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International Journal for Quality in Health Care 2003; Volume 15, Number 5: pp. 377–398 10.


Policy Roundtable
Presenting the views of experts from around the world on policy-making as it relates to health care quality

Conceptual frameworks for health systems

performance: a quest for effectiveness,
quality, and improvement

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Netherlands Institute for Health Sciences, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam and 2Department of Social Medicine, Academic Medical Center,
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Issues. Countries and international organizations have recently renewed their interest in how health systems perform. This has
led to the development of performance indicators for monitoring, assessing, and managing health systems to achieve effective-
ness, equity, efWciency, and quality. Although the indicators populate conceptual frameworks, it is often not very clear just what
the underlying concepts might be or how effectiveness is conceptualized and measured. Furthermore, there is a gap in the
knowledge of how the resultant performance data are used to stimulate improvement and to ensure health care quality.
Addressing the issues. This paper therefore explores, individually, the conceptual bases, effectiveness and its indicators, as
well as the quality improvement dynamics of the performance frameworks of the UK, Canada, Australia, US, World Health
Organization, and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Results. We see that they all conceive health and health system performance in one or more supportive frameworks, but differ
in concepts and operations. Effectiveness often implies, nationally, the achievement of high quality outcomes of care, or inter-
nationally, the efWcient achievement of system objectives, or both. Its indicators are therefore mainly outcome and, less so,
process measures. The frameworks are linked to a combination of tools and initiatives to stimulate and manage performance
and quality improvement.
Conclusions. These dynamics may ensure the proper environment for these conceptual frameworks where, alongside object-
ives such as equity and efWciency, effectiveness (therefore, quality) becomes the core of health systems performance.
Keywords: conceptual framework, effectiveness, health system performance, performance indicator, performance manage-
ment, performance measurement, quality

A famous statement attributed to Florence Nightingale aptly

Introduction captures the performance–quality–management relationship:
‘The ultimate goal is to manage quality. But you cannot man-
‘Data and facts are not like pebbles on a beach, waiting to be age it until you have a way to measure it, and you cannot
picked up and collected. They can only be perceived and measure it until you can monitor it’ [2]. This involves the use
measured through an underlying theoretical and conceptual of performance indicators (PIs) or measures to capture a vari-
framework, which deWnes relevant facts, and distinguishes ety of health and health system-related trends and factors. PIs
them from background noise’ (Wolfson) [1]. Indeed, many require an operational deWnition of quality to be developed,
countries have been developing conceptual frameworks for since they are in essence a quantitative measure of quality [3].
monitoring, measuring, and managing the performance of their Various stakeholders in health all hope that PIs will provide
health systems to ensure effectiveness, equity, efWciency, and meaningful data for making decisions and steering health sys-
quality. Health systems are expected to achieve and manage tems [4]. Therefore, and given that conceptual frameworks
results in line with established objectives and quality standards. are often the starting points in PI development, our aims are:

Address reprint requests to Dr Onyebuchi A. Arah, Department of Social Medicine, Academic Medical Center, University of
Amsterdam, PO Box 22660, Amsterdam 1100 DD, The Netherlands. E-mail:

International Journal for Quality in Health Care 15(5)

© International Society for Quality in Health Care and Oxford University Press 2003; all rights reserved 377
O. A. ARAH et al.

to understand the underlying concepts of national and inter- works encompassed other aspects of health as well. Subse-
national performance frameworks for health systems; to quently, effectiveness as a concept and a domain of performance
explore effectiveness and its indicators; and to see how and in was explored in each framework. The contents of Tables 1, 2,
what context the resultant performance data are used to drive and 4 are summaries of major exploratory Wndings. Table 3 is
improvement. a minimal theoretical sample of effectiveness indicators cho-
Hence, we undertake an exploration of the health system sen only if they were explicitly used or proposed ofWcially, to
performance frameworks of the UK, Canada, Australia, the reXect their types and to link them to the system objectives,
US, the World Health Organization (WHO), and the Organ- usually within the functional areas of the health system where
isation for Economic Co-operation and Development they are used.
(OECD). The four countries, besides having documents in
English, are all actively developing PIs and frameworks with
quality initiatives [5]. WHO and OECD present platforms for
international comparisons of health systems, although such

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comparisons often require a framework for valid ‘lesson
drawing’ [6]. For each country or agency separately, after a
brief background, we Wrst explore the conceptual basis for Background. The UK introduced the National Health Service
each framework, outlining its contents and performance (NHS) in 1948 as a single publicly funded and publicly pro-
dimensions. Secondly, we explore effectiveness as a dimen- vided (Beveridge) system to ensure universal access. In the
sion of performance and its indicators. Thirdly, we look at 1980s, amidst growing costs, the then Conservative govern-
how existing quality initiatives may be linked to the frame- ment introduced the use of PIs using administrative and hos-
work. Fourthly, we describe, as the ‘mechanism of change’, pital data. By 1990s, the NHS was re-invented to reXect a
the context and dynamics involved in using the performance managed internal market, underscoring the use of general
information to stimulate improvement. All emerging issues practitioners (GPs) as primary fund-holders and health
are addressed together in a concluding section. authorities as complementary purchasers. Again, in 1997, the
Blair administration gave the already ailing NHS the moderni-
zation agenda for the 21st century. This began with a series of
Methods plans, largely replacing the internal market bureaucracy with
integrated care, based on partnership and driven by perform-
We examined the health system, performance frameworks, ance [8–12]. For a country with a long history of a national
indicators, quality, and management documents published, approach to its health system and PIs, these new plans refo-
mostly on the Internet, about or by the UK, Canada, cused the UK on a more ambitious coherent national frame-
Australia, the US, the WHO, and the OECD. To retrieve work (for performance assessment, management,
these documents, the basic strategies used were: ofWcial web- accountability, and quality of care). This involves improved
sites search, the search of electronic databases, a check of ref- collaboration and funding (from a health budget of 6.9% of
erences from selected documents, and the use of a generic GDP in 1999 to 9.4% of GDP by 2008). Simply put, the
Internet search engine. modern NHS organization can be viewed as having ‘strategic
The Wrst strategy entailed using the search engines and health authorities’ (from October 2002, after abolishing the
hyperlinks located within the ofWcial websites of the depart- old 95 health authorities in April 2002) and special health
ments or ministries or agencies of health of each country and authorities. Beyond these are NHS Trusts (for acute and spe-
organization: UK (, Canada (http:// cialized hospital services), which in the Xow chart are distal to;, Australia (http:// the newly introduced Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) comprising, USA (, WHO GPs, nurses, pharmacists, dentists, opticians, NHS Walk-in
(, and OECD ( Centers, Mental Health Trusts, Ambulance Trusts, NHS
Secondly, PubMed and other electronic databases were Direct, and population screening services. The PCTs fund,
searched, and where appropriate, the ‘related articles’ search plan and commission health services for their local commun-
tool was also used. Thirdly, we checked the reference lists of ities, integrate health and social care for patients, and are
all selected documents and articles, from the previous two poised to control 75% of the NHS budget eventually [13].
strategies, to pick out any relevant materials. Finally, the Performance framework. Under the Public Service Agreement
generic Internet search engine Google ( between the UK Treasury and the Department of Health, a
was used to source additional information whenever neces- National Performance Frameworks initiative created the
sary. Materials were strictly included only if they clearly NHS Performance Assessment Framework (PAF). This NHS
addressed all or aspects of the chosen discourse of this study. PAF will address these areas of improvement: performance
This paper explores only the recent past and present experi- fund, earned autonomy, performance information system,
ences of health system performance assessment, especially and development of NHS performance indicators. Conceptu-
before and after the World Health Report 2000 [7]. ally, the framework is based on a balanced scorecard approach,
With regular and focused feedback in our research group, and is a uniWed system of measurement, assessment and
particular attention was paid to the part(s) of frameworks that reward, designed to give a more rounded picture of NHS
dealt with health system performance wherever such frame- performance [14]. This balanced scorecard concept implies

Conceptual frameworks for health systems performance

Table 1 Synopsis of national frameworks for health system performance

UK Canada Australia USA

................................................................................................................................ .........................................................................................

