KYC Test Cases

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TC_REGIST_001 Verify the registration

TC_REGIST_001 Verify the registration

TC_REGIST_001 Verify the registration

TC_REGIST_001 Verify the registration

TC_LOGIN_002 Verify the login

TC_LOGIN_002 Verify the login

TC_LOGIN_002 Verify the login

TC_LOGIN_002 Verify the login of

TC_BUSINESS INFO-003 Verify the Business Information

TC_BUSINESS INFO-003 Verify the Business Information

TC_BUSINESS INFO-003 Verify the Business Information

TC_BUSINESS INFO-003 Verify the Business Information

TC_BUSINESS INFO-003 Verify the Business Information

TC_BUSINESS INFO-003 Verify the Business Information

TC_KYC-004 Verify the authorise signatory KYC

TC_KYC-004 Verify the authorise signatory KYC

TC_KYC-004 Verify the authorise signatory KYC

TC_KYC-004 Verify the authorise signatory KYC

TC_KYC-004 Verify the authorise signatory KYC

TC_KYC-004 Verify the authorise signatory KYC

TC_KYC-004 Verify the authorise signatory KYC

TC_KYC-004 Verify the authorise signatory KYC

TC_KYC-004 Verify the authorise signatory KYC

TC_KYC-004 Verify the authorise signatory KYC

TC_KYC-004 Verify the authorise signatory KYC

TC_KYC-004 Verify the authorise signatory KYC

TC_KYC-004 Record a selfie Video

KYC verification
If any


Enter a non-existing User Name and valid Password

Enter the non-existing user name and invalid password

Enter existing user name and valid password

Enter an already existing User Name and Enter invalid Password

Enter valid User Name and valid Password

Enter valid User Name and invalid Password

Enter invalid User Name and valid Password

Enter invalid User Name and invalid Password

1. Enter Valid Company Trading Name,It is a mandatory field

2. Enter Valid Company address,It is a mandatory field
3. Enter Valid Company Status,It is a mandatory field
4. Enter Valid Company Number,It is a mandatory field
5. Enter Valid VAT/GST Number ,It is a mandatory field
6. Enter Valid Details of present directors / Partners /
Properieters,It is a mandatory Field

1. Enter Valid Trading Name,It is a mandatory field

2. Enter Valid Company address,It is a mandatory field
3. Enter Valid Company Status,It is a mandatory field
4. Enter Valid Company Number,It is a mandatory field
5. Enter Valid VAT/GST Number ,It is a mandatory field
6. Enter Valid Details of present directors / Partners /
Properieters,It is a mandatory Field

1. Enter Valid Trading Name,It is a mandatory field

2. Enter Valid Company address,It is a mandatory field
3. Enter Valid Company Status,It is a mandatory field
4. Enter Valid Company Number,It is a mandatory field
5. Enter Valid VAT/GST Number ,It is a mandatory field
6. Enter Valid Details of present directors / Partners /
Properieters,It is a mandatory Field

1. Enter Valid Trading Name,It is a mandatory field

2. Enter Valid Company address,It is a mandatory field
3. Enter Valid Company Status,It is a mandatory field
4. Enter Valid Company Number,It is a mandatory field
5. Enter Valid VAT/GST Number ,It is a mandatory field
6. Enter Valid Details of present directors / Partners /
Properieters,It is a mandatory Field

1. Enter Valid Trading Name,It is a mandatory field

2. Enter Valid Company address,It is a mandatory field
3. Enter Valid Company Status,It is a mandatory field
4. Enter Valid Company Pancard Number,It is a mandatory field
5. Enter Valid VAT/GST Number ,It is a mandatory field
6. Enter Valid Details of present directors / Partners /
Properieters,It is a mandatory Field

1. Enter Valid Trading Name,It is a mandatory field

2. Enter Valid Company address,It is a mandatory field
3. Enter Valid Company Status,It is a mandatory field
4. Enter Valid Company Pancard Number,It is a mandatory field
5. Enter Valid VAT/GST Number ,It is a mandatory field
6. Enter Valid Details of present directors / Partners /
Properieters,It is a mandatory Field
1. Enter Valid Full Name of the authorised signatory person,It is a
mandatory field
2. Enter Valid Pan card number,It is a mandatory field

3.Enter Valid aadhar card number,It is a mandatory field

4.Enter Mobile Number,It is a mandatory field

5.Enter OTP received on mobile no.

