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Municipal solid waste in Mostaganem city (Western Algeria)

Article  in  Waste Management · February 2009

DOI: 10.1016/j.wasman.2008.03.027 · Source: PubMed


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5 authors, including:

Fatima Ouadjenia Fatiha Abdelmalek

University Mustapha Stambouli of Mascara Université Abdelhamid Ibn Badis Mostaganem


Fawzi Taleb Ahmed Addou

Université des Sciences et de la Technologie d'Oran Mohamed Boudiaf Université Abdelhamid Ibn Badis Mostaganem


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Waste Management 29 (2009) 896–902

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Municipal solid waste in Mostaganem city (Western Algeria)

N. Guermoud, F. Ouadjnia, F. Abdelmalek, F. Taleb, A. addou *
Laboratoire des Sciences et Techniques de l’Environnement et de la Valorisation (STEVA), Departement de Genies des Procedes, Director of STEVA Laboratory,
University of Mostaganem, 27000 Mostaganem, Algeria

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The management of municipal solid waste (MSW) and valorisation is based on the understanding of MSW
Accepted 24 March 2008 composition by its categories and physicochemical characteristics. In this study, we characterize and
Available online 21 July 2008 determine physicochemical parameters (density, fire loss, electric conductivity, average pH, moisture
level, lower calorific value (LCV), total and organic carbon, and nitrogen) in order to establish MSW val-
orisation models for Mostaganem city (located in Western Algeria). The results show that organic matter
represents 64.6% of waste, followed by paper-cardboard 15.9%, plastic 10.5%, glass 2.8%, textile 2.3%, met-
als 1.9%, and diverse materials 2%. These statistics are similar to results from developing countries, espe-
cially if organic matter, paper and plastic are taken into account, but differ from developed countries. This
reflects the difference in lifestyle and consumption behaviour between the two communities.
The parameters used to determine the possible valorisation model had the following average values: fire
loss (63%); ash (37%); pH (6.1); electric conductivity (2.39 ms cm1); total carbon (29.5%); nitrogen
(1.5%); LCV (1028.6 kcal/kg), density (0.36), C/N (19.7) and moisture level (58.9%). The study shows that
31.1% of paper-cardboard, plastic, glass and metal wastes are recyclable. Incinerating MSW, with energy
recovery, was a poor option because of the weak LCV (1028.6 kcal/kg). However, MSW produced a good
methane yield of up to 1852.4 equivalent tons of oil per year. The agricultural benefits, C/N ratio values,
levels of moisture and pH and the Tanner diagram all supported compost production.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction et al., 1982). The absence of MSW treatment infrastructure and ex-
perts make it difficult to manage an increasing amount of indus-
Economic development contributes to improvements in life trial and municipal waste.
standards. However, it also induces environment degradation with In the last three decades, the economic and social development
long-term consequences for both people and nature. Eradicating of Algeria did not take into account the protection of the citizen
poverty and reaching desirable levels of economic and industrial and the environment. Nearly 325,100 tons of special industrial
development seem to conflict with environmental considerations. wastes (asbestos, pesticides, mercury, cyanide, expired pharma-
The real problem, however, is the lack or inadequate level of envi- ceutical products) are produced in Algeria each year. Special indus-
ronment management at a town level. trial wastes are generated by four sectors: hydrocarbons (34%),
The industrialization of Algeria improved socio-economic condi- chemistry, rubber and plastic (23%), metallurgy (16%) and mines
tions but triggered a massive urban drift towards towns. This phe- (13%). Packaging represents a major portion of waste up to
nomenon led to urban anarchy and an increase in MSW production. 200,000 tons per year. Almost all (95%) packaging is made from
It is known that waste is not a threat to the environment if carefully plastic, with 5% made from metal, while only 0.02% is recycled.
collected and treated. However, it is clear that poor MSW disposal Healthcare wastes reach 125,000 tons per year, of which 53.6% is
and management systems are direct threats to nature and health general waste, 17.6% is infectious waste, 23.2% is toxic waste and
(Mayster and Duflon, 1994; Dotreppe and Grisaron, 1986). 5.6% is special waste. Each year, Algeria produces 8.5 million tons
In industrialized countries, MSW management is an important of MSW, a rate of 0.9 kg/inhabitant/day for urban zones and
and competitive economic activity. However, in Algeria (31.5 mil- 0.6 kg/inhabitant/day for rural zones. Waste disposal reaches 92%
lion inhabitants in 2002 with annual growth rate of 2%), the prob- in urban zones and 65% in rural zones. It should be noted that
lem is far from resolved if compared to other developing countries. 96.8% of Algerian MSW is dumped openly. Only 2% of waste is recy-
The present difficulties are mainly due to a lack of organization, cled, 1% is used as compost and 0.2% is disposed in landfills. There
methodology, education and information (MATE, 2003; Girod are 3000 open dumpsites in Algeria. There are 350 sites located
near big cities, which represent a surface area of 150,000 ha. Usu-
* Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +213 45 20 21 06. ally, these sites are close to agricultural facilities or rivers (MATE
E-mail address: (A. addou). and PROGDEM, 2003; METAP, 2002). With the current MSW

