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排列 組合

Chapter 10 Permutations and Combinations

Name: _____________________________ ( ) Class: S5 ___

1. The Counting Principle

In this section, we will discuss how to count the number of all possible outcomes systemically.
1. Ken’s Restaurant offered set lunch A to E for customers. It means that there are _______
choices for each customer to choose.
2. Henry can choose to read Chinese or English newspaper. In the city where he lives, there are 12
Chinese newspapers and 9 English newspapers. The total number of newspapers that Henry can
choose from is ______.

1.1 Addition rule in the counting principal
I. Mutually Exclusive Events
mutualǖ exclusive
If two events cannot happen at the same time, they are called _________________ ______________
Example 1: There are 4 classes (5A-5D) in secondary five. Judy will be arranged in one of the
classes. She cannot enter 5A or 5C at the same time. So ‘entering to 5A’ and ‘entering to 5C’ are two
mutually exclusive events.

5A 5B 5C 5D

Example 2: Emily can choose Chinese cuisine or Western cuisine for her dinner. There are 5

restaurants providing Chinese meal and 3 restaurants providing Western meal.

Therefore, the two mutually exclusive events (‘choosing Chinese cuisine’ and ‘choosing Western

cuisine’) have a total of _________ possible outcomes.
For two mutually exclusive events E and F, the number of all possible outcomes of E or F is the
sum of the number of possible outcomes in E and F.

Note: This rule is also true for three or more mutually exclusive events.
5B Chapter 10 Permutations and Combinations Secondary 5

II. Non-mutually Exclusive Events
If two events can happen at the same time, then they are non-mutually exclusive events.
Example 3
In a school, there are 50 scouts and 130 prefects. Suppose all the scouts and prefects are required to
attend a training course. If there are 12 students who are both prefects and scouts, then an attendant
of the training ‘being a prefect’ and ‘being a scout’ are ___________________________ exclusive.
To calculate the total number of attendants of the training, we have to avoid double counting.

Scouts Both Prefects

(50) (12) (130)

50  ______
So, the required total number  ______ BN  ______
12  _____ 1 68

For two non-mutually exclusive events E and F,
the number of all possible outcomes of E or F
 the sum of the number of possible outcomes in E and F
 the number of possible outcomes that happen in both E and F at the same time

Example 4 In the town where Tom lives, there are 22 Chinese radio channels and 10 English
radio channels and, among them, 5 radio channels use either Chinese or English for
broadcasting. What is the☐
total number of channels that Tom can choose from?


⼆ 22 ⼗ 10 -5
chiuse 所以
Example 5 There are 40 members in the dance troupe of ABC Secondary School. Among the
members in the dance troupe, 32 members can sing and 18 members can dance. What
is the number of members who can
- both sing and dance?


32 +18

)( ⼆

☐ 32 ⼺ 18 2

OO …



hrmtradyeebei 品


10 + 20 -

5 = 25
5B Chapter 10 Permutations and Combinations Secondary 5

1.2 Multiplication rule in the counting principal

If there are two steps or more in completing a task, we have to use multiplication rule in the
counting principle for finding the number of all possible outcomes.

Example 6 Kenny’s Restaurant provides three choices of set lunch, which are Set A, Set B and
Set C. Each set lunch can come with salad or cheesecake. Find the total number of
choices that customer can choose from the restaurant.

Step 2: Choose salad or cheesecake

Step 1: Choose set lunch

Set A

Set B

Set C

6 possible outcomes.
From the tree diagram above, we can see that ________
The total number of possible outcomes can then be obtained by multiplication,
i.e. 3
______ ______
2 6

If there are p, q, r, … ways to complete a task in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd steps, …, respectively, then
following these steps there are ( p  q  r  ) ways to complete the whole task.