Type of health care Nationaized, but Federal, territorial, Federated, shared Pluralistic, with combined
system with recently devolved and provincial, with national and state state and federal
responsibility; publicly common principles; roles; public and regulation; private- sector
funded mixed but mainly private driven; driven; mixed but mainly
public funding mixed funding private funding
Performance Coherent national Coherent national Evolving coherent Weak coherent, national
framework framework, with a framework, with national framework approach; proposed a
comprehensive set of indicators for health and indicators; six-domain performance
indicators and targets and health system nine-dimension framework; sturdy set of

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aiming at six areas of performance; approach; monitoring operational (i.e. locally
performance; multi- supported by those for inputs, outputs, and used or health care plan
domain local use of community and health outcomes speciWc) indicators
PIs being entrenched system characteristics
Conceptual basis Based on a balanced ‘Roadmap Initiative’ Three-tier relational Purchaser dependent
for framework scorecard approach; to improve quality, concept to reXect the and quality management
to be reported as a utilization, comparability, impact of system framework; supported
‘performance star’ information performance and by a population health
ratings system dissemination, and health determinants model and patient-
functioning of health on health status and oriented performance
system outcomes reporting
Performance Controls assurance, Benchmarking, Professionalism (with Market dynamics (and
improvement drive accountability and accountability, benchmarking more recently, quality)
(‘mechanism of use of benchmarking planning, and practices), accountability through selection by and
change’) indicators; Wnancial measurement; and market dynamics; choice of health care
incentives; ‘earned premised on high local use of Wnancial purchasers and
qutonomy’ quality health incentives consumers
information system
Quality of care Quality as main Continuous quality Integral part of Quality reporting in
initiatives national priority improvement as a framework; system public domain and other
recently; clinical priority in health performance deWned initiatives (NFQMR,
governance (NSF, care services (HC, in terms of quality of IOM, AHRQ, JCAHO,
Linking system Ensuring access to Improving heath DeWning performance Improving system-wide
performance effective, prompt and promotion, access, explicitly in terms of effectiveness and quality
objectives high-quality care system effectiveness quality and effectiveness of care processes and
(effectiveness to and quality among other outcomes; evolving
quality) dimensions national policy
Managerial goals To reXect need for To allow for timely, To inform decision To facilitate access to
corporate governance, Xexible and right making while information and public
using focused decision making at all ensuring timeliness reporting; offsetting
benchmarking levels; integrated of performance market failures
management reporting

PIs, performance indicators; NSF, National Service Frameworks; NICE, National Institute for Clinical Excellence; CHI, Commission for
Health Improvement; NPSA, National Patient Safety Agency; NPF, National Performance Frameworks (of the Public Service Agreement
between the UK Treasury and Health Departments); HC, Health Canada; CCHSA, Canadian Council for Health Services Accreditation;
NQI, National Quality Institute; CMA, Canadian Medical Association; NHPC, National Health Performance Committee; ACSQHC, Australian
Council for Safety and Quality in Health Care; NHPAC, National Health Priority Action Council; NICS, National Institute of Clinical Studies;
NFQMR, The National Forum for Quality Measurement and Reporting (The Quality Forum, following the 1997 President’s Commission on
Consumer Protection and Quality in Health Care); IOM, Institute of Medicine; AHRQ, The Agency for Health Research and Quality (to pro-
duce a National Quality Report in 2003 with the help of the IOM); JCAHO, Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations;
HEDIS, the Health Plan Employer Data and Information Set (of the National Committee for Quality Assurance).

O. A. ARAH et al.

Table 2 Synopsis of two international frameworks for health system performance


Performance Five main indicator-framework reXecting Six main performance indicator-framework

framework three major health system goals with their reXecting the average levels and distribution
average levels and distribution of three basic goals of a health system
Conceptual basis Concepts of health system boundaries (and Concepts of quality, equity (of health
for framework health action), goals, health system efWciency, outcomes, access, and Wnancing), and
and functions macro- and micro-efWciency
Effectiveness Improving health outcomes; overall health Improving health outcomes
system performance or efWciency

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Quality Quality as a subset of overall goal attainment Quality captured also by levels of attainment
(average levels of health and responsiveness) of health outcomes and responsiveness
Management and Scope of accountability on three levels; EHSPI; ‘Performance management’ cycle for health
policy stewardship for all-embracing regulatory system performance and policy analysis;
oversight international comparison to drive
improvement and standardization

EHSPI, Enhancing Health System Performance Initiative (of the WHO).

that ‘the overall set of indicators should give a balanced pic- effectiveness are thus operationalized to include other per-
ture of the organization’s performance, reXecting the main formance domains such as appropriateness, timeliness, fair
aspects, including outcomes and the users’ perspective’ [15], access, and quality of care. The PI would reXect the set priori-
and originally includes the four perspectives: service user, ties for the health system and would measure progress against
internal management, continuous improvement, and Wnancial pre-deWned key standards and targets. For instance, the
(taxpayer’s) perspectives [16,17]. Department of Health has identiWed four generic categories of
In order to achieve this balanced view, six areas of per- serious harm with quantiWable targets such as 40% reduction
formance are identiWed within the health authority PAF, of prescribing errors by 2005 [19]. Other targets include a
namely: (a) health improvement; (b) fair access; (c) effective reduction in waiting times for an outpatient appointment to a
delivery of appropriate health care; (d) efWciency; (e) patient/ maximum of 3 months, and a reduction in the maximum wait
carer experience; and (f) health outcomes of NHS care [14]. for a hospital operation to 6 months, all by 2005 [20]. Priority
At NHS Trust level, the framework has only four major per- health areas in the UK are mental health, care for the elderly,
formance areas: (a) clinical effectiveness and outcomes; (b) cancer, coronary heart disease, and diabetes.
efWciency; (c) patient/carer experience; and (d) capacity and Presently, some 10 indicators are used in this framework to
capability. Within the PAF, a set of ‘national headline NHS capture effective delivery of health care. Examples are: per-
Performance Indicators’ gives a summary of NHS activities, centage Xu vaccination among people aged 65 years and over,
addressing a wide range of issues such as mental health, can- percentage of patients aged 65 years discharged home within
cer treatment, waiting lists, access to GPs, overall population 28 days following hospital treatment for fractured hip, pri-
health, and stafWng [18]. This relatively small set of national mary care management (emergency admission rates for acute
headline indicators, published annually, will be supported by conditions), mental health in primary care (age-standardized
‘benchmarking indicators’, which contain more speciWc back- prescribing rates of benzodiazepines), prescribing rates of
ground information, thus identifying good or bad perform- antibacterial drugs, prescribing rates of ulcer healing drugs,
ance in all NHS areas [14,18]. and organ donor rates. Most of these PIs are process and/or
The indicators found in the NHS PAF are primary and outcome measures, emphasizing the focus on desired results
community based. These PI sets also undergo constant devel- and the processes that yield these outcomes.
opment and improvement, as new data sources are made The set targets monitored by these PI are considered to be
available. Furthermore, regular national surveys of patient/ speciWc, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-limited
user and staff experiences of the NHS would be conducted. (reXecting the SMART paradigm), and relate to national and
The Commission for Health Improvement (CHI) would local NHS objectives as embodied in its core principles of
regularly inspect and rate the NHS. provision of universal and comprehensive services, patient
Indicators of effectiveness. In the NHS PAF, effectiveness is con- responsiveness, staff value, and support, reducing health
ceptualized as ‘outcomes of NHS care’ and ‘effective delivery inequalities, quality improvement, and fair funding.
of appropriate health care: to recognize that fair access must Quality improvement initiatives. In essence, quality or ‘excel-
be to care that is effective, appropriate and timely and lence’ is used in the new framework in ‘its broadest sense of
complies with agreed standards’ [9,14]. The measures for doing the right things, at the right time, for the right people,

Conceptual frameworks for health systems performance

and doing them right – Wrst time’ [9]. The national indicator The framework is designed to provide reliable, timely
sets, though not direct measures of quality on their own, are information for effective and efWcient ‘in-year management’
meant to draw attention to where quality problems may exist in the decentralized NHS where patients and the primary care
within the health system [14]. These PIs would reXect givers are placed at the management frontier. Therefore, the
clearly the link between processes and patient-experienced PI publications come with summary reports for NHS man-
quality. A core theme of a modernized NHS, health care agement use [18]. Subjected to the Performance Star Ratings
quality improvement has been transformed from its early System [28], the PIs will be published with any relevant
1990s managed internal market environment, where standard assessments made by the CHI, giving the NHS organizations
of care was reformed through professional clinical audit [21], to an overall performance rating. Under-performing organiza-
its present integrated care milieu with increased emphasis on tions will be inspected biennially, as against the national
quality under the concept of clinical governance. Clinical govern- 4-yearly, in order to stimulate earlier intervention. Supported
ance is ‘a framework through which NHS organizations are by the Treasury’s Performance Agreements, Wnancial and
accountable for continuously improving the quality of other incentives would be developed to encourage and