5.Enter Email-id,It is a mandatory field

6.Enter verification code received on Email-id

6.Ener Permanent Address,It is a mandatory field

7.Enter Current Address

8.Upload Pan Card,It is a mandatory field

9.Upload Aadhar Card,It is a mandatory field

10. Click on Submit Button

1.Open Camera and record a selfie video


1. Need a non-exising user name 2.Need

at least 10 characters long. Has a combination of upper and lowercase letters,
numbers and special symbols.

1. Need a non-exising user name 2.Need

at least 10 characters long. Has a combination of upper and lowercase letters,
numbers and special symbols.

1. Need a non-exising user name 2.Need

at least 10 characters long. Has a combination of upper and lowercase letters,
numbers and special symbols.

1. Need a non-exising user name 2.Need

at least 10 characters long. Has a combination of upper and lowercase letters,
numbers and special symbols.

1. Need a valid Account to do login

1. Need a valid Account to do login

1. Need a valid Account to do login

1. Need a valid Gmail Account to do login

1. Need a valid Business Informtion

1. Need a valid Business Informtion

1. Need a valid Business Informtion

1. Need a valid Business Informtion

1. Need a valid Business Informtion

1. Need a valid Business Informtion

1.Full Name field should not be blank.It should not contain number or spaecial
1.Enter valid pan card number,pan card number field should not be blank.It should
not contain any special symbol
1. Enter a valid aadhar card number, the aadhar card number field should not be
blank. It should not contain any character or special symbol
1. The mobile number should not be blank, the space should not be accepted in the
name, the symbol/alphabets should not be accepted in the phone number field

1. Enter valid OTP

1. The email Address field should not be blank, should not be invalid, should contain
one “@” sign, should not contain two “@” signs, should contain a subdomain, should
contain a top-level domain (. com/.net etc.), should only allow maximum of two dots,
should not contain any random string, should contain a dot after the sub-domain
name. Registered email should not be accepted