Example 7 Find the number of ways of forming a 3-letter word using the four letters a, b, c and d
such that the letters selected can be repeated themselves. abc
④ aaa
o of ways 4 ×
4 × 4
② bcd

⑤ cab

64 ③ acd ⑥ bbb
Example 8 Find the number of ways of forming a 3-letter word using the four letters a, b, c and d
without repetition. abc ①
ho .

of ways =
4× 3 x 2
② acd
24 ③ bca
④ adb
5B Chapter 10 Permutations and Combinations Secondary 5

Example 9

To go from A to B, there are 3 routes on land and 2 routes by sea. To go from B to C,
there are 2 routes on land and also 2 routes by sea. How many different routes can be
chosen from if one wants to go from A to C via B?

w .
ofways =5 x4
= w

2. Permutation
2.1 Definition of permutation
Suppose that n objects are given. The arrangement of any r objects from them in a given order is
called a permutation of the n objects taken r at a time.

Example 10 Ada, Betty and Candy are arranged in a row. What is the number of all arrangement?
Position 1 Position 2 Position 3

了 ways

_____ 2 ways
_____ I ways
3 BA
The number of ways of arrangements  __________ 2
 __________ 6
I  __________


In general, we have the following theorem.

The number of all possible permutations of n different objects is 6 .

n  (n 1)  (n  2)   3  2 1 .
The factorial Notation 階乘 (
Definition: The product of the first n positive integers is called n factorial.
21 员
n!  n  (n 1)  (n  2)   3 2 1 eg .

… 19 18 15
20 x
21 × × × ×

了  _____ I  _____
2  _____ 6
3!  _____

10!  _____ 9  _____

10  _____ 8  ⼯
2  _____
 _____ 3628880
 _____ 0
Note: 0!  1

Sometimes, we can express the number of outcomes using factorial when the number is large.

5B Chapter 10 Permutations and Combinations Secondary 5

Example 11 In how many ways can the letters P, Q, R, S and U be arranged in a row?

5 ORopsW

5 × 4 × 3 x2 xl

Example 12 In how many ways can the number from 1 to 9 be arranged in a row?
w .
ofvays =
9 % ①
36288 ,

② 987654321

Example 13 In how many ways can the word ‘SQUARE’ be arranged?

o - of ways = 6 ! ① SQUARE


Now consider another example.
Example 14 Find the number of ways of forming a 3-letter word using the five letters A, B, C, D ⼀

and E. ⼭

First Letter Second Letter Third Letter 3 objeets .

5 ways
_____ 4
_____ ways 3 ways
_____ 5
The number of ways  __________ 4
 __________ 了
 __________
 __________ P 3

In general, we have the following theorem. 排列

— ⼀

The number of all possible permutations of n different objects, taken r at a time without repetition, is
n  (n 1)  (n  2)   (n  r  1) .

This number is usually denoted by Prn .

r: The number of objects taken at a time

Hence, in Example 14, we can say the required number of permutation P35 .
5  4  3  2 1 5! 5!
Remarks: Note that P35  5  4  3    . Therefore, in general,
2 1 2! (5  3)!

Prn 
(n  r )!

5B Chapter 10 Permutations and Combinations Secondary 5

Example 15 If 4 different numbers are taken from the numbers 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8 to form a 4-digit
number, how many 4-digit numbers can be formed?1356
( 35 ⼦
w .

of ways = 6× 5× 4 x 3


Example 16 In how many ways can the letters of word ‘MICHAEL’ be arranged if —

(a) 2 different letters are taken at a time? ⑧

(b) 4 different letters are taken at a time?
(c) all the letters of the word ‘MICHAEL’ are taken at a time?

(a ) MI , CH ,
AE , IL (b) MICH ,
- c) w -

of ways
wo .

ofways w .

of ways
⼦! 內

6 =
× 6 × 5x 4 解 =
42 ⼆

Example 17 Find the number of ways the letters of the word ‘CAROLINE’ be rearranged such that
(a) the first letter will be a vowel, CAROLIEN ⼀

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Remarks: A, I ,


‘A’, ‘E’, ‘I’, ‘O’ and ‘U’

Number of ways are vowels and the others
4  ___
____ 65
⼦  ___ 432
 ___  ___  ___  ___  ___ are consonants.

w .

of ways =
4 x

= 20 ( 60

(b) the first letter will be a vowel and the second letter will be a consonant.

w .

of ways =

4 × 4 × 6 !