0956-053X/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
N. Guermoud et al. / Waste Management 29 (2009) 896–902 897

management system in Mostaganem city, all of the collected MSW

is disposed of in open dumpsites in the nearest available low lying
areas and wastelands of the city’s outskirts. Selection of these dis-
posal sites solely depends on availability, and not on scientific or
socio-environmental landfill criteria. MSW is disposed of in an
uncontrolled manner and daily cover material is not applied
The consequences of such mismanagement cost up to 0.32% of
the PIB, with 0.19% of the PIB as health costs and 0.13% of the
PIB as economic losses (recycling and valorisation potentials not
achieved) (MATE and PROGDEM, 2003; METAP, 2002). Recently,
the Algerian government decided to create 65 sanitary landfill
sites, resulting in the reorganisation and update of the waste dis-
posal system (including compost and methane production from or-
ganic waste and incineration).
In this study, our objective is to characterize the physical com-
position of the MSW in Mostaganem city, located in Western Alge-
ria. This will help us understand the physical and chemical
parameters of the city’s waste. The results will allow us to propose
the best method of MSW valorisation in Mostaganem city.

Fig. 1. Algeria map.

2. Composition of waste in Mostaganem city

MSW is a heterogeneous mixture of products with very differ- Diverse 2%

ent physicochemical properties. Its composition is variable and de- Textiles 2.3 %
Metals 1.9 %
pends on the nature of the products, customs of the population, the Glass 2.8 %
relative level of quality of life and the type of city. Knowledge of
MSW composition is essential for the determination of valorisation
Plastic 10.5 %
options such as compost production, recycling, and incineration.
Such knowledge also allows for environmental protection.
cardboard Organic matter
2.1. The average composition of MSW 15.9% 64.6%

Fig. 2. Average composition of MSW in Mostaganem city.

