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DA TE : 1S/1/!J NO. OF PAGES:12 TIME : 2 hrs.
11,c- fi~l I~ minutes arc for reading only. No wTiting work to be done during this time. The writing time is
excluding this reading time.

(Attempt all questions from this section)

Question J.

Select the correct answers to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy [15]
chc question. Write the correct answer only):
(i) In the absence of the cytokinin, which of the following effect will be seen?
(a) More chlorophylJ synthesis.
(b) Ageing of the plant part.
(c) Increased rate of cell division.
(d) Exr ansion of the cotyledons of the seed.

(ii) On~ example of a radiation pollutant is:

(a) lodjne 131
(b) Mercury
(c) Lead
(d) Phosphorus

(iii ) Which of the following statements is not true with reference to the crossing over
phenomenon of meiosis?
(a) Tetrad formation
(b) J~xchange of sister chromatids
(c) Chiasma formation
(d) I-fomologous pair format ion

1 of 12
( ,I) l ;' l lll)ll() l") I L'

( 1,) ll.1~011hil

tr) Eosinophil

l tl ) Neutrophil

I ,) Poru latio n explo sion has led to :

(a) incre ase in the per capita income of an indiv idual .
(b) shortage of natural resources.
(c) grow th of forests.
(d ) red uction in pollution levels.

ing and closi ng.

(vi) _ _ _ _ ion s play an important role in stomata! open
(::i) Sodi um
(b) Pota~sium
(c) Phos phor us

(d) Iron

type of a baby will be:

(vii) \Vhc n the ovum is fused by X beari ng sperm , the geno
(a) 22 Auto some s + XY sex chro moso mes

(b) 22 rairs of autos omes + XY sex chro moso mes

( c) 22 Auto some s + XX sex chro moso mes

( d) 22 pairs of autos omes + XX sex chro moso mes

inclu des cutti ng and tying of the:

(,i ii) The surg ical meth od of steril isatio n in fema les

(a) Uret ers

(b) Uter us
(c) Urethra
(d) Oviduct

2 of 12
t1 ht"
shrunke n an d th e ceJI·is no more "'g
111c co11di1i o11 in which the cell content 1·s
is srud to be:
to) Turgidity

(b) Hypotonicity
(c) Flaccidity
(d) Isotonicity

(x) A nucleosome contains a hist
(a) Dimer
(b) Tetramer
(c) Hexamer
(d) Octamer

influence of the sympathetic nervous

(xi) Which of the following occurs under the
(a) Contraction of arrector muscles
(b) 1ncreased intestinal peristalsis
(c) Stimulation of salivary secretion

(d) Constriction of pupil

tosynthesis is:
(xii ) The optimum temperature for pho

(a) 40°C
(b) 35° C
(c) 30°C
(d) 25°C

3 of 12
(xiii) l l1c fc11i li 7cd cg,r. gct.s i11117l.1111cd to tile wa ll of the uteru s at the _ _ _ _ stage.
(a) 1~ ~ l) l l'

(b) 11111nd.1

(c) H .l~t Pl" \' ~I

(d) -.c a.strn la

( \.1, ) nu:- te rm homozygous means:

tn) Both alleles are the same
( b) Both alleles are different

(c) Pairing of maternal and paternal chromosomes

( d) Pa iring of sex chromosomes

t_ \ , , ) Whi ch of the fo ll owing is a correct statement when viewing distant objects

(a) The len s bulges
(b) The ci liary muscles are contracted

( c) The su spensory ligaments are stretched

( d) The retina is dilated

Ques tion 2.

(i) Na me the fo llowing: lSl

(a) Hormone producing tissue of the ovary that remains after the ovulation

(bJThe type of tropic response shown by germinating pollen grains when they

land on the stigma of a flower.

( c f l he plant with sunken stomata.

(d)' I he part of a neuron mainly found in the white matter of the spinal cord.
( c) The specifi c parts or a chromosome which determine heredity characteristics.