= 11520 1 ,

- …


6 6

… …

Q 14 Q 15 alb
w- of
ww .

of ways w .

of ways =
5× 4 × 3
6 ! =
8! =
60 .

⼦ 20 =
403 w ,

( sla) wo -

of ways
Q1 F w . of


⼆⼦ !
本 32X 31 x 30 x
29 =

( b) no -

of ways
63040 下

x 4 6 1 x



(a ) ww .

of ways
Q 19 la ) w .

of was =
6 × 5x 4 × 3 昨
8×7× 6× 5

⼆ 36
= 1688 (b ) of
, .
wo .

(b) w . of ways = 6 × 6 × 6 × 6

8 × 8 × 8 × 8 = 4096 , = ( 296 .
5B Chapter 10 Permutations and Combinations Secondary 5

Example 18 In each of the following cases, in how many ways can letters from the word

⑨ ‘CHEMISTRY’ be arranged in a row?


(a) All letters in the word are taken and the first letter is T.
wo ,

of ways
1 × 9 .


(b) All letters in the word are taken and the first letter can be I or M.
w .

0640 -
… …

↑ —
2 81
(c) All letters in the word are taken and the last letter is a vowel.

, I
w .

of ways
88 x 2


_ —

- -

80640 2

(d) 4 different letters from the word are taken and the second letter is M.
w. of
8 xIxF × 6

_Myn —

= 336
8 I F 6

(e) 5 different letters from the word are taken and middle letter is0
not a vowel.

w .

of ways
8 x⼦ x
⼦ x 6 x5 -


1176 O 11

150 % % ! 7
降 x
S5 Chapter 10 Permutations and Combinations
Worksheet (10.2 Permutations)
I. Review
1. How many 4-letter strings can be formed by using the letters from the word ‘MATH’ if no 0
repeated use of letters is allowed?

o .

of ways =
4 ! =
24 ⼀

— 尘召 ?
2. By using 5 digits 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 without repetition, how many 2-digit numbers can be formed?
13 ( 9 , 15 ,

of ways = 5 ×

w . 4 =0
好 ,

3. In a ceremony of a school, the Principal, 3 teachers and 2 students give their speeches one by
one. Find the number of ways of arranging the order of their speeches if
(a) the Principal must give the speech first; PTSST ⑩~>
(b) the last one who gives the speech is a student;
(c) the first one who gives speech must be the Principal or a teacher;
(d) the last one who gives speech must not be the Principal.
(a ) o
of ways ( b) “



1 5 !
- -

” _




o .

of ways
o .

ofways =
4 ×

5 ! x 2 = 488
240 -

- - -

5 ! 5

ho -

ofways =
5! × 5 = 600

4. Joe has 3 yellow blocks, 2 blue blocks and 3 red blocks. All of them are of different sizes. If 4

blocks are taken out and arranged in a row, find the number of ways if
(a) there are no restrictions,
(b) the first one is a blue or red block, …

(c) the first and the second places are yellow blocks.

(a ) ho . of ways = 8
x 5 x 6 × 5 ( Pi ) oP c)

" "
= 16

(b ) of ways 5 ] 6 x5
⼀ —

- * ∵
wo ,
x x

1050 w . of ways
= 3× 2× 6 × 5 =
188 y
II. Lesson Worksheet

Question: 2 boys are 3 girls form a queue. How many numbers of ways that all girls stand next to

each other?