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their services and safeguarding high standards of care by reward high performance with clear access to the NHS Per-
creating an environment in which excellence in clinical care will formance Fund and ‘earned autonomy’, respectively [8,9,29].
Xourish’ [10]. The NHS Performance Fund, designed to work in parallel
The National Service Frameworks (NSFs) initiative, which with the Primary Care Initiative scheme and from April 2002,
is subordinate to the Public Service Agreement, will set the Personal Social Service Performance Fund, will support
national standards, establish performance measures for judg- local initiatives that contribute to the actualization of the
ing progress, deWne models for speciWc care groups or serv- NHS Plan. ‘Three star’ organizations (i.e. with highest levels
ices, and set up implementation support programs [5]. There of performance) will have a free hand to decide where and
are currently four NSFs – for mental health, care for the eld- how to use funds, while ‘two star’ ones will require the
erly, coronary heart disease, and diabetes. Linked to these and approval of their Regional OfWce. ‘One and zero star’ organ-
the NHS PAF are: monitoring of national standards of care izations will work with the Modernization Agency after due
by the CHI [22]; clinical guidelines and evidence-based assess- consultations with their Regional OfWce. Regional OfWces,
ments of health technologies provided by the National Insti- the Modernization Agency and researchers will periodically
tute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) [23]; and local measures assess these schemes, and their Wndings will be used to
under the new Primary Care Trusts (PCTs). Several other develop and spread best practices [30].
major organizational efforts towards health care quality In addition, the framework is driven by accountability to
improvement include those of NHS Modernization Agency the patient (so as to rebuild public conWdence) and to Parlia-
[24], National Patient Safety Agency [25], National Clinical ment for public expenditure. The Public is involved in shap-
Governance Support Team, General Medical Council, ing the framework, Wrstly by being part of the consultations
medical specialist associations, and royal colleges. The mechanism as well as the national experience surveys, and
new National Clinical Assessment Authority [26] will address secondly by having access to the published performance
concerns over the performance of an individual doctor [13]. information. All these are meant to exist within a strong and
Accreditation is another important quality tool in the UK continually updated modern health information and com-
NHS and its latest initiative, Improving Working Lives Stand- munication system that spans the national, regional and local
ard, is designed to create working conditions that better equip levels of the NHS. The Wrst national PI publication,
NHS staff with skills to improve patient service. In Scotland, which reXects these many changes, the rating system and
quality improvement initiatives include independent accre- any relevant CHI assessments, is expected during summer
ditation programs (such as Health Quality Service), the 2003 for the 2002/03 NHS performance assessment [22].
National Care Standards Commission which monitors the
private sector, the Clinical Standards Board, and the Scottish
Intercollegiate Guidelines Network. However, many of these
initiatives are being absorbed into the Quality Standards Background. The Canadian health care system is a large,
Board for Scotland [27]. complex and mainly publicly funded (‘Medicare’) system that
Mechanism of change. Two driving tenets of the NHS PAF are covers virtually all the cost of medically necessary physician
continuous service improvement and accountability [9,14,18]. and hospital services, under a federal scheme, encompassing
The PAF strives for objectivity to enable clinicians, managers provinces and the more autonomous territories. The
and relevant stakeholders to make the necessary decisions Saskatchewan province Wrst began this as a universal hospital
and improvement. It employs the National Bench- insurance program in 1947, expanding it in 1962 to insure
marking Service for comparative analysis between NHS physician services. By 1972, all provinces and territories had
organizations, and is supported by the Performance Analysis followed suit. Other major supplementary health services
Toolkit. This toolkit is an information support system that such as drugs, dental care, physiotherapy, and home care are
allows PCTs and NHS Trusts to benchmark their perform- Wnanced via a complex mix of public and private insurance
ance and that of relevant secondary care providers against and out-of-pocket payments. In the 1980s, a series of reports
peers, hence gaining a better insight into the underlying reasons from the Royal Commission and Task Force ushered in
for their performance variations. health care reform across Canada [31]. A tide of health


O. A. ARAH et al.
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Table 3 Sample of indicators that capture ‘effectiveness’ within the explored performance frameworks

Performance indicator Country/organization Target level in Type of measure Relation to system

health system function or objective

Percentage of children immunized UK NHS [14,18] National, regional, local Process Disease prevention and health
against MMR (measles, mumps and promotion among the young
rubella) and diphtheria by age 2 years
Percentage of patients discharged back to UK NHS National, regional, local Outcome Effective management,
usual place of residence within 56 days of reduction of hospital stay, and
emergency admission to hospital with a rehabilitation of the elderly
stroke, aged 50 years and over (age and
sex standardized)
Emergency admission rate for asthma and UK NHS National, regional, local Outcome Primary care management of
diabetes per 100000 population (age and acute chronic conditions
sex standardized)
Number of new cases of tuberculosis Canada [34,42] National, provincial/ Outcome How well the system prevents
reported in a given year territorial/regional disease or its progression
Age-standardized rate of deaths due to Canada National, provincial/ Outcome Effectiveness in avoiding
hypertensive disease for persons aged territorial/regional mortality due to medically
50–64 years treatable conditions
The risk adjusted rate of all cause in-hospital Canada National, provincial/ Outcome How well services work
death occurring within 30 days of Wrst territorial/ regional
admission to an acute care hospital with
a diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction
HIV education and the practice of safe sex Australia [54,55] National, regional, local Outcome Promotion of healthy
lifestyles and behaviors
NotiWcation of measles at ages 0–14 years Australia National, regional, local Outcome Public health; primary care
(immunization) provision
Percentage of women aged 50–69 years Australia National, regional, local Process, outcome Disease prevention and
who are screened for breast cancer and control
screening program sensitivity
Table 3 continued

Performance indicator Country/organization Target level in Type of measure Relation to system

health system function or objective

Cervical cancer screening and its reduced USA [69,74,75] National, state, health plan, local Process, outcome Preventive care via screening
mortality and intervention

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Percentage of patients with diabetes with USA National, state, health plan, local Outcome Chronic care; speciWc priority
blood pressure below 140/90 mmHg condition
(using the DQuiP measure set)
Proportion of nursing home residents with USA National, state, local Outcome General chronic and end-
pressure ulcers at stage 2 or higher of-life care
Procedures likely to be used by 20% or USA National, state, health plan Process, outcome Avoiding overuse and
more (e.g. coronary angiography, reducing inappropriateness of
carotid endarterectomy) speciWc procedures
Health attainment measured using DALE WHO [7] International, national Outcome Health improvement goal
Burden of disease in DALYs by cause, WHO International, national Outcome Health improvement goal
sex, and mortality stratum
Overall health system performance index WHO International, national Composite outcome Composite goal performance:
Infant mortality OECD [66,102] International, national Outcome Health improvement by
reducing avoidable mortality
Avoidable hospitalizations by selected OECD International, national Outcome Health improvement by
conditions reducing avoidable

Conceptual frameworks for health systems performance

Life expectancy at age 65 years OECD International, national Outcome Health status improvement

DQuiP is the Diabetes Quality Improvement measure set [69]; DALE, disability-adjusted life expectancy; DALYs, disability-adjusted life years.
O. A. ARAH et al.

reforms in the 1990s saw the creation, by provincial and terri- on major recent and emerging health issues, in keeping with
torial governments, of legislated health regions that oversee the the overarching aim for better health through improved
daily operation of the health system [32]. Recently, there has been health care using comparable quality data on key indicators
an increasing shift to non-institutional (community-based) for health and health services [42]. The core indicator set in
care and an emphasis on health promotion and population the framework is meant to mirror approved national goals,
health [33]. strategies, guidelines, standards, and benchmarks.
Performance framework. Health system performance is part of Some of the indicators employed in the Canadian frame-
the Canadian Health Information Roadmap Initiative Indica- work to capture the performance domain of effectiveness
tors Framework [34]. This framework is designed to answer include: respective number of new cases of pertussis, measles,
two basic questions: (a) how healthy are Canadians; and (b) HIV, and chlamydia reported in a given year; age-standard-
how is Canada’s health care system performing? As a com- ized pneumonia and inXuenza hospitalization rates at age 65
mon approach to health and health care system, this Road- years and older; age-standardized death rates due to medically
map Initiative, which is based on the population health treatable diseases such as cervical cancer, pneumonia, and

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model, conceptualizes its health indicators framework in unspeciWed bronchitis; and age-standardized acute care hospital-
terms of provision of high quality comparative information ization rates for ambulatory-care-sensitive conditions. Some
on four dimensions: (a) health status; (b) non-medical deter- of these indicators also capture domains of accessibility and appro-
minants of health; (c) health system performance; and (d) priateness, as is the case with ambulatory-care-sensitive conditions.
community and health system characteristics [34,35]. The lat- Again, these PIs are mostly process and/or outcome measures.
ter two dimensions would capture various aspects of health Structural indicators emerge from the part of the framework
system performance by measuring the health services concerned with community and health system characteristics
received by residents in each region and the contextual char- when one includes the categories of health services
acteristics of the community and/or the health system. and resources. Though they are not direct measures of health
The eight domains of health system performance in this system performance, health services indicators may provide
framework are: (a) acceptability; (b) accessibility; (c) appropriate- extra information on conWguration of the health care system
ness; (d) competence; (e) continuity; (f) effectiveness; (g) (e.g. the presence of a tertiary hospital and contact with health
efWciency; and (h) safety [34,36]. Currently, these dimensions, professionals). Resources might show stafWng information such
except acceptability, competence, and continuity, appear to be as number of physicians or nurses per capita.
supported by several PIs. Under the community and health Quality improvement initiatives. As a major drive for the Canadian
characteristics, the PIs are further grouped into those that pro- framework, quality in health care is viewed as a multi-dimen-
vide contextual information about: (a) community; (b) health sional and a multi-perspective concept. Its quality improvement
system; and (c) resources. For some of the PIs, quality, deWni- initiatives involve two basic strategies: continuous quality
tion and availability of data are currently uncertain, while only improvement and certiWcation/accreditation [43,44].
Province-level data exist for a few others. Conceptually and Continuous quality improvement is used as an internal
operationally, the framework drives and is driven by Canada’s management philosophy to effect strategic improvement in
health information system, an integrated network of health quality, focusing on processes of health care and its delivery,
information initiatives and structures that can track health consumers, continuous monitoring of quality, education,
factors and health care regionally, provincially and nationally. devoted management, and long-term commitment. Accredi-
Furthermore, this framework is supported by periodical tation is a tool employed by the Canadian Council on Health
pan-Canadian surveys to elicit consumer expectations, priorities, Services Accreditation (CCHSA), a non-governmental organ-
satisfaction, and opinions [31,33,37,38]. In order to track ization, to stimulate the integration of the PI framework and
changes in health care, Canada’s First Ministers endorsing this quality improvement in Canada [36,43]. CCHSA has devel-
framework agreed in the fall of 2000 to provide comprehensive oped a philosophy and a framework by introducing its
and regular reports on health programs and services, including ‘Achieving Improved Measurement’ (AIM) accreditation pro-
14 speciWc indicators spanning health status, health outcomes, gram. This will allow for benchmarking between organiza-
and quality of service, beginning reporting in September 2002 [39]. tions to boost quality improvement in four dimensions:
Since 1998, the Canadian Institute for Health Information responsiveness, system competence, work life, and client/
[40], Statistics Canada, Health Canada [41], and some 500 community focus. The PIs are seen as a guide to monitor,
people from many other principal groups, ministries, and evaluate, and improve service processes, outputs, outcomes,
stakeholders at national, regional, and local levels have been and hence quality of care. As such, each PI will be linked to a
collaborating to develop and implement the framework, to quality dimension and a harmonized standard.
boost existing health information networks and infrastruc- The Canadian Medical Association [45] also has a series of
ture, to improve analysis of the information being captured, quality management workshops developed in cooperation
and to disseminate the information for improving Canadians’ with provincial/territorial medical associations and the CCHSA,
health and their health care system. for physicians, senior clinical managers, and other professionals.
Indicators of effectiveness. Here, effectiveness is conceptualized as a This series focuses on practical tools for managing quality,
domain of health system performance where ‘the care/service, risks, effectiveness, efWciency, and utilization [43].
intervention or action achieves the desired results’ [34,36]. Mechanism of change. Performance improvement is a corner-
This concept is operationalized to better track information stone of the Canadian health indicators conceptual