4 of 12
(ill \ rrn n~r ;.1 n,i r <'-'' n,,, lh,, lrnn<. in ,•1u:h c roup in IIH· n1rn•rl ord er .•mas to 15]

hr in ~ Ir~,"~' ''"l'•rn n · hn::i nninJ! ,, ith tlu.· h·rm llrnl i.-. underlined.

I h di.ilh•"'-k,. \\ ,lier a~sor:rii on b\ root.s . \\-atcr droplets. High hydrostati c

'r i'JJ :c. o: i.hc ccn:,o:-nere. Daughter cells fo nnation. Completion of the ceU
i' .11 " h rrnat ion. Reappearance of nuc leus

(c 11 allure ,,f uird1ac muc;cJes. Ang ina pectoris. Blockage in the coronary artery,
\ll ycx;irdi;:il infarction

ld(I ~11. ·1hyrn1d pland. Anterior lobe of pituitary, Heat production at rest
(c) ( rl nh;,] v.;mrn nfl . C 0 , lcYels increase, Decline in fishery resources in the
I )( C. 11 1. H Ill 11 I 11 g () 1.!;:trh..tg__C

(iii) Mafch flH· ilc-111~ f,!ivrn 111 Column I with the most appropriate ones m [5]
( '0 11111111 II :111cl rT - \\rilr thc·corrcct matching pairs

( olu11111 A
Column B

( .l } I ~l I I. Ion uptake
.. Ovulation
(h l \ I )1 1 11.

( \,, tiL·:11 lium10nes Ill. Water uptake

( l' )
Body temperature regulation
\ d) . \ l't i\ t' tr:rnspo n I V.

V. Glycosuria
Ic ) I I~ pnt haLunus

.. Spermatogenesi s

Vlll .
Adaptation to extreme cold

5 of 12

(iY) C hoos\' the odd one out from the following terms and name the category to [5]
which 1hl' othc,·s belong:

(:1) Hydrilla, Sodium bicarbonate, Pond water, Potassium Hydroxide

(b) lntemode elongation, Inducing fruit ripening, Breaking the seed
dormancy, Inducing the parthenocarpy
· ( c) Cohesion, Bleeding, Adhesion, Suction force
( d) SAN, AV node, Chordae tendinae Bundle of HIS
(e) Chlorophyll, Haemoglobin. Urochrome, Bilirubin,

( v) State the exact location of the following structures: (5]

(a) Uterus
(b) Cuticle
(c) Meiosis in plants
(d) Malleus
(e) Kidneys

(Attempt any four questions from this section)

Question 3
(i) Define population density. (1)
(ii) State a significant difference between identical twins and fraternal twins , [2}
(iii) Give one example of a genetic disorder which is more commonly found in males

rather than females and state the reason for its occurrence. [2}

6 of 12
c n rcn ul cor tex and me du ll a wit
h refere nce to {2]
a ~it_: rn fic. ml dil fr rc nn : lict wc
(1v) S1a1c
i<X~Hl<'il and ,l J'J'('.m uu:c
p.1 , c11 C"\pcrirncn t;1I set -up and ans we r the questi ons that follow :
(' t ~1ud~ the

wn above?
(a) WhJt is the aim of the experiment sho
l? Give one reason.
(b) \Vhich of tJ1i s set-up acts as a contro
ation of both the set-ups.
( c) Explain the difference in the observ

(J uc."' tion 4
f 1) Expand the abb rev iation - ABA.
ulation exp losion in India.
(i1 ) Write fou r major reasons for the pop
') ; a \ ignificant dif fere nce
between blood and lymph.
(1 JJJ
ph cno typ ic ratio of Mende l 's dihybrid cross with plant height and
(i\' ) Stmc the
d based on the same phenotypic rati
flower po.silion . De fine the law derive

7 of 12
(' 1 \ IHth lhL· r 1, en L·, p~rimcrnal set-up ,rnd answe r the followin g questi ons:

- Initial level of

-- - Sugar solution

- :-I Water

(a) A ltcr some time, what will be the change in the level of solution of the

thi stle funnel? Why?

( b) Drnv,, a neatly labelled diagram of the control set-up for the above
(c) De tine osmotic pressure.