B1 B2 G1, G2, G3 r



Tree Diagram

B ⑬

- ① G

此⼀⼀ …

⑬ G ⼀回

⼂回⼀回衫 起

w .
of ways
= 3 ! ×
= 6 ,
5B Chapter 10 Permutations and Combinations Secondary 5

Example 19 8 students are waiting for being photographed, in which 5 of them are boys. Find the
number of ways in each of the following cases.
(a) All students stand in a row and all girls stand next to each other.

Hints: Consider all girls as one unit.

… _____ _____
_____ _____ _____ _____


Together with the 5 boys, there are _____ units.

w .

of ways = 6 ! x 3 !


(b) All boys stand on the left, while all girls on the right.

= !

F 20 . .

Example 20 Mia has 12 hair clips of different styles. Among them, 7 are red and 5 are white. Find

the number of ways in each of the following cases.

(a) All the hair clips are arranged on a display shelf such that all the white hair clips

are put next to each other.


= 81 × 5 !

(b) All the white hair clips are arranged on the right of a display shelf and all the red
hair clips are arranged on the left of a display shelf.

w of ways

R →
⼦ ! × 5 !


5B Chapter 10 Permutations and Combinations Secondary 5
Example 21 册
5 different letters are selected each time from the word ‘UNIVERSAL’. In how many
ways can these letters be arranged such that Vowels :
G ,I ,
E, A
(a) the 4th letter will be a vowel?
hw .
ofways -

- - -

4 × 8 ! ↑
— 1543 ⽇

= 16128

(b) ‘U’ and ‘N’ will be put next to each other?

of ways

_ _

8 ! × 2 !


(c) the first letter and the last letter will be consonants?

ho .

of ways
5 x 4 xF
⼀ …
= -

= 1000 5 4

Example 22 ∞ 帮
A two-digit number is formed by choosing 2 different numbers each time from the

12 14 ,

numerals 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9. How many two-digit numbers which are divisible by 2
can be formed?
16 , ( 9
of ways 45

w .
= X

81 … ⼒ 可
= 20

Example 23 0
A three-digit numbers can be formed by choosing 3 different numbers each time from
the numerals 0 to 9. How many three-digit numbers which are divisible by 5 can be
501 of ways


9 xI
- × 8 × I + × 8


, ,

↑ ↑

8 ⼯ 136

3021 8 y
5” 8

315 ,





↑↑ T
19 9
5B Chapter 10 Permutations and Combinations Secondary 5

Example 24 Find the number of ways that 3 men and 4 women are arranged in a row if
(a) there are no restrictions;
w of = ⼦
!= 5040 .
. ,

(b) all men are separated; _ _

Hints: Arrange the 4 women first.

____W____ ____W____ ____W____ ____W____
↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ⼩

w .

of ways =
4! × 5 x
4 x 3

(c) all women are separated.
ww .
ofways = 31 !
× 4 × 3x 2 x 1
⼩⼩ ↑ ⼩ = 144

Example 25 There are 4 members in Wong’s family. The Wong’s family and 4 of their friends

stand in a row for taking a photo. In how many ways can they be arranged in a row if
(a) there are no restrictions? 4w
w. of
ways =
! . = 40320

(b) all the Wong’s family members are standing at one end?
w .

of ways ⑩①

4 ! × 4 ! x 2 !
O ② @
= 1152

@ (c) the Wong’s family members are standing together? ⼀

w of ways
𦉪 .

周 =
51 × 4 !

周 2880

㬳 (d) no Wong’s family members are standing together?

w .
of ways
4 ! 5× 4 × 3 2
= x
⼩ ↑

= 2888 u

5B Chapter 10 Permutations and Combinations Secondary 5

Example 26 4 boys and 5 girls form a queue. Find the number of ways that they can be arranged in

each of the following situation.

Situation Figures Number of ways
(a) No restrictions
9 !
- - -
- - -


(b) All boys stand on the

4! ×5 !
⑬ @
left, while all girls on
the right. =

(c) People with the same

⑬ ④ 5! !
gender stand together. 4! × × 2

11 @ 姬 =
57b 0

(d) All girls stand together. g ←

5! 5!
- _ _ _

@ -

- -

(e) All boys stand together.

