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Questions for Reflection:

1. What did you feel while you were doing the activity?

While doing the activity, a thought immediately popped up in my mind that I know more
the ideal me than the real me for the reason that I still asked a friend to describe me as a
person for me to be able to identify what characteristics I possessed. Thus, then I realized that
I'm a bubbly and lively kind of person that brings happiness and light to others.

2. Compare your drawings of your real self and ideal self. Are the two the same? If so, why do
you think those are the same? If the drawings in the real self-box and ideal self-box are not the
same, why do you think?

The drawings I made in real self and in my ideal self is somewhat different due to the
fact that my real self is lively and bubbly while the ideal self that I want is to become prim and
proper. Hence, I drew a crown for it symbolizes royalties which have an attribute of being prim
and proper for they are trained to be like it.

3.What are your insights from this activity?

This activity enlightened me to be more aware and conscious of my real self for me to
have the capability to identify my strengths and weaknesses that will help me to become a
better individual and a good example to everybody. Moreover, I also learned that I should work
on my weaknesses and enhance it for it might help me to become the ideal self that I dreamed
of. On the other hand, I shouldn't let the thought that I must change into my ideal self
overpower for it can lead to the wreckage of my mental and emotional well-being.

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