The composition of MSW in Mostaganem city was obtained
from waste generated during the study period and was classified
into six categories. The average composition is given in Table 3
study between Algerian cities and between developed and devel-
and Fig. 2.
oping countries (ANAT, 2001).
Six major categories of waste were identified: organic matter,
paper-cardboard, plastics, glass, metals, textiles and diverse.
2.2.1. Comparison of Algerian cities
Organic matter was the predominant category and represented
The results from the comparison of Algerian cities are shown in
64.6% of waste collected. The other categories were represented as
Table 4 (ANAT, 2001). In all Algerian cities, organic matter is the
follows: paper-cardboard (15.9%), plastic (10.5%), glass (2.8%), met-
most predominant waste category. In littoral cities (Mostaganem,
als (1.9%), textiles (2.3%) and diverse (2%). Demolition and con-
Bejaia and Annaba), the level of organic matter varied between
struction waste were not taken into account because they are
64.6% and 69.4%. However, this level increased in cities far from
disposed of in uncontrolled open-air sites. The high consumption
the sea, such as Tlemcen (71%) and Djelfa (83.5%).
of fruits and vegetables by the city’s inhabitants (a common char-
Mostaganem, a northern city, is characterized by a high level of
acteristic of developing countries), could explain the preponder-
paper (15.9%) due to the existence of a paper factory in the area.
ance of organic matter in Mostaganem’s waste.
However Djelfa, a southern town, produces a much smaller
The study of waste composition by zone (Table 3) shows that
amount of paper-cardboard (7.9%). This is because life styles in
the level of paper-cardboard is higher in zones 1 and 6, with 17%
the north and the south of the country are different and southern
and 22.3%, respectively. This is explained by the high concentration
people use less packaging and newspaper.
of shops, administrative buildings, and schools in these zones. The
Bejaia is characterized by a high level of plastics (12.3%), due to
large numbers of restaurants, hotels and cafes explain the high
the existence of a plastic factory in the region. Similar to the results
proportion of plastic in the city centre (zone 1).
for paper waste, Djelfa has a low level of plastic (2.4%) for the same
Zones 2 (the old city) and 3 (the new city) are characterized by a
reasons mentioned above. Metals, glass and textiles vary from 3%
high level of glass (3.5% and 4%), which could be explained by the
to 1% without major differences among cities.
frequent use of packages and bottled drinks.
2.2.2. Cities in developing and industrialized countries
2.2. Comparative study The composition of MSW varies from one country to another
without a clear correlation with wealth. Nevertheless, there is a
The composition of MSW can vary from one country to another, difference in the nature of MSW between developing and industri-
from one region to another, and from one zone to another inside a alized countries. The main difference is the high level of organic
city. This is true for Algerian cities as well as cities around the matter in developing countries, sometimes reaching 60% (except
world (Aloueimine, 2006; Mbuligwe, 2002; Mohee, 2002). In order Istanbul (36.1%) and Nouakchott (4.8%)). In Mauritania, organic
to understand MSW in Mostaganem city, we did a comparative matter is used as animal food (Aloueimine, 2006). In comparison,
898 N. Guermoud et al. / Waste Management 29 (2009) 896–902

Table 1 Table 4
Quantity of waste generated by day and study zone Waste composition of some Algerian cities (%)