Conceptual frameworks for health systems performance

Table 4 A summary of quality, effectiveness and management dynamics linking health systems performance frameworks of
the UK, Canada, Australia, USA, WHO, and OECD

Level of use in Quality motive Quality and effectiveness tools Performance management dynamics
the health system
................................................................................................................................ .........................................................................................

Patients/ Patient participation Strengthening patient feedback; Greater responsiveness; shared

consumers and empowerment increased patient participation in decision-making in condition
decision-making; survey on needs, management; service quality survey,
satisfaction, and experience; patient needs anticipation and alignment of
education system objectives to reXect these;
satisfying patient ‘information hunger’
Professional (a) Self-regulation Career-long medical education; Continued learning and growth; Wne-

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providers and clinical learning from incidents and tuning processes, outcomes; clinical
governance adverse events; involvement in risk management; corporate ‘team
cross-cultural and interdisciplinary player’ culture to remove barriers and
health care teams; clinicians at the to foster professional exchanges; ‘on-
quality frontier (‘take a lead’) the-Xoor leadership’ and culture of
(b) Extrinsic Clinical audit; evidence-based Professional peer review; ‘health care
regulation practice guidelines and protocols; manuals’ to ensure quality and disease
professional re-certiWcation; use of management; individual quality
performance indicators and targets assurance; revealing points and places
of weakness for action
Provider (a) Self-regulation Continuous quality improvement Self-sustaining excellence in quality
institutions and total quality management; processes and outcomes; analytical
information systems and framework to gain timely and ‘balanced
performance framework to picture’ management information; re-
assess input-process-outcome links; engineering delivery process around
community-based integrated care the patient across care continuum
tools and attributes for target
(b) Extrinsic Accreditation and certiWcation; Perpetuation of high standards;
regulation public disclosure of performance, managing quality, sharing best practices
benchmarking, and comparisons and strategies, and getting ‘good report
using standardized indicators cards’
Health care Pan-institutional Financial incentives; managed care Recognizing, motivating and rewarding
purchasers quality drive dynamics; standard population-based improvement; tackling market failures;
indicators of quality to compare choosing responsive, effective and
health care plans or organizations efWcient health care organizations
Government or Coherent, national Reforms, regulation/stewardship; Consistency and coordination; focusing
policy makers approach national priorities, system objectives, on key health activities, patient-
performance targets and standards oriented targets, safety and quality
of care; national community-based standards; community-based approach
integrated care strategies and policy; and de-fragmentation of service and
consumer protection and rights care delivery; reducing information
legislation; performance/health asymmetry, errors and litigation;
information technology system; information analysis, reporting, and
assuring health technology dissemination for education; cost-
assessment and more research; effectiveness and system effectiveness
enacting public accountability of all mechanisms; transparency and
stakeholders; Wnancial and other increased public access; performance
incentives (e.g. ‘earned autonomy’); rating, motivation and rewarding;
overarching national health system comprehensive approach to
performance, quality and effectiveness, efWciency and equity;
management framework informed policy-making

O. A. ARAH et al.

framework [34,43]. The Roadmap Initiative seeks to create an life expectancy and well-being, and deaths are the four dimen-
‘integrated system’ that reduces inefWciency, improves equity sions contained in the ‘health status and outcomes’ section of
and strengthens effectiveness by focusing on patient needs the framework. The ‘determinants of health’ tier includes
and evidence-based decision-making. Its underlying concept is environmental and socioeconomic factors, community capa-
premised on integration of health care knowledge with high city, health behaviors, and person-related dimensions.
quality information technology to foster ‘learning and innova- Health system performance boasts of nine dimensions,
tion’ [35]. The initiative encourages the identiWcation and namely: (a) effectiveness; (b) appropriateness; (c) efWciency;
sharing of ‘best practices’ within an environment where col- (d) responsiveness; (e) accessibility; (f) safety; (g) continuity;
lected useful data are transformed into timely, management (h) capability; and (i) sustainability. This part of the perform-
information. This is in tandem with the AIM framework, ance framework poses the question: ‘How well is the health
which seeks to support clinical, governance, and management system performing in delivering quality health actions to
functions, by focusing on how well organizations voluntarily improve the health of all Australians?’ In doing so, the frame-
use PI data to comprehend and improve their service pro- work reports on system-wide performance from population

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cesses and outcomes. There is therefore multi-level use of health programs, primary care, acute care, and continuing care serv-
professional accountability, guidelines, continued education, ices, thus reXecting the four main sectors in the health care
comparable indicator data, continuous quality improvement continuum of Australia. The selective and still developing
and accreditation. national indicator sets that populate this framework may in
In addition to assisting managers and other decision-makers some areas span more than one domain of performance.
to make the right decisions at the right time and the right Development work on the indicators hopes to achieve an
place, the initiative places the patient at the heart of this per- operationalization of the inputs, outputs, and outcomes
formance improvement drive through such empowerment model [55,56] along various performance domains, while pay-
exercises as consultations, surveys, health education and ing particular attention to national priority areas [57]. The PIs
promotion, and community-based care initiatives [31,46]. framework also explores the possible integration of program
effectiveness, and policy frameworks for national strategies,
such as the National Chronic Disease Prevention Strategy,
with the population health model. The system is also explor-
Background. Australia is characterized by an established uni- ing a widespread local use of PIs [5].
versally accessible national health care system, within a feder- On technical and epidemiological grounds, the national PIs
ated structure where funding, delivery, and regulatory are developed and selected to conform to existing data deWni-
responsibilities are shared by the national and state govern- tions and established national health information develop-
ments [47–49]. In this complex system of mixed service types ment processes, thus enabling their incorporation into the
and provision [49], the Commonwealth (i.e. the Federal Gov- National Health Data Dictionary, where a core set of uniform
ernment), States, and Territories jointly fund public hospitals deWnitions exists [55,58]. General selection criteria employed
and community care, whereas the Commonwealth uses its in the framework require that these PIs be: worth measuring;
general taxation revenue to fund most out-of-hospital medi- measurable (valid and reliable) for diverse populations, paying
cal services and health research [50]. The 1990s were a period particular attention to priority (‘indigenous and bush’) popu-
of concerted efforts by the national and state Health Minis- lations; understood by people who need to act; able to galva-
ters working with many stakeholders to develop a coherent nize action at national, state, or local levels either individually
national framework for assessing the Australian health or collectively; relevant to policy and practice (i.e. feasible
system [51–54]. These efforts were directed at national quality actions can improve a performance area covered by an indica-
of care, health outcomes and clinical indicators. From 1999 tor); reXective of time-varied action results in various aspects
onwards, the Federal Government refocused on improving of national health; and collectable and reportable in a cost-
the health system performance through a series of national effective manner.
initiatives aimed at rationalizing and converging current Indicators of effectiveness. The framework conceptualizes effect-
efforts. By 2000, the National Health Performance Commit- iveness of the health system as a performance dimension where
tee (NHPC) commenced work on the new Australian health ‘care/intervention/action achieves the desired result in an
performance measurement framework, adapted from the appropriate timeframe’ [55]. The Australian ‘effective’ dimen-
Canadian Health Information Roadmap Initiative Indicators sion includes explicitly the time component, so as to evaluate
framework [55]. whether health interventions are primarily achieving the
Performance framework. Conceptually, the Australian national expected or desired outcomes within the proper time context.
health performance framework, which is based on a health Moreover, the framework advocates that the intervention or
determinants model, is non-hierarchical but relational, as it care must be to people most at need.
pays attention to other contextual variables that may consider- Indicators for the ‘effectiveness’ dimension are drawn
ably inXuence health care inputs, processes, outputs, or out- mostly from the prevention and early detection performance
comes. The framework has three tiers: (a) health status and areas of population health, and as such include HIV education
outcomes; (b) determinants of health; and (c) health system and the practice of safe sex, as well as breast screening and
performance. Equity is seen as an all-encompassing property detection of small size cancers. These measures tend to be out-
of these three tiers [55]. Health conditions, human function, put and/or outcome, or in the short-term, process indicators.