③ -
- … - -
6 ! ×

= 1 F 280

(f) All girls are separated.

BBBBA 4! 5×4 3 241

× x
⼩ * ⼩⼩
⼆ 2880

(g) All boys are separated. 5 ! × 6 × 5x 4 x 3


(h) Two boys are arranged
… — —
⼝ 4 ×3 × H
at two ends.

- -
- …

𦍋 6040
↑ =

3 2
1 了

(i) Boys and girls stand 14 d × d

alternatively. gBgBgBgBg
4 ! × 5 !

愉花⽵ ↑⼀

早号尘 ? =

S5 Chapter 10 Permutations and Combinations
WS (Permutations)
Name: ___________________________ Class: S5C ( )

1. Jack has 11 different story books. He wants to arrange them in a row in his new bookshelves.
In how many ways can he do this?

2. Five letters are selected from the word ‘MANPOWER’ without repetition. In how many ways
can the letters be arranged in a row?

3. Peter and 11 other people are participating in a music competition.

(a) In how many ways can be the champion, first runner-up and second runner-up be
(b) Peter is not the champion. In how many ways can the champion, first runner-up and
second runner-up be arranged?

4. Consider the word ‘PERMIT’.

(a) In how many ways can all the letters of the word ‘PERMIT’ be arranged in a row?
(b) Four different letters are taken from the word ‘PERMIT’ and arranged in a row.
(i) In how many ways can the letters be arranged?
(ii) How many of them begin with two vowels?
5. Mr. and Mrs. Wong sit on the sofa watching TV with their two sons and the daughter. They sit in
a row. Find the numbers of possible arrangements if
(a) Mr. and Mrs. Wong must sit together.
(b) Mrs. Wong and her daughter sit at the two ends,
(c) their two sons must sit at the second and the fourth positions of the row.

6. Timothy, Samuel and 6 friends are going to watch a film. Suppose they sit in a row. Find the
numbers of arrangements if
(a) there are no restrictions,
(b) Timothy and Samuel are sitting next to each other,
(c) Timothy and Samuel are not sitting next to each other.

3 × 2 + ⼯ =⑤
7. Three couples and a child of one of the couples sit in a row in a cinema. Find the numbers of
ways they can sit if
(a) all the men sit together and all the women sit together,

(b) each couple sits together and the child sits between his parents,
(c) each couple sits together and the child sits with his parents.
(a ) “ “'

µ WC OOOacncFm =
① ② Ecm
w .

of ways w . of ways % o. of
! ! = 3! × 2 ! × 2 ! × 3 !
= 3 !
3 ! x 3 ! =
3 ! × 2 x 2 ! x 2

=α l6 =
48 = ( 44

Answer Key:
1. 39 916 800 5. (a) 48 (b) 48
2. 6720 (b) 12 (c) 144
3. (a) 1320 (c) 12
(b) 1210 6. (a) 40 320
4. (a) 720 (b) 10 080
(b) (i) 360 (c) 30 240
(ii) 24 7. (a) 216
(3 2 )
是是 P


5B Chapter 10 Permutations and Combinations Secondary 5

3. Combinations
Suppose that there are 2 vacancies for prefects in a school and 3 candidates A, B and C are applying …

for the position. Let us find out all the possible ways of filling the 2 vacancies with any two of them.

A, B A C
, B ,
C B, A CA C, B

It seems that there are 6 different ways. But if we examine these ways carefully, we would find that
the pair AB and BA represent that the same 2 persons get the prefect positions. In other words, the
order of selecting candidates is _________
hot important.
Hence, in this example, we say that there are 3 different _____________________ instead of 6

A, B A ,
C B ,

C  3.
3 3 choose
The number of combinations can be expressed as 2

Definition of Combination:
A combination is a selection of r objects, without repetition and regardless of their order, from a group

of n different objects (where r  n ). The number of all such combinations is denoted by Crn .
The difference between permutations and combinations of n objects taken r at a time is that the order
of the objects in a permutation should be considered and the order of the objects in a combination is
In fact, Crn  .
(n  r )!