Zone Sector Designation Surface Population Quantity of Ratio Categories Mostaganem Bejaia Annaba Tlemcen Djelfa
(ha) 2003–2004 waste generated (kg/
Organic matter 64.6 69.4 68.2 71.0 83.5
(T/d) inh/d)
Cardboard 15.9 11.1 12.6 11.0 7.9
Zone 1 City centre 81 11,197 6.83 0.61 Plastics 10.5 12.3 11.2 11.0 2.4
1 2 Beymout- 130 13,015 7.94 Metals 1.9 2.7 3.7 3.0 1.7
Belvedere Glass 2.8 0.7 1.1 1.0 1.2
3 Saint Jules 74 11,326 6.91 Textiles 2.3 3.3 2.1 2.0 1.4
Zone 4 Tigditt 80 15,588 9.51 0.61 Diverse 2.0 0.5 1.1 13.0 1.9
Zone 5 CIA- 278 11,691 7.13 0.61
3 Salamandre
Zone 6 Chemouma- 120 12,131 7.40 0.61
newspapers, magazines, and leaflets are used frequently. In Nouak-
4 5 Juillet
Zone 7 El Houria 85 14,594 8.90 0.61 chott, paper-cardboard is used as animal food.
5 8 Raisin ville 180 22,770 13.89 Plastic is variable in developing countries and seems stable in
Zone 9 ALN- 280 22,078 13.47 0.61 industrialized countries. Only Toronto (Canada) produces a large
6 Kharouba quantity (20.3%) of plastic, and no large differences are observed
Total Mostaganem 1308 134,390 81.98 0.61 in other cities. People in developing countries try to reach the level
city of plastic use found in industrialized countries. Metals, being po-
tential pollutants, are scarce in all countries.
Interestingly, industrialized countries generate more glass than
developing countries. This is due to nutritional practices and the
Table 2 tendency towards a unification of the quantity rejected. Only
Waste production in some cities
France produces a large quantity of glass (13.1%), understandable
Country Town Waste production References given that country’s levels of wine production.
(kg/inh/d) The composition of MSW varies according to cultural habits,
Algeria Mostaganem 0.62 This study economic status, urban structure, density of population, and extent
Algiers 1 Kehila (2005) of commercial and industrial activity. This comparative study con-
Marocco Grand 0.89 ONEM (2001) firms the numerous results obtained on lifestyle differences of the
Rabat 0.60 ONEM (2001)
two population types, the role of weather (higher production of
Tunisia Tunis 0.8 METAP (2002) fruits and vegetables in summer), food processing activities and so-
Jordan Amman 0.85 Abu-Qudais and Abu- cio-cultural status.
Qudais (2000)
Turkey Istanbul 0.95 Metine et al. (2003)
Mauritania Nouakchott 0.21 Aloueimine (2006) 3. Materials and methods
Brazil Uberlândia 0.51 Fehr et al. (2000)
Mexico Guadalajara 0.51 Bernache-Perez et al. 3.1. Study area
Cameroon Yaounde 0.85 Ngnikame (2000)
Bafousam 0.37 Ngnikame (2000)
Mostaganem city is located about 350 km west of Algiers. It is
Burkina Ouagadougou 0.62 Tezanou et al. (2001) limited by the Mediterranean Sea from the north and by Oran
Faso Bobo 0.55 Desseau (1999) (Algeria’s second city) (Fig. 1). It has a surface area of 2269 km2
Dioulasso with 717,054 inhabitants, of which 147,022 inhabitants live in
France Paris 1.51 Aina (2006)
Mostaganem city itself (2006). It is a littoral town with 120 km
Spain Madrid 1.59 Moldes et al. (2007)
Greece Athens 1.21 Mastro and Mistretta of coastline. The climate is semi arid, mild in winter and slightly
(2004) humid at more than 500 m. Rainfall is irregular and varies between
USA New York 2 Aina (2006) 250 and 500 mm/year. The average temperature is 18 °C near the
coast and 24 °C inland (TAD, 2004).
Mostaganem city is an important tourist attraction in Western
Algeria. There are 32 beaches along the coast, 19 of which are
Table 3 authorized for swimming.
Waste composition by zone (%) As far as tourist infrastructures are concerned, Mostaganem has
Category Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Average 7 urban hotels with 394 beds, 5 seaside resort hotels with 128
beds, 3 tourist residences with 387 beds, 13 family centres with
Organic 54.9 55.0 65.5 70.9 72.3 69.0 64.6
matter 2550 beds and 19 holiday colony centres with 8442 beds, totalling
Cardboard 17.0 15.3 13.0 15.2 12.8 22.3 15.9 11,900 beds.
Plastics 20.5 13.1 7.0 8.2 9.5 4.5 10.5
Metals 1.0 4.1 3.5 1.4 1.4 0.3 1.9 3.2. Source generation of the MSW
Glass 2.9 3.5 4.0 2.0 2.0 2.4 2.8
Textiles 2.9 4.0 3.0 1.6 1.0 1.0 2.3
Diverse 0.8 5.0 4.0 0.7 0.8 0.5 2.0 Open dumpsites in Mostaganem are not equipped for the direct
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
determination of waste quantities. The calculation of quantities is
undertaken by the cleaning and environment protection depart-
ment of Mostaganem.
The activities and services generating MSW in Mostaganem are
the level of organic matter is around 30% in industrialized coun- (ANAT, 2001):
tries (Table 5).
Generally, the level of paper-cardboard represents differences  73 economic units.
in socio-cultural lifestyles. In industrialized countries, packaging,  6228 trade centres.
N. Guermoud et al. / Waste Management 29 (2009) 896–902 899

