every setting, language acts as a means of enhanced
connection. Oftentimes, these daily events are disregarded as learning and
socializing opportunities for individuals. With that, we must take advantage
of every chance to connect and communicate with people, to create
relationships, and to help them in developing their language as well.

As I experience language in my daily life, I learned a lot about it. I can

say that language is one of the most important factors in our lives. I’ve
observed that language is clearly visible and audible, without it there would
be no way to communicate. We can learn a new language through
communication as we express our thoughts, feelings and experiences,
develop relationships with our family members or friends, and try to make
sense of our surroundings. We can connect with the rest of the world,
establish our identity, and participate in all areas of society through
language. Also, we are able to pass on our community's history as well as
the customs and traditions through language. This tool is also used for us to
build our own futures. I also learned that acquiring new language every day,
gives us a lot of benefits. It helps us to exercise our brains and to focus
more. It also improves our listening skills and develops our creativity.
Another reason why we should learn new language is for us to understand
other people. Sometimes, we can experience the so called “language
barrier”. Due to a lack of understanding and communication, we are unable
to learn from our surroundings because of language difficulties. Inability to
fully comprehend others can greatly reduce our ability to absorb new
knowledge, as a result. Therefore, the learning process may be hindered.
In conclusion, language can greatly affect our lives. We should take
this seriously and never miss a chance or opportunity to learn more about it.
As with biological evolution, language will also continue to develop as it
seeks to simplify activities and communicate more effectively with others. As
communication becomes more efficient it drives us to do more. With that,
we should really try to understand more about other language. We should
overcome the language barriers that we were experiencing. Despite the
difficulty of overcoming these in the society or in everyday life, it is totally
feasible to accomplish these barriers by choosing the proper strategy and
develop a problem-solving attitude. Also, when you're prepared for barriers,
you'll be likely to perform well around them. Lastly, as language develops
and learned, it takes on new forms, new approaches, new meanings, and
new applications in our lives.

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