Example 27 Yummy ice-cream shop offers ice-cream of ∞7 different flavors. Find the number of

ways in each of the following cases.
Chocplate t

(a) To make a double scoop with different flavors. wotcha

球 □
chocolate tmang

ofways C⾄ :

chocolate t

(b) To make a banana split with 3 scoops of different flavors.

wo .

of ways =
C 号 =

↓ ↓

7×6×5 12
5B Chapter 10 Permutations and Combinations Secondary 5

Example 28 There are ten distinct points on the circumference of a circle.

(a) How many inscribed pentagons can be drawn with the points as their vertices?

of ways C号

o .


(b) How many inscribed 0

octagons can be drawn with the points as their vertices?


w .
of ways =
C 8

Example 29
Find the number of diagonals in each of the following polygons.

(a) A hexagon
(b) An octagon

aiapmuy diagonals
wo . of

∵ … :是 =
C -

C是 -


The number of diagonals of a n-sided polygon

= _________________

Example 30 Mr. Chan goes out for dinner at a restaurant. He orders a set dinner and can choose 3
small dishes out of 20 and one main course out of 5. Find the number of different
ways he can choose his small dishes and main course for dinner.

o .

of ways Hints:
C 号
Number of ways in choosing 3 small dishes = _________
(} xCi C
Number of ways in choosing 1 main course = _________ 5

= 5 Jo0

5B Chapter 10 Permutations and Combinations Secondary 5

Example 31 ∞
Mr. Cheung has 16 music CDs. Among them, 3 are classical music, 4 are local pop
music and 9 are foreign pop music. In each of the following cases, find the possible
number of combinations.
(a) 4 CDs are selected in which 2 are classical music and 2 are local pop music.
— —

w .
of ways

是话 ×

? 2 CDs ?
(b) 60

CDs are selected in which 4 are foreign pop music. ⼀

C4 C吃

ww of = x

2646 Classicalt
op (5 )

Example 32 In a class of 35 students, 17 are boys and 18 are girls. In each of the following cases,
find the possible number of combinations.
(a) 3 boys and 2 girls are selected from the class.

of ways C 号 xC 些
w .

(b) 5 girls are selected from the class.

of ways =
ho .

= 8568
(c) 2 boys are selected from the class.

w .

C 2
(d) 9 students are selected from the class.

w- of

ways = C 3

70607460 1

5B Chapter 10 Permutations and Combinations Secondary 5

Example 33 A committee consisting of ∞ 5 students is to be selected from a group of 6 boys and 3 ⼀ ⼀

girls. In each of the following cases, find the possible number of<combinations.


(a) There are at least 3 boys in the committee.

of There are 3 possible cases.

w .

Case 1

C 4 xC 3 Only 3 boys are chosen. (How many girls? ___)

Case 2
Case 2
CaseI Case 3 4
______ | girl(s) are chosen.
boys and ______
Case 3
1 川 1 .
______ 0
boys and ______ girl(s) are chosen.

(b) There are at most 2 girls in the committee.

2 3
w .


lg 4 b
= C 号 位 x
4 xC ? t C号
③ og
⼆ 111

(c) There are at least 4 boys in the committee.

wo .

of ways b5

C号 + C4 xci @ 4 blg

51 .

5B Chapter 10 Permutations and Combinations Secondary 5

Example 34 In a class, there are 10 students from Red house, 8 students from Blue house and 12
# 了0 students from Yellow house. Now 0
3 students are selected from the class.
(a) Find the number of combinations that they are from different houses.
w -

of ways = C, C9 x


at least OB

(b) Find the number of combinations that 1 student is from Blue house.