Table 5
Composition (%) of MSW in some world cities

Country City Organic matter Cardboard Plastics Metals Glass References

Algeria Mostaganem 64.6 15.9 10.5 1 .9 2.8 This study
Morocco Agadir 65–70 18 2–3 5.6 0.5–1 ONEM (2001)
Jordan Amman 63 11 16 2 2 Abu-Qudais and Abu-Qudais (2000)
Turkey Istanbul 36.1 11.2 3.1 4.6 1.2 Manassero et al. (1997)
Tunisia Tunis 68 11 7 4 2 Hafid et al. (2002)
Mauritania Nouakchott 4.8 6.3 20 4.2 4 METAP (2002)
Guinea Labe 69 4.1 22.8 (+textile) 1.4 0.3 Matejka et al. (2001)
France Paris 28.8 25.3 11.1 4.1 13.1 Aina (2006)
Portugal 35.5 25.9 11.5 2.6 5.4 Magrinho et al. (2006)
Greece Palermo 31.7 23.1 11.8 2.7 8.3 Mastro and Mistretta (2004)
Canada Toronto 30.2 29.6 20.3 2.1 2 Vogt et al. (2002)

 3 covered markets, 1 weekly market, 3 daily markets of fruits – The level of moisture (% M) was determined after baking the
and vegetables and 5 shopping centres. sample for 24 h at 105 °C (Memmert type).
 1 hospital, 2 polyclinics, 4 health centres and 3 private clinics – Fire loss (volatile matter) was determined after burning at
with a global capacity of 1200 beds. 550 °C for 2 h in a Nabertherm (L3/C6 model) oven.
 1 professional centre (CFPA) with 900 students. – The level of ash was calculated according to this equation: (%
 4 university residences with a global capacity of 7500 beds. Ce = 100  % VM).
 8 secondary schools serving up to 700 meals/day. – Organic carbon was determined by the most current method
 1 university with 22,000 students. (Scmacher, 2002).
– Total nitrogen was determined by the modified Kjeldhal
method (Aubert, 1978).
3.3. Collection of samples – Heavy metals (lead, cadmium) were determined by ICP-AES
(Jobin Yvon Ultima C).
The study was completed in zones subdivided into 6 areas of 9 – Mercury level was determined by the Perkin–Elmer 50B Mer-
sectors. Collection was performed by the municipal cleaning cury Analyzer System.
department of Mostaganem, from whom the waste was obtained
for analysis. The classification of waste into categories was done
manually. Categories selected were: organic waste (able to fer- 4. Results and discussion
ment), plastic, paper-cardboard, glass, metals, textiles and diverse.
The study was conducted from November 2003 to July 2004. 4.1. Quantity of waste generated
Six, 400-kg samples were collected from each sector. Waste sam-
ples were obtained randomly from municipal waste collection A clear understanding of MSW production is important to
vehicles. achieve adequate levels of disposal, collection, treatment and
3.4. Physical composition of MSW in Mostaganem In order to obtain this understanding, the quantity of MSW was
estimated by sector by the cleaning municipal department of
The average composition of waste was calculated according to Mostaganem. The quantity of MSW by sector and by day is given
the results collected from each sector sample. After sampling, sort- in Table 1. The estimation takes into account the sector surface
ing was performed in order to classify waste into the categories and human population. The municipal department collects 62%
mentioned above. of MSW, with the remainder being managed by five private
First, removed large objects such as bottles, paper-cardboard, operators.
containers, and packaging were removed. Then the smaller objects From 1983 to 2006, the MSW production of Mostaganem in-
were separated. During this operation, plastic bags were used to creased from 65 tons to 91 tons per day with a population growth
separate objects and each category was weighed after sorting rate of 2%, an increase of nearly 50%. During our study period in
was complete. 2003–2004, the quantity of waste generated by Mostaganem city
In order to prepare laboratory samples, safety was a priority was 81.98 tons per day, a rate of 0.61 kg/inhabitant/day. In 2006,
(masks, gloves, glasses); scissors and knives were used in order for a population of 147,022, the production of waste increased to
to reduce waste material size without affecting the material mois- 91 tons per day, a rate of 0.62 kg/inhabitant/day (TAD, 2004; ANAT,
ture. Laboratory sampling was conducted according to the quarter 2001).
method (sorting out, drying, grinding) (Gillet, 1985). The average quantity of generated waste is 0.9 kg/inhabitant/
day in large Algerian towns and 0.6 kg/inhabitant/day in middle
3.5. Chemical analysis size towns (METAP, 2002). The results found for Mostaganem
MSW confirms the small size of the city as well as its agricultural
– The determination of moisture level (%M), ash level (%A), and character. A comparison of the MSW differences between towns
volatile matter level (%VM) was conducted according to ASTM is presented in Table 2.
E790, E830 and E897 standards. The quantity and nature of waste generated is a socio-econom-
– The determination of carbon (%C), hydrogen (%H) and nitrogen ical indicator and a function of the degree of a nation’s develop-
(%N) was conducted according to ASTM E777 and E778 ment. The big difference in waste production between cities in
standards. developed countries (1.5 and 2 kg/inhabitant/day) and cities in
– Higher calorific value (HCV) was measured experimentally by a developing countries (generally less than 1 kg/inhabitant/day) is
calorimetric bomb (IKA C 4000 A) according to ASTM E-711 noteworthy. This is due to consumption modes. Industrialized
standards. countries consume more products and use more packaging. There
900 N. Guermoud et al. / Waste Management 29 (2009) 896–902