Question 5
(i) Define biodegradable waste. [1]

(i i) State the function of the : 12]

( a) lJrctcr
(h)Tha lam us
What arc tropic hormones? t r·'tfiY\,(lUA ;r [2]

8 of 12
(i, J ,.;:1,11c .1 :- it:11ilir.111 1 d11'kn·11c l' bc twct:11 rods and cones based on sensiti vity to light [2]
.111d rl't!L'111..·r.1t io n 1im e.
(' ) ~tud~ tile g iven diagram with the experim ental set-up A and Band answer the [3]
lt)/l owing question s:

- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - -- - -- - - -

of turn

) Vm) i '
,'-'----'---' .I I

- I
7 j r
•· '~ I ~
[ A ~et-up / I B Set-up I

(a) ldentily the instrument.

(b) \Vhich t.ype of tropism is studied using the above instrument?
( c) Not e dovm the observa tions in set up A and B after a few days of continu ation

of the experiment.

()ucs tion 6

f i) Define diapede sis. [1]

(ii ) /Jr.:1w c1 neat labelled diagram of the structural and functional unit of the nervous [2]
system .
ii) Stale a signific ant di ffcrcncc between photochemical phase and biosynthetic phase [2]
of photosy nthesis with referenc e to products formed.

9 of 12
(i ,·) I i~ t 1wl, r.wsc~ or w :1tL·r pollut ion. 12]
c, ) S111d~ 1lic d i.1rn1111 L~ivcn below and answer the questions that foJJow: 13]


'A - - - -_J'/•

(a ) Give tJ1 c function of the part labelled D.

( b) Name the hormone producing cells that are present inside the part labelled
(c) What is the role of the part labelled B?

Question 7
(i) D e fine implantation. [1]
(i9 List precautions taken during the use of potometer. [2]

(oi) State the significance of each of the following: [2]

(a) Fibrinogen
(a) Chordae tendinae
Sta te a significant difference in the blood flowing through afferent and efferent [2]

arteri ole.

10 of 12
(I\ ) ~ n1d~ the given figure on mitosis and answer the following questions: [3)

- - __ ____ ____ ___,

( ~1) lc.Jcnlify whi ch type ofceJI is shown above and justify your identificati on.
(h) N: 1111c 1J1c g ive n phase of mitosis and give a reason.
(c ) 1),-Jw ;1 nl.!atly labelled diagram of the phase that follows the above shown

phase .

Ques tion 8
( i) Defin e api ca l dominance [1]
(ii) Li st the nitrogenou s bases found in a DNA, along with their pairing rule and [2]

number of hydrogen bonds that are present between them.

(iii ) Li st two characteri stics of a root that make them suitable for absorbing water from [2]

thc.:soi l.
<i,) ·1ht: atmospheri c factors like carbon dioxide concentrati on and atmospheri c [2]

r n.:ss urc in 11 uc;ncc the rate of transpiratio n. Explain.

11 of 12
we r the following questions: (3)
(,·) Study the g ive n fig ure and ans

._____C_· ~I~~-. Promote~

F \ insul,n
\. reli!as.e

~ - -- , \
St·mulales g:ycogen
..,-=-I 8 - .I""'-- l

f_ ,,
~ -\oo·... ri

:· ~-~
_ -~,___ '

- . , -"

~ ,,-f, /
' ..."¾. ~~
: .

~- -~ -
D ---; T-1 j_, . ,, \.. . . -~. ' .

lt\l)) r
__. ;/
~r . ,~"'-
St1rnulJ tes '-" •' ·'"'
.-_,._ • ; !
91ycoge:1 lorm a1ion .
,1:r"r Stim u?alo s
. y . glucose 1
. 1
-··· " , ll - n · ~ uptake i
from / Promotes
t .,,. • T,~~ e ceus
E blood /
_.,/ ' release
~- - -----,,/'"
L- A- I

(a) La be l the parts A and B.

on the abo ve im age , wh at cou ld be the stimulus for the release
(b) Based
hormone insulin?
wh en it act s on the liver?
(c.:) Wh at will be the effect of ho rm on e B

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