① IB + OKY
ww .

of ways θ .


2B +①
C9 吃入 ++
xC 路 - C 号- 号 (
② kY

③ 3

25 w , ⼆ 25 w

(c) Find the number of combinations that at least 1 student is from Yellow house.
wo . ,

0 f
C 号 CxCxC 9 C

ofway 号
= m .

3 =

⼆ 3244

(d) Find the number of combinations that at most 2 students is from Red house.

w -

of ways
eBi 丫
C : xC 号⼗
( 些避
CxC 吃 ∵+

号 ←⑦
wo .
ofways = 3 号

3940 . .

S5 Chapter 10 Permutations and Combinations
WS (Combinations I)
Name: ___________________________ Class: S5C ( )

1. In a class, there are 15 male students and 20 female students. How many ways are there to
choose 4 male students and 5 female students to join a debate team?

wo .
= C 早 xC }
21162960 . 1

2. A badminton team of 4 players is selected from a group of 9 players. How many different teams
can be formed if 不要
(a) the tallest player must be 0

excluded in the team?
(b) the most outstanding player must be included in the team?

(a ) of (b ) ww
of ways
w .

= C 年 = ( 3

万 = 56

3. There are 10 different magazines and 12 different novels in the school library. The librarian
decides to put 2 magazines and 3 novels in the reading room. In how many ways can the
books be selected if
(a) there are no restrictions?
(b) a particular magazine must be selected?
ca ) wo way
of .
(b) ww .
of way /

C9 x C 号
⼆ C 号 XC 号
( 90
9 q 00

4. There are 16 students in a class. Find the number of ways of dividing them into
(a) two groups of 8 to do a project,
D8 ← . 0
(b) four groups of 4 to do a project.

( b) ww of ways
ca )
of ways

wo .

= C 4 xC 年 xC 华
( 8
= 63063000

0 、
5. In how many ways can a group of 5 pets be selected from 6 dogs and 9 cats if the group must
(a) exactly 3 dogs?
(b) at least 3 dogs?

6. 20 members of the Mathematics Society are senior-form students. Among them, 11 are S4
students, 6 are S5 students and the rest are S6 students. 8 senior-form students are selected
from the members of the Mathematics Society. Find the number of combinations in each of the
following situations.
(a) Exactly three S5 students are selected.
(b) At least two S6 students are selected.
(c) At most three S4 students are selected.

Answer Key:
1. 21162960 4. (a) 12870 (b) 43316
2. (a) 70 (b) 63 063 000 (c) 25815
(b) 56 5. (a) 720
3. (a) 9900 (b) 861
(b) 1980 6. (a) 40040
5B Chapter 10 Permutations and Combinations Secondary 5

Advanced Questions
Example 35 In a ceremony, 7 students and 2 guests are asked to stand in two rows, with 4 in the
front row and 5 in the back row, for taking a photo. In how many ways can they be
arranged if

(a) there are no restrictions?

… —

o .

ofways = 9 ! … …


D ( 3
(b) the 2 guests must be standing next to each other in the back row? ×

先抽放排 “


( x
4! ×

” ↑
Cr Baccow

” …

Example 36
There are 15 different toy cars, of which 8 are minivans, 4 are motorcycles and the

rest are trucks. Victor selects 8 of the toy cars and arranges them in a row. How many
different possible arrangements are there if
(a) there are no restrictions?

b 15 × 14 13 × 12 × 11 10
9 8 259459
× × = w0
× ×

(b) 5 minivans, 2 motorcycles and 1 truck are selected?

- -

先抽收排 C5 xc { × (} × 8 !
4064 2560
(c) 3 motorcycles are selected and no two motorcycles are placed next to each other?