Conceptual frameworks for health systems performance

Operationally, the ‘effective’ dimension can subsume the tions, and a number of local and national Wnancial incentives
domains of quality, appropriateness, access and timeliness. aimed at health care providers [50,64]. These incentives oper-
On a national level, benchmarks are being developed but ate within a structure of national initiatives geared towards
these already exist at territorial and state levels [59], as well as improving national performance capacity, quality, and safety.
hospital levels [51,60]. Overall, it is hoped that the framework will be a valuable
Quality improvement initiatives. Considered an integral part of instrument for outlining trends, facilitating data use at health system
the Australian framework, ‘quality’ with an increased con- level for benchmarking purposes, informing decision-making
sumer focus in the system has similar dimensions to those of and appraising progress towards tackling health issues [55].
performance [61]. ‘A system will only perform well if it is
delivering high quality interventions in a cost-effective man-
ner’ [55]. Quality improvement and safety are the foci of vari-
ous national initiatives such as the National Health Priority Background. The US has a pluralistic, decentralized health sys-
Action Council (NHPAC), the National Institute of Clinical tem with mostly private (largely employer-based) funding and

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Studies (NICS) and the Australian Council for Safety and variable state and federal regulation [5,66]. The Federal Medi-
Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC). care public insurance program only caters for the elderly (over
The NHPAC, a recent establishment, advises on the coordi- age 65 years old) and the disabled, while the federal-state
nation and progress of Australia’s National Health Priority Medicaid program covers low income and disabled persons.
Areas, namely cardiovascular disease, cancer, injury, asthma, Many insured and uninsured are exposed to out-of-pocket
depression, and diabetes mellitus. Backed by Wnancial incen- payments. The numerous health care plans and networks,
tives for primary care programs, NHPAC acts to improve care being in the private sector, operate in a competitive market
through performance monitoring in speciWed disease diagnosis environment where patients and health care purchasers make
and management. The newly formed NICS independently their selection based on performance information (or quality)
promotes best evidence practices using effective implementa- and economic grounds (or cost). The US has a staunch back-
tion strategies, while the ACSQHC directs and reports on ground in the development, analysis and reporting of PIs
national data usability, quality improvement, and safety issues. within the public domain and in health care networks albeit
The Australian Council on Health Care Standards is an inde- mainly fragmented in approach. With government and private
pendent, non-proWt organization that undertakes performance support, the system has witnessed a lot of research activities
assessment and accreditation [62]. The Quality Improvement on effectiveness, consumer empowerment, and quality of
Council, a national non-proWt organization, is another important care. Nonetheless, the fragmented US health system still
promoter of quality, through its Standards and National has to develop a concrete coherent national performance
Review and Accreditation Programs [63]. indicators framework. At the level of health care plans and
Additionally, tools identiWed in the Australian health sys- networks, PIs are employed locally for assessment, manage-
tem for quality improvement include: accreditation; strength- ment and improvement. In the last few years, there have been
ening consumer feedback and participation; development of initiatives aimed at strengthening the national capacity and
information systems to provide high quality data; promotion developing core indicators frameworks.
of evidence-based practice; supporting health infrastructure; Performance framework. At the national level, the US has a
development of health care teams among professional groups; number of mostly still developing health system performance
reporting of and learning from adverse events; and introduc- framework initiatives, namely: (a) a proposed national health
tion of clinical risk reduction programs [64]. Quality of care indica- system improvement framework [67]; (b) a population health
tors are being developed, as part of an integrated national agenda, improvement model [68]; (c) the National Health Care Qual-
to converge with the health system performance framework. ity Report [69]; and (d) two prominent, widely used but non-
Mechanism of change. An intrinsic aim of the Australian national, performance reporting initiatives – the Consumer
framework is to improve system performance vis-à-vis capa- Assessment of Health Plans Study (CAHPS) and the Health
city building [54,57]. The framework aims at performance Employer Data Information Set (HEDIS®) [70]. Other per-
comparison across States, Territories and nationally, thus formance assessment initiatives include the Quality Improve-
encouraging improvement in identiWed areas within the ment Organization (QIO) program of the Centers for
health system. Hence, timely public performance reporting at Medicare and Medicaid Services [71], the ORYX initiative of
local, regional and national levels within an integrated inform- the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organ-
ation network is seen as a tool to drive improvement. Using izations [72], and the quality measures of the Foundation for
its robust data system [58,65], the national framework will Accountability [73].
enhance epidemiological analysis to clarify the relationship The Institute of Medicine (IOM) proposed a framework
between health inputs or programs, processes, outputs, and for national system improvement, outlining six performance
outcomes. Locally, intra- and inter-organizational perform- domains: (a) safety; (b) effectiveness; (c) patient-centeredness;
ance comparison and benchmarking may drive improvement. (d) timeliness; (e) efWciency; and (f) equity. The IOM argues
International comparisons seem to stimulate performance that ‘a health care system that achieves major gains in these six
improvement in the Australian health system. areas would be far better at meeting patient needs’ [67]. PIs
Another powerful incentive identiWed in the national that can populate such a system re-invention framework are
framework is the existence of enhancement funds for institu- accessible in the National Quality Measures Clearinghouse™

O. A. ARAH et al.

(NQMC™), a national repository of indicators maintained by chronic and end-of-life care) or for speciWc conditions.
the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality [74]. Therefore, the indicators would reXect just about these areas
‘Healthy People 2010’ is a concurrent national public or priority conditions. These PIs are predominantly process
health vision launched in 2000, the third of its kind since and outcome measures, as the national framework avoids
1979, with 467 objectives in 28 focus areas, based on a deter- structural indicators, citing the weakness of the links between
minants of health or population health model [68]. The most system structures and outcomes of care. The use of
10-year targets set out in this project call for renewed communal process and outcome PIs is said to mirror the interests of
efforts towards ‘healthy people in healthy communities’, American consumers and providers in practice-related (or
requiring health providers to have more prevention-oriented outcome-validated process) and outcome indicators [69].
practices, scientists to do more research, communities and Hence, the framework aims to link performance to system
businesses to support health promotion policies, and individ- targets via its functions.
uals to make healthy lifestyle choices. ‘Healthy People 2010’ The selection criteria for the individual indicators address
has two broad demography-based goals: Wrstly, the improve- the overall importance of the aspect of performance or