are also differences in waste production between cities and Table 7

suburbs in developing countries. Within the same city, there are Physicochemical analysis of Mostaganem MSW

differences from one sector to another, according to the quality Parameter Organic matter Cardboard Plastic
of life of the population (Ojeda-Benitz et al., 2003). Other factors pH 6.1 – –
(weather, tourism, migration) could also affect MSW production % Moisture 58.9 9.5 3.7
(Aloueimine, 2006; Ngnikame, 2000; De Vries et al., 2001). % Volatile matter 63 73.2 64.9
% Ashes 37 26.9 35.1
% Carbon 29.5 – –
4.2. Evolution of MSW composition in Mostaganem city % Nitrogen 1.5 – –
% Hydrogen 2 – –
The composition of MSW in Mostaganem city has evolved dur- HCV (kcal/kg) 1490 – –
ing the last two decades (Table 6) (ANAT, 2001). C/N 19.7 – –
Pb ppm 0.07 – –
Between 1983 and 2004, the fraction of organic matter de-
Cd ppm 0.06 – –
creased 17%, from 78% to 64.6%. Paper-cardboard and plastic in- Hg ppm 0.02 – –
creased to 26% and 29%, respectively. Metals did not vary and
glass increased slightly from 1.1% in 1983 to 2.8% in 2004. This is
due to international free trade and the massive use of disposable when compared to industrialized countries: (iii) Palermo (Italy)
glass bottles. 45.9% (Mastro and Mistretta, 2004); (iv) Paris (France) 53.6% (Aina,
The evolution of the nature and type of MSW (decrease in or- 2006); (v) Toronto (Canada) 54% (Vogt et al., 2002). This difference
ganic matter, increases in paper-cardboard, plastic, glass, and sta- comes from the fact that, in industrialized countries, the amount of
bilization of metals) is the consequence of the Algerian citizen’s organic matter is low (35–40%) and is replaced by other easily
desire to reach the lifestyle of industrialized countries. recyclable matter (paper-cardboard, cans, plastic, glass). Recycling
is a common occurence in industrialized countries but is negligible
5. Valorisation of MSW in Algeria (0.1%).

