Daily Routine in A Nutshell

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6. DAILY ROUTINE, FREE TIME, HOBBIES exciting [k’sarten] ~izgalmas in my opinion [2 pinjan] ~szerintem Do you like crosswords and other puzzles? How ‘often do you do crossword puzzles? Yes, do. | have two favourite types. | often do Sudoku, where you have to write in numbers. The other type ! really like is Swedish-style crosswords. | do crossword puzzles every week or every second week, but in summer | often do them while I’m sunbathing. crossword puzzle [kroswa:d pazl]~ keresztrejtvény Sudoku [sv'doku] ‘Swedish-style ['swisdif}—Skandinav tipusé every second week - inden mésodik héten sunbathe ['sanber] ~ napozik | TOPIC IN A NUTSHELL As I'ma teenager, my daily routine is pretty ordinary. On weekdays | usually get up at twenty past six, I'm afraid of ‘oversleeping, so | get up immediately after my alarm clock goesoff leant start my day without having a mug of cocoa, so my mum always brings me one in bed. After drinking it | ‘go to the toilet, wash my face, brush my hair and clean my ‘teeth and then I get dressed. | am always ina rush, so! don’t make a fuss of choosing my clothes. | usually grab a T-shirt |atrandom and a pair of jeans, Finally packmy schoo! things into my rucksack and leave for school, Fortunately, some friends of mine live very close to us, so | meet them at the ram stop at quarter past 7 and we go to school together. ‘Usually | have six 45-minute lessons a day. We start; ‘school at | Bal the sith lesson finishes at 140 pm. After my lessons have lunch at the school canteen with my classmates and then we have a short chat. In fact, that’s one of the most enjoyable parts af my day. Twice a week, on Mondays and ‘Wednesdays, | go to basketball training from 3 to 4.30 and con Tuesdays | have an extra English lesson from 2,30 to 4, (On Thursdays | visit my granny after my lessons. | really lke listening to her funny stories of her life and na wonder (love Thursday afternoons very much. When l get home, Ihave a snack and then I do my homework. It takes me about two ‘or three hours to get ready for the next day. ! have dinner ‘with my family at 7 ofclock; after that | usually switch on my computer, check my emails and surf the Internet or play my favourite computer games. At9.30| have a shower and | go to bed at 10 o'clock. TOPIC IN A NUTSHELL WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS asmateenager pretty ordinary ‘can't start my day without {don't make a fuss of .. fortunately In fact, that's one of the most enjoyable parts of no wonder mivel tzenéves vagyok, =. ‘lg szokvnyos El sem tudom kezdeni a napomat anéikill, hogy... nem csindlok nagy Ugyet abbol, hogy. srerencsére Tulajdonképpen, ez az egyik legjobb része a ..-nak nem csoda: TOPIC-BASED MINI DICTIONARY igék—verbs[vxbz} aludni megy, lefekszik— go to bed [gou ta bed} barangol/nézelédik az Interneten —surf the Internet (of 81 “intanet] bedllt—set (st) bekap par falatot, nassol- have a snack [snark] bbekapcsol—switch on/off (switf‘on/"of} beragad a dugéba— get caught in a traffcjam [get kot m 9 ratik, sem] bevdsérol - do the shopping [foptn} borotvalkozik - shave [Jer] ebédel~ have lunch flantj} elalszik - goto sleep / fall asleep [olin] elérnia vonatot cateh a train [keet{] elindul az iskoléba- leave for school [iv fo “sku 60 elindul otthonr6l~leave home fliv hom] elkésik be late for [leit] celvégzi a hézimunkst do the housework [’hausws:k} fekszik az dgyban — lie in bed [lai] felébredni- wake up (woke, woken) [weikap, wauk, ‘waokon] felkelni- get up [,getap] felkészil - get ready [get ‘redi] felkészdl - prepare [pr'pea"] feloltorik— get dressed [get rest] feloltozik ~ put on one’s clothes (put'on] {ésilkédik ~ comb/ brush one’s hair [kourn] [bra] fogat mos ~ clean / brush one’s teeth [kli:n] [braf] furdik—have/take a bath [ba:0] hajat mos — wash one’s hair [wo] hharamegy -go home [gov havm] haai feladatot készit - do homework [ hoomvs:k] id6t tot, ,elid6”, egy 16g — hang out [heen] kés6ig Sgyban marad— have a lie-in (Jat tn]

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