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ment of the quality and years of healthy life of an aging USA, quality being measured, the scientiWc soundness and the feasi-
and secondly, the elimination of health disparities among its bility of the indicators. For the indicator set as a whole,
diverse populations. In order to track its progress, the project balance, comprehensiveness, and robustness are the desired
publishes a set of 10 ‘leading health indicators’ addressing criteria [69].
physical activity, overweight and obesity, tobacco use, sub- Quality improvement initiatives. According to the IOM, health
stance abuse, responsible sexual behavior, mental health, care ‘quality’ is ‘the degree to which health services for indi-
injury and violence, environmental quality, immunization, and viduals and populations increase the likelihood of desired
access to quality health care. health outcomes and are consistent with current professional
The National Health Care Quality Report is a conceptual knowledge’ [76]. Quality of care and safety are such major
framework for measuring the performance improvement of political and public issues [5,77] driving the US national
the US health system in its provision of high-quality care. The health system initiatives that a whole framework for multi-
prototype of this report expected in 2003 will address two level reporting has been commissioned to track health care
main dimensions: health care quality and consumer perspec- quality progress at national, state and local levels. This
tives on health care needs. Components of the health care National Quality Report being undertaken by the IOM on
quality dimension are: (a) safety; (b) effectiveness; (c) patient behalf of the Agency for Health Research and Quality
centeredness; and (d) timeliness. Consumer perspectives on (AHRQ) is seen as ‘a collection of annual reports tailored to
health care needs – reasons for seeking care – are conceived the needs and interests of particular constituencies’ [69]. It
to cover: (a) staying healthy; (b) getting better; (c) living with will examine the quality of care provided by the entire system
illness or disability; and (d) coping with the end of life. The to the general population and major subgroups. The AHRQ
framework propounds combining these components of the also has a three-part Quality Indicators project, a reWnement
two main dimensions in a matrix so as to explore their inter- of its Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP). This is
relationship. For instance an indicator can be ‘effectiveness – a federal–state–private collaboration to create a uniform set
staying healthy’ in a cell of the matrix, where presumably of health care quality indicators based on hospital administra-
health conditions and population characteristics related to tive data [78].
equity as universal issues would apply within each cell [69]. Prior to the Quality Report, The President’s Advisory
Indicators of effectiveness. In the IOM proposed US frame- Commission on Consumer Protection and Quality in Health
work, effectiveness refers to ‘providing services based on scien- Care Industry had in 1998 concluded that too many Americans
tiWc knowledge to all who could beneWt, refraining from received substandard quality care, bearing in mind that some
providing services to those not likely to beneWt (avoiding 41 million lived without the beneWt of health insurance secu-
overuse and underuse)’ [67]. According to the JCAHO, effec- rity. It then recommended federal patients’ rights legislation
tiveness is ‘the degree to which the care is provided in the cor- and national quality assessment and reporting. It also pro-
rect manner, given the current state of knowledge, to achieve posed a three-dimension quality measurement framework to
the desired or projected outcome(s) for the patient’ [74]. focus on technical quality, accessibility, and acceptability [79].
Underlying the operationalization of this concept are the Subsequently, the National Forum for Quality Measurement
domains of safety, quality, appropriateness, timeliness, conti- and Reporting was established in 1999 as a non-proWt public–
nuity, and availability. private partnership concerned with the promulgation and
Numerous effectiveness of care indicators found in the endorsement of core quality PIs (for the health system to
NQMC™ and HEDIS® are widely used at the level of man- gauge progress towards national goals) and provision of
aged care plans or health networks and include: childhood accessible information to all health actors [80,81]. The Cen-
immunization status, chlamydia screening in women, prenatal ters for Medicare and Medicaid Services (formerly Health
and postpartum care, Xu shots for adults aged 50–64 years, Care Financing Administration) which provides the govern-
cholesterol management after acute cardiovascular events, mental public health insurance to 74 million Americans also
and advising smokers to quit [74,75]. The National Quality uses PIs to facilitate quality improvement [71].
Report framework stipulates that effectiveness should be Other key quality improvement tools within the US con-
assessed according to type of care (e.g. preventive care; acute, text include: refocusing of group health care purchasers on

Conceptual frameworks for health systems performance

high quality services; consumer empowerment; paying spe- league tables and plots, which among others show current
cial attention to ‘vulnerable populations’ (such as the poor, achievements against potential. Applauded though the WHO
elderly, children); accountability of all health actors; error framework was, it also generated a lot of debate, as the league
reduction systems and ‘culture of safety’; investment in tables and underlying methodology among other issues were
health information systems; advancement of evidence- intensely controversial [87–97]. WHO is currently revising its
based practice; greater health care professional collabora- concepts and methods for the next round of reporting [87].
tions and peer review; and accreditation, licensing, and Performance framework. The WHO Health System Perform-
certiWcation [79]. ance Assessment framework [7] builds on a number of essen-
Mechanism of change. The use of PIs to foster actual overall tial concepts, namely: health system boundaries, objective,
performance improvement in the US health system is predi- goals, health system efWciency, health system functions, and
cated largely on two main mechanisms: public reporting and enhancing policy relevance of health system performance
economic accountability [82–84]. As a public accountability framework [87,98]. Under the concept of health system bound-
tool, performance reporting efforts for consumers – in aries, a health system is deWned operationally as comprising
‘the resources, actors and institutions related to the Wnancing,

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addition to some selective provider-level reporting –
include the CAHPS and HEDIS® initiatives. CAHPS serves regulation and provision of health actions’ [98], where health
as survey protocol sponsored by AHRQ [78], Medicare, actions are ‘all activities whose primary purpose is to promote,
Medicaid, and a host of private purchasers for collecting restore or maintain health’ [7]. Better health is thus consid-
and reporting consumer’s experiences with their health ered the main objective – raison d’être – of a health system, and
plans. It aids purchaser and consumer selection/choice of hence its primary goal. Furthermore, this main objective of
health plans and stimulates competitive performance of improving health is taken to have two socially desirable goals
health care plans. The National Committee for Quality of ‘goodness’ (to mean that a health system responds well to
Assurance (NCQA) working with purchasers, researchers, what people expect of it) and ‘fairness’ (to imply that the
health plans and consumer advocates developed the response is equal to all, without discrimination).
HEDIS® as a reporting data set of standardized PIs – that There are therefore fundamentally three goals of a health
assess care and service quality, access to, and satisfaction system: (a) improving health; (b) enhancing its responsiveness
with care, service use and membership, Wnance, and man- to the expectations of the population; and (c) assuring fair-
agement provided by health plans and networks – drawing ness of Wnancial contribution [7]. Applying two ‘components
data from administrative (enrollment and claims) sources, of assessment’, viz. average level and distribution, the goal of
medical records, and member surveys [75,85]. A nonproWt ‘improving health’ is further split into two: (a) average health
private body, NCQA also uses the HEDIS® for accredita- status; and (b) reducing health inequalities. ‘Responsiveness’
tion purposes and keeps data in the public domain through then includes two major components: (a) respect for persons;
its ‘Quality Compass’ database. These aforementioned con- and (b) client orientation. For the third goal, fairness in Wnan-
sumer-focused reporting initiatives play a role in improving cial contribution, only its distribution, but not its average
US health system performance via the mechanisms of level, is considered. Level of resources is treated as an extrin-
changing provider behavior, facilitation of consumer selec- sic variable for judging performance. The levels of goal attain-
tion and choice, purchasing/commissioning decisions, and ment for both health improvement and responsiveness reXect
regulation by public accountability [83]. the overall quality of the health system, whereas the distribu-
Besides, the market dynamics of the US health care make tional measures (each of health, responsiveness, and Wnancial
‘choice’ and ‘exit’ potent regulation mechanisms for driving contribution) describe the equity of the system [98]. Hence,
performance and enforcing accountability [84]. This eco- the Wve major components of health system performance
nomic accountability model [86] operates within a market according to WHO are: the overall level of population health,
context where effective use of performance data to change the distribution of health in the population, the overall level
the health system aims at policy makers, purchasers, provid- of responsiveness, distribution of responsiveness within the
ers, and the public for its purposes. population, and the distribution of the health system’s Wnan-
cial burden within the population. Performance is estimated
from the weighted sum of the above-listed Wve components,
and an ‘overall indicator of attainment’ is calculated. The
Background. On the 24 June 2000, the WHO, the leading inter- weights came from a survey of goal preferences of some 1006
national health agency, published its World Health Report 2000 respondents from 125 countries.
(WHR 2000) [7], which was devoted to assessing health Health system efWciency refers to a composite goal perform-
system performance in 191 member countries. This report ance index depicting how well the health system achieves the
deWnes health systems, and sets out why they matter, their socially desirable mix of the Wve components of performance
evolution, their goals, and their functions. It then goes on to goals. Health system functions, in this framework revolve around
propose and develop a performance framework ‘to help four core areas – stewardship, Wnancing, resource generation,
Member States measure their own performance, understand and service provision [7,87,98].
the factors that contribute to it, improve it, and respond bet- Indicators of effectiveness. The WHO conceptual framework
ter to the needs and expectations of the people they serve and does not explicitly use the term effectiveness, but appears to
represent’ [7]. The report presents the results in a number of operationalize health (improvement/outcome) as an all-embracing

O. A. ARAH et al.

objective of the health system. As such, the framework delin- improving their systems, and will inXuence appropriate global
eates a number of measures such as probability of mortality research towards achieving health goals. This entire enterprise
before the age 5 years, or between the ages of 15 and 59 years, has had a tremendous impact on national interests in health
life expectancy at birth, mortality by cause and sex, and disa- system performance.
bility measures. It Wnally combines these measures to estimate
one measure of overall population health, terming it the ‘bur-
den of disease’ or the numbers of disability-adjusted life years
(DALYs) lost. In judging how well the objective of good
health is being achieved, WHO also uses the indicator disabil- Background. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation
ity-adjusted life expectancy (DALE), an estimate of the and Development (OECD), in keeping with its establishing
number of years that a person would live in full health. DALE Convention signed in Paris on 14 December 1960 and
is calculated from three types of data: the age-speciWc survival enforced on 30 September 1961, has brought together coun-
fraction, estimated from birth and mortality rates; the age- tries sharing the principles of the market economy, pluralist