Knowledge of the physicochemical parameters of MSW allows 5.2. Energy content of MSW
the evaluation of the potentially harmful risks of pollution on the
environment and human health. Also, it allows determination of The higher calorific value (HCV) of waste samples was deter-
the best ways for the valorisation of waste. The most important mined by calorimetric measurement. The value found is 1490 kcal/
conditioning parameters for valorisation are: (i) the level of mois- kg. In order to calculate the LCV, we used Eq. (1) (Khan et al., 1991)
ture, (ii) the LCV, (iii) the amount of ash, (iv) the volatile matter
LCV ¼ HCV  6ðM þ 9HÞ ðkcal=kgÞ ð1Þ
content, (v) the C/N ratio (vi) and the pH. The results given in Table
7 show that the level of moisture and volatile matter (representing where M is the total waste moisture and H is the total hydrogen
the actual quantity of organic matter) of paper-cardboard, plastic contained in MSW.
and organic matter in Mostaganem is very high, confirming the Using Eq. (1), we obtain
high level of carbon in these compounds. Organic matter contains
LCV ¼ 1490  6½58:9 þ 9ð2Þ ¼ 1028:6 kcal=kg
up to 29.5% of carbon. The amount of ash (26.9–37%) suggests a
good level of mineral matter. Total nitrogen, in the form of nitrates, The low heat value, necessary to evaluate the amount of MSW to be
nitrites and ammonium, represents 1.5% of dry matter. incinerated with energy recovery, has a lower value than predicted
In order to establish a proper, and long lasting, plan for landfill (1700 kcal/kg) for energy valorisation. The value obtained for
sites, waste density was taken into account. Waste density varies Mostaganem’s MSW indicates that incineration with energy recov-
according to its nature and the country disposing of it. For develop- ery is not possible. However, the introduction of paper and plastic
ing countries, density varies from 0.35 to 0.5 tons/m3. The density into the HCV calculation from Eq. (2) allows us to increase this va-
(tons/m3) of Mostaganem city’s waste is around 0.36; Burkina-Faso lue. Thus, the new higher heating value would be
is 0.63; 0.35 for Morocco; 0.3 for Tunisia (Tezanou et al., 2001; HCV ¼ 0:051½OMW þ 3:6PWÞ þ 0:352ðPLWÞ ðMJ=kgÞ ð2Þ
Aina, 2006). Waste density is higher in developing countries than
in industrialized countries (Aina, 2006). where OMW = weight in % of organic matter; PW = weight in % of
paper; and PLW = weight in % of plastic.
5.1. Potentially recyclable waste Using Eq. (2)
HCV ¼ 0:051½64:6 þ 3:6ð15:9Þ þ 0:352ð10:5Þ ¼ 9:906 MJ=kg
The recyclable matter (paper-cardboard, plastic, glass, metals)
contained in Mostaganem’s MSW was determined from generated This is equivalent to 2370.8 kcal/kg
quantities per study zone and represented 31.1% of MSW. This va- The application of Eq. (1) allows for the calculation of the new
lue is close to that found in other developing countries: (i) Amman LCV
(Jordan) 31% (Abu-Qudais and Abu-Qudais, 2000) and (ii) Istanbul LCV ¼ 2370:8  6½58:9 þ 9ð2Þ ¼ 1909:4 kcal=kg
(Turkey) 34% (Metine et al., 2003). However, it remains negligible
This value is superior to 1700 kcal/kg. Consequently, with a level of
Table 6 moisture equalling 58.9%, the LCV calculated with plastic and paper
Evolution of MSW composition in Mostaganem city (%) allows for incineration with energy recovery. In order to use this val-
Categories 1983 2001 2004
orisation, Mostaganem city should have centres for waste sorting. At
the present time, Mostaganem city does not have such facilities.
Organic matter 78.0 77.5 64.6
Cardboard 12.6 13 15.9
Plastics 2.7 7.5 10.5 5.3. Organic matter valorisation
Metals 2.2 1.5 1.9
Glass 1.1 0.5 2.8 5.3.1. Methane production (biogas formation)
Textiles 3.4 – 2.3
Methane production is the degradation of organic matter by
Diverse – – 2.0
microbial flora in the absence of oxygen. It produces a mixture of
N. Guermoud et al. / Waste Management 29 (2009) 896–902 901