Enter valid verification code

Enter valid permanent adderess,permanent address should not be blank

Enter current address

Upload File

Upload file

All fields should be filled properly to activate submit button

Camera should be open to record video


1. Enter User Name <Valid User Name>

2. Enter Password <Valid Password>

3. Click "Create an account"


1. Enter User Name <Valid User Name>

2. Enter Password <Invalid Password>

3. Click "Create an account"


1. Enter User Name <Invalid User Name>

2. Enter Password <Valid Password>

3. Click "Create an account"


1. Enter User Name <Invalid User Name>

2. Enter Password <Invalid Password>

3. Click "Create an account"


1. Enter User Name <Valid User Name>

2. Enter Password <Valid Password>
3. Click "Login" button
1. Enter User Name <Valid User Name>
2. Enter Password <Invalid Password>
3. Click "Login" button
1. Enter User Name <Invalid User Name>
2. Enter Password <Valid Password>
3. Click "Login" button
1. Enter User Name <Invalid User Name>
2. Enter Password <Invalid Password>
3. Click "Login" button
1. EnterCompany Trading Name <Valid Company Trading Name>
2. Enter Company Address <Valid Company Address>
3. Enter Company Status <Valid Company Status>
4. Enter Company Number <Valid Company Number>
5. Enter VAT/GST Number <Valid VAT/GST Number>
6.Enter details of present <Valid Details
7.Click on "Submit" Button
1. EnterCompany Trading Name <Valid Company Trading Name>
2. Enter Company Address <Blank Company Address>
3. Enter Company Status <Valid Company Status>
4. Enter Company Number <Valid Company Number>
5. Enter VAT/GST Number <Valid VAT/GST Number>
6.Enter details of present <Valid Details>
7.Click on "Submit" Button
1. EnterCompany Trading Name <Valid Company Trading Name>
2. Enter Company Address <Valid Company Address>
3. Enter Company Status <Blank Company Status>
4. Enter Company Number <Valid Company Number>
5. Enter VAT/GST Number <Valid VAT/GST Number>
6.Enter details of present <Valid Details>
7.Click on "Submit" Button
1. EnterCompany Trading Name <Valid Company Trading Name>
2. Enter Company Address <Valid Company Address>
3. Enter Company Status <Valid Company Status>
4. Enter Company Number <Blank Company Number>
5. Enter VAT/GST Number <Valid VAT/GST Number>
6.Enter details of present <Valid Details>
7.Click on "Submit" Button
1. EnterCompany Trading Name <Valid Company Trading Name>
2. Enter Company Address <Valid Company Address>
3. Enter Company Status <Valid Company Status>
4. Enter Company Number <Valid Company Number>
5. Enter VAT/GST Number <Blank VAT/GST Number>
6.Enter details of present <Valid Details>
7.Click on "Submit" Button
1. EnterCompany Trading Name <Valid Company Trading Name>
2. Enter Company Address <Valid Company Address>
3. Enter Company Status <Valid Company Status>
4. Enter Company Number <Valid Company Number>
5. Enter VAT/GST Number <Valid VAT/GST Number>
6.Enter details of present <Blank Details>
7.Click on "Submit" Button
Enter Full Name <Valid Full Name>
<Invalid Full Name>
Enter Pan Card Number <Valid Pan Card Number>
<Invalid Pan Card Nuber>
Enter aadhar card number <Valid Aadhar Card Number>
<Invalid Aadhar Card Nuber>
Enter mobile Number <Valid Mobile No.>

<Invalid Mobile No.>

Enter OTP <Valid OTP>
<Invalid OTP>
Enter Email-id <Valid Email-id>

<Invalid Email-id>

Enter Verification code <Valid Verification code>

<Invalid Verification code>

Enter permanent adderess <Valid Permanent Address>
<Invalid Permanent Address>
Enter current address <Valid Current Address>
<Invalid Curren Address>
Upload pan card <Pan Card Uploaded>
<Pan Card not Uploaded>
Upload aadhar card <Aadhar Card Uploaded>
<Aadhar Card not Uploaded>
Click on Submit Button <Submit Button Active>

<Submit Button InActive>

Click on record voideo button <Submit recorded video>
<Selfie video not recorded properly>

A message "Welcome,Your account is created sucessfully".

A message "The Password should contain a minimum of 10 characters with a combination of

upper and lowercase letters, numbers and special symbols."

A message" Username is already existing"

A message "The Username and password are valid"

Successful login

A message "The email and password you entered don't match" is shown

A message "The email and password you entered don't match" is shown
A message "The email and password you entered don't match" is shown

A message" The Business Informtion save sucessfully" and navigate to contact information

A message " Company Address should not be blank"

A message " Company Status should not be blank"

A message " Company Status should not be blank"

A message " Company VAT/GST Number should not be blank"

A message " Details of present directors/Partners/Properietersshould not be blank"

A message " Enter Valid Full Name"

A message " Enter Valid Pan Card Number"

A message " Enter Valid Aadhar Card Number"

A message " Enter Valid Mobile Number"

A message "OTP Entered Successfully"
A message " Enter Valid OTP"
A message " Verification code is forwarded to your Email-id"

A message " Enter Valid Email-id"

A message " Verification code entered sucessfully"

A message " Enter Valid verification code"

A message " Enter Valid permanent address"

A message " Enter Valid Curren address"

A message "Pan card Uploaded sucessfully"
A message " Upload your pan card"
A message "Aadhar card Uploaded successfully"
A message " Upload your aadhar card"
User navigate to record a video page

A message "Please enter details in all mandatory fields"

A message " Selfie Video Submitted sucessfully" .
A message " Error to submit video"
Login Screen open

Gmail inbox is
KYC status page

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