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speciWc prevalence of each type of disability; and the weight democracy, and respect for human rights [101]. The 30 indus-
assigned to each type of disability [7,99]. trialized member countries of OECD hold that ‘good health
Given its deWned set of three major goals for a health sys- is essential for people to Xourish as citizens, family members,
tem, the framework conceives ‘composite goal performance’ workers and consumers’ [102]. The organization stipulates
as efWciency. It argues that efWciency depicts ‘how well a health that modern health systems, aided by technological advances,
system achieves the desired outcomes given available are pivotal to good health promotion and disease cure or
resources’ [98]. Using a scale obtained from an upper limit or management, ceding that such gains come at a cost. Growing
‘frontier’ (i.e. the maximum attainable in a health system) and demand on health systems, increased consumer expectations,
a lower boundary (i.e. minimum attainable) analyses, WHO aging populations, concerns about medical errors and the
estimates the health system’s potential. It then relates outcomes increasingly expensive health technologies vis-à-vis bulging
and health system resources in two ways – the Wrst relates public Wnancing have prompted many member countries to
resources to average health status (DALE), and the second develop performance measurement and management frame-
relates resources to the overall attainment indicator based on works that capture equity, quality and efWciency goals within
all Wve performance components [7]. their health systems [103–105]. Parallel to these developmen-
Quality, management, and policy issues. Quality is not consid- tal efforts and to enable international comparisons, reporting,
ered as a performance measure in the WHO conceptual and evidence-based policy-making, the OECD has proposed
framework, but is seen as a subset of overall goal attainment a conceptual framework adopting many aspects of the WHO
[98]. Improving and managing performance supported with health system performance framework [104]. The framework,
relevant policies are areas of interest for the framework, which does not suggest any weighting scheme for system
prompting the establishment of the Enhancing Health goals, focuses on health system performance but not on the
Systems Performance Initiative (EHSPI). This is borne out broader issues of public health.
of WHO’s idea of enhancing the policy relevance of health system Performance framework. The OECD proposed health system
performance assessment mentioned above, and involves regional performance framework contains three main goals: (a) health
consultations with countries, research institutes, and other improvement and outcomes; (b) responsiveness and access;
international organizations [87,100]. Nationally, EHSPI and (c) Wnancial contribution and health expenditure [104,105].
would feed policy debate, link evidence to actions, and These goals are subjected to two ‘components for assessment’
develop national capacity to monitor and improve perform- to explore system achievement, namely: average level and distribu-
ance. Globally, EHSPI would guide further developments tion of each goal. As a result, six components of health system
of the framework, methods and a stronger international performance emerge from this matrix, where the average levels
evidence-base for policy. of the three aforementioned goals are taken to measure efWciency
WHO stipulates that the ‘scope of accountability’ should and their respective distributions indicate equity. Unlike in the
be approached on three levels, focusing on the performance WHO framework, where access is seen as a determinant of
of national systems, and of subsystems and institutions, and responsiveness, here ‘access’ is designated as an essential com-
the overall attainment of health system goals. It uses the ponent of ‘responsiveness’, so as to address issues of equity of
notion of stewardship, one of its four major functions of a access within the OECD framework. In terms of dimensions
health system, to take regulation further by including six sub- of performance, the OECD framework has four main ones,
functions: overall system design, performance assessment, thus: (a) health improvement/outcomes; (b) responsiveness; (c)
priority setting, intersectoral advocacy, rule setting (i.e. health equity (of health outcomes, access and Wnance respectively);
care regulation and sanitary regulation of goods and services), and (d) efWciency (both macroeconomic and microeconomic).
and consumer protection. Stewardship at the national level The OECD compiles and publishes key indicators in
encompasses the deWnition of basic strategies for the whole printed (Health at a Glance) and electronic (OECD Health
health system, the assurance of an enabling environment for Data) formats [66,102]. The 10 main data Welds found in these
all health actors, and the promulgation and maintenance of databases are: health status, health care resources, health care
rules for the system [7,98]. At the international level, steward- utilization, expenditure on health, Wnancing and remunera-
ship will provide an evidence base to assist countries in tion, social protection, pharmaceutical market, non-medical

Conceptual frameworks for health systems performance

determinants of health, demographic references, and eco- and ‘contract re-negotiation.’ The approach may be singular
nomic references. The data for the many indicators contained or joint, usually supported by Wnancial and non-Wnancial
within these data Welds come from member countries, the incentives and governmental regulation to ensure quality,
Eurostat New Cronos database, the WHO’s World Health Statis- efWciency and equity [84,105].
tics Annual, the WHO-Europe Health for All, and other inter- The OECD performance measurement and improvement
national databases. cycle [107] has four main compartments: the health care system,
The OECD identiWes three types of health systems among conceptualization and measurement, analysis, and action/management
its member countries. The Wrst type, as in the US, is a health [104]. Policy makers and managers within the health care sys-
system with private health insurance and private providers tem are expected to identify weaknesses. After conceptualiza-
and where purchasers can inXuence unit costs and level of tion and measurement, achievements are compared with
health expenditure. The second type of health system, as in objectives. Under ‘analysis,’ ex ante evaluation should reveal
The Netherlands, is Wnanced mainly by social health insur- the causes of low performance and the cost-effectiveness of
ance with private or mixed providers, where the government the needed improvement, while ex post evaluation will moni-

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largely determines the level of health expenditure. The third tor the undertaken improvement activities and generate an
type, known as national health service, exempliWed by the ‘evidence base’ for anticipated policy-making. Eventually, any
UK, involves Wnancing mostly by general taxation with or all of four basic health actors – consumers, providers, man-
mainly public providers, where the government also controls agers, and governors – would initiate actions or behavioral
level of health expenditure but microeconomic efWciency is changes so as to achieve performance improvement. The
determined by providers and managers purchasing health care same cycle has been proposed for summarizing the phases of
for consumers [105]. health policy and management initiatives aimed at improving
Indicators of effectiveness. In the OECD framework, effectiveness health system performance [105].
is conceptualized as ‘health outcomes’ ‘deWned narrowly as In either case, analysis and investigation may be required in
those changes in health status strictly attributable to the activ- order to identify how to improve performance. International
ities of health systems’ [104,105]. Though uninterested in comparison could foster international benchmarking, improved
health status itself determinable by many factors, the frame- quality, informed policy-making especially for health care
work capitulates that uncertainties still exist within the used spending [108] and on health technology diffusion [109], the
indicators of effectiveness owing to the difWculty of teasing sharing of good performance measurement and management
health care impact from the impact of health status determi- practices [104], and hence could contribute to standardization
nants. These PIs are operationalized health status measures of of concepts and deWnitions [106].
avoidable morbidity or mortality, or process measures which
are held to be highly outcome-correlated [104].
Examples of these PIs include: vaccination rates, avoidable Discussion
hospitalizations by selected conditions, incidence of infec-
tious diseases, low birth weight, perinatal mortality, infant First and foremost, we acknowledge the shortcomings of this
mortality and avoidable mortality by selected conditions. As study’s methodology. Internet sources used in the exploration
part of its Ageing Related Disease (ARD) Project, the organ- can change and can bias retrieval where important hyperlinks
ization will collect data on survival rates from cancer, in- are not readily accessible. There is also the issue of vagueness
hospital mortality due to acute myocardial infarction, as well and questionable reliability of published ofWcial data, leaving
as breast and cervical cancer screening. Vaccination rates and much room for speculation as to the true implications of pol-
breast/cervical cancer screening are designated as process-of- icies and terms. Contributions of the private sector are usually
care measures. Rates of avoidable morbidity or mortality are neglected in any study of ofWcial initiatives. Moreover, this
included upon evidence that appropriate and timely health Weld of discourse is a very dynamic one, as all the study bodies
intervention would prevent the disease or treat its early stages frequently update their practices and proposals. Nonetheless,
[106]. These PIs are taken to reXect the health outcome/ much effort has been spent to eschew these potential biases,
improvement goal of OECD health systems. When more by being thorough and objective. This discussion will analyze
countries link their databases on individual diagnoses, inter- stepwise: the various conceptual bases, effectiveness as a con-
ventions and death, it is expected that longitudinal and cept, the resultant proxy roles of public health and health
disease-course analyses would make it easier to estimate services, other operationalization issues surrounding indica-
comparative health outcomes. tors of effectiveness, the quality–effectiveness relationship,
Quality, management, and policy issues. The OECD captures the mechanism of change, and brieXy, the idea of ‘perform-
quality in the levels of health outcomes and responsiveness, ance environment’.
and tackles ‘performance management’ as ‘the whole set of
institutional and incentive arrangements by which perform-
Conceptual bases
ance information is (or is not) used to inXuence performance
in health care systems’ [104,105]. The identiWed pan-OECD There are almost as many conceptual frameworks as there are
instruments of performance improvement consist of profes- countries and organizations studied (Tables 1 and 2). The
sional self-regulation, market or quasi-market drive and exter- overwhelming drive has been improving health [110] and man-
nal scrutiny by way of peer review, licensing, publicizing PIs, aging the health system around the consumer. Conceptually,

O. A. ARAH et al.

the UK NHS framework leans more on a balanced scorecard Public health and health services
concept (though not its original four perspectives [17], but it
In practice, the studied countries seem to use mainly public
chooses a six-area approach) that is performance manage-
health issues and priority areas of health care as proxies for
ment driven, while the Australian, and to a large extent the
health system objectives, perhaps reXecting an endeavor to
Canadian, frameworks pursue a more relational concept of
link public health and health services within health system
health and health system – an informational, health deter-
performance (Table 3). This may be an inadvertent result of
minants model. This model, from Lalonde [111], makes
the national approach to health of populations, and the aggre-
allowance for the role of the socioeconomic environment,
gation of health services towards to the macro-level, respectively.
genes or host’s constitution, lifestyle, and health care (system)
Moreover, priority health conditions such as diabetes, coro-
in determining health. If these factors are not considered
nary heart disease, and cancer reXect the known health service
when frameworks and PIs are developed for monitoring
strengths as well as the epidemiological needs of these indus-
health vis-à-vis health system performance, one runs the risk
trialized nations. In any health system performance assess-
of spurious conclusions about the relationship between
ment, the challenge remains in capturing non-medical