methane and carbonic gas, called biogas. This process depends on A

some optimised parameters: (i) moisture (60%), (ii) C/N ratio 0 100
(20–35), (iii) temperature (30–35 °C) and (iv) pH (5.5–8).
In addition to the values of these parameters, methane produc- 10 90
tion is linked to the level of biodegradable waste (BW) calculated 20 80
from Eq. (3) (Gillet, 1985)
BW ¼ OM þ CP ð3Þ 30 70

where BW = the amount of biodegradable waste; OM = level in % of 40 60

organic matter = 64.6 (Table 3); and CP = level in % of cardboard pa-
Ashes % 50 50 Moisture %
per (15.9) (Table 3).
Using Eq. (3), the amount of biodegradable waste of Mostag- 60 40
anem city is equal to
Zone 1
BW ¼ 64:6% þ 15:9% ¼ 80:5% 70 30

Thus, 80.5% of Mostaganem’s waste produces methane. Assuming 80 20

that 1 kg of dry biodegradable matter potentially contains 350– Zone 2
400 l of biogas. Mostaganem city’s MSW contains 64.6% organic 90 10
matter, 37% dry matter from which 80.5% is biodegradable. The 100 0
reserve (in m3 per ton of biogas) is given by Eq. (4.1) (Gillet, 1985) B 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Q ¼ BWðOM  dM  375Þ ð4:1Þ
Volatile Matter %
Then Q ¼ 80:5%ðOM  dM  375Þ ð4:2Þ
Zone 1 : incineration,
where Q is the reserve of biogas in m3; OM is the level in % of organ- Zone 2 : compost production
ic matter; dM is the level in % of dry matter; 375 l is the average re-
Fig. 3. Tanner ternary diagram.
serve value.
Using Eq. (4.2)

Q ¼ 80:5%ð64:6%  37%  375Þ ¼ 72:15 m3 and energy quantities, (ii) the nature of biogas its chemical compo-
sition (CO2, moisture, acids, halogens), and (iii) the quality of com-
Assuming that production is 81.98 tons per day, the yearly biogas
post including the C/N ratio, level of moisture, pH, nutritive
reserve is
elements (N, P, K), and maturity.
72:15  81:98  365 ¼ 21:6  105 m3
which is 778.9  105 MJ or 1852.4 tons of equivalent oil (Robert and 6. Conclusion
Jean, 2002).
This study allowed characterization of the physical composi-
5.3.2. Composting tion of Mostaganem’s MSW, and then determination of its phys-
Compost production is the biological aerobic process of organic icochemical parameters. These parameters helped to determine
matter fermentation. It is rich in humus (principally humic acids), the different modes of valorisation. We showed that incineration
stable and contains nutritive species (N, P, K). Generally, in order to of waste could be a possibility with the addition of paper-card-
produce compost from MSW the following physical and chemical board and plastic. MSW could be also used for methane produc-
parameters should be respected: (i) a moisture level of 50–60%, tion. The optimal physicochemical parameters for good compost
(ii) a C/N ratio of 20–35, (iii) a pH of 5.5–8 and (iv) a minimal oxy- production are all met by Mostaganem’s MSW. In addition,
gen level of 5%. The values determined in our study match these Mostaganem city is an agricultural region with sufficient energy
values with a moisture level of 58.9%, a C/N ratio of 20 and a pH resources. Therefore, we suggest compost production as the best
of 6.1. These values are suitable for composting. mode of MSW management in the Algerian city of Mostaganem.
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