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Going back from our previous lesson of Immanuel Kant’s Duty ethics, he failed to

the consequence (outcome/effect) of one’s action. At the same time, he didn’t

mention how to make decisions in situations wherein there will be conflicting
theories. (Ex. Your duty as son/daughter and your duty as a student. What duty will matters the most?
• Even though Kant’s ethics appears to be absolutistic (absolute), William David
Ross still believed that deontologism (duty) is important in determining the
morality of an action. In such way, he believed that moral rules serves as moral
guidelines in such way they must be adjusted of modified.
• William David Ross also considered Utilitarianism as a good basis for moral
decisions. However, he is also ware of the problem of the utilitarian principle of
justice due to the upholding of happiness of the greatest number whereas
minority was disregarded.
What did William David Ross’ did?
His attempted to put up his own philosophy, “The right and the good
principle” that will combine the strengths of both the utilitarianism and
deontologism while at the same time, giving solutions to their weaknesses.
The Right and the Good
 He developed an ETHICAL PRINCIPLE which is a

Absolutistic The problem of
Conflict of duties Justice

Ross’ Ethical Theory

Ross’s Basis of Doing Good
• In determining the morality of an action, it is important to know
the rightness and the goodness of an act before making a moral
• RIGHT and GOOD are the two indispensable qualities of a moral
• RIGHTNESS belongs to the action, independent of motives.
GOODNESS belongs to the motives.
• There is a big difference between right and good. Right ness pertains to the
action itself and not the intention of doing such act. On the other hand,
goodness refers to the intention of an agent (human) in doing the action.

How can we say that an action is good?

 For Ross, an action could only be considered good if it comes
from a right action that is coupled by a good motive.
The Right and the Good
 An action is good if it is coupled if its comes from
right action with a good motive.

Right Good Moral

Action Intention Action
The Actual Duty vs. the Prima Facie Duty
In order to provide a solution to Kant’s problem of not
providing a solution to a situation where there are conflicting
duties, he distinguished actual duty from prima facie duty.
 ACTUAL DUTY is one’s real duty in a given situation
 It is the action that we ought to choose from among many other choices of
 PRIMA FACIE DUTY is that which directs or commands what ought to
perform when other relevant factors are taken into account.
 “at first glance” / “so far as it appears”
Example: You have a friend that have personal problems. After class s/he asked you to
accompany him/her to the nearest milktea house in your school because s/he will share her
problems to you to ask for an advice. As the eldest in your family, you are always asked to
go home early right after class by your mother so you could help her in your sari-sari store
at home.
In this situation, you need to decide on which among the two prima
facie duties is more of a duty—actual duty.
Refer to page 155 for another example
The Right and the Good
Ross offered two principles by which to resolve cases of
conflicting duties:
1. Act in accordance with the stronger, more stringent, and more
severe prima facie duty.
In conflicting duties, one should decide on what needs a more immediate
attention and action. In such case, the that needs immediate action will be
your actual duty. (Kung ano ang mas kailangan o hinihingi ng isang sitwasyon.)
2. Act in accordance with the prima facie duty that has greater
balance of rightness over wrongness compared to other prima
facie duty.
Duty has a greater weight in terms of goodness would be the one that need to
be acted upon. (Kung ano sa tingin nyo ang mas matimbang ang kabutihan na idudulot
nito, ito ang dapat piliin.)
The Right and the Good
In determining what is the actual duty from the prima facie
duties, one should rely on his moral intuitions as the ultimate
guide in particular cases. Here, one has the duty to:
a. Learn and discern the facts in the case. (Alamin ang detalye ng
b. Consider the possible consequences of our actions. (Isipin
kung ano ang maaring mga maging bunga nang napiling gawin/kilos)
c. Reflect on our prima facie duties. (Pagnilayan kung ano ba talaga
ang mga prima facie sa sitwasyon)
d. Decide the best course of action under the circumstances.
(Magdesisyon kung anong pinakamagandang gawin sa sitwasyon)
The Right and the Good
There are seven types of Prima Facie Duties that everyone should
1. Duty of Fidelity—the duty to be faithful to our duties, obligations, vows or
2. Duty of Reparation—the duty to make amends for the injuries that we
have inflicted on others, i.e., we have to overcome the injuries that we
have done to others by doing good. This is also known as the duty of
3. Duty of Gratitude—the duty to show appreciation and recognition to the
services that the others have done for us for the purpose of generating
more goodness.
4. Duty of Justice—this enjoins us to distribute properly the social benefits
to others. This is the duty to distribute properly the burdens of the
society so that everybody will also have the share not only in joys but in
sufferings as well.
The Right and the Good
5. Duty of Beneficence. The duty to bring good to others.
6. Duty of Self-Improvement. The duty to help ourselves in
terms of virtue, intelligence and happiness. Everyone has the
duty to help one’s self so that they can be in a better position
to help others.
7. Duty of non-maleficence. The duty not to cause harm to
others. We have to avoid inflicting injuries or harm upon
others as we would avoid doing so for ourselves.
Harming others would include respecting the rights of
everyone else and protecting as well their dignity as a person.
Culpable negligence would be considered immoral. Over-
speeding, for example, is considered immoral because the
driver lacks the diligence required and thereby, exposing the
pedestrians in danger.
Moral Standards

Right Good Moral

Action Intention Action

• An action is moral if the action right and couple with good intention.
• If the action is right but the intention is not good it is immoral.
Example #1 - You helped an old woman cross the pedestrian lane because she carries many things with her hands.
• The action is right because of our concern to the woman.
• The intention is good because you are not thinking of what will you receive by helping the old woman.

Example #2 - You helped an old woman cross the pedestrian lane because she carries many things with her hands
but it was being filmed by your friend on the other side of the street.
• The action is right because of your concern to the woman.
• The intention is not good because you are helping just for you to be viral because the video will be
uploaded online.
Critique on the Ethics of William David Ross
• In discerning the facts and situation. It is difficult to determine what is really
right and wrong in certain situations
• In determining the rightness of action, we have to rely on our own
perception then our decision is subjective on our own perception of a
situation for it may vary depending one one’s education and experience.
• If the decision will become subjective, then we may be falling back to ethical
relativism. (Or should we say that Ross’ moral philosophy is an ethical
relativism in disguise)
In general…
• Ross attempted to give an answer in case there will be conflicting
duties that was not given a solution by Immanuel Kant.
• A moral action must be a good action coupled with good intention.
• Always remember that in conflicting duties, you need to weigh the
situation for you to choose among the prima facie duties that will
eventually become your actual duty.
• It is not important whether the action will produce happiness or
practicality. What is important is the rightness of an action.
• If an action is right, goodness will eventually follow.

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