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health and health care (or more narrowly medical care)
determinants of health, as depicted in the Canadian and
[112,113]. Though supported by a population health deter-
Australian frameworks, but poorly so in the WHO and
minants program, the US approach remains largely frag-
OECD frameworks. Nevertheless, the distinction between
mented with its market and consumer information tilt.
public health (with the wider issues of population health
Ultimately, national health systems have their own priorities
determinants) and health services (with the narrower issues of
and must seek supporting structures for performance. The
clinical care and cure) should be made clear, articulating their
WHO and OECD frameworks encourage international com-
relationship to the overall health system.
parability, availability of data, and evidence-based performance,
and offer policy support to Member States. Nonetheless,
there are varying degrees of divergence in concepts and oper-
Operationalization of effectiveness indicators
ationalization of targets, effectiveness, performance dimen-
sions, and assessment. Part of this divergence lies in the To operationalize PIs which measure the degree to which
difWculty of building a conceptually sound framework around objectives are being met or not, the explored countries and
existing data and initiatives, while measuring performance organizations use a combination of means to overcome data
gaps and maintaining international comparability, a move problems and the difWculty of deWning and measuring objectives
perhaps stimulated by the WHR 2000. Another important in a reliable and valid manner. For instance, the UK, Canada,
cause of these differences is the tendency towards accommo- and Australia make extensive use of existing data in develop-
dating the political, epidemiological, economic, and managerial ing and applying their PIs, while creating new data sources
perspectives of key stakeholders. when possible, in conformance with current databases and
newly selected indicators. A trade-off between scientiWc
objectivity and feasibility appears to be at work in how these
Effectiveness as a concept
effectiveness indicators are conceptualized and operational-
The notion of effectiveness – the degree to which the objectives ized, just as these countries and agencies strive to appease
of a program, care, service, or system are achieved [114] – both purists and pragmatists. Furthermore, most of the indi-
illustrates the foregoing. The UK, Canadian, Australian, and cators of effectiveness in these frameworks are outcome and,
US applications of effectiveness span other performance less so, process measures. The value of a process measure,
dimensions and pertain to service or care delivery achieving which is usually more sensitive to differences in quality [117],
desired results and being evidence-based, accessible, appro- is reliant on the strength of the evidence that links it with
priate, timely, and of high quality. The US goes further to ultimate outcomes [69,118]. While the correct relationship
include avoiding overuse and underuse of services. In all four between health care effectiveness and improved health out-
nations, the implication is that there are standards and objec- comes remains unsettled [114,115,119], different stakeholders
tives for gauging these results. Unfortunately, these objectives still have different views as to what processes or outcomes
are sometimes unclear or too numerous to be manageable. should be measured and how [110,120]. A mixture of PI types
Neither is the achievement rating system well developed may be more useful to assess effectiveness from various
(although the UK performance star rating system has been stakeholder perspectives [121].
applied to acute health services). Internationally, WHO and As an illustration, one could look at childhood immuniza-
OECD tackle the concept of effectiveness in terms of tion, found in nearly all the frameworks, as an effectiveness
efWciency and health outcomes, reXecting an economic way indicator. Politicians want accountability of all health actors
of thinking. It has been argued that PIs for health outcomes involved in vaccination programs, and seek good immunization
should relate to those aspects of care alterable by health care coverage percentages for the electorate and the international
or organizational variables [115,116]. Whichever way one community. Epidemiologists who look for robust PIs may be
goes about it, the objectives, which should be realistic and set interested in: the population effectiveness of immunization
a priori, must be explicitly quantiWable or at least amenable to among children at age 2 years; its attributable effectiveness
minimum quantiWcation, or else the very notion of effective- which is the difference in, say, measles notiWcation between
ness becomes meaningless [114]. the immunized and non-immunized children at that age; its

Conceptual frameworks for health systems performance

population attributable effectiveness or the proportion of Mechanism of change

children who would gain from immunization, to show the
Information from PIs ‘can be used to monitor the overall
impact of vaccination on the population; and its relative effective-
strategy or operational performance of the organization, as an
ness which is the ratio of the outcome (incidence of measles)
instrument of hands-off control over the lower levels of the
between the immunized and non-immunized 2-year-olds.
organization, as a tool for day-to-day management by the
Economists Wght for cost-effective immunization programs,
street-level bureaucrat, or they can form part of the process of
best resource allocation, and maximal social beneWts with
individual appraisal and in allocating performance related pay’
minimum societal inputs or costs. Managers want to set goals,
[144]. The exact organizational learning [145] and mechanism
develop and implement immunization strategies for achieving
of change involved in using the resultant data to drive improve-
them and measuring performance, and therefore need to use
ment remain a challenge [146,147], poorly researched, and at
timely, prescriptive performance information to improve how
best, vague at policy and managerial levels. This may be due
the vaccination program is run, efWciently and effectively.
to the problems of turning these PIs into management indica-
From the foregoing, it becomes a difWcult task to operational-
tors [148], of complex speciWcations [149,150], and of trying

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ize childhood immunization as a useful PI that captures effec-
to capture quantitatively the many intangibilities encountered
tiveness of preventive care. Whatever combination that is
[151]. After comparing outcomes or performance compo-
chosen will depend on who owns the performance frame-
nents with desired targets or objectives, shortfalls must be
work thus calling for value judgment and balancing of per-
identiWed and explanations put forward [152]. Ways are then
spectives, data availability and reliability, the exact priorities of
explored to maximize achievement of these objectives, thus
the system, and the temporal nature of the deWned outcome
Wne-tuning the service and care processes, changing patterns
given the intervention.
of delivery, or simply making the objectives more realistic and
attainable [114]. Comparing and sharing best practice through
benchmarking policy-making and accountability – political,
Effectiveness or quality public, and professional – are prominent improvement drives
An interesting trend in all the frameworks is the implicit and [153]. All four countries recognize and use regulatory mech-
explicit link between the concepts of ‘effectiveness’ and ‘qual- anisms in order to achieve effectiveness and quality, as is seen
ity’. This is understandable, given the growing concerns about in the example of the UK NHS [154,155]. The Wnancial and
safety, service delivery, and quality of patient care [122–127]. non-Wnancial incentives such as ‘earned autonomy’ [156] Wnd
Donabedian deWnes quality as ‘the ability to achieve desirable more local application in the health system, and should be
objectives using legitimate means’ [128]. As the Australian good management tools provided the standards are uniform,
framework points out, a system can only be said to be per- fair, and pragmatic. All these exist in a context of policies
forming, in this case achieving desired objectives, if it delivers designed to govern implementation and management. How-
high quality interventions, care or services [55]. The IOM ever, a lot of the explored government documents detailed so
renders quality as increasing the likelihood of desired health much policy reform as to risk becoming a ‘perpetual-motion
outcomes, consistent with best current professional knowl- machine’ with a perpetual cycle of ‘high hopes and inXated rhet-
edge [76], and effectiveness as provision of services based on oric’ [157]. This makes it all too likely for the health policy
scientiWc knowledge to all who could beneWt, avoiding overuse reform to break down when implementation is attempted [158].
and underuse [67]. Quality may then be a composite or subset It still remains governmental responsibility to clearly design the
of main outcome indicators (e.g. OECD and WHO), may be guiding policies and strategies, to set relevant targets [159] with
developed in a supportive framework (e.g. USA) [69], or effect- a ‘communitarian constitution’ [160], to aid the development of
iveness can be viewed as a dimension of quality [61,67,129]. an overarching performance measurement and management
‘Quality of care’ is increasingly referred to as ‘performance’ framework for its national health system with integrated infor-
[110,130–132], but may well be ‘quality of technical perform- mation systems [131], and to ensure accountability.
ance’ from its current measurements [133,134]. Quality of care
becomes a proxy for the quality of the whole health system
where the main business is clinical care. Clinical governance Performance environment
[135–137]. Indeed, the four countries and two agencies use a After creating and populating such a framework based on evi-
combination of tools for performance and quality improve- dence, structure and needs, the government must go beyond
ment. This multi-level approach, if clearly obtainable and opti- the content of the framework to modify the context, or what we
mally synergistic in a health system as shown in Table 4, may will term here as the performance environment in which it would be
indeed prove more promising in ensuring quality of health care accepted, applied and appraised. Such a performance environment
delivery. This has been illustrated elsewhere under the unifying will include the concept of performance management [104,161],
concept of community-based integrated care [138]. However, but will pay speciWc attention to how a particular conceptual
what is currently the case is that these countries have a myriad framework relates to any existing health information and com-
of often overlapping quality initiatives and reporting or public munications infrastructure, public health initiatives, regulatory
disclosure mechanisms. Several studies have debated the use- institutions, welfare and social services, health actors or users of
fulness of such public disclosure of quality or performance the framework, strategic policies, incentives, ‘organizational
data [130,139–143]. culture’ [162], and management mechanisms.

O. A. ARAH et al.

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