6 浩 cu ! 5 × 6 ×5 x4
3 M 5 Others

266 11200
⼩ ↑↑ ⼩ *①O
654 17
S5 Chapter 10 Permutations and Combinations
WS (Combinations II)
Name: ___________________________ Class: S5C ( )

1. Mary wants to invite 5 out of 14 friends for tea.

(a) Find the number of combinations of guests.
(b) If 2 sisters among them must be invited, how many combinations of the guests are there?
(c) Among these 14 friends, there are 10 girls and 4 boys. If 3 girls and 2 boys are invited,
how many combinations of the guests are there?

2. There are 6 students in group A and 5 students in group B. Susan has to choose 5 students to
form a team. Find the number of combinations according to each of the following conditions.
(a) There are no restrictions.
(b) 3 of the team members come from the same group.
(c) At least 4 team members come from group A.

3. A team of 7 members is to be formed by selecting members from 6 adults and 8 children. How
many different teams can be formed if
(a) there are no adults in the team?
(b) there is only 1 adult in the team?
(c) there are at least 5 adults in the team?
4. Holly has 24 different stamps. 6 stamps are chosen from the∞
24 stamps.
(a) How many combinations are there?
(b) Among these 24 stamps, 14 of them are Chinese stamps and 10 are British stamps.
(i) If 2 Chinese stamps and 4 British stamps are selected, how many combinations are
(ii) If at most 3 Chinese stamps are selected, how many combinations are there?

0(iii) If at least 1 British stamp is selected, how many combinations are there?

1 B 5 C

2B 4 C
些 C台



6 B

5. There are 5 different red ball pens, 6 different blue ball pens and 3 different green ball pens.
6 ball pens are selected.
(a) How many combinations are there to select 6 ball pens if there are no restrictions?
(b) If exactly 2 red ball pens are selected, how many combinations are there?
(c) If at least 2 green ball pens are selected, how many combinations are there?
(d) If at most 2 red ball pens are selected, how many combinations are there?
6. In a lucky draw, 22 participants are male and 18 are female.
(a) How many arrangements are there for 3 participants to win the prizes?
(b) How many arrangements are there for 3 participants to win the first prize, second prize
and third prize?
(c) How many arrangements are there for 2 males and 1 female to win the first prize, second
prize and third prize?
(d) How many arrangements are there for 2 males and 1 female to win the prizes but the first
prize is not given to a female?

4S ⼦ A
7. In a mobile phone shop, there are 4 SAMSON phones and 7 APRIL phones available. The
salesman chooses 2 phones from SAMSON and 4 phones from APRIL and arranges them in a
row for display.
(a) How many permutations are there to display the 6 phones?
(b) If the SAMSON phones should not be put together, how many permutations are there to
display the 6 phones?

年 6 !

Ca ) ww .
ofways = { xC ×

15 l 20

ofways = { } !

(b ) ww . × C × 4 × 5×4
⼩⼩⼩⼩ ⼋

100 go
8. There are 5 different Cantonese songs, 6 different English songs and 3 different Mandarin
songs. 6 songs are selected.
(a) How many combinations are there to select exactly 2 Cantonese songs?
(b) 2 Cantonese songs, 2 English songs and 2 Mandarin songs are selected. Each song is
played once only.
(i) How many playing sequences are there?
(ii) If songs with same language are played successively, how many playing sequences
are there?

la ww of ways C是 C华
) .

= ( 260

CIxC { xC { 6 !
( b) ( i
) w -


3 ! ×2 !
=Cx { xc 经 ①⑤⑩×
lir ) w -

= 21600

Answer Key:
1. (a) 2002 (d) 1 974
(b) 220 6. (a) 9 880
(c) 720 (b) 59 280
2. (a) 462 (c) 24 948
(b) 350 (d) 16 632
(c) 81 7. (a) 151 200
3. (a) 8 (b) 100 800
(b) 168 8. (a) 1 260
(c) 176 (b) (i) 324 000
4. (a) 134 596 (ii) 21 600
(b) (i) 19 110
(ii) 66 528
(iii) 131 593
5. (a) 3 003
(b) 1 260
(c) 1 155

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